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<正>China’s traditional manufacturing industries have been cornered into a desperate situation—it’s either change or die.The Ministry of Finance said in a statement on May 25 that China would slash import taxes on some consumer goods,including skincare products,Western-style suits,ankle-high boots and diapers,by more than 50 percent on average starting on June 1.  相似文献   

Waste No More     
正Creating greater awareness to end food waste remains national priority Liu Jingyang a 28-year-old bank clerk living in Beijing loves watching food shows on live-streaming platforms after a long day  相似文献   

<正>Those who lost their beloved ones find ways toassemble new families Wang Xiaowan, 55, a native Jina Qiang Ethnic Village in Beichuan County, Sichuan Province, still can’t believe he lives in the same village where he grew up. He touches the bricks of the watchtower and the  相似文献   

<正>Flour bleaching agents are removed from Chinese people’s diet after more than 20 years in use Starting on May 1,China will ban the production and use of two food additives,benzoyl peroxide and calcium peroxide,which have been commonly used to whiten flour.Flour and related products containing the two food  相似文献   

Brazil,Russia,India,and China—otherwise known as the BRIC nations—are enjoying a new and,in ways,unprecedented role on the international stage. The four emerging markets maintained anaverage growth rate of 10.7 percent from 2006 to 2008,according to the International Monetary Fund.With this outstanding performance,they are creating a new economic miracle.In an article recently published in the Beijing-based newspaper Guangming Daily,experts in aresearch team of the Hunan Provincial Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science pointed to atrend known as the big country effect as a determining factor in their rapid,sustainable growth.Excerpts from this article follow  相似文献   

<正>Intensity reigns over contentious climate change negotiations Against ominous news of sinking Pacific islands,Beijing smothered in pollution and fearsome droughts in California,the leaders of 150 countries hastily crowded the 2015United Nations climate change conference.At the meeting in Paris,the heads representing each country have attempted to cement their  相似文献   

No More Talks?     
North Korea's vows to quit the six-party talks create a stir in the international community,china has called for calmness on all sides in response to North Korea's announcement that it will withdraw from the six-party talks and restore nuclear facilities disabled under the agreements of the talks. "We hope parties concerned bear in mind overall interests, exert calmness and restraint, and jointly maintain the process of  相似文献   

Authorities work to curb cellphone vice that is spreading through Internet-enabled devices china is beginning to develop the country's first cellphone Internet filter software to counter pornographic content spreading rampantly through cellphone websites, a high-level Chinese information engineer has revealed.  相似文献   

<正>Fishing ban for ecological purposes starts on the Pearl River Since April1,a two-month ban on fishing has been imposed on the Pearl River valley in south China.It is the first fishing ban in this area with the purpose of preserving biodiversity in China’s third longest  相似文献   

CONFUCIUS said, At 30 I stood firm; at 40 I had no more doubts. Over two millennia later, 2012 will witness ambassadorial diplomatic relations between the PRC and the UK reach the ripe old age of 40,  相似文献   

曹丽莉  刘筱 《理论月刊》2003,(8):131-133
自然垄断行业的低效率一直被归结于其垄断地位,所以必须打破垄断,引入竞争。其实,一定的垄断结构的形成也是优胜劣汰的结果。我国当前存在的问题是政企不分,行政割据型的垄断,这些都不是垄断自身带来的结果。我们应当走出垄断的误区,对垄断企业行为进行改制,将市场机制真正引入垄断行业,以此来实现垄断行业真正的改革。  相似文献   

CHINA'S National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) punished three cement producers in Jilin Province with fines totaling RMB 114 million for monopolistic practices in September 2014. Since early last year, China has issued six anti-monopoly fines totaling nearly RMB 3 billion.  相似文献   

正Chinese car owners may finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief after years of being overcharged deng Ouya,a Chinese Canadian who works as an IT engineer in Montreal,has nurtured an enthusiasm for cars since he was still a student in his homeland."I bought my Mercedes-Benz GLK 350 at the price of 50,000Canadian dollars($45,800)when migrating to Canada,but the price for the same model assembled in China is 450,000 yuan($73,100)  相似文献   

论行政性垄断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1978年中国经济改革之前,计划是资源配置的最主要手段,行政性垄断在经济生活中居于统治地位,使几乎所有商品变成或者变相成为法定专营范围之内的产品。商品经济扩大再生产的活力及其可能性受到扼杀,经济运转处于高耗低效之中。这种政府绝对主导的经济体制模式所导致的垄断可以被称作是全局的行政性垄断。经过 20多年改革的风风雨雨之后,市场机制作为资源配置的主要手段在理论和实践上取得了优势,全局的行政性垄断正在悄然隐退。然而局部的行政性垄断——亦即本文所讨论的行政性垄断逐渐构成了对社会主义市场经济的重大威胁。   就垄…  相似文献   

我国出租车管理造成的企业逐渐对出租车经营权控制的垄断现状,引起分配不公、消费者权益受损等后果。与中国许多行业的垄断成因一样,出租车行业的垄断性不是靠规模经济和市场竞争形成的,而是依靠行政性支持的结果。但从该行业本质属性分析,它既不具有自然垄断属性也非合法的国家垄断,是一种不合理的政府管制,取消不合法的抽象行政行为才是恢复行业公平的根本。  相似文献   

自然垄断行业的政府管制创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来 ,我国对自然垄断行业实行政府直接投资、垄断经营。由于缺少外部竞争压力 ,企业缺乏追求成本最小化的刺激 ,导致经营成本和产品价格居高不下。借鉴发达市场经济国家的成功经验 ,自然垄断行业应当进行政府管制创新 ,适当地引进有效竞争机制。自然垄断行业的有效竞争机制主要有 :特许投标竞争、区域间比较竞争和剥离直接竞争等。  相似文献   

The U.S. quantitative easing policy could have a negative impact on the world economy and repercussions for China By revving up its money-printing machines, the United States will try to shock its economy  相似文献   

行政垄断是政府滥用行政权对经济活动进行排他性的控制,排斥和限制竞争的行为,对市场经济体制有着较为严重的破坏性.从法律上规制行政垄断,要建立和完善反垄断法体系.借鉴国外相关的立法经验,明确行政垄断的各种表现形式,行政垄断主体应承担的法律责任,为受害方提供较完善的法律救济手段.同时保证反垄断机关的相对独立性和权威性.  相似文献   

<正>On the cusp of the G20 summit in Hamburg,Beijing Review interviewed Alexandra Voss,Delegate of German Industry at the German Chamber of Commerce in Beijing,and discussed with her Sino-German economic cooperation as well as the expectations and experiences of German companies in China.  相似文献   

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