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《The Political quarterly》1976,47(3):344-368
O il , P ower AND P olitics . C onflict I n A rabia , T he R ed S ea A nd T he G ulf . By M ordechai A bir .
A rab S tates O f T he L ower G ulf . P eople , P olitics , P etroleum . By J ohn D uke A nthony .
T he N ew O il S takes . By J ean -M arie C hevalier .
O il A nd P olitics . By H enry M adelin . Translated from the French by M argaret T otman .
A P lain M an's G uide T o O i . By P hilip W indsor .
T he S even S isters . T he G reat O il C ompanies A nd T he W orld T hey M ade . By A nthony S ampson .
T he C ritical P hase I n T anzania 1945–1968. N yerere A nd T he H eagence O f A S ocialist S trategy . By C ranford P ratt .
I ndustrial R elations I n F leet S treet . By K eith S isson .
T he F oreign P olicy P rocess in B ritaik . By W illiam W allace .
L loyd G eorge . By P eter R owland .
T he P olitics of R eappraisal 1918–1939. Edited by G illian P eele and C hris C ook .
B ritish G overnment 1966–1975: Y ears of R eform . By F raxk S tacey .
L essons of U lster . By T. E. U tley .
T he O rigim of U lster U nionism . By P eter G ibbon .
T he E dwardiass : T he R emakixg OF B ritish S ociety . By P agl T hompson .
N onconformity in M odern B ritish P olitics . By S tephen K oss .
B ritish P ublic O pinion and the A byssinian W ar 1935–36. By D aniel W aley .
P ower A nd P arty B ureaucracy in B ritain . By D avid J. W ilsox .
T he C ommonwealth . By P eter B. H arris .
T he O ffice of P rime M inister . By R obert B lake .
T he T iger : T he L ife of G eorces C leyenceau 1841–1929. By E dgar H olt .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1980,51(4):508-543
Books Reviewed in this Article:
THE DUE P rocess OF LAW. L ord D enning .
P ower AND P arliament . By T imothy R aison
O ilgate -THE S anctions S candal . By M artin B ailey .
I nternational E conomic S anctions : THE C ases OF C uba , I srael A and R hdesia . By D onald L. L osman .
M ore BAD N ews . By G lasgow U niversity M edia G roup .
A rms AND THE MEN. By B asil C ollier .
THE W orld M ilitary O rder Edited by M ary K aldor and A sbjorn F ide .
THE E conomics OF T hird W orld M ilitary E xpenditure Edited by D ivid K. W hynes .
NO MAN'S L and : C ombat & I dentity IN W orld WAR I. By E ric J. L eed .
THE C hancing B ritish P arty S ystem 1945–1979. By S. E. F iner .
M ulti -P arty B ritain . By H. M. D rucker .
A rguments FOR S ocialism . By T ony B enn . Edited by C hris M ullin .
S ocialism W ithout THE S tate . By E van L uard .
C ommunity S ocialism . By G iles R adice .
T owards I ndustrial D emocracy : E urope , J apan AND THE U nited S tates . Edited by B enjamin C. R oberts .
G reat P lanning D isasters . By P eter H all
THE F oundations OF M odern P olitical T hought . By Q uentin S kinner .
THE L ast E dwardian AT No. 10. By G eorge H utchinson .
I nside I ndia T oday . By D ilip H iro .
P akistan U nder B hutto , 1971–1977. By S hahid J aved B urki .
E thnicity AND E quality : THE S hiv S ena P arty AND P referential P olitics IN B ombay . By M ary F ainsod K atzenstein .
R eflections ON E conomic D evelopment AND S ocial C hance : E ssays IN H onoijr OF P rofessor V. K. R. V. KAO. By C. H. H anumantha RAO and P. C. J oshi .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1979,50(1):119-143
Books Reviewed in this Article:
T he BBC-P ublic I nstitution , P rivate W orld . By T om B urns .
W inter I nto S pring — T he C zechoslovak P ress and The R eform M ovement 1963-68. By F rank L. K aplan .
T ito 'S M averick M edia . By G ertrude J och R obinson .
M edia , P olitics and D emocracy . By B ernard R ubin .
T he P olitics OF I nformation . By A nthony S mith .
T he M edia are A merican . By J eremy T unstall .
N otes of a N on -C onspirator . By E fim E tkind .
G overnment and the M ind . By J oseph T ussman .
P hilosophers of P eace and W ar : K ant , C lausewitz , M arx , E ngels and T olstoy . By W. B. G allie .
T he S ocial and P olitical T hought of L eon T rotsky . By B aruch K nei -P az .
T rotsky . By I rving H owe .
U nofficial D iplomats . Edited by M aureen J. B erman and J oseph E. J ohnson .
T he R ise and F all of T he P eruvian M ilitary R adicals 1968-1976. By G eorge P hilip .
L egislative D rafting : A N ew A pproach . By SIR W illiam D ale , K.C.M.G.
E cotopia : A N ovel A bout E cology , P eople and P olitics in 1999. By E rnest C allenbach .
T he S ane A lternative . S ignposts to A S elf -F ulfilling F uture . By J ames R obertson .
E conomic P ower . By D. A. S immons .
F arewell the T rumpets : A n I mperiai . R etreat . By J ames M orris .
T he R ussia C omplex . By B ill J ones .
T he B ritish M.P. By C olin M ellors .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B enes : S tatesman OF C entral E urope . By P ierre C rabites .
U n G rand E uropeen , E douard B enes . By By L ouis E isenma . Paris.
A S tudy OF H istory . By A rnold J. T oynber
T he N ew A meria . By T he R t . H on . A rthur S teel -M aitland .
M r . R oosevelt's E xperiments By S. H. B ailey .
T he S tate in T heory and P ractice . By H arold J. L aski.
T he T wilight OF P arenthood . By E nid C harles , M. A., Ph.D.
T he C hallenge TO D emocracy . By C. D elisle B urns .
S ir R obert M orant . By B. M. A llen .
F oreign R elations IN B ritish L abour P olitics . By . By W illiam P.M addox .
P olitical P ower . By C harles E. M erriam
T he G erman R evolution . By H. P owys G reenwood .
T he N azi D ictatorship . By R oy P ascal .  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this Article:
S ocialising P ublic O wnership . By M artyn S loman .
THE P olitics OF S teel . By K eith O venden .
P overty , P olitics AND P olicy . By K eith G. B anting .
T owards A P hilosophy OF A dministration . By C hristopher H odgkinson .
M obilising T echnology FOR W orld D evelopment . Edited by J airam R amesh and C harles W eiss , JR., with a Foreword by B arbara W ard .
E nergy P olicy FOR THE R ural T hird W orld . By A rjun M akhijani .
U rban P olitics : A S ociological I nterpratation . By P eter S aunders .
S tates AND S ocial R evolutions . By T heda S kocpol .
S ideshow : K issinger , N ixon , AND THE D estruction OF C ambodia . By W illam S hawcross .
W omen IN THE H ouse . By E lizabeth V allance .
THE 1945–1951 L abour G overnments . By R oger E atwell .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1975,46(3):345-359
Book reviewed in this article:
E lites and P ower in B ritish S ociety . Edited by P hilip S tanworth and A nthony G iddens .
F ront -B ench O pposition . By R. M. P unnett .
T oo S erious a B usiness . By D onald C ameron W att .
T he R evolutionary L eft in S pain 1914–1923. By G erald H. M eaker .
T he D ying L ion : F eudalism and M odernization in E thiopia . By P atrick G ilkes .
E ssays on T he S tudy of U rban P olitics . Edited by K en Y oung .
P olitics , P ower and B ureaucracy in F rance : T he A dministrative E lite . By E zra N. S uleiman .
T he R ussian T radition . By T ibor S zamuely .
T he G ood S oldier Š vejk , and H is F ortunes in the W orld W ar . By J aroslav H ašek . A New and Unabridged Translation by C ecil P arrott .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1980,51(2):227-249
Books Reviewed in this Article:
L ying : M oral C hoice in P ublic and P rivate L ife . By S issela B ok .
T he E thics of W ar . By B akrie P askins and M ichael D ockrill .
N uclear A rms in the T hird W orld : U.S. P olicy D ilemma . By E rnest W. L efever .
N uclear P ower and N uclear W eapons P roliferation . By T he A tlantic C ouncil's N uclear F uels P olicy W orking G roup .
N uclear F uel A ssurance : O rigins , T rends , and P olicy I ssues . Ry T homas L. N eff and H enry D. J acoby .
P olitics in I ndustrial S ociety . T he E xperience of T he B ritish S ystem S ince 1911. By K eith M iddlemas .
S low G rowth in B retain : C auses and C onsequences . Edited by W ilfred B eckerman .
B eyond I ndustrial G rowth . Edited by A braham R otstein .
C ontroversy : P olitics of T echnical D ecisions . Edited by D orothy N elkin .
T elevision , C ensorship and T he L aw . By C olin R. M unro .
T elevision and P olitical L ife . Edited by A nthony S mith .
M edia , P olitics and C ulture : A S ocialist V iew . By C arl G ardner .
I n on T he A ct : M emoirs of a L awmaker . By S ir H arold K ent .
R ethinking C ommunity M edicine . U nit for the S tudy of H ealth P olicy .
T he P alestine T riangle : T he S truggle B etween T he B ritish , T he J ews and T he A rabs , 1935-48. By N icholas B ethell .
L eadership . By J ames M ac G regor B urns .
T he R ussian M ind . By R onald H ingley .
T he F actory of G rievances : D evolved G overnment in N orthern I reland , 1921-1939. By P atrick B uckland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(4):399-419
Book reviewed in this article:
T he E nergy D ebate . Edited by D erek E zra .
T he P rice O f N uclear P ower . By C olin S weet .
I ssues I n T he S izewell "B" I nquiry . Edited by D avid L owry and I an G amble . [ Polytechnic of the South Bank
E nvironmental G roups I n P olitics . By P hilip L owe and J ane G oyder .
A nti -N uclear P rotest : T he O pposition T o N uclear E nergy I n F rance . By A lain T ouraine et al . Trans. P eter F awcett .
R ationality A nd R itual : T he W indscale I nquiry A nd N uclear D ecisions I n B ritain. By B rian W ynne.
T he I nternational L aw of H uman R ights . by P aul S ieghart .
S teering T he P olity : C ommunication A nd P olitics I n israel . By I tzhak G alnoor .
B etween B attles A nd B allots : I sraeli M ilitary I n P olitics . By Y oram P eri .
S himon P eres : A B iography . By M atti G olan . Translated from the Hebrew by I an F riedman .
T he B irth O f N ato . B y S ir N icholas H enderson .
T he P olitics O f T he N ational H ealth S ervice . B y R udolf K lein .
D og -C ollar D emocracy : T he I ndustrial C hristian F ellowship 1919-1929. B y G erald S tuddert -K ennedy .
L ord S winton . B y J. A. C ross .
B ritain's N aval F uture . B y J ames C able .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1962,33(4):427-444
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C rown and the E stablishment . By K ingsley M artin .
T he N ature of P olitics . By J. D. B. M iller .
T he F rench R evolution F rom ITS O rigins TO 1793. By G. L efebvre . Translated from the French by E. M. E vanson .
P ublic A dministration W elfare P ublic for a S tate . By P aul H. A ppleby .
T he E cology P ublic P ublic A dministration By F. W. R iggs .
E ssays on the S cientific S tudy of P olitics . Edited by H erbert J. S toring .
T he S tate and S ociety IN O ur T imes . By T heodor S chieder .
T he P assing of the W higs . By D onald S outhgate .
I ndustrial R elations . C ontemporary P roblems and P erspectives . Edited by B. C. R oberts .
T he G enesis of Y oung O ttoman . A Study in the Modernisation of Turkish political ideas. By S erif M ardin .
P olitical C ontrol of L iterature in the U.S.S.R., 1946–1959. By H arold S wayze .
I n D efence of P olitics . By B ernard C rick .
W ilkfs , W yvil AND R eform . By I an R. C hristie .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1976,47(4):477-496
L egitimation of B elief . By E rnest G ellner .
T oleration . By P reston K ing .
T he P olitical T hought O f S aint -S imon . Edited by G hita I onescu .
N ew S tates I n T he M odern W orld . Edited by M artin K ilson .
T he E rosion OF A R elationship : I ndia A nd B ritain S ince 1960. By M ichael L ipton and J ohn F irn .
T he P ower OF THE P urse . By D avid C oombes et al.
E conocrats A nd T he P olicy P rocess : T he P olitics A nd P hilosophy O f C ost B enefit A nalysis . By P eter S elf .
W elfare S tate A nd W elfare S ociety . I llusion A nd R eality . By W illiam A. R obson .
T he D eath O f B ritish D emocracy . By S tephen H aseler .
E rskine M ay's T reatise O n T he L aw , P rivileges , P roceedings A nd U sage O f P arliament . Nineteenth Edition. Edited by S ir D avid L idderdale .
B ritain A nd T he P eople's R epublic O f C hina 1949–1974. By R obert B oardman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1992,63(3):350-367
T he F uture of N orthern I reland . Edited by J ohn MCG arry and B rendan O'L eary .
I nterpreting N orthern I reland . By J ohn W hyte .
I nequality in N orthern I reland . By D avid S mith and G erald C hambers .
N orthern I reland since 1945. By S abine W ichert .
N orthern I reland : P olitics and the C onstitution . Edited by B rigid H adfield .
T he N orthern I reland Q uestion : M yth and R eality . Edited by P atrick J. R oche and B rian barton .
T he B ritish P ress & B roadcasting S ince 1945. By C olin S eymourure .
T he L anguage of the N ews M edia . By A llan B ell .
R egulating the M edia . By T homas G ibbons .
T he E nd of H istory and T he L ast M an . By F rancis F ukuyama .
T he L egitimation of P ower . By D avid B eetham .
T he W aning of H umaneness . By K onrad L orenz .
G reen P arty M embers: a P rofile . Green Politics Research Group Reports No.l. By W olfgang R udig , L ynn G. B ennie , M ark N. F ranklin .
A J ourney T hrough the R uins : T he L ast D ays of L ondon . By P atrick W right .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1988,59(3):376-399
O ut of the W ilderness : D iaries 1963–1967. By T ony B enn .
T he E conomic R evival of M odern B ritain . Ed. by D avid C oates and J ohn H illard .
T he P erformance of the B ritish E conomy . Ed. by R udiger D ornbusch and R ichard L ayard .
T he G rowth and E fficiency of P ublic S pending . By M. S. L evitt and M. A. S. J oyce .
T he P olitics of P ublic E xpenditure . By M aurice M ullard .
B ritish C apitalism at the C rossroads 1919–1932. A S tudy in P olitics , E conomics and N ternational R elations . By R obert W. D. B oyce
N orthern I reland : A C omparative A nalysis . By Frank Wright.
P roperty B efore P eople : T he M anagement of T wentieth -C entury C ouncil H ousing . By A nne P ower .
P olitics and S exual E quality . By P ippa N orris .
T he N ew W omen's M ovement . Edited by D rude D ahlerup .
F eminism and P olitical T heory . By J udith E vans , J ill H ills , K aren H unt , E lizabeth M eehan , T essa T en T usscher , U rsula V ogel , G eorgina W aylen .
B ecoming A F eminist . By O live B anks .
B ritish W riters of the T hirties . By V alentine C unningham .
L egislators and I nterpreters : O n M odernity , post-modernity and I ntellectuals . By Z ygmund B auman .
T he E nd of O rganized C apitalism . By S corn L ash and J ohn U rry .
S tate C apitalism : T he W ages S ystem U nder N ew M anagement By A dam B uick and J ohn C rump .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(3):317-335
Book review in this article:
U nions , C hange and C risis : F rench and I talian U nion S trategy and T he P olitical E conomy , 1945–1980. By P eter L ange , G eorge R oss, and M aurizio V annicelli .
T he M edical E ffects of N uclear W ar : R eport of T he B ritish M edical A ssociation's B oard of S cience and E ducation .
N uclear W ar : T he A ftermath . Edited by J eannie P eterson .
T he F ate of T he E arth . By J onathan S chell .
T he S urvival O ption : A G uide to L iving T hrough N uclear W ar . By I van T yrrell .
U nderstanding the U nited K ingdom : T he T erritorial D imension in G overnment . By R ichard R ose
T he T erritorial D imension in U nited K ingdom P olitics . Edited by P eter M adgwick and R ichard R ose
T he E nglish W orld : H istory , C haracter and P eople . Edited by R obert B lake .
E urope's N uclear P ower E xperiment : H istory of the OECD D ragon P roject . By E. N. S haw .
F usion : S cience , P olitics and the I nvention of a N ew E nergy S ource . By J oan L isa B romberg .
T he P relude to the T ruman D octrine : B ritish P olicy in G reece 1944–1947. By G. M. A lexander .
U nder J apanese M anagement . By M ichael W hite and M alcolm T revor .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1980,51(1):118-118
P easants and P olitics : G rass R oots R eaction to C hance in A sia . Edited by D. B. M iller .
T he P olitics of T he C orporate E conomy . By T revor S mith .
T he P olitics of N uclear P ower . By D ave E lliott with P at C oyne , M ike G eorge and R oy L ewis .
I deology and the L abour M ovement : E ssays P resented to J ohn S aville . Edited by D avid E. M artin and D avid R ubinstein .
P olitical I deas in M odern B retain . By R odney B arker .  相似文献   

T he N atiosalisation of B ritish I ndustry 1945–51. By S ir N orman C hester , C.B.E.
P ower , V iolence , D ecision . By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
E xplorations in G overnment , C ollected P apers 1951–1968. By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
O swald M osley . By R obert S kidelsky .
T he I mpact of H itler . B ritish P olitics and B ritish P olicy 1933–1940. By M aurice C owling .
T he T ransfer of P ower , 1942–47. Edited by N icholas M ansergh . Volume V, The Simla Conference, September 1, 1944-July 28, 1945.
T he P ast M asters : P olitics and P oliticians 1906–1939. By H arold M acmillan .
C ommittees of I nquiry . By G erald R hodes .
T he P arliamentary O mbudsman . By R oy G regory and P eter H utchisson .
S ociology and S ocial P olicy . By P. T ownsesd .
S ocial P olicy and A dministration R evisited . By D. D onnison et al.
T he P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels : V ol . 1: M arxism and T otalitarian D emocracy 1818–1850. By R ichard N. H unt .
M arx W ithout M yth . By M aximilien R ubel and M argaret M asale .
M arxian and P ost -M arxian P olitical E conomy . By A run B ose .
M arx and M odern S ocial T heory . By A lan S wingewood .
M arxist A nalyses and S ocial A nthropology . Edited by M aurice B loch .
T he S tudy of G overnment . By F. F. R idley .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
I nside the T reasury . By J oel B arnett .
G etting and S pending . By L eo P liatzky .
T he G overnment's E xpenditure P lans . By T he T reasury and C ivil S ervice C ommittee , Fifth Report 1981–82 Session H.C. 316.
P ublic E xpenditure and S ocial P olicy . Edited by Alan Walker
B ig G overnment in H ard T imes . Edited by C hristopher H ood and M aurice W right
T he P olitics of R etrenchment . By C harles H. L evine , I rene S. R ubin and G eorge G. W olohojian
P roperty and P olitics 1870–1914. L andownership , L aw , I deology and U rban D evelopment in E ngland . BY A vner O ffer .
O rganizing I nterests in W estern E urope . Edited by S uzanne D. B erger .
P ower , P roperty and C orporatism . By J ames S immie .
T he C hallenge of C orporatism . By O tto N ewman .
P ower and P arty in an E nglish C ity : an A ccount of S ingle -P arty R ule . By D avid G. G reen .
E nvironmental P rotest and C itizen P olitics in J apan . B y M argaret M c K ean .
THE G ate of H eavenly P eace . the C hinese and T heir R evolution , 1895–1980. BY J onathan D. S pence .
T he U ses of S ocial R esearch -S ocial I nvestigation in P ublic P olicy -M aking . BY M artin B ulmer .
T he C reation of the A nglo -A merican A lliance 1937–41: A S tudy in C ompetitive C o -O peration .
T he P olitical I deas of the U topian S ocialists . By K eith T aylor .
G ramsci's P olitical T hought : H egemony , C onsciousness , and the R evolutionary P rocess . By J. V. F emia .
M aking G ood : P risons , P unishment and B eyond . By M artin W right . Foreword by B arbara W ootton .
T he S ocialist N ovel I n B ritain . T owards the R ecovery of A T radition . Edited by H. G ustav K laus .
R ecount . By C liff P rothero .
T ony C rosland . By S usan G rosland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1994,65(4):441-464
Book reviewed in this article:
M ichael F oot . By M ervyn J ones .
J apan A mong the P owers 1890–1900. By S idney G iffard .
E xperiences of C hina . By P ercy C raddock .
S owing the S eeds of D emocracy in C hina . By M erle G oldman .
C ultural P olicy and U rban R egeneration : T he W est E uropean E xperience . Edited by F ranco B ianchini and M ichael P arkinson .
U rban P olicy in B ritain : the C ity , the S tate and the M arket . by R ob A tkinson and G rahamoon .
C itizens and S ubjects . By T ony W right .
P olitics in an A nti -P olitical A ge . By G eoff M ulgan .
A C onservative R evolution : T he T hatcher -R eagan D ecade in P erspective . By A ndrew A donis and T im H ames .
P olitical I slam : R eligion and P olitics in the A rab W orld . By N azih A yubi .
T he R evenge of G od : T he R esurgence of I slam , C hristianity and J udaism in the M odern W orld . By G illes K epel .
R eligion in T hird W orld P olitics . By J eff H aynes .
T ower B lock : M odern P ublic H ousing in E ngland , S cotland , W ales and N orthern I reland . By M iles G lendinning and S tefan M uthesius .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1963,34(4):419-448
Book reviewed in this article:
T orture : C ancer of D emocracy. By P ierre V idal -N aquet.
E ducational S trategy for D eveloping S ocieties : A Study of Educational and Social Factors in Relation to Economic Growth. By A dam C urle.
C ommunist E ducation. By E dmund J. K ing (Ed.)
P ower and P olitics in B elgian E ducation 1815–1961. By V ernon M allinson.
T he B ritish P olitical E lite. By W. L. G uttsman.
T he P olitics of S carcity. By M yron W einer.
T he F oundations of N ew I ndia. By K. M. P anikkar.
N ew D irections in C omparative P olitics. By B ernard E. B rown.
L essons of P ublic E nterprise. A Fabian Society Study. Edited by M ichael S hanks.
N ationalisation. A Book of Readings. Edited by A. H. H anson.
T he M anagement of C apital P rojects. Studies in the Coal, Transport, and Electricity Supply Industries. By R. J. S. B aker.
T he N ature and L imits of P olitical S cience. By M aurice C owling.
S ocial S cience and P olitical T heory. By W. G. R unciman.
T he A rabs and T he W orld. By C harles D. C remeans.
C hanging L aw in D eveloping C ountries. Edited by J. N. D. A nderson.
T he C.E nemy. A programme of radical reform for the 1960s. By C. A. R. C rosland.
M asters of I ndecision. By G eorge K. Y oung.
D emocracy D ecentralisation , and D evelopment. By H enry M addick.
A merican S cientists and N uclear W eapons P olicy. By R obert G ilpin.
T he A ppeasers. By M.G ilbert and R ichard G ott.
B ritain D ivided. The Effect of the Spanish Civil War on British Political Opinion. By K. W. W atkins.
B ritain and T he U nited S tates. By H. G. N icholas.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he T ransfer of P ower , 1947. Edited by N icholas M ansergh . Vol. II
T he U nknown O rwell . By P eter S tansky and W illiam A brahams .
T he P eers , T he P arties and T he P eople : T he G eneral E lections of 1910
T he N ew U nionism , T he C ase for W orkers C ontrol . By K en C oates and T ony T opham .
T he F rench C ommunist P arty versus the S tudents . R evolutionary P olitics in M ay —J une 1968.
A merican C ommunism in C risis , 1943–1957. By J oseph R. S tarobin .
S ino -A merican R elations 1949–1971.
T he P olitical E conomy of E ducation . By J ohn V aizey with K eith N orris and J ohn S heehan .
T he R elevance of H istory . By G ordon C onnell -S mith and H owell A. L loyd .
P olitical S tratification and D emocracy . By I. B udge , J. A. B rand , M. M argolis and A. L. S mith .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(2):294-313
Book reviews in this article:
T he B ritish C onquest and D ominion of I ndia . By S ir P enderel M oon .
T he E conomic F ailure of N uclear P ower in B ritain . By A lex H enney .
T he I maginary W ar: U nderstanding the E ast -W est C onflict . By M ary K aldor .
E unomia : N ew O rder for a N ew W orld . By P hilip A llott .
T he P olitical T heory of S wedish S ocial D emocracy: T hrough the W elfare S tate to S ocialism . By T im T ilton .
S weden : S ocial D emocracy in P ractice . By H enry M ilner
I deology and S trategy : A C entury of S wedish P olitics . By L eif L ewin .
L ords of F leet S treet : T he H armsworth D ynasty . By R ichard B ourne .
R awls : A T heory of J ustice and its C ritics . By C handran K ukathas and P hilip P ettit .
S tate , C ommunity and H uman D esire : A G roup C entred A ccount of P olitical V alues . By A ntony B lack .
P olitics in the S treets : T he O rigins of the C ivil R ights M ovement in N orthern I reland . By B ob P urdie .  相似文献   

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