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本文利用2009年X市农村流动人口调查和2010年全国百村调查数据,从性别、出生队列、人口流动与区域视角综合分析性别失衡下农村人口的婚姻策略和婚姻质量状况。分析发现,男性婚姻挤压对农村人口婚姻策略的影响初露端倪,明显降低了婚姻质量,城乡人口流动对农村人口婚姻的正负影响相互交织,男性婚姻挤压对婚姻影响的地区差异逐步加大。  相似文献   


In contrast to Sino-Russian relations at the state-level, regional cooperation between the contiguous Russian Far East and Chinese North East has been difficult to achieve, despite the existence of seemingly natural economic complementarities. This article asks why this is the case and argues that one important stumbling block, i.e. negative reactions to Chinese labour migration, has become less problematic. Situating Russian Far East/Chinese North East relations in a regionalist framework the article compares the salience and framing of major issues in regional relations in Chinese and Russian media at the national and regional levels. Contrary to earlier research, the findings suggest that economic and regional development issues, and not Chinese migration into the Russian Far East, are by far the most salient sets of issues on both sides. However, significant differences in the framing of these issues suggest that a convergence of opinion on the desirability of regional cooperation masks contradictory expectations for the direction of regional development.  相似文献   

"This article reviews Mexican research of female migration. An analysis is made of socio-demographic and anthropological studies that cover the relations between inequality among the genders, the causes and features of migration, and the work performed by female migrants in their places of origin and destination. The paper responds to the growing interest shown in international literature [on] migration in order to determine the influence of gender identity in the motivations and features of the migration of women, as well as the consequences of spatial mobility on their social conditions and their autonomy." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

北京市迁移流动人口区域分布及结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用2000年人口普查资料,对北京市1995-2000年户籍迁移人口和流动人口进行了人口学特征以及区域、产业、行业结构特征分析,结合京津冀区域经济发展战略以及“北京城市空间发展战略研究”新思路.探讨首都未来迁移流动人口的流向与分布趋势,阐述了城市功能定位、空间布局以及产业结构的新格局必将影响首都人口的规模及再分布。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The mass media have the main function of serving as a mediator between society and the authorities and is, therefore, positioned to be a catalyst for change in society. From the end of the 1980s into the 2000s, under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, the development of the independent mass media played a key role in Russia's regime transition. It is also a good reflection, or indicator, of the pace of transition on the regional level, and an objective criterion of regional democratization. The regional media markets are not shaped entirely by the national government. Each of the 88 regional mass media markets is 'the product of the cultural traditions of a region, its economy, the unique local relationship between the state and society, the tendency of a region towards a traditional/modernized or agrarian/urban society'. However, while these factors are important and have been analyzed in a number of articles, the role of foreign, transnational, factors has hardly been taken into account. This article is an attempt to single out the European impact on the development of the freedom mass media in the regions through different forms of transnational regional cooperation.  相似文献   

The author examines links between the timing of various major life events (including women's age at marriage and the spacing of children) and the economic and urban development of a society, using Mexico as an example. The focus is on marriage patterns. She finds that nuptiality influences rural-urban migration for women, as do age and socioeconomic factors and husband's employment status. Data are from the Mexican Fertility Survey for the period 1976-1977. (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基石,农民家庭的稳定与幸福对于城镇化发展具有举足轻重的作用。改革开放40多年来,城镇化给城乡人民生活带来了巨大变化,也带来了新的挑战和困难。乡城流动过程中农民家庭发生异化,家庭成员或留或流,家庭处于离散状态。家庭离散虽然始于家庭,但要解决家庭离散问题,必须从制度入手,通过改变制度环境、实施制度关怀、实现多元合作治理,结束农民家庭的异态生存方式,给予其自由的迁移权。这不仅有利于实现农民家庭的体面劳动和幸福生活,而且也能为实现未来经济社会持续、稳定发展提供有力保障。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relevance of the autonomy of migration approach for understanding the role of citizenship in the sovereign control of mobility. There is an insurgent configuration of ordinary experiences of mobility emerging against this regime of control. At its core is the sharing of knowledge and infrastructures of connectivity, affective cooperation, mutual support and care among people on the move. The sovereign regime of mobility control is displaced on the level on which it attempts to take hold: the everyday movements of migrants. The frenetic fixation with security is challenged by the creation of common worlds of existence; the obsession with governance is replaced by inhabiting social spaces below the radar of existing political structures. This paper attempts to contribute to a reconstruction of this mundane ontology of transmigration, an ontology which we will describe as the mobile commons of migration.  相似文献   


Southeast Asian food systems are changing rapidly. Populations are growing and urbanising, production and consumption choices are shifting, and food value chains are experiencing a myriad of ripple effects from rural hinterlands to city marketplaces. These systemic changes are inconsistent, however, and variable challenges define key sectors. Distribution chains, wholesaling, food processing, retail and supermarkets, and other midstream and downstream segments of regional food systems are undergoing transformative and largely unhindered change. On-farm modernisation and trade liberalisation are occurring more haltingly. Previous advances in food production technology and methods have lost momentum, and much of the region faces confronting questions about how to produce adequate and appropriate food in light of shifting demographics, environmental stress, land scarcities, market manipulations and other defining regional characteristics. This paper juxtaposes these challenges with remarkable distribution chain evolutions, and focuses upon three impediments to further shifts in regional food systems: (1) the perpetuation of agrarian mythologies, (2) push-back against rice market integration, and (3) regulatory barriers to the adoption of genetically modified (GM) plants. These seemingly disparate dynamics actually have points of convergence, and are unified in their negative overall impacts on regional food security. This paper explores reasons behind the pervasiveness of these impediments and argues for supply-oriented improvements in the regional food systems.  相似文献   


Utilizing national migration data regarding the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), this paper employs a difference-in-differences approach to empirically analyze the relationship between human mobility and the transmission of infectious diseases in China. We show that national human mobility restrictions ascribed to the first-level public health emergency response policy effectively reduce both intercity and intracity migration intensities, thus leading to a declining scale of human mobility, which improves the effectiveness in controlling the epidemic. Human mobility restrictions have greater influences on cities with better economic development, denser populations, or larger passenger volumes. Moreover, mobility restriction measures are found to be better implemented in regions with increased public awareness, or with provincial leaders who have healthcare crisis management experience, local administrative experience, or the opportunity to serve a consecutive term.



This article discusses the evolution of government-nonprofit relations at the regional level in Russia against the background of national-level restrictions on NGOs. Russia recently also introduced supportive policies and the article aims to trace the regional administrations’ reactions to the dual realities of the federal government’s posture towards nonprofits. Considerable variation was found in regional government-nonprofit relationships as well as deviation from national policy stances. Using a subnational comparative framework, this article addresses a gap in the literature and lays the groundwork for future cross-national comparisons of subnational variations of government-nonprofit relations in other authoritarian and hybrid political regimes.  相似文献   

In the genealogy of the Scandinavian populist-party family, agrarian populism has been largely neglected and, when discussed at all, it is traced back to Finland in the late 1950s. This paper argues: (i) that agrarian populism long predated the 1950s and that it was politically salient from the decade before Finnish independence in 1917; (ii) that it is useful to distinguish between an agrarian-class and agrarian-populist party type; (iii) that in wider comparative perspective, first-wave Finnish agrarian populism was distinctive; and iv) that during the critical party-building phase, the Finnish Agrarian Party (AP) is best characterised a populist party embodying a diffuse small-farmer antipathy towards socially superior urban elites. The AP did not create this ‘bigwig hatred’ (herraviha), but in perpetuating it and ‘othering it’ within a binary ‘us-and-them’ paradigm, it became the first populist party in both Finland and Scandinavia.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of political restructuring on citizenship in contemporary Russia by examining the impact of decentralisation on freedom of movement in Moscow. It seeks to explain why, in spite of the change of regime and delegation of authority from federal to regional government, there has been a marked continuity in the practice of residency controls that restrict freedom of movement. It investigates the conditions for skilled migrants who wish to settle in Moscow and examines how the deconcentration of authority over residency policy has produced new inequalities such as access to essential services, employment, and the property market which have effectively created new classes of citizenship based on differentiated options for mobility. The range of options is determined by geographical location, place of residence, occupational status, and political engagement, and is illustrated by three types of citizenship: (1) full Muscovite status; (2) conditional subjects; and (3) resident participants. The empirical basis for this study draws upon data gathered during field visits to Moscow in January 2005 and winter 2006 when interviews (n = 36) and focus groups (four) were conducted with migrants from other regions and employers.  相似文献   

The People’s Food Policy Project (PFPP) used ‘food sovereignty’ to unite civil society organizations and build a national food policy agenda in Canada from 2008 to 2011. Agri-food scholarship largely highlights the resistance and empowerment dynamic of food sovereignty in the context of neoliberal capital relations. We propose that the story of what food sovereignty discourse does, or could do, in the work of civil society organizations (CSOs), is more complicated. This article contributes to agri-food literature and CSOs studies by examining the governmentalities of the PFPP. We find that the PFPP’s food sovereignty produced at least two discourses: food sovereignty as ethic, or a governmentality of resistance and agrarian empowerment; and food sovereignty as tactic, which we see as a governmentality of administration by CSOs. While PFPP activists increasingly share a spoken commitment to food sovereignty, the analytic of governmentality allows us to show these important differences in the movement, rooted in how CSO actors understand their day-to-day work, and the tensions these differences bring to their seemingly united agenda.  相似文献   

《Democracy and Security》2013,9(1-2):157-176
The article analyzes the European Union's (EU) migration strategies toward the Arab states in the light of the Arab uprisings in a comparative context. Going through migratory processes related to Egypt, Libya, and Syria, the article discusses Middle Eastern migration and its diverse manifestations, critically assessing the relevance of the EU's migration policy ambitions vis-à-vis the different challenges in the Mediterranean region. In its theoretical approach, the article draws on the concept of non-traditional security, demonstrating that migration constitutes an anarchistic element in the relations between states, which goes beyond traditional foreign policy means. The article characterizes recent EU initiatives concerning migration and demonstrates that despite the fact that the EU has declared migration “one of the strategic priorities in the external relations of the Union,” it seems apparent that the EU has not been able to develop adequate new approaches regarding migration. Many of the suggested initiatives within the framework of the new EU foreign policy setup have not been established yet—they remain preliminary works in progress, projects in different stages or legislative procedures under negotiation between EU institutions. Summing up the cases of Egypt, Libya, and Syria, the article concludes that the migration phenomenon since the start of the Arab unrest in early 2011 constitutes a highly important issue in European–Middle Eastern relations, regarding which, the EU foreign and security measures seem to be relevant only to some degree.  相似文献   

悦中山  李卫东  李艳 《公共管理学报》2012,9(4):111-121,128
在三部门的整体架构下分析政府、市场和社会对农民工社会融合影响的实证研究还很少.本文利用2009年X市农民工和市民的调查数据时三部门与农民工社会融合之间的关系进行了研究.农民工的社会融合包括文化融合、社会经济融合和心理融合等三个维度.论文发现政府、市场和社会对农民工社会融合三个维度的影响存在差异.政府和市场均对文化融合没有影响,仅社会对文化融合有显著影响.农民工与当地市民的社会互动和在迁入地的居住时间有利于他们习得城市社会文化.政府、市场和社会对农民工的社会经济融合和心理融合均有显著影响,政府还通过市场和社会对社会融合有间接影响.论文的重要发现是社会互动和社会参与有力地促进了农民工的社会融合.论文结论对相关公共政策的制定具有重要启示.  相似文献   

"Although Mexican migration to the United States dates back over a century, reliable statistics documenting its geographical distribution have only recently become available. This new information, together with the creation of a Geographical Data System and the recent development of multilevel analysis, have allowed one to examine the regional context of Mexican migration to the U.S.... This paper draws on two new tools for context analysis and examines how they can be used to study international migration: first, the Geographical Data systems, which measure physical factors (aridity, isolation, land use, environmental degradation), together with socioeconomic statistics and familial organization and reproduction." (EXCERPT)  相似文献   

大规模的劳动力外迁不仅加速了农村地区的老龄化,也给农村传统的家庭养老带来了深远的影响。利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所在安徽省巢湖农村地区进行的"安徽省老年人生活福利状况"的四期追踪调查数据和在广东省深圳市进行的"外来农村流动人口"抽样调查数据,同时面向农村人口流入地和流出地,基于社会性别视角,研究农村劳动力外迁对农村留守老人生活福利的影响。研究表明,目前的农村家庭养老表现出传统和变革共存的特征;子女外迁给农村老年父母的生活福利带来双面影响,使得老年人获得的经济支持增加的同时,也造成了对老年人的生活照料和情感支持的减少,加重了老年人照料孙子女的负担,影响了老年人的健康福利;子女在城市外出务工带来了传统孝文化的弱化,但女儿的养老功能得以增强,长期低生育率条件下发生的大规模农村人口流动使得传统依靠儿子养老的家庭养老模式开始发生转变。本文最后探讨了在劳动力外流背景下政府提高农村留守老人生活福利的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article examines Russian Government policy towards Northeast Asia as an interplay between aspirations, which have been expressed by government leaders, parliamentary figures and prominent academics and journalists and actual results. The article uses three levels, global, regional and bilateral, as a basis for the analysis. In terms of global interests the Russian leadership has sought diplomatic balance against the US, in terms of regional interests the leadership has pursued the aim of economic and security integration while at the bilateral level Russian leadership has sought specific benefits from particular relations with China, Japan and South Korea. The article notes that Russia has obtained certain diplomatic benefits from the relationship with China which serve its interests at the global level. At the regional level policy aspirations have been frustrated by Russia's dire economic condition and the tendency to be treated as an ‘outsider’. Russia has benefited from an improvement of bilateral relations with China, Japan and South Korea but these gains do not translate into an improved position at the regional level yet. while the Russian leadership has been nurturing the development of bilateral relationships problems particular to those relationships hinder its wider regional acceptance.  相似文献   

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