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This article reports the findings of a study developed to compare health care costs in the United States with those of eight other industrially advanced countries over the period 1960-76. All of the countries studied were found to share with the United States the problem of increased health care spending that has outpaced inflation in other sectors of the economy and continues to consume a growing share of national resources. The American growth rate in these expenditures has, in fact, been lower than that of all other coutries. Though U.S. health care expenditures have traditionally been relatively high when measured as a share of gross national product, Canada outspent the United States in this respect during the 1960's. In most recent years, West Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden have devoted a larger share of GNP to health care than has the United States.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have explained inter-country variations in the share of GNP devoted to military expenditures by international spillovers and by differences in the threat of attack related to relative incomes. In this paper, we use the theory of public choice to explain these differences. We attempt to measure the importance of both international spillovers and relative incomes, along with two other factors: the tax-price elasticity of demand and economies of scale in the consumption of security. We find that international spillovers are significant and positive, that the income elasticity of demand is greater than unity, that the tax-price elasticity of demand explains part of observed inter-country differences, and that there are considerable economies of scale in the consumption of military spending. Finally, between 1960 and 1975, there was apparently a substantial increase in the value which each country derived from a dollar of military spending by its allies. This phenomenon, which seems related to the increased importance of deterrent weapons, has tended to induce individual alliance members to reduce the share of their national income devoted to defense.  相似文献   

This article updates the private social welfare expenditures series with complete data for 1985 and information for most categories through 1986. In the United States, private sector expenditures play a substantial role in the provision of social welfare services. This article presents private social welfare expenditures in terms of the four major categories--health, education, welfare and related services, and income maintenance that includes private pensions, sickness and disability benefits, and group insurance. The private expenditures, which totaled $429.3 billion in 1985, are distributed by major category beginning in 1972 and are also related to public social welfare expenditures and gross national product.  相似文献   

The years from 1965 to 1976 were a period of great expansion in social welfare expenditures under public law. The entry of the Federal Government into the fields of health care and education was responsible for much of the growth in the first part of this period; high inflation produced increased spending in the later years. From 1977 to 1987, the rate of growth in social welfare spending slowed considerably. In fact, since 1983 the dominant characteristic of such expenditures has been their stability. Although the amount of money spent was higher in each year, little change occurred in the relative size or the apportionment of the funds. The 1987 expenditures continued this pattern. The total amount spent, $834.4 billion, represented an increase of 6.6 percent over the previous year. This amount equaled 18.8 percent of the gross national product. In constant dollar terms, the increase from 1986 to 1987 was 1.7 percent. The Federal Government provided 60-62 percent of all social welfare funding from 1980 to 1986. In 1987, this share fell slightly--to 59.9 percent. The programs for social insurance, public aid, veterans, and housing were primarily Federally funded, while education was largely a State and local responsibility. Governments at all levels spent 53.4 percent of their funds for social insurance purposes in 1987, slightly more than in 1986. However, the experience at different levels of government varied considerably. Federal spending increased 2 percent as a percent of all Federal expenditures, while State and local spending decreased about 1 percent.  相似文献   

By the end of 1980, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program was making monthly cash assistance payments, averaging $170, to almost 4.2 million aged, blind, and disabled persons. When SSI payments began in January 1974, the number of recipients was 3.2 million and the average payment was $117. Since 1975, both SSI payments and Social Security benefits have been automatically adjusted each year to correspond with increases in the Consumer Price Index. A number of other trends in addition to growth can be discerned in the size of the population served, as well as in their categorical, geographic, and age distributions. This article discusses some of these trends and changes, using program data for the end of each calendar year through 1980. It also presents a brief summary of the program at the end of that period.  相似文献   

This article compares the revenue, expenditures, and beneficiary population under the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance program in 1984-85 with the experience for earlier years. The tables and charts presented here examine such topics as the population covered by the program, the increase in the number of beneficiaries, the rise in average benefit amounts, and the growth in the proportion of dually entitled and very old beneficiaries. Like the preceding feature, the article is based on published data of the Social Security Administration's Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy--in this case, they come entirely from various issues of the Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin.  相似文献   

The author estimates changes in nuptiality in Mexico between 1970 and 2000, using the model developed by Ansley Coale. (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

"Here regional urbanization in Mexico is studied as a function of income level and production structures. This general model allows us to identify four characteristics that are inherent to urban development for the 1970-1990 period." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

This article compares expenditure decisions in four “Western” democracies (Australia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States) in the policy areas of defense, health, education, and all government expenditures from 1950 to 1970. In addition, national income is used as a measure of economic growth in the four countries. The research focuses on the yearly fluctuations of expenditures and the statistical relationships existing among the variables under changing conditions. The research indicates significant departure from prior research findings and suggests that the assumption of an explicit trade-off between defense and welfare expenditures be reconsidered. In addition, when varying economic growth was examined, the research again indicates the need for reconsideration of prior relationships. Throughout, the article encourages the development of comparative policy research and theory and recommends the development of careful theoretical and methodological constructs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the gender distribution of the benefits of economic growth in several Asian economies from 1970–90. Using Borda rank ordering, we compare the progress made in these countries towards closing the gender gap in well-being. In addition to commonly-used indicators, trends in the ratio of females to males in the population are examined. We explore determinants of changes in this ratio, using regression analysis. The results indicate that gender equity in quality-of-life ratings is highest in those Asian economies that grew the slowest over the period in question. Further, the data indicate that economic growth does not have a significant effect on the female-to-male population ratios for this set of countries. Variables that affect women's bargaining power do, however, have a positive effect on relative female life chances, as does spending on public education.  相似文献   

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