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This article explores the development of a cross-border dimensionto the delivery of urban water services as an arena for thesocial construction of global administrative law. When companiesfrom one country deliver water services in another country underdecades-long concession contracts, the ensuing political andlegal struggle engages one of the central strands of administrativelaw traditionally understood: the question of participationin decision-making processes that affect vital individual interests.Moreover, it does so in an arena that embeds public and privateactors in hybrid routines of both formal and informal participationat multiple levels of governance. Using Argentinian and SouthAfrican case studies, the article teases out in detail the interplaybetween international and domestic levels of the forms and processes(both formal and informal) that facilitate participation intransnational urban water services governance. The process ofsocially constructing global administrative law is centred initerative interaction between formal legal and informal politicalmodes of participation, especially social protest and politicalnegotiations. It is a process with two modes, political andtechnical, and the political salience of global administrativelaw is shaped first by differential capacities to deploy bothmodes, and secondly by the capacity to switch between nationaland international levels of governance.  相似文献   

There is currently much interest in the question whether a globaladministrative law is coming into being and, if so, whetherthis is desirable or otherwise. This paper addresses the questionof principles for a global administrative law. It considersfour potential sources and their suitability as a foundationfor a global administrative law system: first, the largely proceduralprinciples that have emerged in national administrative lawsystems, notably the principle of legality and due process principles(Section 3); second, the set of rule of law values, promotedby proponents of free trade and economic liberalism (Section4); third, the good governance values, and more particularlytransparency, participation and accountability, promoted bythe World Bank and International Monetary Fund (Section 5);and finally, human rights values (Section 6). The paper endson a sceptical note, concluding that a universal set of administrativelaw principles is difficult to identify and not especially desirable.First, administrative law is primarily a Western construct,protective of Western interests. It may impact unfavourablyon developing economies. Secondly, the evolution of global administrativelaw in adjudicative forums is leading to an undesirable ‘juridificationof the political process’. The paper concludes that diversityand pluralism are preferable.  相似文献   

The article outlines a simple thesis: that international investmentarbitration – pursuant to regional and bilateral investmenttreaties – offers the clearest example of global administrativelaw, strictly construed, yet to have emerged. We present thisthesis by explicating four key features of investment treaties:they permit investor claims against the state without exhaustinglocal remedies; they allow claims for damages; they allow investorsto directly seek enforcement of awards before domestic courts;and they facilitate forum-shopping. Our argument is that, owingto this unique conjunction of features, the regulatory conductof states is, to an unusual extent, subject to control throughcompulsory international adjudication. Having highlighted thesefeatures, we then claim that investment arbitration is bestanalogized to domestic administrative law rather than to internationalcommercial arbitration, especially since investment arbitrationengages disputes arising from the exercise of public authorityby the state as opposed to private acts of the state. Further,we claim that the linkages between investment arbitration anddomestic legal systems are more direct and more closely integratedthan other forms of international adjudication in the publicsphere. For these reasons, we argue that the emerging regimeof investment arbitration is to be understood as constitutingan important and powerful manifestation of global administrativelaw.  相似文献   

当代中国行政法的品质塑造——诚信理念之确立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
诚信理念,是维护行政秩序、体现法律安定性和权威性、提升人民对政府信赖的需要,更是行政法价值得以实现的灵魂和保证。 可是,无论在传统文化中还是在现买的行政运行中,都存在着严重的诚信匮乏问题。诚信理念在我国行政法中的全面确立,是民主政治、行政关系和法律制度发展的共同诉求。诚信理念的多层面、全方位的展开,有利于塑造中国行政法的品质。  相似文献   

试论政府善治视域下我国行政问责制的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国目前的政治语境下,建立和实施行政问责制具有重要的现实意义。行政问责制是建设责任政府、推进民主政治的一个重要途径,也是实现政府良好治理的关键。然而,目前我国行政问责制在实践中仍面临异体问责薄弱、问责法律缺失、政府信息公开匮乏等诸多困境。因此,将成为加强异体问责,实现问责主体的多元化;健全行政问责的法律体系;推行政务公开,实现“阳光行政”。  相似文献   

论“国际行政”类型界分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林泰 《河北法学》2012,30(11):2-18
国际行政法概念的前提是所谓“国际行政”的存在.通过对全球治理中不同类型的规制主体进行理论界分可以对国际行政做出适当的阐释,划分的标准为主体的固有特征及其权力行使方式,在这个基础上把国际行政划分为国际组织的内部行政、正式的政府间国际组织的行政、私人机制国际组织的行政、公私混合型国际组织之行政、基于国内官员之间合作安排的跨国网络实施的行政、一国国内当局实施的涉外行政等六种.事实上每一种形态都包含众多的跨国规制机构,这只是选取其中最为典型的跨国规制机构重点进行阐述.当然,这种界分是一种为便于研究的相对理想化的做法,在实践中,许多形态的规制机构界限并不是非常清晰,或者是相互重合的.这仅仅是试图对国际行政法所调整的行政关系类型化的一种尝试性的概括.  相似文献   

行政主体的义务范畴研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
关保英 《法律科学》2006,24(1):62-69
行政主体的义务范畴是一个非常重要的行政法学理论问题,在现代法治政府之下政府行政系统的责任越来越突出,“责任政府”概念也成了政治学、行政法以及行政法学解释相关问题的基本概念。在责任政府这一现代理论的指导下,行政主体对公民、社会、国家承担义务就自然而然地成了行政法治以及行政法理论的核心问题,与之相对应,行政主体义务的基本范畴就成了近年来各国行政法学关注的热点问题。行政主体应具有推行宪法和法律,接受立法和司法监督,改善社会环境和促进社会发展,使国内事务与国际事务接轨等宪法义务;具有为行政相对人提供利益和保护,为行政行为说明理由和承担赔偿责任等行政法义务。  相似文献   

International law-making by sub-national actors and regulatorynetworks of bureaucrats has come under attack as lacking inaccountability and legitimacy. Global administrative law isemerging as an approach to understanding what internationalorganizations and national governments do, or ought to do, torespond to the perceived democracy deficit in internationallaw-making. This article examines the Basel Committee on BankingSupervision, a club of central bankers who meet to develop internationalbanking capital standards and to develop supervisory guidance.The Basel Committee embodies many of the attributes that criticsof international law-making lament. A closer examination, however,reveals a structure of global administrative law inherent inthe Basel process that could be a model for international law-makingwith greater accountability and legitimacy.  相似文献   

林泰 《河北法学》2012,30(5):97-104
国际行政法是全球化背景下正在产生、成型的全新法律部门,目前已经逐渐引起国内外学界的重视,对其基本范畴的研究已经有一定的成果.通过类比行政法体系的三种类型对国际行政法的规范构成展开分析,并尝试将国际行政法规范分为国际组织行政法、国际实体行政法以及国际程序行政法.在没有其他参照物的情况下,这种以传统行政法的若干概念工具来解构国际行政法的规范构成的尝试有益于对这个法域的进一步研究.  相似文献   

通过行为规范的形式优化公务员治理结构、增强公务员服务属性,是当前行政法治环境下改善公务员执法状况的重要环节,也是内部行政法的关键问题之一。在公务员行为规范体系中,投诉规范是指由相对人对公务员的违法或不当行为进行投诉,并由公务员所在机关进行处理的一种责任机制。投诉规范开启了由相对人发起追究公务员责任的民主路径,在公务员文明执法的树立、行政风气的改善以及违规责任的追究等方面具有重要意义。而在现行立法与实践状况的基础上,对投诉途径、程序和实效性等事项进行综合分析并提出相关建议,则能对其条款设置的进一步完善提供参考。  相似文献   

行政问责法治化对于反腐败具有重要作用。本文在分析行政问责法治化的科学内涵、基本原则和意义的基础上,从完善行政问责法律体系、加强行政问责执法制度建设、完善行政问责法治化的相关法律制度等方面提出对策。以期对全面推进行政问责法治化,建设责任型政府有所助益。  相似文献   

This article draws on Niklas Luhmann's theory and method to present transnational social movement organizations as a solution to the problem of increased expectations of global public goods which fail to find adequate accommodation in law. As a concrete example of the limits of law in this respect, it examines the non liquet of the World Court on the question of the illegality of nuclear weapons. The trajectory of anti‐nuclear norms is traced beyond the limits of law to the alternative structure of transnational social movement organizations, and the article presents such organizations as stabilizing increased expectations of global public goods through their recursive decision making and their capacity to continuously project those expectations at the legal and political systems. This generates observations on the concept of ‘global governance ‘, the structural relations between global civil society and international law, and the role of this form of organization in the evolution of the global political system.  相似文献   

发轫于计划经济体制之上的当代中国行政法学,因将自身建构在公民权与行政权对立关系这一错误根基之上,而在面对现代行政实务时捉襟见肘。本文从前现代、现代、后现代之类型化视角反思中国行政法学政治背景,呼吁中国行政法学应建立在一个公民权与行政权良性沟通、交流、协商的平台上。置身于此平台之上、不囿圜于"法学上之方法"的藩篱、脱身于西方现代化范式之囹圄的"和谐行政法"为中国行政法学塑造了一种自我意识,并借对中国当代行政法学价值的准确定位、深厚的中国问题意识以及一条"从中国问题出发进入西方问题再返回中国问题"的路径,而结束中国行政法学历时已久的漂泊之旅,解救其于社会转型期的一场整体性危机。  相似文献   

温辉 《法学杂志》2012,33(4):115-120
依现代民主政治的发展,责任政府的外延已由责任内阁制政府扩展至所有民主政府。就责任政府而言,责任应是民主政府系统中的核心要素。我国责任政府体制包括两个组成部分:一是政治问责制,即国家行政机关要对国家权力机关负责,国家行政机关首长要对自己机关的全面工作向国家权力机关负政治责任。二是行政问责制,即行政首长要对整个行政机关的工作负全面责任,行政首长具有对政府组成部门及其首长、下级行政机关及其首长、公务员的行政问责权力。目前我国行政问责在理论、实践上还存在一些问题。从行政问责逐渐发展到政治问责是我国责任政府建构之路径。  相似文献   

The climate change problem, or global warming, has gained a prominent place on the international political agenda, since the mid-1980s, when it first attracted political attention. The problem was initially perceived mainly as an environmental problem that could be resolved by technological solutions, its current perception, this essay argues, is best characterized as that of an enviro-economic problem. A perception that is exemplified by the ongoing negotiations for the development of economic mechanisms to tackle the problem. The climate change arena is a complex one, involving dichotomies between developed and developing countries, between fossil fuel producing and importing countries and between small island developing states and other states. This essay outlines the interests that play a role in the climate change negotiations and discusses the international climate change regime as contained in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. It concludes that the climate change negotiations are complicated by the fact that the negotiators, in addition to developing new substantive rules for a complex problem, are involved in developing new systemic rules for the international legal system. These new systemic rules have more in common with rules of national systems of public or administrative law than with traditional rules of international law, which have many similarities with national systems of contract law.  相似文献   

行政问责制走向刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索行政问责制的走向,对于行政问责制向纵深发展,促进我国的民主政治建设和建设服务型政府有着重要的意义。要使行政问责制进一步规范化,必须由权力问责走向制度问责,由以同体问责为主走向同体和异体共同问责,由事后问责、问题问责、火线问责走向全过程问责、常态问责和终身问责,由外部问责走向内外部结合问责,由以政治问责为主走向政治与道义问责并重。  相似文献   

在全球金融危机中受到影响最大的是发展中国家及其人民的发展权利。危机对发展权的挑战,不仅体现在经济发展领域,也反映在社会文化以至政治发展层面,进而衍生为人的生存发展危机。要摆脱危机,就必须重新塑造发展权法治理念,从传统的形式平等和社会正义迈向一种新的正义观即发展正义,从现有的公法强制干预和私法自由调节转向政策性平衡新机制,在全球社会连带中实现自主发展。在这些新理念导引下,于法律重心的发展权定位、发展权指标体系的法律化以及强化国际与国内公共权力对发展权的法律责任三大方面进行制度建设,确立公共权力对发展权的自觉意识和可归责性、建立全球性的发展权法律标准以及危机预警与干预系统。  相似文献   

Deregulation and the combined threats of energy crises and global warming concern nations around the world, yet these issues continue to be addressed more directly by domestic regulatory systems than by international institutions. The present analyses of the integration of distributed sources of power generation (DG) into California’s electric utility system suggests that domestic environmental dilemmas with international repercussions provide an obvious entrée for global environmental policy specialists into the practice of environmental policy-making and law. Here I review current scholarship on policy networks that illuminates the contributions that technical and policy experts can make to such networks surrounding environmental issues. I then introduce the key members of California’s “clean DG” policy network that emphasizes the role of academic experts in this influential political system, and discuss how my own research has impacted the development of the state’s DG policy. I conclude that scholars are well positioned to observe and engage domestic and international environmental policy networks, and thereby also to influence environmental politics and law.  相似文献   

朱淑娣 《现代法学》2008,30(2):118-125
国际贸易行政诉讼是在国际法与国内法交融、公法与私法交融过程中生成的行政诉讼特殊类型。在我国法制语境中,国际贸易行政诉讼是指在WTO制度的框架下,人民法院依法审理国际贸易行政案件并做出裁决,以保障和补救受损方国际贸易权益的具有专项性、涉外性与国际性的诉讼活动与制度。国际贸易行政诉讼具有特定的制度结构、主体结构与利益结构。考察其影响,它具有国际法定义务履行功能、国际贸易行政争端解决功能、国际贸易权益救济等复合功能。  相似文献   

行政垄断与反垄断立法研究   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
黄欣  周昀 《中国法学》2001,(3):99-107
新世纪的我国反垄断法 ,既要反对经济垄断 ,也要反对行政垄断 ;既要反对国内垄断 ,也要反对国际垄断。由于行政垄断仍然是阻碍我国市场经济发展的主要障碍 ,所以我国反垄断法的首要任务 ,就是要为有效制止行政垄断 ,构建一整套便于操作落实的新制度和新机制  相似文献   

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