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论农民工权利意识的发展轨迹及其社会意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随中国改革开放和社会转型30年,农民工权利意识的发展轨迹清晰可见:从冲破城乡阻隔进城务工到追求个人发展;从进城务工遭受就业歧视到强烈要求同工同酬;从"仅仅在经济上被接纳"到"在政治上受到尊重";而且,农民工权利意识的代际差异十分明显.农民工权利意识的发展演进,是中国社会进步的体现,同时给中国社会带来了挑战,需要劳动关系三方和全社会认真对待.  相似文献   

美国让就业者退休后"老有所养""老有所养"是人类社会追求的目标之一,在美国也不例外。与中国传统的"养儿防老"观念不同,美国的养老责任由政府、社会和个人等多方面共同承担。美国的社会保障制度始于20世纪30年代美国经济大萧条时期的一种社会养老保险制度,主要目的  相似文献   

一是引导职工设定人生愿景。引导非公企业职工把国家发展、企业发展与个人发展紧密结合起来,牢固树立立足岗位、终身学习的理念。引导非公企业职工转变就业观念.树立“三百六十行、行行出状元”的择业理念和“职业无贵贱、贡献无大小”的就业思想。  相似文献   

就我个人看来,在现行体制下,工会工作的难度首先是它自身的定位决定的,沟通?协调?桥梁?纽带?这在外人看来都是一些中庸温和的字眼,其实已经决定了工会工作既不允许无所作为,也不可能雷厉风行喧宾夺主,其间一个“度”字,难煞多少工会人!  相似文献   

如何解决公有制的实现问题,是搞好国有企业的关键。公有制的实现形式具有较大的可变性和灵活性。同一种性质的所有制,可以有不同的实现形式。社会主义公有制是在生产资料公共占有的基础上,重建个人所有制,它具有进步性、整体性、唯一性的特点。根据生产力发展水平,如何使公有制与个人所有制很好结合,这是探索公有制实现形式的关键  相似文献   

王冬梅  谭立独 《工友》2012,(6):24-25
企业的利益与个人的利益是密切联系的,只有企业发展了、个人才能进步。我做工会工作的时间并不长,四年多时间。但从开始接手这份工作,我就把它当成使命去完成。  相似文献   

"隐蔽青年"逐渐被社会所关注,但同时也被贴上了各类负面的标签。这类负面评价不但无法帮助青少年走出"隐蔽",反而会使隐蔽问题愈发严重。受后现代主义思想影响的结构性青年工作模式不同于传统的个人导向性青年工作模式,前者在后者的基础上"去标签化"和"去边缘化"地看待受隐蔽问题困扰的青少年,接纳他们与主流社会标准截然不同的差异,并帮助其发展差异,从而为青少年提供了更多参与社会性活动的机会,而后者只关注青少年是否迎合主流标准,只处理青少年个人层面的问题,忽略了社会结构对其的影响,从而可能限制青少年的发展。  相似文献   

人的一生,无论是理想还是追求都直接受精神的支配和控制.一个人的一言一行、一举一动都是精神文化的一种体现,一种主观反应.精神文化是校园文化的枢纽,它决定了教职员工所遵守的道德品行、纪律观念,决定了教职员工追求的理想信念以及个人修身养性的宗旨.  相似文献   

大学生个人社会资本有助于大学生在校的成长与发展。大学生个人社会资本有两个维度:社会活动网络规模、私人关系网络规模。大学生在校成长状况有四个维度:学习成绩、组织实践能力、心理自信度、心理开放度。大学生个人社会资本的社会活动网络规模仅对大学生在校学习成绩和组织实践能力有显著的正向促进作用,与其心理自信度和心理开放度不存在显著的相关性;大学生个人社会资本的私人关系网络规模对大学生在校学习成绩和组织实践能力有显著的正向促进作用,对其心理自信度存在较为显著的正向促进作用,而对其心理开放度并不产生显著影响。因此,学校及大学生对个人社会资本的重视有助于大学生的在校成长及发展。  相似文献   

新生代农民工已成为我国产业工人的主体,但受城乡二元体制的限制,他们大多游离于城市边缘,如何融入城市社会问题等正日益引起政府和社会的广泛关注。以青岛市为例,调查新生代农民工融入城市社会进程中的现实诉求,得出这样的结论:新生代农民工新生代农民工受教育程度普遍提高,发展期望值相应提升,渴望在事业发展层面融入城市社会;关注务工环境与工作条件,注重自身技能的提高与劳动权益的实现,追求体面劳动和发展机会;渴求精神、情感生活,闲暇时间活动形式多样化,渴望在家庭生活和精神层面融入城市社会。  相似文献   

近年来,随着算法等人工智能技术越来越多地运用于劳动者管理中,劳动者的个人信息保护短 板日渐凸显。劳动者的个人信息保护问题在实践中较为常见,相关司法案例数量也日趋增多。经过对司法案例 的分析,发现私法在保护劳动者个人信息方面表现欠佳:一是在算法黑箱下劳动者知情同意原则难以得到落实, 二是劳动者很难通过合同审查模式主张其个人信息权利。由于劳动关系的不平等属性和个人信息权利的工具属 性,有必要引入公法对劳动者的知情同意权进行保护。劳动者个人信息权益的保护有赖于以各地劳动监察部门 为中心的行政监管,此种路径优于事后司法进行的合同审查。具体而言,劳动监察部门应在监督用人单位落实 知情同意原则的同时,根据技术准则动态调整知情同意原则实施的具体标准,在个案判定劳动者个人信息是否 受到合理保护时使用分类收集标准。  相似文献   

保险个人代理人与所为之推销产品的保险公司之间既是代理与被代理的劳务关系,又是存在着业务关系.作为一个为数众多的特殊劳动群体,他们的工作、生活状况以及权益保护的问题是我们工会长期关注并应下力量研究解决的问题.  相似文献   

Using narrative inquiry to analyze accounts of how two experienced youth workers handled the potential for gun violence in their organizations, this article argues that youth worker expertise in part is based on personal knowledge derived from childhood neighborhood-based peer groups and participation in youth programs. Expert youth workers draw on personal and professional craft knowledge and move between the rules of youth organizations and the rules of the streets to read people and situations and address the potential for serious violence. Implications for youth worker professional development are raised.  相似文献   

科学发展观视野下高校女教师发展的基本内涵,应包括个体素质的全面发展、协调发展、可持续性发展及发展的统筹兼顾。高校女教师发展存在着诸多优势和困境,导致困境的因素包括知识女性的角色定位、其性别义务与自我发展的矛盾、社会的双重评判标准、生存环境的导向性规则等。高校女教师发展的实现,有待于社会观念的更新、政策的倾斜、环境的支持,更有待于女教师自我意识和独立能力的提高。  相似文献   

在我国现行体制下,社会保险与商业人身保险组合未能覆盖所有群体,不能满足群众多层次多元化需求.因此,社会保险和商业保险有必要建立业务互动关系,发挥各自的经济补偿功能,提供优势互补的保障服务,消除保险未覆盖的空白区域,满足人们对保险的多层次多元化需求,从而更有效地维护广大群众的切身利益.  相似文献   

Actively pursuing important goals predicts positive affect and well-being (Emmons, 1986, J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 51: 1058–1068; Emmons and King, 1988, J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 54: 1040–1048; Salmela-Aro and Nurmi, 1997, J. Adult Dev. 4: 179–188). College-bound high school graduates (n=943) completed the ULTRA Orientation Survey prior to college. Planned alcohol use differed by gender, fraternity/sorority participation, and Honors membership. Students who appraised academic goals as more important and less difficult/stressful planned to consume less alcohol in their 1st year of college. Greater importance and lower difficulty/stressfulness of social goals predicted more planned drinking. Relationships of personal goals with drinking remained after controlling for group differences, and academic and social goal importance predicted plans to drink after controlling for alcohol use during high school senior year. The discussion focuses on the impact of goal appraisals on risk behavior, niche selection during the transition to college, and implications for the prevention of heavy drinking.
Brittany L. RhoadesEmail:

As the twenty-first century begins, a high level of participation in premarital sexual intercourse by college women is well-documented. But, in the research exploring risk-reduction sexual behaviors, the relationship of cognitive abilities to responsible sexual behavior has been under-researched. Anonymous questionnaires were administered to 626 never-married, heterosexual women at a midwestern university to examine personal goal-setting, a cognitive variable postulated to be related to risk-reduction sexual behavior. Women who frequently set goals were more religious, optimistic about life, conservative in sexual attitudes, comfortable with their sexuality, and more psychologically sexually satisfied. Those who less often set goals were more likely to drink alcohol prior to sexual intercourse, become more intoxicated, and less likely to ask if new sex partners had STI(s). The cognitive variable, goal-setting, did differentiate college women who made responsible sexual decisions from those who engaged in risk-taking sexual behaviors.Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Science, Texas State University-San Marcos. Received her PhD from the University of Texas, Austin in Child Development and Family Relations and is a Certified Marriage and Family Therapist, American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and licensed in the State of Texas. Her research interests include sexual attitudes and behavior of college students, adoption attitudes of unmarried pregnant teens, and teen pregnancy/parenting programs.University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Received his PhD from the University of Florida in Family Sociology and is a Clinical Fellow, American Academy of Clinical Sexologists and Fellow, National Council on Family Relations. His research interests include sexual attitudes and behavior of college students, adoption attitudes of unmarried pregnant teens, female sexual adjustment, and perceptions of the female physiological sexual response.  相似文献   

习近平劳动观是习近平总书记运用辩证思维分析劳动而形成的关于劳动与劳动者的完整的系统 的看法与观点,是对马克思主义劳动观的继承与发展。习近平总书记在肯定劳动对于国家发展的伟大意义,提 倡劳动者积极参加劳动实践,保持艰苦奋斗、淡泊名利的劳动本色的同时,更加重视劳动者的主体地位,更加 关注劳动者个人的发展。强调劳动在个人发展过程中的重要作用,鼓励劳动者通过理论学习提高劳动水平,要 求国家与政府为劳动者提供完善的劳动保障,教育全社会崇尚劳动,尊重劳动者。这体现了国家发展与个人发展, 劳动实践与理论学习,艰苦奋斗与劳动保障,淡泊名利与尊重劳动之间的辩证关系。  相似文献   

The development of personal and social identity is crucial in adolescence. On the one hand, adolescents face the task of forming and consolidating their personal identity in multiple domains, with educational and interpersonal domains particularly salient. On the other hand, they enlarge their social horizon and increasingly define themselves as members of multiple peer groups, such as groups of classmates and friends met outside school. There is however a lack of integrative research on the interplay among and between personal and social identity processes. Hence the purpose of this study was threefold. First, we examined how personal identity processes in the educational and interpersonal domains are associated longitudinally. Second, we investigated to what extent social identifications with classmates and with the group of friends are associated over time. Third, with an original approach we examined the longitudinal interplay between personal and social identity processes, to connect theoretical contributions that have so far proceeded largely in parallel. Participants were 304 adolescents (61.84% female, M age?=?17.49) involved in a three-wave longitudinal study. We found that (a) the ways in which adolescents develop their identity in the educational and interpersonal domains become more closely intertwined over time; (b) identifications with classmates and with the group of friends are interconnected; and (c) personal and social identity processes are associated both concurrently and longitudinally, with most cross-lagged effects showing that social identifications influence personal identity formation and consolidation in the interpersonal identity domain. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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