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昆明滇池国家旅游度假区国有资产投资经营管理有限责任公司成立于2009年6月24日,是经昆明滇池国家旅游度假区管理委员会批准成立的国有独资企业。公司工会于2009年11月成立,并围绕公司中心工作,积极开展各项工会活动,充分提高公司职工政治素质和业务水平。一、党政重视工会工作,专题研究工会工作每年年初,公司专门召开会议研究工会工作,对工会提出工作目标认真研究讨论,特别是涉及职工切身利益的问题,及时召开党政工联席会议认真研究、共同解决。结合公司实际工作,公司党支部与公司工会共同深入开展党工共建,创先争优活动,团结动员广大职工,积极投身到"四创二争"活动中。公司工会围  相似文献   

职工的最高"奖赏"——谈谈"职工之家"建设经过组织整顿、深入推进、提高水平和创新发展,建设"职工之家"活动已成为企业工会工作的综合性载体和奋斗目标。  相似文献   

职工技术协作是工人阶级的伟大创举,是团结吸引广大职工开展多种形式的群众性科技活动的重要形式。正确认识职工技协与企业工会工作的关系,对于促进企业和工运事业的发展.开创技协工作新局面极为重要。本文结合嘉陵集团工会职工技协的工作实践,就技协工作与工会工作的关系谈点初浅认识。  相似文献   

连续16年保持"全国模范职工之家"荣誉称号的新钢公司工会,以学习贯彻落实《企业工会工作条例》为契机,围绕公司中心工作,积极落实"办实事、树形象、讲奉献、创一流"工作方针,与时俱进,大胆创新,开创了工会工作新局面。尤其是通过深入开展创建星级"模范职工之家"活动,发挥了工会组织应有的职能作用  相似文献   

工会已成为企业文化建设的主管部门之一。工会抓好工会工作,就是工会抓企业文化建设的"抓手"和"入手点"。职工文化是工会维护职工精神需求权的重要途径和手段,利用职工文化平台提升职工素质,让更多职工在职工文化活动中实现自我价值。充分发挥职工文化在企业文化建设中的作用,把职工文化纳入企业文化战略总体规划中,为职工争取合法的闲暇时间。  相似文献   

韩晓东 《工友》2014,(6):38-39
正中煤科工集团武汉设计研究院(以下简称"武汉设计院")是一家知识密集型高科技企业,现有职工709人。近几年,武汉设计院工会始终围绕院中心工作,充分发挥工会组织的桥梁、纽带作用,通过建设有行业特色的"职工之家",使职工对企业有了"家"的感觉。主要做法党委行政重视,团结协作共创一个"家"武汉设计院党委、行政高度重视工会工作,将之作为重要内容列入院工作计划,从工会人员编制、经费预算、办公设施及活动场地等各方面给予大力支持。院党委经常召开党政工联席会议,及时研究工会工作和解决"职工之家"  相似文献   

以十六大精神为指导做好医院工会工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于医院工会来说,要改变以往为活动而活动的方式,必须围绕医院中心任务开展各项工作,把为医院的中心工作创造良好的氛围和环境,作为组织活动的出发点,特别是要把医院职工的思想和文化建设,以及提高职工的综合素质作为工会工作的主要任务.  相似文献   

工会工作与职工文化建设有着密切的联系,工会组织在推进职工文化建设的进程中,要坚持以职工为本,充分发挥工会的自身优势和独特作用,把以职工为本的理念融入职工文化之中,把职工文化的核心价值、原则要求、行为准则等等融人工会工作与活动中,通过参与职工文化建设的实践活动,努力推进职工文化建设。  相似文献   

王冬梅 《工友》2013,(9):29-29
在外资企业工作二十年的我,从事工会工作只有短短五年的时间,并且现就职的公司之前并没有成立工会组织,对于工会工作完全没有经验可循,我只是怀揣着一颗做好职工工作的心,脚踏实地履行自己的工作职责。这五年,武汉爱机工会工作的成果得到上级工会及职工的认可。如果让我来谈谈做了哪些事情,有什么体会,一时真不知从何说起,我觉得我只是比他人多了一份坚持,把该做的事儿都持续地开展下来了。  相似文献   

全国工会系统正在集中开展的“面对面、心贴心、实打实服务职工在基层”活动(以下简称“服务职工活动”),是贯穿于2012年工会工作的一条主线。开展服务职工活动,是做好新形势下职工群众工作的创新举措。深入基层、深入职工,了解职工所思所想所需,实实在在地为职工说话办事.  相似文献   

Hopeful expectations for the future have been shown to play an important role in the positive development of youth, including youth contributions to society. Although theory and some research suggest that familial socialization may influence future-oriented cognitions, little work has focused on the possible interrelation of parent–child relationships and the development of hope, particularly during adolescence. Accordingly, the first goal of this study was to identify developmental profiles of youth with respect to hopeful future expectations (HFE) and parental trust across adolescence. Next, we explored whether these developmental trajectories were related to youth Contribution, indexed by community leadership, service, and helping attitudes and behaviors. We used growth mixture modeling to simultaneously examine trajectories of adolescents’ perceived connections with parents (indexed by parent trust) and HFE among 1,432 participants (59 % female) from Waves 3 through 6 (Grades 7 through 10) of the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development. A four-profile model provided the best fit to the data, with the following profiles: Moderate HFE/U-shaped Trust; Moderate HFE/Increasing Trust; Both Decreasing; and Both High Stable profiles. We then explored whether hope-trust profiles were related to youth Contribution in Wave 7. Contrary to hypotheses, results indicated that the profile reflecting the greatest discrepancy in HFE and trust across early to middle adolescence (i.e., Moderate Hope/U-shaped Trust) was associated with the highest mean Contribution scores. The implications of the findings for future theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated that participation in out-of-school time activities is associated with positive and healthy development among adolescents. However, fewer studies have examined how trajectories of participation across multiple activities can impact developmental outcomes. Using data from Wave 3 (approximately Grade 7) through Wave 8 (approximately Grade 12) of the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development, this study examined patterns of breadth in out-of-school time participation in activities and associated outcomes in positive youth development (PYD), Contribution to self and community, risk behaviors, and depressive symptoms. We assessed 927 students (on average across waves, 65.4 % female) from a relatively racially and ethnically homogeneous sample (about 74 % European American, across waves) with a mean age in Wave 3 of 12.98 years (SD = 0.52). The results indicated that high likelihood of participation in activities was consistently associated with fewer negative outcomes and higher scores on PYD and Contribution, as compared to low likelihood of participation in activities. Changes in the breadth of participation (in particular, moving from a high to a low likelihood of participation) were associated with increased substance use, depressive symptoms, and risk behaviors. Limitations of the current study, implications for future research, and applications to youth programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Feminist Legal Studies - Aurat March [Women’s March] is an annual event organised in various cities across Pakistan to observe International Women’s Day. Since its inception in 2018,...  相似文献   

Arts and Media     
《Labor History》2012,53(2):167-169
The Little Steel strike of 1937 has taken on iconic significance for historians, in large part because of the anti-labor violence of the Memorial Day Massacre. What has garnered considerably less attention is the community mobilization that accompanied the strike. For a brief moment, steel workers and their allies challenged the anti-democratic tendencies in the Steel Workers Organizing Committee. While SWOC leaders focused almost exclusively on the achievement of a signed contract, women of the steel auxiliaries, workers on the picket line, and middle-class liberals from across Chicago sought to transform the strike into something larger than a showdown over union recognition. For this coalition, the Little Steel strike was a flashpoint in a wider struggle social democratic reform. In the mobilization prior to Memorial Day and in the protest movement that followed it, key elements of Chicago's liberal-labor coalition espoused the egalitarian values of the Popular Front. Far from an exercise in bread-and-butter moderation, the strike became the occasion for a larger social uprising. This expression of united front commitment drew on the example of the Unemployed Councils and the front-line militancy that is often only associated with the Flint sit-down strike and the general strikes of 1934. In Chicago, the Little Steel strike raised the possibility that steelworkers might embrace the ‘civic unionism’ that animated the left-led unions of the era.  相似文献   


The following paper was given at the MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT: LIFE WORK AND LEGACY conference held on 8 March 2017 to celebrate International Women’s Day. It was hosted by the Centre for Gender Studies of the University of Hull as part of the Hull City of Culture 2017 programme.  相似文献   

The documentary filmmaker Kim Longinotto talks to Catherine Fowler about her latest film The Day I Will Never Forget (2003) about female genital mutilation (FGM) in Africa. Longinotto’s films have consistently interrogated our understanding of womens’ place in the world, and her latest film is no exception. She discusses how she found her subjects: Fardohsa, a midwife who has been campaigning against FGM, a group of girls who have (successfully) taken their parents to court in order to prevent FGM being practised, and Fouzia, a girl of nine who reads a poem that she wrote the day after she was circumcised, asking her mother to explain why she put her daughter through such a painful experience. Longinotto also discusses the ethical issues raised by her filming of a circumcision of two sisters, and the wider issues that her film engages: the powerless position of women in African societies, the confusion of religion and culture in discussions of FGM, and the impact of saying ‘no’ to this practice.  相似文献   

2002年案例厂的调查表明,职工参与的价值取向,是削弱企业内部部门之间利益的组合而确认阶层之间利益分化的合理性,以谋求企业在市场环境下的生存和发展.有趣的是,职工参与的组织体制却是相对不变化的.企业行政管治的职能仍然存在,甚至进一步强化;而原来适应部门利益组合职能的企业内部部门、企业"单位"的组织形式,仍然能够担负阶层利益组合的职能,具有可观的生命力.也就是说,企业经营管理者阶层运用的行政手段仍然存在,甚至进一步强化;而普通职工阶层尚没有市场经济中一般意义上独立的组织身份,是在行政体制内寻找参与活动的空间.  相似文献   

The U.S.-led global LGBT human rights campaign, formalised on International Human Rights Day 2011, sutures human rights policing with a politics of protection. Centred on a singular LGBT victim of violence, the campaign’s multiple projects legitimate military and financial intervention under the auspices of human rights. This article examines the regulatory production of globalised LGBT rights through the nexus of international LGBT human rights/hate crime laws, U.S. asylum law, and equal protection treatment of sexual orientation. I argue that the juridical and ideological frameworks that guide state action in each of these areas converge in the construction of an immutable LGBT identity that is the object of racialised, culturally othered violence. This rendering of sexual difference through the flattening of culture elides structural violence and advances human rights imperialism.  相似文献   

The dimensions of Type A behavior were studied in 990 randomly selected adolescents and their conceptualization was clarified in terms of achievement striving, self-concept, and sense of control. The methods used were the AFMS to evaluate Type A behavior, the Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale, and Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory. Achievement striving was assessed using the questionnaire designed for this study. It was revealed that Type A consisted of two independent dimensions, both adding an equal contribution to the total score. One was an impatient, aggressive competitiveness related to a low self-esteem, low self-set achievement standards, and external locus of control. The other Type A exhibited competitiveness related to a sense of responsibility, leadership, social activity, high achievement striving, and high self-esteem. These factors may distinguish maladjusted competitiveness from healthy ambition and suggest that it is important to distinguish risk Type A individuals from Type A's who are potential leaders in society.Received Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her major research interest is psychosomatic medicine.  相似文献   

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