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My House My Home     
FOR people like me in China, roughly 20 or 30 years ago, the modest apartments allotted to us by the state were our homes, and I took it for granted that mine "belonged" to me. At that time, all apartments allotted to people were state-owned, nevertheless we felt more assured and confi dent than I think people do today, having to pay as-tronomical prices to put a house in their name, as verifi ed by their property ownership certificates. The deed has a sunset  相似文献   

My Story     

My Shopping List     
Millions of Chinese are hitting the roads, traveling back to their hometowns to celebrate the Spring Festival, the country's most important holiday. But amid the festive atmosphere, will their spending during the holiday be affected by the turbulent global economy? How do they intend to ride out the crisis for the rest of the year? Beijing Review interviewed 10 people from all walks of life and various professions about how they are coping with the financial downturn.  相似文献   

Istood alone on the beach. Green plants surrounded me. The sea was immense, and gave me a special kind of feeling. There were just a few people, no pollution, no noise and no bustle. It was like being in a landscape painting. I felt overwhelming appreciation for this tranquil and beautiful place.  相似文献   

美国加州西梅是用经日光照射成熟后的新鲜梅子,干制而成。它和新鲜的梅子一样,富含同样的维生素、矿物质和纤维,且便于随时享用。据最新科学研究,加州西梅富含抗氧化剂。抗氧化剂能延缓人体衰老,保持青春活力。  相似文献   

My Two Homes     
Irecently hadto fly back to Australia to have some urgently needed surgery. I have had the surgery, and my doctor has given me the all-clear to travel internationally, and to go back to teaching again. I will return to China very soon. Now, I am writing from my study in my modest but comfortable home in Robertson, Queensland. This is a very wealthy suburb of  相似文献   

THE decision on where to run my first marathon was an easy one: I chose my second home, Xiamen, a beautiful city with long beaches and a lovely climate. The route for the Xiamen marathon, which runs along the Island Ring Road, must be the most beautiful in the world. This year was the city's third to hold a marathon, and it attracted 15,000 participants from several countries. I downloaded a training program  相似文献   

People especially like to recall things of the past when they reach 60 or 70. The past events that one still remembers or have faded from one’s memory would come back clearly when mentioned by others. However,  相似文献   

SEVERAL years ago,I read anotice soliciting volunteerteachers to work in the west.It caught my interest and Iclipped it.Upon graduation in August2000,I postponed my graduate studies in sociology and joined the Fudan  相似文献   

The father of malicious software starts an Internet security service business Known as the father of rogue software in China, Zhou Hongyi, Chairman and CEO of community website Qihoo.com, has now realized his dream of becoming a free network security service provider.  相似文献   

My China Week     
I can't believe that I just spent10 days in China.I had to keeptelling myself. "I am in China,CHINA." It was sounreal.So faraway from home, so differentfrom anything I was accustomedto. yet we are all alike, all part ofthe human family. Though wemay look different. We all come  相似文献   

China,My Tattoo     
正When I close my eyes and think about China and my life there,it’s like a dream.I was 22 when I first landed at the Beijing Capital International Airport in 2009.From there,the 18-hour slow train ride to  相似文献   

I'n1968,a2,OOO-year-0ldlampshapedlikealady-.in-waitinRwasunearthed.ThiselegantculturalrelicfromtheHanDynasty(2O6B.C.-A.D.220)amazedartexperts,andbecamekn0wnasthefamous"ChangxinPalaceLantern."Fromthatday0nIfellinlovewithancientoillamps,andlaterIbegantoc0llectthem.FirstTryIboughtmyfirstlampattheJuShiZhai,asecondhandshoponYuquanRoadinBei-jing.LaoJi,theowner0fJuShiZhai,hadjustreturnedwithsomeg0odshehadfoundinthec0untrysideandtheflo0r0fhisr00mwasc0v-eredwithvari0uspotsandpans.Amongthedi…  相似文献   

Before coming to China, we all had our own ideas about China. I used to think that all Chinese were into martial arts. Also, due to the nation's advanced technology, I used to the think all tech-related gadgets and other electronics there would be very cheap.  相似文献   

My Mother and Me     
I was born in 1982, in theYimeng mountain area ofShandong Province, one ofthe poorest regions in eastChina. The local people therestill have a feudalistic mentality,and firmly believe that men aresuperior to women. Living in suchan environment, my mother and Ihave had to struggle hard to live adecent life.  相似文献   

<正>The first Chinese college student video and photo competition focusing on Tibet lifts its curtain  相似文献   

Like so many other people in the West, for a long time I have had a very romantic idea of Tibet as a mystical fantasy land. When, before the Beijing Olympics, somebody asked me what I thought about the riots in Lhasa, I realized I didn't really know anything about the past or the present reality in Tibet! This made me decide to start learning about the history and the current reality in Tibet.  相似文献   

There is no doubt in my mind that I will return to China to live. This may evolve to being a 50/50 arrangement with my other home in Australia, but I will return! I am not a big believer in lists, as they seem to be the hackneyed territory of gurus and spotlight seekers, but here I am going to make an exception! These are the top 10 reasons that I will come  相似文献   

I don't often get the chance to travel to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, one of China's wildest and most exotic provinces. It's a special place, and I was fortunate enough to have lived there for six months several years ago, when I worked for a Chinese oil company.  相似文献   

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