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进入21世纪以来,随着高新技术的突飞猛进和计算机信息网络的普及,传统物流开始向现代物流转变。与以运输为核心的传统物流不同的是,现代物流强调将有形的运输、仓库设备与无形的信息网络技术相结合,并向规模化、网络化、专业化方向发展。现代物流是为了满足消费者的需求而进行的从起点到终点间的有效流动和储存,并对其实施控制和管理过程。本文就现代物流的法律风险展开讨论,并提出解决在现代物流上的投资问题的对策。  相似文献   

许多无法预测的风险都有可能造成物流企业的重大损失,因此,现代物流企业的发展迫切需要保险提供支持,把风险转让给保险公司。一些保险公司也推出了物流责任保险,为物流企业分散经营风险提供了一条途径。物流责任保险是由保险人承保此物流业务经营过程中的综合责任的保险,但相关条款还不成熟,并没有达到预期的目标,有些方面还有待完善。本文着重探讨了物流责任保险的有关法律问题。  相似文献   

许多无法预测的风险都有可能造成物流企业的重大损失,因此,现代物流企业的发展迫切需要保险提供支持,把风险转让给保险公司。一些保险公司也推出了物流责任保险,为物流企业分散经营风险提供了一条途径。物流责任保险是由保险人承保此物流业务经营过程中的综合责任的保险,但相关条款还不成熟,并没有达到预期的目标,有些方面还有待完善。本文着重探讨了物流责任保险的有关法律问题。  相似文献   

随着全球一体化的到来,物流业的迅速的发展,我国的物流业成为国民经济的基础产业,在我国的市场经济中迅速的发展。而在物流企业的经营中存在严重的法律风险,需要物流企业采取相应的措施进行防范。文章通过分析物流企业的法律风险,深入的探析了物流企业法律风险产生的原因和物流企业规避法律风险的措施。  相似文献   

物流企业日常经营管理和对外营业活动在企业内外部形成诸多法律关系.但由于物流法律法规体系的滞后与不完善或物流企业缺乏风险防范意识,经常会遇到法律上的风险.文章通过对物流活动中各种法律风险的分析,探讨物流企业可采取的切实可行的防范措施,避免各种争议和纠纷的发生,维护自身利益.  相似文献   

完善我国现代物流法律制度的理论思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国现代物流处于起步阶段,物流法律制度的弊端成为制约现代物流发展的瓶颈。物流的国际化、现代性、系统化和规范化均要求完善我国的现代物流法律制度。要按照现代化和适当超前性的原则,出台现代物流发展的全国性产业规划和物流标准体系,整合、废除、修改和补充现有的法律法规,构建合理的物流法律制度。  相似文献   

现代物流系统基于信息技术的广泛支持,物流活动的合理化和纵深化发展要求高度的系统化管理。把握物流系统的内在特征出发,认识现代物流的系统化管理特征,有助于促进物流企业营运模式及管理理念的现代化演进。  相似文献   

朱平 《刑警与科技》2007,(5):157-159
随着全球经济一体化的发展趋势,现代物流与供应链的高效管理成为企业竞争力的核心,本文从现代物流信息化发展中亟待解决的核心问题,引入RFID技术应用于物流领域的优势,并通过案例的共享阐述了RFID物流供应链管理的解决方案及现阶段的主要应用,预示着RFID技术在现代物流供应链领域应用的美好前景。  相似文献   

吉林西部现代物流业发展基础与发展战略刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从吉林西部物流产业发展现状来看,大力发展现代物流业,是加快吉林西部地区快速崛起的重要途径之一.本文认为,吉林西部现代物流产业的发展从总体上应分三步走,按"滚雪球"式的发展路径,逐步迈上市域物流、区域物流和培育发展国际物流三个台阶.  相似文献   

第三方物流风险与责任保险探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第三方物流业在我国发展迅速,但是在经营的各个环节中也面临着多种风险,可以归结为与托运人、分包商的违约责任风险和与社会公众及环境之间的侵权责任风险。目前在物流责任保险领域保险业产品创新缓慢,现有的险种无法满足市场的需要。我们应当全面分析第三方物流业所面临的整体风险,开发真正适合市场需要物流责任保险。  相似文献   

在介绍第三方物流的概念的基础上,分析第三方物流经营人的法律身份及制定现代物流特别法的必要性与存在的困难,探讨第三方物流纠纷的处理思路,即依次确定合同的性质,确定第三方物流经营人的法律身份,确定争议适用的法律等,并介绍第三方物流纠纷的解决途径。  相似文献   

产品质量保证物流是运用物流管理的观念、方法和技术,在提高产品售后服务质量的同时,实现成本最小化的一种新观念。它对于越来越重视售后服务的企业具有重要的意义。本文综合了产品质量保证和物流管理的一些研究成果,构建了产品质量保证物流的理论框架,并从战略层面和战术运作层面讨论了相关问题,为进一步的研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The analysis of DNA from archaeological human remains is plagued by a unique set of methodological problems concerning contamination with modern exogenous DNA. Through an original approach, we propose complementary methods to identify all potential sources of contamination and complete guidelines for the validation of ancient human sequences. The study presented was conducted on non-European human samples (Polynesian and Amerindian) which were collected with all precautions during excavation. This permitted us to distinguish without ambiguity authentic and contaminant sequences. The samples' origins and histories were perfectly known, allowing us to trace all potential contamination sources and to determine the efficiency of precautions followed during all steps of the study. The data obtained confirm that precautions taken during sampling effectively prevent contamination. However, we demonstrate that human contamination can also be introduced during genetic analyses even if all precautions are strictly followed. Indeed, numerous human contaminations were detected in template-PCR products and negative controls, resulting in a striking diversity of contaminant mitochondrial DNA sequences. We argue that this contamination partly derives from the primers. To our knowledge, no previous experiment has been performed to investigate primers as a possible source of human contamination despite the fact that this specific type of contamination poses a real problem in terms of validating ancient human DNA studies. Finally, we confirm that the detection of contaminants in negative controls is clearly related to the number of PCR cycles used. This study enhances our understanding of contamination processes and confirms that, in reality, an absolutely contamination-free situation cannot be obtained. As a consequence, we propose improvements to the guidelines usually followed in the field in order to take the highly probable contamination of PCR reagents, including primers, into account.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and validation of the Home Inventory for Dangers and Safety Precautions – Illustrated Version to be used with parents whose children are at significant risk for home injury. Because illustrations are useful in facilitating learning by parents who have difficulty ensuring child and self home safety, colored illustrations representing 6 home rooms or areas were empirically developed for assessment purposes. The dangers depicted were selected from previous work and represented those associated with the majority of family home injuries. Score-sheets contained dangers and associated precautions administered to 62 referred young parents. Administration and psychometric characteristics were examined; specific hypotheses were tested. Obtained measures of internal consistency for dangers and precautions for all illustrations (except for Stairway) and for totals were satisfactory. Administration was suitable for use with this population. Parents were able to identify approximately half of the depicted dangers while being able to provide a suitable precaution for 40%. Reading comprehension was predictive of danger identification whereas reading recognition was predictive of precautions given. The HIDSP-IV is useful in assessing a parent's knowledge of dangers and precautions from which more individualized home safety instruction can occur.  相似文献   

物流企业所提供的质押监管业务是中国近年来快速发展的由商业银行借助物流企业的服务能力而开发的新型的动产担保模式。根据业务实践,归纳出三种类型的质押监管模式,重点对输出质押监管合法性及内在缺陷进行了探讨,分析了物流企业的义务与责任:物流企业的身份是委托法律关系下的受托人,代表银行占有质物,实现质权的设定与存续,在输出监管模式下,物流企业通过"共同控制、共同占有"的方式实现质权的设定与存续;保管义务是物流企业所承接的质权人——银行的法定义务,仅存在于自营仓库内的质押监管业务;物流企业对银行承担监管、受托义务,并对因其过错给银行造成的损失承担相应补充责任。  相似文献   

阐述第三方物流合同的概念、特征及主要内容,分析其法律性质,并在介绍与第三方物流合同相关的调整规范基础上,从合同的订立、归责原则、责任限制、时效及争议解决等方面分析第三方物流合同的法律适用。  相似文献   

马涛 《行政与法》2007,2(3):95-97
近年来我国物流产业的发展非常迅速,许多大城市都将现代物流业定位于核心产业,成为未来重点发展的对象,但我国的物流产业规划的法制化进程却不甚顺利,缺乏科学、稳定的程序与方法,与市场经济条件下以法治国的理念不相吻合,需要重新审视其正当性与合理性,并以法制化方式改变其过程。  相似文献   

The authors offer psychotherapists a proposed exception to strict acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related confidentiality laws. The proposal is based on previously established exceptions to the psychotherapist-patient privilege. The recommended breach of confidentiality applies only to cases that meet all of the following criteria: (1) A patient knows that he or she has a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive blood test and has been informed of AIDS-related safety precautions, (2) the HIV-positive patient has a mental disorder, and (3) it is reasonable to believe that the mental disorder has significantly impaired or may significantly impair the patient's ability and behavior to follow AIDS-related safety precautions.  相似文献   

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