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一、法律行为与公序良俗条款在私人自治原则之下,当事人得藉法律行为或合同自主地从事交易活动,立法者或裁判者原则上无权置喙此种民事活动的正当性与妥当性,因为“自治法既然强调自治,似乎就不应再渗入公共政策的考量,让它像一套中性的比赛规则一样,没有政策就是它的政策。这确实是传统民法从罗马法以降向来隐藏的一个大前提。”〔1〕然而,基于维护公共利益或当事人利益甚或其他正当理由的考量,法律也设置规范对私人自治予以一定的限制。综观世界各国或各地区民法关于法律行为或合同有效要件的规定,可以说,这些立法均毫无例外的以一定的表…  相似文献   

The problem of crime in a transition society in general, and in Russia in particular, is part of a much broader problem of "liberation from the state." The road to such liberation is not necessarily a peaceful one. The emergence of a new view on life, new ideas of what is permissible and what is not, what is morally justified and what is prohibited, may be manifested in the collective and concerted actions of society as a whole or in a significant segment of society, thereby producing a revolution. Also, the adoption of new moral practices and the rejection of older ones may take place at the individual level, and in this case we may speak of a person's "escape" from state and society.  相似文献   

This article argues that traditional views of employment as both financially necessary and morally imperative for guaranteeing a relatively smooth transition from adolescence to responsible adult status are naive in the context of a postindustrial society. Increased youth unemployment since the mid-1970s has excited considerable anxiety and debate about the criminal potential of “youth,” generating debate and research claiming a causal link between youth unemployment and crime. Analyzing this gives rise to inquiry about some of the old assurances and certitudes of full-time, waged labor in a context where full-time, waged labor is steadily becoming a minority activity for most people of working age. The pursuance of youth, political, and economic policies based on assumptions about an indefinite growth in the labor market, or a return to the “full-time employment” of the past, are problematic and require rethinking. Rather than providing corrective measures that entail the restoration of now unfeasible certainties (“full” employment), effort can be better spent appreciating the significance of the shift toward a postindustrial society and considering other ways of providing the inner stability and the fundamental social experiences for young people once obtained through waged work.  相似文献   

The "Philosophers' Brief," penned by six of today's most influential philosophers, was submitted as an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court as it prepared to consider the cases of Washington v. Glucksberg and Vacco v. Quill. It set precedent as the first such brief submitted by a group representing itself solely as moral philosophers. The brief became an overnight gold standard statement of the liberal philosophical understanding of the relationship of the State to so-called 'private morality.' The main thesis of the brief is that physician-assisted suicide regards the deeply personal event of death, and that individuals have a constitutionally guaranteed right to make decisions for themselves about the intimate details of their lives. In this article, James DuBois calls this the 'liberty thesis,' and he argues that the brief's application of this principle is both contradictory and impracticable. The contradiction arises as the brief proposes restrictions on the right to physician-assisted suicide--restrictions that require the State to abandon neutrality on intimate value judgments about life's worth. The impracticability arises insofar as the brief fails to leave room for a compelling State interest in promoting a minimal level of public virtue. Ironically, one of the strongest arguments that can be proffered on behalf of a State interest in preserving a minimal level of public virtue stems from its role in safeguarding human liberty.  相似文献   

政府职能作为政府专有的职责和作用,体现了国家行政管理活动的实质与方向,是政府活动的综合描述。但处于转型时期的我国政府职能还带有浓厚的计划经济色彩,存在着“错位”、“越位”和“缺位”现象,阻碍着政府功能的有效发挥,影响着经济与社会的快速发展。目前,我国的行政体制改革应注重创新政府行政理念,重塑政府角色,转变不合时宜的政府职能,使我国政府早日成为务实、勤政、廉洁、高效的现代化政府。  相似文献   

This article explores the prognosis for social welfare law provision in the light of the government's plans for the Community Legal Service. It considers whether the involvement of both the advice sector and the traditional legal profession can provide the basis for stable and comprehensive provision of social welfare law. I conducted in-depth interviews with CAB workers and local solicitors in the large conurbation served by two CABx who participated in the non-solicitor franchise pilot in 1997. The research focused on the relationships between the legal service providers and the impact of the franchise operation on the CAB. Although harmonious relationships were found to be largely intact at a local level, the franchise raised considerable tension within the CABx that must serve as a cautionary note to any optimism about 'establishing the Community Legal Service'.  相似文献   

罗小霜 《证据科学》2020,(2):146-158
证明方法自由原则是指与反兴奋剂违规有关的事实可以通过包括自认在内的任何可靠手段所确认。证明方法自由原则是法无禁止即自由原则在CAS兴奋剂仲裁证明活动中的具体化,由于CAS兴奋剂仲裁庭没有类似国内法中的强制性证据规则以遵循,因此当事人可以在不违背CAS所在国瑞士强行法的前提下自由使用任何证明方法。证明方法自由原则保障了当事人使用合理证据方法维护自身权益,但由于其基础理论是法无禁止即自由原则,因此规则对这一原则适用的束缚构成例外情况,而适用与例外构成了证明方法自由原则的面面观。而例外情况还存在需要进一步完善之处。当前我国兴奋剂纠纷仲裁制度正处于建设阶段,对证明方法自由原则的研究将有助于我国相关规则的制定,为全球反兴奋剂活动提供有益的成果。  相似文献   

The thesis of this paper is that we will not make significant progress in understanding the tensions between the legal and mental health systems until we look carefully at a series of dissonances that affect both systems. We must consider the way that the law frequently condones pretextuality as a way of dealing with troubling or cognitively dissonant information, and the way that mental health professionals encourage a self-referential concept of morality as a way of subverting legal doctrines with which they disagree. These dissonances must be considered contextually in connection with the ways that courts generally read social science data and the ways that jurors and legislators employ such cognitive devices as "ordinary common sense" and heuristic reasoning in their judgments of cases involving mental disability questions. To ameliorate the current dilemma, we must redefine institutional and professional roles, reconsider the way we privilege expertise, recalibrate our allocation of "moral jurisdiction" over these matters, and consciously confront the way our simplifying thinking mechanisms distort the underlying social and political issues.  相似文献   

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