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本文所谈的遗嘱的实现,是指遗嘱生效后,遗嘱继承人按遗嘱的内容取得、分配、分割财产,使遗嘱内容成为事实。这里的遗嘱指立遗嘱人生前所立.并可在其生前自由撤回,在其死亡后发生效力的以身份或财产处分为内容的要式文件。由于遗嘱是立遗嘱人死后生效的一种法律文件,因此有很多人以为,遗嘱在立遗嘱人死亡后,能够直接实现,有些管理部门甚至直接凭遗嘱确定遗产继承人,  相似文献   

秦以后的各种财产制度,包括养老制、祀产制、分家制、立继制(汉代为后户制)、拨产制等,均属家产制的范畴。用所有权、共有权等现代法学概念去理解家产制,殊有不妥。在家产制下,财产的传承和分配都受强制性的安排。在个人尚未解放之前,遗嘱还不能发挥其重要性。只有托孤遗嘱,以指定监护人和委托管理家产为内容,承担了维护家产和延续家庭的功能,从而成为家产制的重要子系统。  相似文献   

【裁判要旨】虽以协议形式出现但实质内容是自然人对自己死后财产分配处理的法律文件,因符合遗嘱特征,应当认定其为遗嘱而非分产协议。基于委托执行遗产分割意愿而将作为遗产的不动产转移到遗嘱执行人或指定代管人名下,取得不动产登记的遗嘱执行人或指定代管人仅是名义上的不动产所有权人,并不享有真正的完全所有权。  相似文献   

我国精神障碍患者刑事责任能力评定的法律依据是刑去第18条的有关规定.遵从医学标准与法学标准相结合的原则。但由于鉴定人在其理解和把握上存在很大差异。鉴定结论的分歧难以避免。责任能力标准化评定工具如罗杰斯刑事责任能力量表.国内蔡伟雄责任能力评定量表等专业评估工具对解决上述分歧有非常重要的现实意义。可以最大限度减少不同鉴定人对同一案例的鉴定分歧。也能为司法机关采信鉴定结论提供有循证基础的客观依据。但量表本身的信效度仍有进一步研究的必要。且不能取代法官或鉴定人作出鉴定决断的作用。  相似文献   

姬婧 《公民与法治》2011,(17):46-47
离婚时,财产分配应当遵循什么原则? 案例:刘某和其妻子张某因为感情不合而达成离婚的共识。两人在财产分配时产生了纠纷。刘某坚持认为都是自己在赚钱,张某没有上班,分配财产时应该自己多分。张某认为自己为了这个家付出很多.她结婚后为了全心全意地打点家务连工作都辞掉了。那离婚时,财产分配应该遵循什么原则?  相似文献   

遗嘱是财产人生前依照法律规定处分自己财产而待其死亡后生效的法律行为。任何智力正常的成年公民都可以立遗嘱决定自己身后财产的处置。公民立遗嘱时必须注意下述问题: 首先,遗嘱内容不得违反国家的法律、法令和政策。例如: 第一,遗嘱不能侵犯国家财产和集体财产。实践中,属以下三种情况的特别需要强调不得遗嘱处分:(一)城市公房。城市公  相似文献   

共同遗嘱公证实务中值得探讨的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈浩 《中国公证》2010,(2):39-41
共同遗嘱是遗嘱的一种特殊形式.又称联合遗嘱,或合立遗嘱、共立遗嘱,是指两个或两个以上的遗嘱人共同订立同一份遗嘱.对其死亡后各自或共同遗留的财产指定继承人继承的一种遗产继承方式。共同遗嘱具有多种表现形式,在目前公证实务中最常见的共同遗嘱形式是夫妻双方共同依照法律规定.对他们共同所有的财产或其他事务做出处分和安排.通常是共同指定第三人为遗产的继承人或受遗赠人。  相似文献   

杨进喜 《法制与经济》2008,(10):72-72,74
遗嘱是指公民生前按照法律的规定处分自己的财产及安排与此有关的事务并于死亡后发生效力的单方民事行为。遗嘱公证,是指公证机构对遗嘱人设立遗嘱行为的真实性、合法性依法证明的活动。遗嘱公证是公证机构的一项传统业务,随着公民法律意识的提高及公证影响的扩大,越来越多的公民选择立公证遗嘱来妥善处理自己以后的遗产(财产)。因此,办好遗嘱公证对预防纠纷、维护公民合法权益乃至家庭和谐和社会安定具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的寻找并确证合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定的考量的指标。方法回顾性收集合同纠纷中精神障碍民事行为能力评定案例中被鉴定人相关资料;对所提炼民事行为能力评定应当考量的6项指标,即处境认识、争端理解、结果认识、信息利用、环境功能和决定交流进行评定与分析。结果纳入与精神障碍者民事行为评定相关的合同纠纷案例56例,所有案例中民事行为能力均实行三级划分,即完全民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力、无民事行为能力。合同类型主要集中于两类,与房屋相关合同38例,劳动合同14例。经统计发现各考量指标与专家鉴定结论的相关性较高,相关系数0.703~0.834,6项指标内部相关性高,相关系数0.712~0.877。结论合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力可实行三级划分,上述6项指标对精神障碍者的民事行为评定具有较强代表性,可以此为基础进一步开展民事行为能力评定标准化和量化研究。  相似文献   

我国继承法中的特留份,指遗嘱人在用遗嘱处分自己的财产时应当为缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的法定继承人保留必要的遗产份额。特留份制度是国家为保护缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的法定继承人的利益,对遗嘱  相似文献   

通过对我国四法域遗嘱方式规范的比较可以发现,四法域立法在遗嘱形式分类、遗嘱见证程序及见证人资格等方面差异明显,在其他遗嘱方式事项上也各有特色。我国大陆地区的公证遗嘱、录音遗嘱、特别遗嘱及遗嘱见证人规范存在明显不足,应当借鉴其他法域的立法经验予以完善。  相似文献   

Determination of testamentary capacity involves not only application of standard tests for decisional competency but also consideration of such special factors as the testator's "moral duty" to those entitled to her or his bounty (also referred to as "common obligations of life"), and the concept of emotional capacity. It is important for medical and legal practitioners who are involved in assessment of testamentary capacity to be aware of these special factors or requirements, their nature and their effect on the validity of the testator's will. The relevant tests and special factors are examined from an historical perspective.  相似文献   

李建忠 《法律科学》2014,(1):176-185
在遗嘱的法律适用制度领域存在两大趋势:一是在体例结构上采用继承与遗嘱分立模式下的“遗嘱”体例;二是在同一制与区别制的应用上采用同一制。《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第四章采用法定继承与遗嘱分立的体例结构,在实践中将导致遗嘱法律适用制度结构残缺。在处理遗嘱方式法律适用时,该法采纳了同一制,但弃用了1961年《海牙遗嘱处分方式法律冲突公约》中的“住所”和涉及不动产时的“不动产所在地”连接点,弱化了公约在遗嘱方式上倡导的尽量使遗嘱方式有效原则。此外,该法第33条“遗嘱效力”概念语义含糊,必然给法院的审判活动带来困扰。鉴此,我国相关职能部门应当就相关法条做合理解释,并在必要时对相关制度予以修订。  相似文献   

Testamentary capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wills are more prone to challenge on the issue of testamentary capacity because, as people live longer, they are more likely to have the kind of conditions that interfere with capacity and because the courts seem to be more apt to hear evidence and allow findings of lack of testamentary capacity than in the past. Therefore, it is incumbent on attorneys to protect the interests of their clients by addressing the issue of testamentary capacity in any case in which a will contest might be anticipated. Ideally, attorneys in such situations should have their clients counsel with a psychiatrist who is knowledgeable and experienced in matters of probate and will contests. Further, the attorney and the client must provide extensive data (of the kind which a jury might ultimately obtain) on which the psychiatrist can base his or her conclusions that the client is of "sound mind."  相似文献   

关于设立“特留份”制度的立法构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张华贵 《现代法学》2004,26(4):151-156
“特留份”制度的产生源于对遗嘱自由的限制,当今世界各国不仅都在立法上对于遗嘱自由进行了一定程度的限制,而且从法律上规定被继承人应当为配偶和其他近血亲保留必要的遗产份额,已经成为世界上绝大多数国家的立法趋势。在新的社会条件下,我国立法应该怎样构建合理的遗嘱继承制度,从而保护配偶和其近血亲继承人的利益,是立法上急需解决的问题。本文对于有关这一问题的立法提出了自己的构想。  相似文献   

李宏 《法律科学》2010,(5):51-57
"家族协同说"是古代社会的遗产继承理论,近代思想家依据自然法提出了遗嘱继承"意志说",现当代法学家从关注社会利益的视角出发,提出了遗嘱继承"社会利益说"。西方遗嘱继承理念的变迁,表现为从"家族协同说"、"意志说"再到"社会利益说"这样一个历史发展过程,并呈现出多样化特质,但总的发展趋势与规律是走向个人、家庭与社会之间的利益平衡。  相似文献   

蒋月 《现代法学》2012,(5):46-53
从平衡遗嘱人意愿与其近亲属利益、否定歧视妇女的传统、维护社会公序良俗、保护社会公平等考虑,均有必要找到遗嘱自由的"恰当底线"。在域外继承法中,无论大陆法或英美法传统的国家和地区,普遍采取措施对遗嘱自由进行一定限制。我国现行《继承法》却对遗嘱处分无所限制,仅必留份除外。该种过度信赖遗嘱人自治的立法,与财产继承法自身承担的职责不符。改革开放以来,遗产分配争议明显增多,与现行遗嘱继承立法不足有直接关系。我国遗嘱继承立法宜借鉴域外继承法经验,对遗嘱处分实施适当的限制,引入结婚导致婚前所立遗嘱无效、特留份制,限制遗嘱处分婚姻居所等,以保护被继承人近亲属的应得继承份额。  相似文献   

This part establishes a uniform approach for the execution of military testamentary instruments (including wills), powers of attorney, and advance medical directives. It seeks public comment on specific aspects of the activity.  相似文献   

After 20 months of interment in a deep grave, the decomposed body of the 81-year old testator of a will was exhumed to sustain the burden of proof that he lacked testamentary capacity when the will was rewritten two days prior to his death. The brain was mushy and pulverized with complete disappearance of the brainstem, cerebellum and subcortical ganglia. Small foci of relatively intact dorsal frontal neocortex were identified. Sections from these foci were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, bielchowsky silver stain and immunostains for beta amyloid peptide (betaA4), tau and alpha-synuclein. Despite severe autolysis and decomposition, the bielchowsky stain and the betaA4 immunostains showed preserved frequent neuritic amyloid plaques with very few residual neurofibrillary tangles. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy was present. At the present time this case represents the first documented and reported case of direct tissue diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease pathology in a decomposed brain following long term burial in a deep grave.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a relentlessly progressive and fatal neurological condition that is inherited. It has serious and disabling physical and mental components. As such, it impacts upon those who have HD, those with the potential to inherit it, and those who care for those with HD in a wide variety of ways. These can have many legal ramifications including in relation to evolving impairments of capacity which can have an outcome in terms of involuntary status as mental health patients, testamentary capacity and the need for guardianship and administration. It can have effects upon fitness for parenting, obligations for spousal maintenance, and the quantum of compensation from a tortious incident to which a person is entitled. It has repercussions for criminal liability and culpability. This article reviews case law from a number of countries in relation to such matters, noting the broader radiation to others of the effects of HD, and reflecting on the need for legal and medical professionals to be aware of the legal consequences of HD for them to be able to discharge their responsibilities holistically, sensitively and informedly.  相似文献   

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