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Male and female college students stated how proud or ashamed they would be of 96 behaviors. The ratings by each sex were then factor analyzed. While personal accomplishments was found to be the primary factor for males, academic failure was the primary factor for females. An interpretation of these differences in terms of the operation of fear-of-failure dynamics among college women was suggested. Further examination of the factor structures revealed a larger number of morality-related factors for females than for males, suggesting that morality is more differentiated for females. The compatibility of this finding with previous research in the area of moral development was noted.This research was supported in part by a Michigan State University research grant to John Paul McKinney.Received Ph.D. from Michigan State University, 1979. Major interests are creativity, play, and values.Received Ph.D. from Ohio State University, 1961. Major interests are adolescence, values, and family patterns.Received Ph.D. from Michigan State University, 1979. Major interests are parent-adolescent separation, values, and evaluation research.  相似文献   

大学生创造力培养的心理学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创造教育 ,即培养具有创造力的学生是素质教育的重要内容。从心理学的视角出发 ,我们对大学生创造力的培养 ,应在充分把握学生心理特征的基础上 ,从教育观念、教学环境、人才模式、教育情景的改革等方面进行。  相似文献   

This paper describes a pilot program in the use of high school near dropouts as tutors for young children. The work is set in the context of adolescent developmental tasks and draws its rationale from the general human tendency to reach mastery by turning passivity into activity. We ask whether adolescents who have experienced a decade of school failure and misery might use the opportunity for a new form of more active contact with the schools to master old failures. We reasoned that the very area of failure, where these adolescents show apparent uninterest through truancy and minimal work, must be a highly emotionally charged one (albeit negatively) precisely because it is an area of failure. After describing the setting and the rationale, we analyze the experience for several tutors from the point of view of their relationship to (1) the tutees, (2) the tutor-supervisor, (3) the group of adolescent tutors, and (4) the social system of the elementary school.Received Ph.D. from Department of Social Relations, Harvard University, 1956. Main current research interest is in the developmental process.This work was conducted while on the staff of the Department of Psychiatry, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center. Currently Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, Montefiore Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Received Ph.D. from School of Education, New York University, 1971. Main current interest is in early childhood development.  相似文献   

A group of 29 college students who had been arrested or nominated as having participated in a street disturbance aimed at producing social change were interviewed. The interview schedule was highly similar to one which had been used to investigate attitudes toward violence in a random, representative sample of American men. The data collected from the arrestees are compared with data from college students in the national sample. This study shows that the arrestees are more likely to think that violence is necessary to produce social change than are college students generally, and are more likely to believe that existing social institutions are inadequate. As a group, the arrestees are more identified with white student demonstrators and black protestors than are college students generally. The arrestees are also likely to regard the police as untrusworthy, looking for trouble, and apt to dislike people like themselves. In addition to the negative attitudes toward the police held by the student arrestees, they are more likely to regard police actions as violence (and hence provocative) than are other college students. The arrestees are far more likely than other college students to cleave to humanistic values. However, most of the differences between the arrestees and other American college students could be predicted from a general model of the justification of violence, so that it appears that the student activists' beliefs differ not so much in kind from those of other Americans as they do in degree.This research was funded by NSF Grants GS 2424 and GS 28295 under a project codirected by Monica D. Blumenthal, Robert L. Kahn, and Frank M. Andrews.Currently Program Director at the Institute for Social Research in the Survey Research Center, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School. Obtained M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School and Ph.D. in physiology from the University of California, Berkeley. Currently engaged in social psychological research, with main interests focused on violence and the epidemiology of depressive disorders. Psychiatric interests are biologically oriented and focused on adult psychiatry.  相似文献   

This paper presents a longitudinal study of alcohol use among college students. Three hypothesized predictors of alcohol use are found to have an independent effect when the other predictors and prior drinking are held constant: the drinking context of the dormitory living group, informal social involvement in college, and lack of commitment to religious and academic values. These predictors are also related to the onset of drinking during the freshman year for those who entered college as abstainers. The pattern varies somewhat for males and females, with the dormitory contextual effect larger for females. Formal involvement in college activities and psychological stress have no independent effect on drinking. The results are discussed in relation to previous work on alcohol use.This research was supported in part by NIAAA Grant AA02863 and NIMH Grant MH28177 and Veterans Administration Research funds.Received Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford University in 1976. Current research interests include adolescent development, statistics, and environmental studies.Received Ph.D. in psychology from University of California, Berkeley, in 1960. Current research interests are personal and environmental influences on behavior.  相似文献   

The college years are a time of significant growth in the individual's adaptive capacities in the cognitive, emotional, and social domains. Erikson 's theory of 1963 predicts that the college years are specifically a time of growth in the psychosocial issue of ego identity, but along with this development are increases in other aspects of psychosocial functioning. The opportunity to test this prediction across three cohorts of college students was presented through an expanded follow-up study of Constantinople's 1969 classic investigation of psychosocial development in a sample of over 300 undergraduates. Data were collected from undergraduates attending the same university in 1977 and 1988, allowing for a three-wave cross-sectional sequences design. The results indicated that, for all times of measurement and most of Erikson's psychosocial stages, college seniors generally had higher development than their younger classmates. Furthermore, females generally had higher psychosocial development scores than did males. The lack of cohort differences in the observed patterns of development and the minimal extent of cohort differences across college classes suggests that personality development during college is relatively uninfluenced by shifting psychosocial pressures over decades of social change.Received Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts. Research interest is human factors.Received Ph.D. from Columbia University. Research interest is psychosocial development in adulthood.  相似文献   

试论网络条件下的大学生非正式群体   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
网络条件下的大学生非正式群体具有虚拟性、相似相异性、跨时空性、中心人物的不确定性等7个方 面的新特点,并由此形成一些新的类型,从而引发管理上的不可调控、心理依赖和精神焦虑、道德失范等新问题。  相似文献   

The present research was designed to examine factors associated with career and marriage orientations in male and female college students. The first phase of the research identified qualitatively different factors associated with variations in life structure. Respondents completed an open-ended questionnaire which elicited the perceived consequences and normative pressures concerning three life structure alternatives: (a) emphasizing career, (b) emphasizing marriage, and (c) placing equal emphasis on career and mariage. A set of 24 concerns was identified, and sex differences on several of these dimensions were noted. In general, the data were consistent with previous analyses of value structures in adults. The second phase of the research used a quantitative approach to examine the three life structure alternatives. Males and females did not differ in the relative emphasis they intended to give to career and marriage. However, sex differences in the perceived consequences of the life structure alternatives were noted.This research was conducted while the first author was a National Research Service Award (NIMH) trainee, Grant No. 1 T32 MH14593. A modified version of this paper was presented at the 87th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, september 1979.Current research interest is psychosocial development during the adult years.Received Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, 1976. Current research interest is attitude theory and measurement.  相似文献   

The Rokeach Terminal Value Scale and an attitude questionnaire were administered to two similar groups of female Israeli students before and after the Yom Kippur War. The second group also responded to a questionnaire about the effects of the war on the importance attributed to each of the values. The results were as follow: (a) Subjects stated that after the war 14 out of the 18 values in the Rokeach list increased in importance. (b) The war brought about a significant increase in the relative importance (rank) of 4 values (Pleasure, National Security, Happiness, and Mature Love), and a significant decrease in Equality. (c) No attitude change was found in respect to issues related to the war itself. (d) Values accounted for a smaller percent of the variance in attitudes after the war than they did before it. In view of these findings it is suggested that a distinction be made between relative and absolute importance within a value system.Received his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Fields of interest include cognitive processes, psychology of mathematics education, and evaluation.Recieved his Ph.D. from the Committee on Human Development, the University of Chicago. Fields of interest include motivation and moral development.  相似文献   

This article reports the development of the 54-item College Chronic Life Stress Survey (CCLSS) and its use in prospective studies of the relationship between chronic stress and psychological distress in college students. Study 1 demonstrated the CCLSS's test-retest reliability and concurrent validity (best friend corroboration of specific items). Study 1 also revealed differential endorsement of specific CCLSS items as a function of gender and year in college. Study 2 cross-sectional and prospective analyses showed that CCLSS chronic stress was a significant predictor of distress. Study 3 cross-sectional analyses showed that the CCLSS effects withstood the statistical control of neuroticism. The findings suggest the value of future research on chronic stress and demonstrate the utility of the CCLSS in studies with college students.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Delaware. Current interests include child sexual abuse, family therapy, and psychology internship training.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Florida State University. Current interests include research on stress-related growth and the role of social cognition in stress vulnerability. To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

This study was desgined to examine gender differences in identity formation in late adolescents from divorced mother-custody families. Fifty-seven female and thirty-nine male college students ranging in age from 17 to 25 years completed the Child's Report of Parental Behavior [E. S. Schaeffer (1965) Children's Reports of Parental Behavior: An Inventory, Child Development, Vol. 36, pp. 412–482] and were interviewed using the J. E. Marcia [(1966) Development and Validation of Ego Identity Status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 3, pp. 551–558] semistructured Identity Status Interview. While no differences between males and females were found in ratings of overall identity status, significantly more females were in the achieved category within the domains of occupation and attitudes toward premarital sex. Also, males perceived their mothers as significantly more accepting and less controlling than did females. The absence of the father and the altered role of the mother appear to have a differential impact on males and females who have grown up in mother-custody families. Implications of these and other findings are discussed.Received Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Teachers College Columbia University. Research interests include adolescent identity formation, the intersection and integration of personal and career counseling, and career development.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):107-114
American Labor: from Conspiracy to Collective Bargaining. Created by Leon Stein and Philip Taft. New York: Arno Press. 1969.60 volumes. $744.50.1

Women in Industry: A Study in American Economic History. By Edith Abbott. New York and London: D. Appleton. 1910. 408 pp. $14.50.

The Working‐Class Movement in America. By Edward and Eleanor Marx Aveling. Second edition. London: Swan Sonnenschein &; Co. 1891. 239 pp. $9.00.

The American Labor Movement: A Short History. By Mary Ritter Beard. New York: Macmillan. 1931. 206 pp. $7.50.

The Strike for Union. By Heber Blankenhorn. New York: H. W. Wilson. 1924. 259 pp. $9.50.

Labor Economics. By Solomon Blum. New York: Henry Holt. 1925. 579 pp. $20.00.

Women in Industry. By Louis D. Brandéis and Josephine Goldmark. New York: National Consumers' League. 1907.121 pp. $5.00.

American Syndicalism: The I.W.W. By John Graham Brooks. New York: Macmillan. 1913. 264 pp. $9.50.

Women and the Trades. Pittsburgh, 1907–1908. By Elizabeth Beardsley Butler. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1909.440 pp. $15.50.

Homestead: The Households of a Mill Town. By Margaret F. Byington. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1910. 307 pp. $11.00.

Labor and Politics: The Attitude of the American Federation of Labor toward Legislation and Politics. By Mollie Ray Carroll. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin. 1923. 206 pp. $7.50.

The Molly Maguire Riots: Industrial Conflict in The Pennsylvania Coal Region. By J. Walter Coleman. Richmond: Garrett and Massie. 1936. 189 pp. $7.00.

Men and Coal. By McAlister Coleman. New York: Farrar &; Rinehart. 1943. 350 pp. $12.50.

Industrial Goodwill. By John R. Commons. New York: McGraw‐Hill. 1919. 213 pp. $8.00.

Industrial Government. By John R. Commons and others. New York: Macmillan. 1921. 425 pp. $15.00.

Annals of the Great Strikes in the United States. By Joseph A. Dacus. Chicago: L. T. Palmer. 1877. 480 pp. $17.00.

The Laborer: A Remedy for His Wrongs. By William Dealtry. Cincinnati: William Dealtry. 1869. 420 pp. $14.50.

The Worker in Modern Economic Society. By Paul H. Douglas, Curtice N. Hitchcock, and Willard E. Atkins. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1923. 929 pp. $32.00.

Work‐Accidents and the Law. By Crystal Eastman. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1910. 361 pp. $13.00.

The Labor Movement in America. By Richard T. Ely. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. 1886. 399 PP. $14.00.

Problems in Labor Relations. By Herman Feldman. New York: Macmillan. 1937. 353 pp. $12.50.

The Steel Workers. By John A. Fitch. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1911. 393 pp. $14.00.

Labor Problems: A Book of Materials for Their Study. By Edgar S. Furniss and Lawrence R. Guild. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Riverside Press. 1925. 621 pp. $22.00.

Working People and Their Employers. By Washington Gladden. Boston: Lockwood, Brooks. 1876. 241 pp. $9.00.

Labor and the Common Welfare. By Samuel Gompers. New York: E. P. Dutton. 1919. 306 pp. $11.00.

American Labor Dynamics, in the Light of Post‐War Developments. J. B. S. Hardman, editor. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1928. 432 pp. $15.00.

Voluntarism in Organized Labor in the United States, 1930–1940. By George Gilmary Higgins. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. 1944. 182 pp. $7.00.

The Strike: A Study in Collective Action. By Ernest T. Hiller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1928. 304 pp. $11.00.

Studies in American Trade Unionism. By Jacob H. Hollander and George E. Barnett. New York: Henry Holt. 1906. 380 pp. $13.50.

The Voice of Labor. By Symmes M. Jelley. Philadelphia: H. J. Smith. 1888. 401 pp. $14.50.

Autobiography of Mother Jones. By Mary Jones. Edited by Mary Field Parton. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr. 1925. 242 pp. $9.00.

Some Ethical Gains Through Legislation. By Florence Kelley. New York: Macmillan. 1905. 341 pp. $12.00.

The Making of America: Labor. Robert M. LaFollette, editor. Chicago: John D. Morris. 1905. 433 pp. $15.00.

Civil War in West Virginia. By Winthrop D. Lane. New York: B. W. Huebsch. 1921. 128 pp. $5.00.

Conditions of Labor in American Industries. By W. Jett Lauck and Edgar Sydenstricker. New York and London: Funk &; Wagnalls. 1917. 404 pp. $14.50.

Adjusting Immigrant and Industry. By William M. Leiserson. New York and London: Harper &; Brothers. 1924. 356 pp. $12.50.

The Knights of St. Crispin, 1867–1874. By Don D. Lescohier. Madison, Wisconsin: Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, No. 355. 1910. 101 pp. $4.50.

I Break Strikes! The Technique of Pearl L. Bergoff. By Edward Levinson. New York: Robert M. McBride. 1935. 314 pp. $11.50.

Men, the Workers. By Henry Demarest Lloyd. New York: Doubleday, Page. 1909. 280 pp $10.50.

The Women's Garment Workers: A History of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. By Louis Lorwin (Louis Levine). New York: B. W. Huebsch. 1924. 608 pp. $21.50.

Children in Bondage. By Edwin Markham, Benjamin B. Lindsey, and George Creel. New York: Hearst's International Library. 1914. 411 pp. $14.50.

American Labor Unions. By Helen Marot. New York: Henry Holt. 1914. 275 pp. $10.00.

Organized Labor and the Law, with Special Reference to the Sherman and Clayton Acts By Alpheus T. Mason. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1925. 265 pp. $10.00

A Plain Man's Talk on the Labor Question. By Simon Newcomb. New York: Harper &; Brothers. 1886. 195 pp. $7.50.

The Modern Factory: Safety, Sanitation and Welfare. By George M. Price. New York: John Wiley &; Sons. 1914. 574 pp. $20.00.

The Problem of Group Responsibility to Society. By John Herman Randall. New York: Columbia University. 1922. 296 pp. $10.00.

Social Insurance, with Special Reference to American Conditions. By I. M. Rubinow. New York: Henry Holt. 1913. 525 pp. $18.50.

Readings in Trade Unionism. By David M. Saposs. New York: George H. Doran. 1926 451 pp. $15.50.

Union Policies and Industrial Management. By Sumner H. Slichter. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institute. 1941. 611 pp. $21.50.

The Accused and the Accusers, The Famous Speeches of the Eight Chicago Anarchists in Court. Socialistic Publishing Society. Chicago: Socialistic Publishing Society, n.d. 188 pp. $7.00.

The Pullman Strike. Leon Stein, editor. New York: Arno Press. 1969. 254 pp. $9.50.

Religion, Reform, and Revolution: Labor Panaceas in the Nineteenth Century. Leon Stein and Philip Taft, editors. New York: Arno Press. 1969. 581 pp. $21.00.

Wages, Hours, and Strikes: Labor Panaceas in the Twentieth Century. Leon Stein and Philip Taft, editors. New York: Arno Press. 1969. 528 pp. $18.50.

A Momentous Question. The Respective Attitudes of Labor and Capital. By John Swinton. Philadelphia and Chicago: Keller. 1895. 498 pp. $17.50.

The Labor Movement: Its Conservative Functions and Social Consequences. By Frank Tannenbaum. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1921. 259 pp. $9.50.

Instincts in Industry: A Study of Working‐Class Psychology. By Ordway Tead. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin. 1918. 222 pp. $8.00.

Labor's New Millions. By Mary Heaton Vorse. New York: Modern Age Books. 1938. 312 pp. $11.50.

The Government in Labor Disputes. By Edwin E. Witte. New York and London: McGraw‐Hill. 1932. 352 pp. $12.50.

The Working Girls of Boston. By Carroll D. Wright. Boston: Wright &; Potter. 1889. 133 pp. $5.50.

The Wage Policies of Labor Organizations in a Period of Industrial Depression. By Vertrees J. Wyckoff. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1926. 119 pp. $5.00.

American Labor Struggles. By Samuel Yellen. New York: Harcourt, Brace. 1936. 398 pp. $14.00.  相似文献   

A sampling of 1629 students, from 22 high schools, responded to questions regarding cheating in and outside of school. Of this number, 515 were enrolled in the college prep and 744 in the general curriculum. More similarities than statistically significant differences were found in a comparison of their responses. From 25 to 75% of their peers were estimated to be cheaters. Boys were more often guilty than girls. Cheating in mathematics was most common. Failure was the agreed upon punishment for apprehension—to be administered by the teacher. Neither group would squeal on a cheater. A similar number of each would cheat in a pinch. Both have turned in the work of others. Students in both curricular areas agreed that cheating transferred from school to job. Crime does not pay. Cheating was usually discovered. Breaking a law was a form of dishonesty. However, more college prep students admitted trying to cheat on tests while fewer of them would resort to plagiarism or lie to their parents about school. More general students felt that cheating hurt the cheater and few would trust one.Received ED.D. from Georgia Peabody College for Teachers. Currently is a Professor of Educational Psychology in the College of Education at the University of Georgia, teaching courses in Educational Psychology and Adolescent Psychology. Major research interest is in adolescence.  相似文献   

To assess the predictive value of recklessness in suicidality, 155 college students took the Sommerfeldt-Clark Adolescent Experience Scale (S-C), Zung Self-Rating Depression scale, Reasons for Living Inventory (RFL), and the Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI). The S-C Suicidal Tendencies subscale accounted for the most variance in suicidality (26.0%) and Coping Beliefs of the Reasons for Living subscale accounted for additional variance (5.6%). Further, the S-C was moderately internally consistent (Cronbach alpha=.83) and had adequate validity, as indicated by significant correlations in the expected directions with the SSI total score (r=.25, p< .01), and RFL total score (r= –.28, p<.001). Recklessness was not a component of suicidality among those non-clinical older adolescents, but may be a factor in clinical or younger samples of adolescents.Received M.A. in Psychology from Xavier University, Ohio. Research interests include suicide, eating disorders, and adolescence.Received Ph.D. from Georgia State University. Research interest: suicide.  相似文献   

Although people assume that peer pressure is an influential component of adolescent development, few empirical studies have investigated the nature and extent of its influence. Using retrospective accounts from 297 college undergraduates, the present study assessed how much pressure peers exerted in numerous areas of high school life and how this pressure influenced teenagers' attitudes and behaviors. One-third of both genders identified peer pressure as one of the hardest things they had to face as a teenager. Generally, however, peer pressure appeared stronger for females than males, and the genders disagreed about the areas in which pressure was strongest. Perceptions of peer pressure were significantly associated with dating attitudes, sexual activity, and use of drugs and alcohol, but not with relationships with parents. The findings suggested that adolescents may be their own worst enemy in any attempt to break away from gender-stereotypic attitudes and behavior.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, Committee on Human Development. Research interests include effects of peer and confidant relationships on adolescents' identity development and ability to cope with stressful life changes.  相似文献   

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