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自《反垄断法》实施以来,第一个也是迄今为止唯一一个被商务部禁止的集中案件——可口可乐收购汇源案,引发了广泛的争议。从反垄断法的角度来看,需要在相关市场及市场控制力、市场进入和效率抗辩等几个方面展开具体分析。通过分析发现,集中并不会导致强有力的市场控制,果汁饮料市场的市场进入情况也相对容易。集中还可能提高效率,尽管要证明效率为集中所特有并必然给消费者或社会公众带来福利仍然较为困难。商务部的禁止决定存在"合法但不合理"的嫌疑,实则反映了我国公平有效的竞争制度的缺失。要杜绝类似的合理性怀疑,还需搭建更为基础的竞争制度平台。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A clandestine chemist was observed producing heroin from crude morphine utilizing a solution of sodium hypochlorite during the process. Numerous chlorinated opium alkaloid derivatives were created when the morphine acetylation reaction was quenched and neutralized with a solution of sodium hypochlorite and ammonium hydroxide. Four of these compounds, 1-chloroheroin, 1-chloroacetylcodeine, 1-chloro-O6-monoacetylmorphine, and 2'-chloropapaverine, were characterized via preparative isolation, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and independent synthesis. These chlorinated derivatives were formed via electrophilic aromatic substitution with free chlorine during the illicit process. Although no illicit heroin exhibits containing these compounds have been observed in seizures to date, mass spectral data are provided for several of these compounds for their identification should they be seen within future seizures of illicit heroin.  相似文献   

常女,7岁.1997年3月15日下午6时左右失踪,次日发现被人抛尸于村外河沟内.尸检见常女发育正常,营养中等,尸斑不明显,尸僵存在于全身各处,较强硬.颈部有一索沟,有表皮剥脱及点状皮肤出血.颜面部青紫,口鼻有血性液体,口唇粘膜有点状出血.双眼球睑结膜有点状出血.处女膜完整,小阴唇内侧面有点片状膜内出血.解剖见颈部皮下及肌肉无明显出血,心脏浆膜面有点状出血,内部窒息征象明显.胃基本呈充盈状态,胃内容物呈半糊状,重约300g,其内容物可分辨出有梨皮、菠菜、大米、面疙瘩、粉条等.根据胃内容的量及消化程度推断死亡距最后一餐时间为2小时左右.(就餐时间一般指正餐时间).  相似文献   

常女 ,7岁。 1 997年 3月 1 5日下午 6时左右失踪 ,次日发现被人抛尸于村外河沟内。尸检见常女发育正常 ,营养中等 ,尸斑不明显 ,尸僵存在于全身各处 ,较强硬。颈部有一索沟 ,有表皮剥脱及点状皮肤出血。颜面部青紫 ,口鼻有血性液体 ,口唇粘膜有点状出血。双眼球睑结膜有点状出血。处女膜完整 ,小阴唇内侧面有点片状膜内出血。解剖见颈部皮下及肌肉无明显出血 ,心脏浆膜面有点状出血 ,内部窒息征象明显。胃基本呈充盈状态 ,胃内容物呈半糊状 ,重约 30 0 g ,其内容物可分辨出有梨皮、菠菜、大米、面疙瘩、粉条等。根据胃内容的量及消化程度…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate a measure of criminal thought content entitled the Criminal Thought Content Inventory (CTCI). The 30-item CTCI generates a total score and scores for three individual dimensions or scales: Negative Attitudes toward Authority (NAA), Positive Attitudes toward Deviance (PAD), and Criminal Identity (CID). Students from two universities (N?=?335 and 456) completed the CTCI, along with measures of criminal thought process and delinquent behavior. According to the results of several analyses, the CTCI possesses adequate internal consistency, good test-retest reliability, and adequate concurrent validity. Confirmatory factor analyses performed on both samples offered support for the three-dimensional structure of the CTCI and an item response theory analysis indicated that over 80% of the items loaded at least moderately on a single latent trait. These results suggest that the CTCI possesses the requisite psychometric properties to warrant inclusion in studies investigating criminal thought content.  相似文献   

杜雪晶  崔胜实 《行政与法》2005,1(4):121-122
本文是关于非刑罚化内涵的探讨,非刑罚化的内涵是研究非刑罚化问题的基础,正确认识非刑罚化的内涵是刑法发展的要求,也是非刑罚化理论应用于实践的前提。  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending its food labeling regulations for the expanded use of the nutrient content claim "lean" on the labels of foods categorized as "mixed dishes not measurable with a cup" that meet certain criteria for total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol content. This final rule responds to a nutrient content claim petition submitted by Nestlé Prepared Foods Co. (Nestlé) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act). This action is also being taken to provide reliable information that would assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices.  相似文献   

In the forensic literature the opinion is often held that the presence of aqueous liquid in the paranasal sinuses in conjunction with other findings (plume of froth around the mouth and nostrils, emphysema aquosum, Paltauf's spots, increased haemolysis etc.) can be regarded as a sign of drowning. Especially the sphenoid sinus is easily accessible at autopsy; its content can be aspirated from the base of the skull with a cannula. The valency of the liquid content in the sphenoid sinuses was consecutively investigated in 60 deaths by drowning and 157 other deaths. The results showed that in 92% of the deaths by drowning between 1 ml and 4 ml of aqueous fluid could be found in the sphenoid sinuses. However, a positive result was also obtained in 52% of the other cases autopsied, but in the control group the average volume of the aspirate was smaller than in the group of deaths by drowning.  相似文献   

任明艳 《行政与法》2006,(6):119-122
遗嘱内容和效力的法律适用是涉外遗嘱继承关系的一个十分重要的问题,但是理论界对此的研究很少,我国现有的立法未对遗嘱继承之准据法作出明确规定。为此文章拟对上述的问题进行深入的探讨和分析,兼对《中华人民共和国民法(草案)》第74条进行评析,并提出修改意见。  相似文献   

论基本医疗卫生法的立法定位及其主要内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基本医疗就是要让国民小病看得起、医保广覆盖、医疗服务质量有保障的满足患者基本医疗需求的医疗模式。基本医疗卫生法就是围绕这一核心予以规制和保障的法律。基本医疗卫生法是公民健康保障的基本法律,是跨领域跨专业的综合性法律,是各具体职能部门共同保障基本医疗服务的法律。基本医疗卫生法的立法基本原则是理论与实践相结合的原则、平衡各方利益的原则、厘清争议问题的原则。基本医疗卫生法立法的核心内容包括:基本医疗卫生法的基本原则、政府的基本医疗保障责任、医疗保险付费为主的多渠道医疗费用筹措机制、基层医疗机构担负国民健康守门员的职责、弱势群体医疗救助制度等。  相似文献   

Although proprietary medicines and decoction of processed aconite roots are the most widely used, tincture accounts for the great majority of aconite poisoning cases in China, indicating that it is much more toxic than other formulations. Aconite tincture is often self-prepared at home and raw aconite plants or roots are often used. Even if processed aconite roots were used to make the tincture, the amount of Aconitum alkaloids is highly variable, depending on the adequacy of processing and quality control. Aconitum alkaloids dissolve efficiently in alcohol. For these reasons, tincture contains very high concentrations of Aconitum alkaloids. Despite its high intrinsic toxicity, overdose of aconite tincture by the users has been common. Severe aconite poisoning can be complicated by fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias and asystole. The public should be repeatedly warned of the danger of taking aconite tincture by mouth.  相似文献   

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