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经过近一年执政,特朗普政府对外贸易政策的目标和优先议程逐渐清晰。为实现削减贸易逆差和促进国内投资的目标,特朗普政府推进有别于前几届政府的贸易政策议程,包括强化经济主权、减少国际规则约束、修改贸易协定和加强贸易执法等。特朗普政府的贸易新政在目标和手段上显出内在矛盾,且受到国内不同政策主张、经济利益集团和国会牵制的影响,在实施过程中将面临诸多挑战,可能会经历不断的调整。  相似文献   

America First, featuring its appeals in prioritization and choice of new policies, has become a constant motif of Trump's diplomacy, but shortcomings of leadership capabilities and constraints from domestic politics have dulled its initial cutting edge. Ironically, Trump's confusion in strategic thinking of America First might make the US the biggest loser of the concept he has long advocated.  相似文献   

While President Trump's governing concept and policy preferences would inevitably affect the US agenda and pattern of interaction with China, fundamentally it is the political, economic and social changes within the two countries that have driven the transformation of bilateral relations. The new phase of the United States' China policy has thus put forward higher requirements for bilateral interactions.  相似文献   

More than two years into its implementation, the Biden administration’s climate diplomacy has left its imprint on global climate governance and low-carbon transition. It has somewhat restored international confidence in the US, repaired America’s global image, and reshaped the country’s influence and leadership in international affairs. However, domestic and external challenges cannot be ignored, and the US strategic competition against China is likely to severely restrain the two countries’ cli...  相似文献   

Trump’s South China Sea policy is now returning to balance and rationality following the initial tough stance that caused concern.The US will continue to meddle in the disputes,but it will be more difficult to influence the situation as regional actors adjust their policy objectives.  相似文献   

Japan is adopting the most independent and high-profile attitude toward the rest of the world since the end of World War II. Its pursuit of strategic independence will likely shape it into a major power in the international political arena. In addition to affecting Japan's own peace and prosperity, it will also change the future East Asian order.  相似文献   

The Paris Agreement reflects a basic international consensus on climate change. Its implementation will reform international climate cooperation in a profound way,and also provide an important window for China to showcase its global governance concepts.  相似文献   

As two important forces in the looming multipolar world, the EU and India have seen their strategic partnership warming up, which is driven by their increasing convergences in terms of diplomatic objectives, policy focus, industrial development, and specifically the policy toward China. However, their closer security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific for geopolitical purposes will further complicate the landscape of regional power rivalry, while the structural contradictions in their relationship ...  相似文献   

Guided by the principle of sincerity,real results,affinity,good faith and the concept of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests,China’s Africa diplomacy is the best interpretation of fostering a new type of international relations and building a community with a shared future for mankind.  相似文献   

While Trump’s cybersecurity policy adjustment experienced a dynamic process,the concept ofAmerica Firstand a significant tendency to contract inward has been prominent.Under external threats and domestic pressures,cybersecurity would inevitably remain an important issue and its negative impacts on China-US relations would be continuously on the rise.  相似文献   

正With the approach of the 2015 deadline for the United Nations’Millennium Development Goals(MDGs),the formulation and implementation of new development goals was put on the agenda.After two years of discussions,the global development agenda for2016 to 2030 was formulated and passed by the UN General Assembly at the end of September 2015.The new international development agenda consists of two parts,namely global development goals and international responsibilities,  相似文献   

For Dragana Mitrovic, a professor at the University of Belgrade, the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative is a complex and multilevel initiative, which will take decades to fully develop. The initiative can be viewed as an attempt by China and its partners to reshape the existing global order and better tailor it to their needs.  相似文献   

As the product of an accurate comprehension of both the trend of the times and China's own development stage, the concept of safeguarding maritime rights and interests in the new era serves as a realistic and far-reaching guiding principle to conduct current and future maritime rights protection. Under its guidance, a new pattern of China's maritime interaction with neighboring countries and major powers outside the region is taking shape.  相似文献   

The UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represents an updating of the UN Millennium Development Goals based on integrated development. China is implementing the 2030 Agenda in light of its own conditions,and seeking to achieve an early harvest in poverty eradication.  相似文献   

正At the end of the first decade of the 21st century,changes took place in the international strategic landscape,with the ability of the West to dominate world affairs widely questioned in the wake of the global financial crisis.And following the series of regime changes that the United States and some European countries pushed in the name ofrevolutionsin the Middle East,North Africa and members of the former  相似文献   

正On January 1,2015,the Eurasian Economic Union(EEU)was put into operation.That same year,it signed a free trade agreement with Vietnam,which demonstrated its collective bargaining power.A road map for the medium term has now taken shape.However,the huge differences between the member states mean the union is short of cohesion,and its prospects are not optimistic.The Successful Launch of the EEU  相似文献   

China's cooperation with CEE countries constitutes a new growth driver in China's relations with the EU and is an important component in in in China's all-round diplomatic strategy in the new era. In this respect, the cooperation mechanism in future is bound to face challenges as well as opportunities.  相似文献   

Strategic planning for the Belt and Road Initiative has been well orchestrated and registered gratifying progress, but it also faces multiple challenges that are impossible to ignore. To advance the initiative calls for innovative ideas, image and discourse building, and specific solutions.  相似文献   

In stark contrast to the increasing geopolitical and geo-economic value of the Indian Ocean, the effects of regional governance mechanisms are less satisfactory than expected to address the intertwined traditional and non-traditional security threats. The international community should, based on existing security mechanisms, work to build a kind of governance that is more open, inclusive, pragmatic and sustainable.  相似文献   

China-Africa cooperation on industrial parks has entered a period of rapid progress, which provides unprecedented opportunities for economic development of both sides. In the face of challenges like investment security and homogenous competition, the Chinese government and the firms concerned should plan proactively and respond appropriately, to push the industrial park cooperation to a higher level.  相似文献   

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