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Using data from the National Longitudinal Study Youth Survey (NLSY), runaway status in early adolescence (ages 14–15) was associated with subsequent (four years later) substance abuse, alcohol problems, and school dropout status. Three runaway categories were formed—never runaway, runaway once, and runaway two or more times. Overall, the repeat runaways reported engaging in higher levels of substance use and abuse than never and once runaways. However, some degree of gender specificity in the relationships for repeat runaways and substance abuse was found. Female repeat runaways were particularly susceptible to abusing illicit drugs (and not acoohol), whereas male repeat runaways manifested a more generalized susceptability to abusing alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and other illicit drugs. Whereas substance use and abuse were linearly associated with runaway status, both the one-time and repeat runaways manifested equivalent proportions of school dropouts, and at levels far exceeding never runaways. Results are discussed with regard to the heterogeneous developmental pathways leading toward and away from adolescent runaways.Dr. Windle's major research interests involve the identification of high risk factors and then influences on adolescent substance use and other problem behaviors.  相似文献   

White non-Hispanic and Hispanic adolescents aged 17 years and under n= 81) who delivered in San Jose, California area hospitals during a 6-week period were interviewed within 24 hours concerning their use of cigarettes, marijuana, and alcohol during pregnancy, and a number of background, social support, and psychosocial factors. Before 12–16 weeks of pregnancy, each of the substances studied was used by over 50% of this population, with 53% smoking cigarettes, 51% smoking marijuana, and 58% consuming beer or wine. Most substance use ceased after 12–16 weeks of pregnancy. There were no significant differences between ethnic groups in substance use. Multiple regression analyses showed that cigarette smoking decreased when social support was provided by the adolescent's partner and it was higher if parents smoked and/or used alcohol p<.001. Parental substance use, combined with lack of social support, was also associated significantly with marijuana use p<.001, explaining 30% of the variance. Use of birth control prior to pregnancy was related to beer and wine consumption p<.05, explaining 16% of the variance. Active inclusion of members of the adolescent's support network in pregnancy care, and initiative by educators and clinicians in discussing substance use, may accelerate its cessation. Ethnicityrelated behavior change strategies may be of little relevance to adolescent substance use during pregnancy.This study was funded by grant no. MCR-060466-01-0 from the Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Services Research Program, Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance, DHHS, to the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Stanford University School of Medicine. The first author is supported by a fellowship from the Pew Memorial Trust.Received Ph.D. from Stanford University. Main interest is adolescent pregnancy and health of Latino populations.Received M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. Main interest is perinatology.  相似文献   

In the present study, the relationship between biological maturation (skeletal growth) in adolescence and the development of drinking habits and alcohol abuse were studied for a representative group of Swedish males. The results showed that early maturers and late maturers had more advanced drinking habits at age 14 as compared to their normally maturing same-aged peers (p<.05).This difference was not significant 1 1/2 years later. In young adulthood more than one third (36%) of the late maturers were registered for alcohol abuse as compared to 14% of the normal maturers and 8% of the early maturers (p=.12).The relevance of psychosocial factors as mediating the relationship between biology and actual behavior was discussed. It was emphasized that differences in biological and psychosocial maturity should be taken into consideration when studying adolescent behavior, both in cross-sectional and in longitudinal perspectives.This study was supported by funds from the Swedish Council for Planing and Coordination of Research, the Committee for Social Research, and the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.Received Ph.D. from University of Stockholm 1988. Current research interest is the development of drinking habits and alcohol abuse.Current research interest is human development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold: (1) to summarize the theoretical frame-work, methodological orientation, and gender-differentiated findings of our ongoing study of the personality context, prospective and concurrent, for depressive symptoms at age 18; and (2) to report new longitudinal relations between preadolescent play constructions (at age 11) and depressive tendencies reported seven years later. Eighty-seven 18-year-olds completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Seven years earlier, at age 11, the subjects were observed in a play construction situation. Six psychologically coherent, reliable play composite variables were generated from the codings of videotapes and related longitudinally, in a hierarchical polynomial regression design, to the later CES-D scores. Among preadolescent girls, concern with morality and loss foretold, linearly, depressive experiences. The quadratic regression function explained additional variance: relative to girls receiving intermediate CES-D scores, girls earning loworhigh scores were seen as more overcontrolling of impulse, more angry, and more concerned with loss. Among preadolescent boys, only curvilinear relations were obtained. Relative to boys receiving intermediate CES-D scores, boys earning loworhigh CES-D scores were seen during preadolescence as more undercontrolling of impulse, more angry, and more concerned with loss as theme. The implications of these findings are discussed.This study was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grant MH 16080 to Jack Block.Received Ph.D from University of California at Berkeley in 1984. Major research interests include socio-emotional development in adolescence, developmental psychopathology, and cross cultural perspectives on development.Received Ph.D from Stanford University in 1950. Major research interests include logitudinal analyses of personality and cognitive development, personality theory, and personality assessment.  相似文献   

The role of biological maturity in behaviors in adolescence which most often are considered as negative by adults was investigated for a normal group of girls. In mid-adolescence early matured girls were found to play truant, smoke hashish, get drunk, pilfer, ignore parents' prohibitions, considerably more often than did late maturing girls. These differences between biological age groups were mediated by the association with older peer groups and they leveled out in late adolescence. Data on alcohol consumption and crime at adult age showed little association with biological maturation. A hypothesis was tested suggesting that early biological maturation may have negative long-term consequences within the education domain. In accord with this assumption, a considerably smaller percentage of girls among the early maturers had a theoretical education above the obligatory nine-year compulsory schooling than among the late maturing girls. The association between biological maturation and adult education was significant also after controlling for standard predictors of education, such as the girls' intelligence and the social status of the home. The requirement of conducting longitudinal studies when investigating issues connected with maturation was strongly emphasized.The research presented here was supported by funds to D. Magnusson from the Swedish Terecentenary Foundation and the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research.Received Ph.D. from the University of Stockholm. Current research interest is development.Received Ph.D. from University of Stockholm. Current research interest is development.Received Ph.D. from University of California at Berkeley. Current research interest is Social psychology.  相似文献   

Personality characteristics and values of 475 undergraduates were studied with respect to marijuana use and the usual demographic variables. Frequent Users and Adamant Nonusers (i.e., those persons who never have used marijuana and never will) each account for 23% of the sample. The demographic data were essentially similar between the four groups under study, but the group differences in reported marijuana use corresponded to large differences in personality and values. The latter was assessed with an instrument developed by the authors based on F. Kluckhohn's theory of variation in value orientations; personality characteristics were assessed with the California Psychological Inventory. The latter (CPI) portrays the Frequent User, in comparison to the other groups but especially relative to the Adamant Nonuser, as likely to be interpersonally and intellectually more effective, trusting in others, and confident and to possess a greater degree of ego strength. The Adamant Nonuser appears to be more submissive in general, lacking in self-insight, dependent on external structure, and judgmental. These differences are interpreted in terms of the value orientations that have primacy for the members of each of the groups. For example, the Adamant Nonuser feels that nature is more subjugating than do the other groups. His standards are extrinsic, and he has a desire for order, associated with an emphasis on authority supported by a belief that humankind is naturally evil or dangerous and that oneThis study was supported in part by a grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission under grant A-70-52R, 2-09-25-04 10-02.Received B.A. from Columbia University and M.A. from the City University of New York. Currently completing dissertation in Educational Psychology at the University of Chicago. Interests lie in the areas of moral development, moral education, role-taking, statistics, methodology, and delinquency.Received B.A. from Cornell University and M.A. from the University of Illinois, where he is a doctoral student in the Psychology Department. Interests lie in the areas of role-taking, therapy, moral education, guided group interaction, and aggression.  相似文献   

Two measures of adjustment, the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory and the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire, were administered to a sample of 450 working class Anglo-, Greek-, and Italian-Australian adolescents in years 9 and 11 of 9 Melbourne high schools. Anglo- and Greek-Australian adolescents scored similarly and significantly higher than Italian-Australians on a number of subscales, suggesting that culture conflict may be an influential factor in the adjustment of Italian-Australians, but not Greek-Australians. Significant differences between the minority groups, in favor of Greek-Australians, were interpreted as resulting from the relative differences in institutional support for and press toward assimilation of the two groups.  相似文献   

The paper presents lifetime and six-month prevalence of substance use by 1st, 4th, and 7th graders (N=2573). Smoking and alcohol consumption was surprisingly high even for 1st graders. The use of developmentally more advanced substances, such as marijuana, was associated with the use of substances that typically emerge earlier, such as beer. Significantly more of the multiple substance users in the 1st and 4th grade were already engaged in a variety of conduct problems and delinquent acts than were either single users or nonusers. The findings show that substance use, even at Grades 1 and 4, is an indicator of boys who commit a wide variety of problem behaviors. For the 7th graders, the use of marijuana was especially associated with the commission of more serious delinquent acts. Multiple substance use reported by the 7th graders also signified a higher frequency and volume of use. The results of the study are related to a developmental conceptualization of conduct problems, delinquency and substance use.Research interests: antisocial behavior and substance use.Research interests: the development of antisocial behavior and substance use; familial processes leading to deviant behavior; the prediction of delinquency.Research interests: development of concealing antisocial behaviors and processes that affect such development.  相似文献   

《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):71-88
The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of the present state of knowledge about the probIem of substance abuse among Hispanic youth and to identify issues with which researchers, clinicians, administrators, and policy makers will have to deal in the coming decade. To do so, it will focus on five major areas: (1) the limitations of drug-related statistics; (2) demographic characteristics of Hispanics in the United States; (3) a review of the literature on Hispanic adolescent substance abuse; (4) factors inhibiting a comprehensive analysis of the problem, its treatment, and appropriate policies; and (5) issues for the 1980s.  相似文献   

《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):7-21
The authors discuss adolescent substance abuse as a manifestation of social deviance. Theories of adolescent deviance are reviewed in light of their contributions to understanding troubled youth. A youth assessment framework is developed to provide a systematic means of linking theories to specific treatment strategies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a longitudinal study of alcohol use among college students. Three hypothesized predictors of alcohol use are found to have an independent effect when the other predictors and prior drinking are held constant: the drinking context of the dormitory living group, informal social involvement in college, and lack of commitment to religious and academic values. These predictors are also related to the onset of drinking during the freshman year for those who entered college as abstainers. The pattern varies somewhat for males and females, with the dormitory contextual effect larger for females. Formal involvement in college activities and psychological stress have no independent effect on drinking. The results are discussed in relation to previous work on alcohol use.This research was supported in part by NIAAA Grant AA02863 and NIMH Grant MH28177 and Veterans Administration Research funds.Received Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford University in 1976. Current research interests include adolescent development, statistics, and environmental studies.Received Ph.D. in psychology from University of California, Berkeley, in 1960. Current research interests are personal and environmental influences on behavior.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of perceived parental, peer, and cultural factors on Black American adolescent attitudes toward substance use. One-hundred-eight Black American youth (grades 9–12) from economically disadvantaged urban neighborhoods of New York, completed self-report measures on: (a) parent-child involvement, parental supervision, and parent attitudes toward high risk behaviors; (b) peer bonds and peer attitudes toward high risk behaviors; and (c) ethnic identity, parental racial socialization, and extended family support. Youth disapproval of substance use was positively associated with higher perceived levels of peer and parental disapproval of high risk behaviors, parental supervision, and ethnic identity. Youth who reported parental messages about racial discrimination without balanced parental messages about racial pride and racial equality were more likely to approve substance use. Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. Her research interests include socio-cultural factors in the prevention of youth substance use, sexual risk, and violence. Director, Center for Ethics Education and Marie Ward Doty Professor of Psychology at Fordham University. Current research interests include research ethics with vulnerable populations, including children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Data were collected from 181 middle school students in rural northern Michigan during May 1982. Student responses concerning peer and personal use of alcohol and nicotine were analyzed. The results suggest that peer substance use is highly correlated with personal substance use, and increases significantly with age. Sexual differences were also noted. This article describes the powerful correlates between peer and personal alcohol and nicotine use (i.e., cigarette smoking), and suggests some hypotheses for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

One of the great insights of second wave feminism was the recognition that “the personal is political.” Many feminist psychologists (both practitioners and researchers) claim a strong commitment to this slogan and attempt to implement it through their theory and practice. This article explores four interpretations of “the personal is political” in feminist psychological writing. It is argued that far from achieving radical feminist goals, psychological interpretations serve: (1) to personalise the political, translating social, economic, and ecological concerns into individual psychological matters; (2) to foster revolution “from within” at the expense of political change in the outside world; (3) that insofar as it aims uncritically to “validate women's experience,” it ignores the social and political factors which shape experience; and (4) that the concept of “empowerment” depends upon a radical split between the “personal” and the “political”. In sum, it is concluded that femenist acknowledgement that the personal really is political means rejecting psychology.  相似文献   

Adolescents are exposed to various stressors that may increase the risk for substance use. Due to the detrimental, and potentially long-lasting, effects related to substance use, it is necessary to explore more optimal coping strategies. This study explored the association between substance use and stress among male and female high school students in relation to spirituality as a moderator. To examine these relationships, the study used cross-sectional data collected from 27,874 high school students (Male?=?50.7%, Female?=?49.3%) across 58 high schools in Maryland that included an ethnically diverse sample (49% Caucasian, 30% African American) with an average age of 16 years old. Bivariate results showed differences in substance use, stress, and spirituality between male and female students. Higher rates of substance use were generally found among male students compared to female students; rates tended to be higher among female students for stress and spirituality compared to their male counterparts. Multilevel analyses indicated a positive association between stress and substance use among male and female students after adjusting for demographic and school-level factors. Both male and female students who reported turning to spiritual beliefs when experiencing problems were less likely to use substances. However, the interaction between stress and spirituality was significant for males only. These findings suggest that stress may increase the propensity for substance use and that spirituality might be a viable coping mechanism useful for helping high school students adapt to stressful circumstances and situations.  相似文献   

This article presents preliminary data that examines the relationship between external locus of control and contraceptive use in a limited population of unmarried black adolescent fathers and their controls. Results reveal that black adolescent fathers are more likely to have an external locus of control, to not be church goers, and to not believe in the use of birth control. Policy implications of this research indicate that unmarried black adolescent fathers should be given birth control counseling; if other forms of counseling are warranted, attention should be paid to issues of locus of control.  相似文献   

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