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Genome "dactyloscopy" (DNA fingerprinting) is a principally new way of personal identification based on analysis of human genetic material (DNA); the difference in DNA structure of different subjects is the scientific basis of this method. This ensures opportunity to estimate biological relationship of persons positively. The authors were the first to demonstrate using certain expert material the adequacy and potentials of DNA fingerprinting by M 13 probe for medicolegal expert practice in most complicated cases of relationship determination requiring positive identification of paternity and maternity.  相似文献   

This report describes the genetic identification of James "Earthquake McGoon" McGovern, a WWII fighter ace who perished in Laos while providing supplies to French troops during the French Indochina war. Because reference samples were unavailable for all of the potential casualties, testing of the entire mitochondrial genome, autosomal STRs and Y-chromosomal STRs was performed to increase the genetic information available for analysis. Kinship analyses performed on the evidentiary data and numerous indirect family references for McGovern excluded other possible casualties and definitively established McGovern's identity. This particular case demonstrates the practical utility of novel research technologies and aggressive genetic typing protocols in the identification of aged, degraded remains.  相似文献   

Comparison of X-rays was found to provide information just as accurate as dactyloscopy for person identification, which is attributable to the high variability of the skeletal system. Reported in this paper is the case of an unknown dead female whose body was found in a condition of advanced decay. That is why conventional methods of criminological identification were not practicable. Only inadequate results were obtained from a muscular sample, while no findings at all were obtainable from DNA analysis of two molars. Identification was achievable only after six months had passed from discovery of the corpse, when two X-rays of the presumed person's skull were retrieved. This case of successful identification has once again provided evidence to the fact that even in our era of DNA research X-ray comparison has retained a firm position in forensic diagnostics.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, the importance of technical and scientific evidence for the criminal justice system has been steadily increasing. Unfortunately, the weight of forensic evidence is not always easy for the trier of fact to assess, as appears from a brief discussion of some recent cases in which the weight of expert evidence was either grossly over- or understated. Also, in recent years, questions surrounding the value of forensic evidence have played a major role in the appeal and revision stages of a number of highly publicized criminal cases in several countries, including the UK and the Netherlands. Some of the present confusion is caused by the different ways in which conclusions are formulated by experts working within the traditional approach to forensic identification, as exemplified by (1) dactyloscopy and (2) the other traditional forensic identification disciplines like handwriting analysis, firearms analysis and fibre analysis, as opposed to those working within the modern scientific approach used in forensic DNA analysis. Though most clearly expressed in the way conclusions are formulated within the diverse fields, these differences essentially reflect the scientific paradigms underlying the various identification disciplines. The types of conclusions typically formulated by practitioners of the traditional identification disciplines are seen to be directly related to the two major principles underpinning traditional identification science, i.e. the uniqueness assumption and the individualization principle. The latter of these is shown to be particularly problematic, especially when carried to its extreme, as embodied in the positivity doctrine, which is almost universally embraced by the dactyloscopy profession and allows categorical identification only. Apart from issues arising out of the interpretation of otherwise valid expert evidence there is growing concern over the validity and reliability of the expert evidence submitted to courts. While in various countries including the USA, Canada and the Netherlands criteria have been introduced which may be used as a form of input or output control on expert evidence, in England and Wales expert evidence is much less likely to be subject to forms of admissibility or reliability testing. Finally, a number of measures are proposed which may go some way to address some of the present concerns over the evaluation of technical and scientific evidence.  相似文献   

The rapid development within the research of the human genome offers a great potential with regard to the diagnosis of genetic diseases but it also bears dangers of misuse. The starting point for avoiding these dangers is the autonomy of the individual, i.e. that the information about his genetic constitution should only be ascertained with his explicit consent. It is the duty of law to protect the individual and his relatives - who might also be concerned - without undermining the right to self-determination. Furthermore, it is discussed whether genetic tests should be limited to "health purposes" only. The problem of this limitation, however, is to define the term "health purposes" particularly when the criterion of "quality of life" is also taken into consideration. In order to assure a responsible handling of the genetic data, genetic analysis and especially the counselling of the subject should be reserved to the medical profession, since only a real understanding of the individual's genetic constitution with all risks and chances will enable him to make an informed and self-determined decision.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current article is to outline and comment the most important aspects of the regulation of Brazil's criminal legislation about the protection of the human genome, which establishes crimes related to genetic manipulation and to the dissemination of transgenics in the environment. It also refers to the problems related to the application of the old legal text (Law 8.974/1995), which punished conducts that stayed without the enough development. These gaps complicated so much the application of those rules that the Brazilian Parliament has recently proposed the complete modification of the present legislation by a new Biosecurity Law (Law 11.105/2005). This law for the first time authorizes research with human embrionyc stem cells in Brazil, trying thus to solve in this way the problem of cryoconserved human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization programmes. The new law is analyzed here from a legal and ethical view point.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis of highly degraded skeletal remains is often used for forensic identification due largely to the high genome copy number per cell. Literature from the "ancient DNA" field has shown that highly degraded samples contain populations of intact DNA molecules that are severely restricted in size (1-4). Hand et al. have demonstrated the targeting and preferential amplification of authentic human DNA sequences with small amplicon products of 150 bp or less (1,2). Given this understanding of ancient DNA preservation and amplification, we report an improved approach to forensic mtDNA analysis of hypervariable regions 1 and 2 (HV1/HV2) in highly degraded specimens. This "mini-primer set" (MPS) amplification strategy consists of four overlapping products that span each of the HV regions and range from 126 to 170 bp, with an average size of 141 bp. For this study, 11 extracts representing a range of sample quality were prepared from nonprobative forensic specimens. We demonstrate a significant increase in MPS amplification success when compared to testing methods using approximately 250 bp amplicons. Further, 16 of 17 independent amplifications previously "unreported" due to mixed sequences provided potentially reportable sequence data from a single, authentic template with MPS testing.  相似文献   

西藏“赔命金”制度浅谈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"赔命金"制度是西藏封建农奴制刑事法律的重要组成部分,是处罚严重犯罪的刑罚手段,西藏民主改革以后被废除。现在该制度又在西藏民间部分地区沉渣泛起,严重地干预了司法审判,必须严厉取缔和打击。  相似文献   

周叶中  祝捷 《现代法学》2008,30(1):136-146
我国台湾地区"司法院"大法官凭借所谓"释宪"机制,在两岸关系发展中扮演着重要角色。其针对两岸关系,已作成"法统"型、权利型、制度型三类共16个解释。大法官在解释两岸关系时,综合运用了文义、论理、历史、体系等传统解释方法,以及"政治问题不审查"、"结果取向解释"以及"宪法解释宪法"等新兴解释方法。经过数十年的发展,大法官在选择解释两岸关系的方法时,表现出所谓"去政治化"倾向。而"台独"分裂势力也正是利用大法官解释两岸关系时的"去政治化"倾向,力图通过维持形式上"中立"的法学方法,为其"台独"目的提供"正当化"外衣。  相似文献   

Kin CA 《Stanford law review》1996,48(6):1573-1604
Recent medical studies have indicated that synthesized human growth hormone (hGH) may cosmetically enhance short, but otherwise perfectly healthy, individuals by adding inches to their final predicted height. In this note, Curtis Kin examines the legal and ethical implications of such a discovery, arguing that nontherapeutic hGH treatment is likely the first of many biotechnology and gene therapy enhancements that may be available to the public in a "genetic supermarket" of enhancement products. Mr. Kin finds that the current regulatory framework for biotechnology and gene therapy inadequately regulates unapproved uses of hGH and fails to address properly its implications for a genetic "race to perfection." He proposes changes to the current regulatory framework that will enforce a strict distinction between therapeutic and enhancement applications of biotechnology and gene therapy. These changes in the law, Mr. Kin reasons, will help to solve the social and ethical problems posed by these emerging developments in technology.  相似文献   

A GC-MS method has been developed for the detection of amphetamine, methamphetamine, and the ephedrines, in seizures and the urine, based on on-GC condensation (derivatization) with cyclohexanone. The method is simple: the dried seizure material or the urine extract was mixed with cyclohexanone and injected into the GC-MS. The method was found to be superior to the methods based on acyl and trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatization. Unlike for the acyl and TMS derivatives, the molecular and fragment ions of the cyclohexanone condensation products (cyclohexanone derivatives) were of substantial abundance, a useful property in unambiguous compound characterization. Furthermore, the high stability of the "derivatizing" reagent, cyclohexanone, compared with acyl and TMS derivatizing reagents, is a useful property in method development. The present method has proved selective and, tentatively, sensitive enough in the following areas (where methods based on acyl and TMS derivatization, as tested in this laboratory, have failed): (a) detection of amphetamine as a metabolite of methamphetamine; (b) detection of norpseudoephedrine as a metabolite of pseudoephedrine; (c) detection of amphetamine as an impurity of methamphetamine; (d) detection of cathine (norephedrine) as a constituent of Khat leaves; and (e) differentiation of Khat use from phenylpropanolamine use.  相似文献   

周茜蓉 《政法学刊》2003,20(5):72-75
十六报告的指导思想渗透着一种强烈的唯物主义的历史意识,它既是一种立场,也是一种方法,其本质精神是“面向事物自身”,即实事求是,与时俱进。它有三个基本维度:现实性、规律性和创造性,并以社会历史本位实现三者的统一。基于这种历史意识,十六报告实现了解放思想和实事求是的统一,理论创新与规划未来的统一,立足国情与面向世界的统一。认真体会这种历史意识,对于全面领会和贯彻落实十六报告具有重要意义。历史意识使我们真正走向历史深处。  相似文献   

黄伟强 《政法学刊》2005,22(6):112-113
"逆向"教学法就是教师提出学习的内容后,先给学生几组事先设计好的案例,让学生先自己处理,然后通过分析学生在处理过程中出现的问题,再结合理论学习来使学生掌握正确的知识及战术战法.它是适应当前公安工作的新形势,提高公安民警的战斗力,操作性很强的一种教学方法.  相似文献   

In recent years, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has been developed to enable the selection of a tissue type matched "saviour sibling" for a sick child. This article examines the current regulatory framework governing PGD in Australia. The availability of PGD in Australia to create a saviour sibling depends on the regulation of ART services by each State and Territory. The limitations on the use of PGD vary throughout Australia, according to the level of regulation of ART in each jurisdiction. This article considers the limitations on the use of PGD for tissue typing in Australia and argues that some of these should be removed for a more consistent national approach. In particular, the focus in ART legislation on the "paramount interests" of the child to be born is inappropriate for the application of tissue typing, which necessarily involves the interests of other family members.  相似文献   

杨帆 《犯罪研究》2009,(6):16-21
基因犯罪是伴随着基因技术而产生,因基因技术不当研发、滥用所带来的以及侵犯基因资源、基因信息的严重危险、危害行为。基因犯罪往往关联着不可预知的基因风险,基因风险是系统性的、不可测量性的、人为建构性的、复杂性的新型风险;它正是“风险社会”中典型的风险型态。刑法须由法益保护的基点,转换到风险控制的维度,方能有效应对。  相似文献   

谢梅 《金陵法律评论》2006,(4):116-120,160
"工拙"源于"巧拙",最早用于评价人物性格的灵巧与笨拙;作为一个文学理论的专有名词首见于梁代;声律论的创始人沈约首次以"工拙"论诗,创造了一种新的文学批评原则和方法."工拙"论建构了中国古代艺术新的审美理论,丰富了中国的对立诗学体系,展示了中国诗意美学的意蕴,对古代文学艺术理论和文学艺术创作产生了深刻的影响.  相似文献   

DNA analysis has become the standard method in forensic stain typing (termed DNA profiling). In contrast to conventional serological methods, any human tissue or body fluid can be analysed by DNA profiling as long as it contains nucleated cells. The majority of genetic systems studied at the DNA level are derived from “non-coding” portions from the human genome, and are located either in the vicinity of expressed (coding) genes or in stretches of DNA sequences interspersing with the genes. The typing results are usually recorded as DNA fragment lengths or “alleles” indicating the number of core repeat elements for short tandem repeat systems. These typing results do not contain any useful information which might reveal genetic traits or predispositions for inherited disease about the individual studied. Typing systems for DNA profiling are predominantly selected according to criteria related to the robustness for typing of (potentially degraded) forensic specimens, the degree of genetic polymorphism (which influences the chance to exclude a wrongfully accused person), and the amenability to standardisation as a basis to obtain reproducible results.  相似文献   

The authors give the comparative analysis of Russian and foreign forensic medical methods of species character identification of the blood from the stains on the material evidences and bone fragments. It is shown that for this purpose it is feasible to apply human immunoglobulin G (IgG) and solid phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with the kit "IgG general-EIA-BEST". In comparison with the methods used in Russia this method is more sensitive, convenient for objective registration and computer processing. The results of experiments shown that it is possible to use the kit "IgG general-EIA-BEST" in forensic medicine for the species character identification of the blood from the stains on the material evidences and bone fragments.  相似文献   

Hyperpolymorphic short tandem repetitive DNA sequences, STRs or microsatellites, have become widely used in human identification, particularly in criminal cases and in mass disasters. In such cases the substrates for the analyses may be decomposed as a biological material, a fact that has to be taken into account when choosing the appropriate casework methods. Nowadays expanded windows have been opened to the world especially in the area of genetic and biology science by performance of big projects such as human genome project. In this regard, one of the primary and important steps for all is DNA extraction with high quality and quantity in minimum time from biological material. By using RGDE method, genomic DNA with high quality and quantity can be acquired in the shortest time which has been presented in the world up to now. In this paper we report the evaluation of DNA extraction in this method.  相似文献   

The authors consider the problem of identifying potential fingerprints and other marks in a computer system, having regard for the damage which conventional print enhancement techniques may cause. They evaluate a non-invasive method of mark location and recommend a new procedure for the handling of digital evidence sources which may contain "conventional" evidence.  相似文献   

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