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作为部门法哲学的民法哲学和亚部门法哲学的家庭法哲学在晚近获得了长足的发展,新人文主义思潮在其中尤为独树一帜.新人文主义民法哲学主张主观诚信与客观诚信之统一、平等原则非民法基本原则和民法的公私法混合性,新人文主义家庭法哲学主张家庭关系的屈从性,包括夫妻关系的相对屈从和亲子关系的绝对屈从.无论是新人文主义民法哲学还是作为其组成部分的家庭法哲学,它们的最终目的都是为了实现民法对人的回归和对弱者予以保护.新人文主义民法哲学和家庭法哲学透射了社会变迁中的私法研究范式转变,其价值取向是正义.  相似文献   

Abstract. The dialogue focuses on the book by Martha C. Nussbaum Frontiers of Justice. The discussion covers the major issues treated in the text, including the relationship between the capabilities approach and the theories of Rawls and Sen, nonhuman animals, people with mental or physical disabilities, and transnational justice. * * Abstract by F. Lelli.

龙翼飞 《法学家》2006,(1):77-79
一、<中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法>的修改 <中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法>(以下简称<妇女权益保障法>)的修改工作,经过社会各界的共同努力,取得了重要的成果.2005年8月28日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议作出了<关于修改〈中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法〉的决定>.从事婚姻家庭法学研究的学者们对<妇女权益保障法>的若干制度进行了深入的研究和讨论.  相似文献   

2003年婚姻家庭法学学术研究回顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙翼飞 《法学家》2004,(1):80-83
2003年,中国的婚姻家庭法学研究活动十分活跃,取得了相当丰硕的学术研究成果,有力地推动了国家相关立法工作的快速进行,同时,也提升了对婚姻家庭领域司法审判工作经验的科学认识.  相似文献   

龙翼飞 《法学家》2003,(1):56-60
2002年,《中华人民共和国民法典》的起草活动进入了立法设计的关键阶段.中国婚姻家庭法学研究工作者全力以赴投入了起草《中华人民共和国民法典》婚姻家庭编和继承编专家建议稿的工作,几位专家还参加了全国人大常委会法工委主持的系列相关立法研讨会议并提出了关键性的立法建议,……  相似文献   

龙翼飞 《法学家》2005,(1):64-67
2004年中国婚姻家庭法学研究的首要内容仍然是关于<中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法>的修改所涉及的相关问题.  相似文献   

This article provides a glimpse into how historical and currentlegislation has attempted to grapple with the practice of customaryfamily law by the indigenous peoples of Aotearoa/New Zealand.It focuses on examining family law in two contexts: marriageand property ownership; and children and legal parenthood. Theanalysis provides an interesting insight into the interplaybetween customary law and statute law. The impact of colonizationupon indigenous peoples and the practice of their law, and howgovernments today choose to recognize and provide for indigenouspeoples is a policy issue prevalent in many of the British colonizedlands. This article concludes that a comprehensive review ofthe nature and extent to which legislation should provide forMaori customary law is required in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Thehaphazard approach of current years is insufficient.  相似文献   

Decision-aiding software is probably the most important technological innovation from the perspective of lawyer decision-making, as contrasted to efficient office management. That kind of technological breakthrough can be helpful to lawyers in negotiating settlements favorable to their clients without expensive litigation. The technology makes use of benefit-cost analysis, multi-criteria decision analysis, spreadsheet software, and especially super-optimizing analysis whereby plaintiffs, defendants, and other parties can all come out ahead of their best initial expectations simultaneously. Decision-aiding software can also be helpful to lawyers in evaluating alternative precedents, statutes, regulations, and other legal policies to arrive at versions favorable to their clients without an expensive adoption campaign.  相似文献   

In two recent cases the Supreme Court unanimously clarified that one party's fraudulent non-disclosure of material facts 'unravels' any agreement made in their absence. Because the parties' agreement is a sine qua non of a consent order, the order may be set aside, despite the desirability in family law of clean break and certainty. Victims of fraud in matrimonial proceedings should not be left in a worse position than victims in other civil proceedings. However, while consistency across different areas of civil law was important here, are there any circumstances in which inconsistency may be justified?  相似文献   

This article advances a new model for family law to address emerging non‐conventional family formations, particularly between parents and children. We contend that the conventional model of kinship categories as static, predefined statuses should be replaced with a model whereby the state accommodates kinship categories the law users themselves produce within their fluid and nomadic family assemblages and that they actively revise when negotiating state recognition. We claim that this model would better reflect and govern the emerging kinship system. We corroborate this by drawing on insights from family research that takes issue with the fragmentation of kinship, particularly the fragmentation of motherhood. We then elaborate on a conception of state recognition as the capacity to trace connections and identify normative frameworks, one that valorizes the self‐organizing force of social practices but at the same time holds onto the filtering role of the state.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(3):226-240
A large number of pressing problems in criminal law are arising as a consequence of new horizons and research in medicine and biology.  相似文献   

家庭法哲学两题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭法哲学是我国部门法哲学研究领域的处女地,对家庭法哲学的理解,必然要首先明确其基本概念并将之与其他相邻学科区分开来。家庭关系平等是家庭法哲学中最重要的问题。在夫妻关系上,由于平等因素的增加,有可能实现平等;在亲子关系上,由于不具备任何平等的要素,不可能、也无必要实现平等。在家庭关系的平等问题上,要消除平等至上论,承认保护关系的价值,以不对称保护制调整家庭关系。  相似文献   

Berns  Sandra 《Law and Critique》2000,11(1):1-24
This article explores the narrative structure offamily law where divorce is available on ground ofirretrievable breakdown following separation for oneyear. It argues that contemporary no-fault regimesexemplify law's procedural republic, a space with itsown legal, ethical and political requirements whichhas little if any connection to the life-worlds of theparties. Through an analysis of intractable parentingdisputes it argues that the interaction of no-faultdivorce, the requirement to have regard to the bestinterests of the child and the principle that childrenhave a right to contact with both parents has led tothe creation of particular narrative forms. Thesenarrative forms are characterised by their absolutismand map the unresolved grievances surrounding maritalbreakdown onto parenting disputes where the statutoryrequirements map them onto particular narratives andcounter-narratives. In this process, the narrativesof expert witnesses play an increasingly prominentrole, as do the naïve narratives put forward bylitigants in person. The article argues that thesenarratives are, in important ways, fictions and thatthey are compelled by the procedural requirements ofno-fault divorce. It argues further that thesefictions are a consequence of the empty narrative spaceat the heart of family law.  相似文献   

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