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安那斯·代肯,哈萨克族,新疆阿勒泰人,中共党员,1962年3月生,1985年7月毕业于新疆石河子农学院畜牧兽医系兽医专业,1985年9月参加工作,2009年开始为新疆阿勒泰畜牧兽医职业学校的兼职教师。2010年加入中国兽医协会。2013年10月27日获得自治区农业技术推广研究员专业技术职务资格。2014年4月在自治区农林牧司法鉴定中心阿勒泰地区工作站任鉴定员。现为阿勒泰地区动物疾病控制与诊断中心疫情监测科科长。  相似文献   

Why did the East European economy take a sudden turn for the worse? since the global financial crisis deepened in the second half of last year  相似文献   

Jinggangshan in the Luoxiao Mountains on the border between Jiangxi and Hunan provinces was headquarters of the Communist forces from October 1927 to February 1930.In the darkest days of the Chinese revolution the Red Army led by Mao Zedong established the first rural revolutionary base in this geographic fold,putting into practice Mao’s military strategy of establishing base areas in the countryside and finally seizing the cities. The principle led to the overthrow of the old regime and the founding of the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

许建良 《桂海论丛》2010,26(3):64-68
日本人具有浓厚的恩的伦理意识。从感恩的对象来看,有天地自然之恩、父母之恩、师恩和社会恩;感恩与施恩是互动共存的,由施恩、受恩、感恩、报恩组成恩的行为链,构成了日本人的恩的伦理世界。为了使外在的规范变成个人内在的自觉,日本人重视恩的伦理实践和报恩意识的培养,从而为日本伦理和谐设置了牢固的心理机制,对于社会稳定和谐起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

Robots are increasingly coming on the market in China, though their costs remain high T'here is nothing novel about robots nowadays, but they are still a source of mystery and curiosity to many people. The annual China Beijing International  相似文献   

A Way With Words     
正A survey of popular Chinese words shows China’s increasing influence in the world Chinese pinyin,the commonly used system for Romanizing standard Chinese,is a special form of the language.Compared with Chinese characters,pinyin boasts an advantage in the process of spreading Chinese culture around the world,and  相似文献   

正Debutante director pays tribute to her hometown with award-winning film By Li QingThe Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,northwest China,is a land of contrasts.Flanked by towering mountains with the arid Taklimakan Desert lying at its heart,it boasts lush greenery and a vast Euphrates poplar forest the largest and best preserved of its kind in the world.This is the hometown of Wang Lina,the32-year-old director whose debut feature film A First Farewell received rave reviews when it was screened in film festivals in 201 8 and got  相似文献   

A Way With Words     
正Language service providers in China face staunch challenges in terms of pricing and quality controlIn an era of globalization,the language ser-vice industry has become an indispensable support factor for cross-border trade and corporate overseas expansion.In fact,the language service industry has far exceeded the scope of translation and interpre-tation and become a major part of the global  相似文献   

毛笔书法是中华文化宝库中的瑰宝。当前,随着国家对发展文化事业的不断重视,中华文化也在不断的复兴和崛起,并一天天的走向国际化。因此,为了方便国际间的文化保护和交流,我国近些年对著作权法及其实施条例做了多次修订。可见,我国对于文化产业的保护也在不断的加强。因此,在这样的时代背景下,对于传统文化著作权保护的研究就显得尤为重要。笔者旨在结合毛笔书法的艺术特性和我国著作权法的相关规定,对其著作权保护的理论进行初步研究。  相似文献   

IT was a night of dream fulfillment and joy for all people around the world with disabilities.Less than a month after the opening of the Olympic Games,Beijing welcomed the world a second time,with the opening ceremony of the 2008 Paralympic Games.On the night of September 6, at Beijing's famous"Bird's Nest"stadium,more than 4,000 disabled athletes from 147 countries and regions came together to celebrate the ideal"One World,One Dream."  相似文献   

正Open and free trade is in the interests of China,the U.S.and the world In October 1929,the U.S.stock market crashed.Over the course of the following weeks and months,billions of dollars in wealth evaporated,banks failed,companies collapsed,and millions of ordinary people in the United States and around the  相似文献   

Chinese luxury goods buyers buck global recession and spend with abandon While people in the developed world are cutting back on luxury items to make ends meet,the big luxuryb rands are targeting the swelling wallets of China's nouveau riche to boost sales of their jewelry,clothing,purses and other lifestyle accessories  相似文献   

<正>Despite its NASDAQ listing,it remains to be seen whether Momo can reverse its image as a so-called "hook-up app" Tang yan,a 35-year-old man who only just began his stint in entrepreneurship in 2011,surprised the corporate world when his firm Momo,a Chinese social media  相似文献   

社会主义荣辱观是当代中国社会的道德共识。构建社会主义和谐社会的历史实践为这一共识提供了群众基础和思想基础,社会主义思想道德体系的建设为这一共识提供了实践平台,民族精神和创新精神是这一共识的核心内容。  相似文献   

Known as the largest wholesale market of small commodities in the world, Yiwu in east east China's Zhejiang Province sells more than 2.1 million kinds of commodities in 26 categories. With more than 75,000 business stands in the market, which covers over 6.4 million square meters, Yiwu s commodities reach more than 210 countries and regions, with 65 percent of its sales targeted at the international market. E-commerce in Yiwu is booming with more than 310,000 e-commerce accounts, ranking No.l and No.2 in terms of the density of e-commerce dealers in domestic and international trade respectively.  相似文献   

贵州省与周边相邻省区以贸易为主轴的经济联系在当代出现了诸多新特点 ,如地域性、民族性、弱势地位等 ,并呈现出诸多类型的基本格局。本文提出 ,贵州与周边相邻地区必须培育区域性经济中心 ,以优势资源为依托 ,大力调整产业结构 ,走可持续发展之路  相似文献   

人是自然生态系统发展的最高产物。人的自然属性决定了人不可能脱离自然生态环境生存和发展。但人类对于自然生态环境的适应又是能动的,人具有社会性。人类改造自然生态环境的能动性和人类社会生产劳动与自然生态环境的不可分性,给人类的生存和发展带来的后果也具有二重性。人口的增长不能超过环境人口容量的限制,因此,我们对人口增长突破环境人口容量即地球承载能力的后果要有清醒的认识。要充分认识中国人口增长的环境容量限制,促进中国资源环境的人口超负荷承载量向适度人口规模转变。  相似文献   

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