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冯飞  张凤阳  PAN Yingzhao 《人权》2022,(2):294-306
Dignity and Human Rights are recognized as two principles that coordinate with each other.However,it is an invention of modern people to set dignity as the basis of human rights from a genealogical point of view.In the classical context,dignity was represented as a political value,honoring excellence in public service.As a reward and return for political services,dignity holders were entitled to be recognized by the state and treated with appropriate courtesy and respect.There are two ways to ge...  相似文献   

Students in many parts of the world are heading back to school for a new semester. In the same vain, it is also time for trade trade hawks in Washington to start learning at least four lessons from their futile trade war with China.  相似文献   

SINCE its emergence in Guangdong Province in 1978, the processing trade in China has developed rapidly. The processing trade refers to the process by which raw and auxiliary materials, parts and components, accessories and packaging materials are imported from abroad and used to produce a finished product which are then re-exported. In 1996, the processing trade became the principal form of international  相似文献   

One who has not been to Kashi has not been to Xinjiang, as a saying goes. Once a bus-tling trade hub on the Silk Road, today the city is a typical multiethnic community in the southwest of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.The city is close to China's border with India in the south and central Asia to its west. Marco Polo (1254-1324), one of the first Westerners to travel to China along the Silk Road, once described Kashi as the "Cairo of the East."A terrorist attack erupted on the morning of August 4 this year, when terrorists attacked a group of border policemen jogging in Kashi. Using a dump truck, homemade grenades and knives, they killed 18. Three months have passedsince August when nightmare haunted the city, and life is gradually brought to normal. Cheng Gang, a correspondent with the Beijing-based Global Times made a trip to Kashi in October. Below are excerpts from his account of the journey.  相似文献   

HEIHE is a frontier city inHeilongjiang Province.On the opposite bank isBlagovescensk, capital ofRussia's Amur. Heihe encom-passes the state-level border eco-nomic cooperation area and theDaheihedao Sino-Russian bordertrade area.International TradeOwing to its advantageousgeographical position, Heihebecame a well known tradingport about 100 years ago, beforefalling into stagnancy for anextended Period. On implemen-tation of the reform and openingpolicy about two decades ago,Heihe regain…  相似文献   

TO THE POINT: In the first quarter, both the Chinese property and stock markets enjoyed rapid growth. Since the beginning of the year, the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index has jumped more than 20 percent. The Bank of Communications, China's fifth largest bank, will soon be listed on the Shanghai A-share market, giving it the ability to throw its hat into the bullish ring. Housing prices have also increased substantially despite harsh regulative measures and the property market is seeing rapid foreign and domestic investment growth, with money from abroad pouring in the fastest. China Life, which returned to the Shanghai A-share market last year, left its competitors far behind in 2006, seeing its net profit more than doubled from the year before. U.S. software guru Microsoft is forming a partnership with China's computer giant Lenovo Group on the construction of a research and development (R&D) facility. It will be Microsoft's first ever R&D center partnership worldwide. In an attempt to narrow the trade gap with the United States, China is seeking the procurement of a variety of imports from the United States worth $12 billion. China's total trade surplus with the United States was $144 billion in 2006.  相似文献   

Baiyun International Airport,A New Hub for the Asia-Pacific Region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than 500 planes land at and take off from Baiyun International Airport every day. They link nearly 100 Chinese and 30 international cities. The phase I project of the airport, built with an investment of approximately RMB 20 billion (US $2.4 billion),recently went into operation; it occupies an area of 16.5 square kilometers, and has an annual handling capacity of 25 million passengers and one milliontons of cargo. When all its projects are complete,Baiyun International Airport will have five runways,and an expanded annual handling capacity of 80 million passengers and 2.5 million tons of cargo.Baiyun International Airport looks set to be a key aviation hub in the Asia-Pacific reigion.  相似文献   

THESE days students from Europe, the USA, Korea and Japan are a common sight in all major cities of China. Like Chinese students, they read under trees and chat in the corridors. In their free time they go to local agricultural produce markets, or chat on-line at a nearby Internet cafe. Residents in the vicinity of the Huazhong Normal University say that they have made friends with many of the overseas students that have come to Wuhan in the past two decades.  相似文献   

It's four on a Friday morning. There are jobs to go to, but Beijing's bars are still selling. And they will do so for some time yet. Bars with global-Asian names like the Den, the Hidden Tree, the No Name Bar and Suzy Wong's don't let the late hour get in the way of serving their brews. Bountiful growth of its bar and club trade has been making Beijing and Shanghai good-time cities  相似文献   

While most of Europe goes on holiday or sits glued to the London Oympics,the euro sovereign debt crisis continues to preoccupy policymakers.In the last week of July,it appeared as if the crisis had reached Olympian proportions as the Spanish Government looked set to follow its banks and seek a bailout from the EU.Dealing with Greece is one problem.Dealing with Spain,and potentially Italy,are problems of a vastly different dimension.As rumors grew of a Spanish bailout request,markets fell and the euro dipped against the dollar.  相似文献   

Baoshan is a frontier city in western Yunnan Province that borders Myanmar. In bygone days, it was one of the Southwestern Silk Road trade routes, and a vital link between inland China and the outside world.The altitude of Baoshan ranges from 535 meters to 3,780 meters above sea level. Its climate varies over the terrain as the altitude changes. A local saying describes it as having "four seasons within one day, and. different climates within a five-kilometer radius."I visited Baoshan in the spring of 2003. Nestling in the moun-tains, it is a compact modern city, with six-lane urban roads, large billboards advertising world famous brands, flowers and lawns. The local people are justly proud of the changes that have occurred in the city over the past 20 years. They stem front the city's rich tourism, resources and the initiative of its populace.  相似文献   

正In its latest trade dispute with China,the United States seems to be following Don Quixote's lead:viciously attacking windmills that it perceives to be a giant threat to itself. On January 18,the U.S.Department of Commerce officially announced it would launch an anti-dumping and anti-subsidy  相似文献   

SHAO Jialing is president of an interior decoration company in Heihe, a northern border city cozying up to Russia's Amurskaya Oblast. His office is decorated with several Russian oil paintings, suggesting a certain cultural sophistication. In recent years locals have developed a great interest in Russian oil paintings, and now fine her doors to the public, Qin noticed that many of her patrons were looking to acquire one or two oil paintings to present as gifts to their newlywed friends, or as house wanning gifts.  相似文献   

Since adopting` the reform and opening-up policy in the late 1970s, China has constantly expanded its foreign trade by giving full play to its comparative advantage in production cost. However, nowadays, problems previously camouflaged by high GDP growth have begun to emerge from the woodwork. Externally, China is faced with pressure on the yuan's appreciation resulting from the trade surplus, as well as trade frictions with the United States and the EU. Internally, the problem is excess liquidity due to over $1 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, coupled with a sizzling stock market and sharply rising housing prices. In a recent interview with 21st Century Business Herald, Professor Justin Yi-fu Lin from China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, who was the first person to introduce the concept of "comparative advantage" to China, responds to the many doubts people have about the theory. Excerpts:  相似文献   

Readjusting Economic Structure in Accordance with Export TradeSince its accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) on November 20, 1982, Thailand has, on the basis of Generalized System of Preferences and Most-Favored-Nation (MFN), benefited from the multilateral trade system and entered the international market on more favorable conditions, so as to improve its trade environment and enhanced the development of its economy and trade.In 1983, the Gross Agricultural Products  相似文献   

Moving on Up     
Around 200 km away from Beijing, Caofeidian used to be a sandy island 8 km long and less than 600 meters wide. In 2003, a highway that would run through the island in the Bohai Sea began construc-tion. Following its completion, a blowing land reclamation project was begun, creating a 210-square-km piece of artificial island from the sea area. The site is where Shougang Jingtang Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. sits, making it the very first iron and steel company with an annual output of over 1 million tons located by a port.  相似文献   

Small as it is, Pingyao is more often than not mentioned by people with blue eyes, blond hairs and strong noses as Pingyao has become the haunt of foreigners. “Going out” and “Coming in” are the two “wings” of reform and opening, with either of which missing, it is impossible to fly. Now the people of Pingyao, a people of a magnanimous character and open mind, have flung open the city gate, welcoming photographers from all corners of the world and receiving their cultural achievement. At the same time these visiting photographers or exhibitors will bring their work out to the world and subsequently bring Pingyao and its fame to the outside world.  相似文献   

China and India are poised for extensive cooperation in a range of fields that will further boost trade ties The Indian economy has seen significant progress since the economic reforms implemented in 1991, with the annual growth rate averaging about 6 percent in the late 1990s. Since India moved into the new century, its economy has maintained a good momentum of year-on-year growth. In the five years from 2001 to 2005, its real gross domestic growth (GDP) reached 6.5  相似文献   

DAIXIAN is an ancient town in central Shanxi Province,just a few hours by expressway from Beijing.People have been living here since the New Stone Age in around 7,000 BC.Marking the border between ancient China and the northern lands of nomadic tribes,it was once a place of considerable stra- tegic importance that witnessed many significant battles.In times of peace, it was a prosperous nexus of trade and  相似文献   

In spite of the close political and trade ties between China and the United States , their peoples think they need to learn more about each other China 's ties with the United States have grown increasingly tighter as the two countries have more and more mutual interests in the areas of the economy, trade , technology and international affairs. The two countries also seem to be getting to know each other better. At the same time, the people from the two countries have different understandings. Here are the opinions on Sino-U.S . relations of those interviewed by Beijing Review reporters Chen Wen in New York and Ding Yin g in Beijing.  相似文献   

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