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目的介绍数字图像处理技术在刑事案件复原的应用,促进该技术的发展。方法利用数字算法、滤波、几何运算等计算机图像处理技术进行复原处理。结果对案件的隐含、残缺、微弱信息,模糊图像、变形物证复原及特征显现。结论刑事数字图像复原技术在刑事技术领域有了广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

相貌侦察技术在刑事技术部门的现状和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不论什么情况下,当你见过一个人时,他的相貌总是会或多或少留在你的视觉记忆中,刑事案件发生后,罪犯和死者的相貌也不例外会在一定范围内的人群中留下来,利用人对相貌的记忆往往会给罪犯和死者的身份查询带来意想不到的帮助,会成为案件侦破的关键,如何来获取和利用相貌帮助破案,这就是本文要讨论的相貌侦察技术。1 相貌侦察技术的概念相貌广意是指人的头部、躯干、四肢的形态特征的总和。本文所指相貌主要是头部的形态特征,它由头发、肤色、五官特征结构及气质状态组成。相貌因人而异,世界上只有相貌相似的人,而没有相同的人,识别不同的相…  相似文献   

技术社会学研究的兴起与现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
早期的技术史家以及科学社会学家从技术的外部宽泛地讨论技术与社会的关系,强调把技术作为一种社会现象,从社会的角度来解释人类的技术活动,其研究成果为技术社会学的形成奠定了必要的基础。20世纪80年代,在S偈研究出现“技术转向”的背景下,一批研究突破了技术与社会的边界,将“技术一社会”视为一个整体化型式,从技术的内部考察技术的社会特征,从而形成技术社会学的三种主要经验研究纲领。进入90年代以后,原有的研究纲领继续得到发展,同时,由于人类学家、化研究等介入技术的社会研究,技术社会学开始演变成一个多元化的跨学科研究领域。  相似文献   

刘芳 《法制与社会》2012,(15):180-181
随着信息技术的飞速发展和社会信息化进程的不断加速,社会对大学毕业生的计算机应用能力的要求不断提高。本文介绍了我国大学计算机基础教学的现状,分析了我国大学计算机基础教学改革中存在的问题,并提出了优化大学计算机基础教学改革的对策。  相似文献   

目的通过CT测量西南地区汉族男性颅面径线,建立该地区汉族男性颅面径线与身高的回归模型,为法医人类学研究积累数据。方法收集273例西南地区汉族男性头部CT资料,确定颅面部7条径线,运用图像后处理软件进行多平面重建和容积再现,对所选径线进行测量。对各测量指标与身高的相关性运用SPSS 21.0进行分析,建立推断身高的回归方程,并重新选取50例样本代入该数学模型进行检验。结果建立了7条径线的线性回归方程(P0.05);一元线性回归方程相关系数为0.190~0.439,标准估计误差(SEE)为4.597~5.023 cm;多元线性回归方程复相关系数为0.494~0.524,SEE为4.418~4.458 cm。回代检验得y=83.959+3.589 x_6+2.573 x_2,±1SEE准确率最高,为30%;y=72.646+3.316 x6+1.586 x_2+1.553 x_4+2.211 x_3,±2SEE准确率最高,为92%。结论本研究所选取的7条径线与身高均有明显的直线相关性,所建立的多元回归方程适用于推断西南地区汉族男性身高。  相似文献   

2002年《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》规定了民事诉讼中的专家辅助人。2013年修订的《民事诉讼法》中也明确了民事诉讼中的专家辅助人制度。在司法实践中,医疗损害的案件专业性强,并且案件通常都会涉及到医疗损害技术鉴定,这就使得医疗损害案件是民事案件中经常需要专家辅助人的一类案件。本文在剖析了专家辅助人的诉讼地位后,认为我国医疗损害案件中的专家辅助人不同于英美法系中医疗诉讼中的专家证人,也不同于证人、鉴定人和诉讼代理人。在此基础上,探讨了医学专家辅助人在医疗损害案件诉讼的实际应用,并针对现有相关规定中不明确的地方提出了完善医疗损害诉讼中专家辅助人制度的建议。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术可能带来的相关刑事法律问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅助生殖技术的成功运用和不断完善实施,给众多不孕家庭带来了福音,使得他们为人父母成为一种可能,加之辅助生殖技术成功率的提升,更给这一技术的推广带来了机遇。目前全世界不孕不育率之高以及这种仍在增长的趋势是前所未有的,这给该技术的推广带来了机遇但是同时也一系列问题。本文讨论的是这一系列问题中的“犯罪与刑法相关问题”,正如本文中所列举,这一技术所可能引发的刑事法律问题并不是单一的,而是多发的,也是存在于多个领域之中的,这需要我们用立法对其加以规制,这既是对违法犯罪行为的打击,同时更重要的是对辅助生殖技术安全规范实施的保障。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,三维信息、三维虚拟现实动画已经越来越多的出现在人们的视野中。国内一些公安机关已经将三维虚拟技术应用到犯罪现场数据采集中,为了减少三维采集数据处理的时间,提高应用数据的效率。本文将研究方向定位在研发一个集一维信息、二维信息、三维信息、漫游系统、三维仿真动画等功能于一身的三维制作平台,并探讨其在案件侦查中的运用。  相似文献   

当今社会已经快步进入老龄化社会,养老问题日益凸显,加强社会养老服务体系建设是应对人口老龄化进程、保障和改善民生事业、构建和谐社会的重要举措。本文通过对社会化养老机构发展现状的调查,分析目前社会养老机构在建设和发展中所遇到的问题,并提出完善社会化养老服务机构的若干建议。  相似文献   

新《刑事诉讼法》设立的专家辅助人制度,将其适用范围限定在了庭审阶段。但根据我国目前的司法实践来看,刑事诉讼中的鉴定争议大都集中于初查或侦查阶段,因此部分侦查机关已将该制度应用于侦查阶段的鉴定程序中,并取得了较好的效果。由此看来,仅仅在庭审阶段建立专家辅助人,必然存在较多局限,而侦查阶段的鉴定程序建立专家辅助人制度势必具有必要性与可行性。因此,立法应根据诉讼实践,对目前的专家辅助人制度进行完善,以建立合理可行的侦查阶段专家辅助人制度。  相似文献   

而部形态特征研究在很多学科中都具有重要作用,例如雕塑学、考^学、医学美容、法医学颅骨面貌复原等。随着计算机技术的快速发展,使得面貌复原技术也大大提高,同时,对五官形态特衙的要求也相应提高。现就国内外在人体而部形态特征相关研究作一概述。  相似文献   

鼻骨骨折螺旋CT3D成像与X线片对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 评价螺旋CT扫描三维重建成像与X线摄片对比对鼻骨骨折法医学鉴定的价值。方法 使用SOMATOM BALANCE 1s螺旋CT机,对32例复杂鼻部外伤者2mm/2mm扫描,常规进行最大密度投影法(MIP)、多平面重建(MPR)、表面覆盖法(SSD)、容积成像(VR)方式。全貌显示受伤鼻骨骨折影像,并与常规鼻骨摄片比较。结果 螺旋CT三维成像纠正3例X线照片的假阳性和6例诊断骨折类型不准确。结论 螺旋CT三维重建对诊断复杂鼻骨骨折块数目、移位,以及骨折类型优于X线摄片。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to report on the successful implementation of forensic facial approximation in a real case in the forensic context. A three‐dimensional (3D) facial approximation protocol of the skull was performed with free software, applying techniques in a virtual environment that have already been consolidated in the literature. The skull was scanned with the photogrammetry technique, the digital replica was imported in the Blender software (Blender Foundation, Amsterdam) and individualized model sketches of the face were traced with the MakeHuman software (MakeHuman Org) according to the anthropological profile of the victim. The face created was imported in Blender, where it was adapted, modeled, and sculpted on the 3D skull and its soft tissue markers, using an American open‐source application of the technique in the digital environment. The face created in a virtual environment was recognized and legal identification procedures were started, resulting in the more agile delivery of the disappeared body to its next of kin. It is therefore concluded that facial approximation may not be a primary method of human identification, but it can be satisfactorily applied in the forensic field as an individual recognition resource. It has great value in narrowing the search, reducing the number of alleged victims, and leading to identification tests, therefore significantly reducing the number of genetic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) tests—which are considered costly for the State or Federation—and consequently reducing the waiting time before delivery of the body to its family.  相似文献   

Gerasimov's plastic facial reconstruction method is notoriously difficult to repeat from the published literature. Primarily, this is because of the method's underlying qualitative basis but other factors contribute including: misreports in the secondary literature of Gerasimov's method essence; a lack of published details concerning Gerasimov's modeling mastic; Gerasimov's deviation from his own published nose projection prediction guidelines; and continued refinement of the methods in the 15 years following their foremost publication. As Gerasimov cannot be consulted to resolve these issues, we provide solutions via one of his five former principal students. This includes clarification of Gerasimov's method and use of soft tissue depths; the constitution of his modeling mastic; methods used for nose projection prediction; and refinements made to his methods following their primary publication.  相似文献   

In the English literature, facial approximation methods have been commonly classified into three types: "Russian,"American," or "Combination." These categorizations are based on the protocols used, for example, whether methods use average soft-tissue depths (American methods) or require face muscle construction (Russian methods). However, literature searches outside the usual realm of English publications reveal key papers that demonstrate that the Russian category above has been founded on distorted views. In reality, Russian methods are based on limited face muscle construction, with heavy reliance on modified average soft-tissue depths. A closer inspection of the American method also reveals inconsistencies with the recognized classification scheme. This investigation thus demonstrates that all major methods of facial approximation depend on both face anatomy and average soft-tissue depths, rendering common method classification schemes redundant. The best way forward appears to be for practitioners to describe the methods they use (including the weight each one gives to average soft-tissue depths and deep face tissue construction) without placing them in any categorical classificatory group or giving them an ambiguous name. The state of this situation may need to be reviewed in the future in light of new research results and paradigms.  相似文献   

The utilization of 3D computerized systems has allowed more effective procedures for forensic facial reconstruction. Three 3D computerized facial reconstructions were produced using skull models from live adult Korean subjects to assess facial morphology prediction accuracy. The 3D skeletal and facial data were recorded from the subjects in an upright position using a cone-beam CT scanner. Shell-to-shell deviation maps were created using 3D surface comparison software, and the deviation errors between the reconstructed and target faces were measured. Results showed that 54%, 65%, and 77% of the three facial reconstruction surfaces had <2.5 mm of error when compared to the relevant target face. The average error for each reconstruction was -0.46 mm (SD = 2.81) for A, -0.31 mm (SD = 2.40) for B, and -0.49 mm (SD = 2.16) for C. The facial features of the reconstructions demonstrated good levels of accuracy compared to the target faces.  相似文献   

The success of facial approximation is thought to depend, at least in part, upon the "accuracy" of the constructed face. However, methods of accuracy assessment are varied and this range in methods may be responsible for the disparate results reported in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine if the accuracy results of one facial approximation were comparable across two different assessment methods (resemblance ratings and simultaneous face array tests using unfamiliar assessors) and if resemblance ratings co-varied with recognition responses. True-positive recognition performance from the facial approximation was poor (21%) while resemblance scores using the same facial approximation were moderately high (3 out of 5 on a five-point scale). These results are not, therefore, consistent and indicate that either different variables are being evaluated by the methods, or the same variable is being examined but with different weight/calibration. Further resemblance ratings tests of the facial approximation to three foil faces from the face array revealed that resemblance scores were similar irrespective of which face was compared, and did not closely correspond with the degree of recognition performance. This was especially the case for isolated comparisons of single faces to the facial approximation. Collectively, these results indicate that resemblance ratings are: (i) insensitive measures of a facial approximation's accuracy; and (ii) inconsistent with results of unfamiliar simultaneous face-array recognition results. These data suggest that familiar and unfamiliar recognition tests should be given increased weight in contrast to current resemblance rating tests.  相似文献   

Facial reconstruction has until now been carried out by the sculpting technique. This method involves building a face with clay or other suitable material on to a skull or its cast, taking into account appropriate facial thickness measurements together with information provided by anthropologists such as approximate age, sex, race and other individual idiosyncrasies. A method for facial reconstruction is presented using 3-D computer graphics and is compared with the manual technique. The computer method involves initially digitising a skull using a laser scanner and video camera interfaced to a computer. A face, from a data bank which has previously digitised facial surfaces, is then placed over the skull in the form of a mask and the skin thickness is altered to conform with the underlying skull. The advantage of the computer method is its speed and flexibility. We have shown that the computer method for reconstructing a face is feasible and furthermore has the advantage over the manual technique of speed and flexibility. Nevertheless, the technique is far from perfect. Further facial thickness data needs collecting and the method requires evaluation using both known control skulls and later unknown remains.  相似文献   

Forensic odontology majorly focuses on the identification of victims through the analyses of oral and para-oral structures.Exposure to high temperatures and trauma can occur in mass disasters and may lead to the fracturing and fragmentation of teeth.These fragments may become very fragile and easily damaged while handling.Conventional methodologies such as the use of transparent nail polish,hair spray,cyanoacrylate or adhesives have been used to stabilise the fragmented pieces.This study introduces a new and innovative digital technique that utilises three-dimensional surface scanning(3DSS)and rapid prototyping techniques to reconstruct fractured portions of the teeth.The results of qualitative congruency analysis suggest that over all variance of morphological error(0.0526±0.05)mm.These results imply that the reconstructed 3D model can be used for various morphometric analyses.  相似文献   

This study examines facial tissue depth in adult Chinese-Americans. Using ultrasound, measurements were taken at 19 landmarks across the faces of 101 individuals aged from 18 to 87 years. Summary statistics are reported for a sample of 67 individuals of normal weight (as determined by a body mass index [BMI] of 19-25). Statistical analyses were used to assess relationships between tissue thickness, age, and BMI. Results indicate that no significant relationship exists between tissue thickness and age for males, and for only 3/19 points in females. Also, only four points showed significant relationships between tissue thickness and sex. However, significant relationships exist between BMI and tissue thickness at multiple points for both males and females. Compared to other American and Asian populations in the literature, Chinese-Americans generally had thinner facial tissue; though, this difference was not assessed statistically. Finally, data generated in this study will add to the body of knowledge concerning facial tissue depth variation in modern humans.  相似文献   

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