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反垄断法服务于社会发展和社会总体利益,金融危机下可对其执法松紧进行适当的调整。反垄断法需要进一步细化以赋予执法机构调整执法的灵活性。金融危机下反垄断执法制度性完善需配合相应的惩戒措施。  相似文献   

席卷全球的金融危机引发了人们对银行机构“太大不能倒”问题的思考,也引发了一些国家对银行业反垄断执法理念与执法手段的变革。当今各国反垄断执法的发展趋向是从结构规制到行为规制,但基于银行业较其它行业的特殊风险与特性,银行机构的合理规模界限等问题的存在,在对银行业反垄断执法时不能忽视结构规制。尤其是针对我国银行业的特点,在金融监管中也应体现结构规制的内容。  相似文献   

反垄断执法机构的性质和职责定位,直接影响到我国反垄断法的实施效果和权威性。我国反垄断执法体制,已不适应反垄断执法形势的新要求。反垄断执法机构,面临着许多新挑战,如执法职责新理念、执法领域新扩容、交叉执法责任混同、执法机构责任清单等等内容。完善我国反垄断执法制度,构建我国反垄断执法的常态机制,才能适应我国政府权力清单、责...  相似文献   

经营者集中反垄断执法的透明度是全球反垄断领域的重要关切,也是政府治理能力的重要体现,更是当事人和社会公众知情权与监督权的可靠保障。良好适中的透明度是各国和地区经营者集中反垄断执法的不懈追求。本文界定了经营者集中反垄断执法透明度的基本内涵,探讨了其理论基础,分析了其正向功能和负向功能。并指出应对其进行必要的限制。  相似文献   

论我国反垄断法执法机构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹胜亮 《法学杂志》2005,26(1):35-36
一、行政立法确定反垄断执法机构的缺陷我国现行立法确定的反垄断执法机构不完善,主要表现在三个方面:(1)反垄断执法机构主体规定模糊不定。中国有五级政府,每一级政府由许多职能部门构成。因此,除中央和省一级政府外,任何一级政府或任何一个职能部门,其“同级或上级机关”都不是唯一的。(2)我国市场经济秩序监管多头执法、局面混乱。(3)我国反垄断执法机构的执法能力有限。目前,我国反垄断的执法机构主要是国家工商行政管理部门,实践证明其执法能力有限,执法效果很不理想。反垄断法规制的对象非常复杂,并且具有很强的专业性。我国工商行政…  相似文献   

张占江 《法学研究》2010,(5):113-127
竞争倡导是反垄断执法机构实施的除执法以外所有改善竞争环境的行为,具有促进和补充反垄断执法、推进竞争政策有效实施和推动竞争文化建设的重要作用。反垄断执法针对私人限制竞争,竞争倡导关注政府干预限制竞争的风险,故所倡导的竞争应围绕干预的适当性、主导权及期望实现的目标来界定。分析各国竞争倡导的制度路径,借鉴其成功经验并结合我国现实诉求,我国竞争倡导制度构建的重点在于引入立法优先咨询制度、推动准入管制的放松、逐步缩减反垄断除外适用范围、健全对管制的竞争评估、帮助企业进行合规制度建设,以形成多样化的倡导工具。  相似文献   

李希梁 《北方法学》2024,(3):144-160
反垄断法遵循着为自由而干预自由的法哲学基础,不单向保护竞争者的消极自由或者限制垄断者的积极自由,这从根本上划定了反垄断法的基本限度。“过度反垄断”是我国当前经济治理中出现的阶段性问题,是反垄断立法和执法活动不遵守反垄断法与其他法律或社会规范的外部界限,超出反垄断法的内部制度预设,最终导致政府过度干预市场经济的结果。其反映为立法层面的价值目标象征化、法益保护前置化、兜底条款扩张化、并购审查扩大化、平台条款广泛化、罚则配置严厉化,以及执法层面竞争效果评估的形式化。“过度反垄断”将改变政府权力与市场自由的结构,阻碍创新和经济增长,导致反垄断法与其他规范体系的龃龉。防止经济治理“过度反垄断”,必须确立反垄断法参与经济治理最小化的整体理念,通过比例原则对反垄断法益予以实质性限缩,实现外部法律体系对反垄断法的约束,同时从内部实体制度层面强化市场力量标准与竞争效果分析。  相似文献   

正目次一、反垄断执法和解的合理性二、反垄断执法和解的有效性与有限性三、我国反垄断执法和解的制度现状及问题由于反垄断法具有不确定性以及执法资源有限,运用传统的反垄断行政审理和反垄断诉讼程序不可能有效处理所有反垄断案件,和解成为一种解决纠纷的选择。反垄断执法和解,属反垄断法实施范畴,是反垄断执法机构通过与经营者订立与履行和解协议以消除垄断、解决反垄断争议的一种柔性执法机制。反垄断执法和解具有多方面  相似文献   

邓辉 《法人》2004,(7):21-21
我国的反垄断工作不仅要对经济性垄断行为进行规制,而且还要对行政性垄断行为进行规制,在这种背景下,尤其需要通过建立一个独立、高效、权威的反垄断执法体制,以保证反垄断法律得到有效和统一实施。为此应当对行政性垄断的执法主体、程序以及处罚原则、手段等做出合理且比较详尽的具体安排,这才是当前解决行政性垄断问  相似文献   

阿计 《法治与社会》2007,(11):13-14
尽管中国长期缺乏反垄断法,但在现实生活中,反垄断的执法力量却显得异常“繁荣”。 早在1995年,国家工商局(国家工商总局的前身)就在其公平贸易局下设立了反垄断处,并在省、地、市三级工商机关均设立了公平交易执法机构,相关执法人员达六万多人。据国家工商总局统计:  相似文献   

《Federal register》1981,46(10):3504-3509
This document contains final regulations relating to self-insured medical reimbursement plans and the withholding of income tax under these plans. Changes to the applicable law were made by the Revenue Act of 1978 and the Technical Corrections Act of 1979. These regulations provide necessary guidance to the public for compliance with the law and affect both employers who maintain self-insured medical reimbursement plans and certain employees who receive medical benefits under these plans.  相似文献   

International law does not take family violence seriously enough. Although reviews and commentaries of international law regularly ignore family violence, such violence increasingly becomes a central concern of modern international treaties and plans of action. This article details how international law, which still tends to limit itself to inter-state behavior, seeks to transform local cultural practices and forms of interpersonal relations that lead to family violence. Although these developments largely remain in their infancy, the article proposes that international human rights developments are both legitimate and necessary.  相似文献   

应急预案在本质上是各种应急法律规范的具体执行方案,但分析发现,目前的国家和省级预案却创制、补充了大量的法律规范用于弥补立法缺陷,事实上已使预案本身异化为应急法律体系的一部分。对于预案中暂时替代法律发挥作用的这些内容,为了保证其合法性,有必要在形式上将一定级别的预案上升为行政法规和规章,从而需要对预案的编制程序和内在结构进行必要的调整。  相似文献   


Even when motivated to desist from crime, many high-risk offenders fail quickly following release from prison. One cause may be a lack of preparation for release. Recent research with child-sex offenders has demonstrated that men who avoided reconvictions not only had better plans made for life on parole prior to their release, but plan quality also added significant incremental validity to the prediction of recidivism after controlling for both static and dynamic measures of risk. This study examined release planning in high-risk violent prisoners in an intensive cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation programme. We compared the predictive validity of plan quality with three well-validated risk assessment instruments. Men who were reconvicted had significantly higher scores on all three risk instruments and significantly poorer plans, but plan quality did not significantly improve prediction when risk was controlled. Plan quality was also significantly poorer in men who were reimprisoned, and did significantly improve prediction over and above each risk prediction instrument. Findings suggest that higher quality release plans may protect offenders from being quickly reimprisoned, despite high levels of assessed criminal risk, and that enhancing resources put into release planning may lead to improved parole outcomes.  相似文献   

通过对汶川地震恢复重建规划的分析可以发现,行政规划的确定将对众多社会群体的法律利益和事实利益产生重大影响。为此,有必要构建行政规划中的公众参与程序,作为公有制前提下公共利益与个体利益的平衡器,并以主体性公众参与作为目标模式。在行政规划的公众参与过程中,容易因公众参与的无限扩张导致政府决策效率低下甚至无法决策,或因公众利益的分化和参与不平衡导致社会公正受损,或者发生公众意见对法律和政策目标的偏离,对此均应竭力避免和纠正。  相似文献   

在解决环境外部性的问题上,经济手段会比行政手段产生更大的利益激励机制和效率弹性。经济手段的作用在于通过对环境资源予以定价,将同环境污染与利用等相关的外部成本全部反映到企业的生产成本中,促使企业基于利益最大化的考虑,作出最有利于环境的经济决策。因此,在环境政策的执行中加大运用收费、补贴、押金、排污权交易、环境税、环境责任保险等经济手段的力度是大势所趋。对环境问题的调节,在法律层面上,要求的是既具有私法的建立在意思自治基础上的内在激励机制,又有公法从整体利益出发保障国家介入经济活动的干预机制。  相似文献   

Legal rights may erode as a result of past, uncontested, breach.In light of ongoing violations, the rightholder's lacklusterenforcement may result in the loss of the entitlement. The doctrinesof course of performance in contract law and adverse possessionin property law are prominent examples of this widespread erosionphenomenon. In analyzing the effects of such laws, the articleconfronts two conflicting intuitions. On the one hand, the 'licence'to continue breach prospectively encourages opportunism. Onthe other hand, the risk of erosion may reinforce the rightholder'smotivation to take antierosion measures, bolstering the credibilityof the threat to enforce, thus better preserving the entitlement.The article proves that these two effects of erosion rules alwaysbalance out. The same amount of value will be extracted fromthe rightholder, irrespective of the law's erosion doctrine.The article also demonstrates the limits of this 'irrelevance'claim and the factors that may lead to its collapse. It appliesthe analysis to offer new perspectives on various prominentlegal rules.  相似文献   

The Draft Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill published by DEFRA in late 2018 is part of a process of reimagining environmental law in light of Brexit. The Draft Bill creates frameworks for policy statements on environmental principles and environmental implementation plans, as well as creating a new enforcement body – the Office for Environmental Protection. This Draft Bill is, at the very least, an ineffectual response to the challenges of environmental law post-Brexit. More alarmingly, it raises the possibility of a legal future in which the executive dominates how the norms, ambitions, and accountabilities of environmental law are defined. These are matters of concern for environmental and public lawyers alike.  相似文献   

In June of 1999, Texas became the first state to pass a law allowing physicians to collectively bargain with managed care plans for fee-related activities. Whether this law will give physicians renewed control over patient care remains to be seen. Notwithstanding the intention of its drafters, it is likely that the law and its proposed regulations may only provide physicians with costly and time-consuming procedures that present multiple risks instead of renewed power.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(79):17465
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is amending its regulations pertaining to benefits under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program for individuals in medically underserved areas. These regulations are necessary to implement the FEHB law, as amended, which mandates special consideration for enrollees of certain FEHB plans who receive covered health service in States with critical shortages of primary care physicians.  相似文献   

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