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犯罪直接客体的分类及评价陈正云近年来,刑法学界对犯罪直接客体研究有了较为可喜的进步。将直接客体在种类上划分为:(1)简单客体和复杂客体;(2)主要客体和次要客体;(3)物质性客体和非物质性客体;(4)现实客体和可能客体。这种划分和研究有其重要的理论意...  相似文献   

邱臻 《法制与社会》2012,(9):124-125
适用刑事和解的基本前提是:犯罪对象是真正的"被害人";被害人对受害法益有刑事实体处分权。在造成轻伤后果的聚众斗殴罪中,犯罪对象主要是"加害人",其次才是"受害人";犯罪的主要客体是公共秩序,次要客体是个人的人身权利。在造成重伤、死亡后果的聚众斗殴犯罪中,犯罪对象身份主要是"受害人",其次才是"加害人";犯罪的主要客体是个人的人身权利,次要客体是公共秩序。对聚众斗殴犯犯罪的刑事和解应该根据不同情形决定是否适用以及怎样适用。  相似文献   

魏在军 《中国律师》2004,(12):57-59
一、关于受贿罪的犯罪客体(一)理论上的主要观点自1979年刑法规定受贿罪以来,刑法理论上关于该罪的犯罪客体就产生了争议,归纳起来主要有:一是认为该罪的犯罪客体是国家机关的正常管理活动;二是廉洁性说,认为该罪的犯罪客体是国家工作人员职务行为的廉洁性;三是复杂客体说,认为该罪的犯罪客体包括国家机关、企业、事业单位的正常活动和公私财产所有权;四是选择客体说,认为受贿罪的犯罪客体是一个以基本客体为核心与兼及客体选择组合的结构性客体,即以国家公务的正常进行和公务的声誉为基本客体,与社会经济管理秩序和公私财产所有权选择组合…  相似文献   

论民法中的集合物及其现代应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《物权法》以不动产和动产作为物权的客体缺乏普适性。作为物权客体的物,应有多种法定的分类,集合物就是相当必要和重要的一种物的类型。国有财产、集体财产和私人财产以及企业,都符合集合物的构成要求;它们之所以能作为物权的客体,是要适用统一的法律关系。上述几种集合物可以依法成立归属意义的所有权法律关系和担保法律关系。集合物的这种意义能够起到民法上的确权和保护作用。建立多样化的物的分类体系应当成为我国未来的立法趋势。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国监狱主要是按性别、年龄、刑期、犯罪类型对罪犯进行分类。实践中的某些做法不符合我国刑事诉讼法、监狱法和联合国《囚犯待遇最低限度标准规则》的要求。我国监狱罪犯分类制度的总体设想是:罪犯以按性别、年龄、国籍分类为基础分类,以按罪犯危险性、难改性、犯罪类型分类为主要分类;监狱以按押犯性别、年龄、管辖关系分类为基础分类,以按警戒度、功能分类为主要分类;同时,实行动态的分配关押与分级处遇。  相似文献   

敲诈勒索罪的客体为复杂客体,主要客体为公私财产所有权,次要客体为意志自由.敲诈勒索罪的实行行为是威胁行为与索财行为双重违法的复合行为,威胁行为合法而索财行为不正当不合法,威胁行为违法而索财行为正当合法,都不构成敲诈勒索罪.以实施非正常上访为威胁而向地方国家机关无理索取财物的行为,属于敲诈勒索行为,这样认定符合法的正义、合目的性和安定性要求.消费者以向媒体曝光的合法方式相威胁而向商家无理索赔的过度维权行为,不能认定为敲诈勒索罪.  相似文献   

民法典中的法人分类,是以营利与非营利法人之分为主要表现形式的功能性分类,与以社团与财团法人之分为主要表现形式的结构性分类相互兼容而成的复合体系。《德国民法典》所代表的法人分类方案实现了最低限度的基于法人结构性分类的对功能性分类的兼容,但难以适应社会政策对法人制度在兼顾管制与自治价值方面的更高要求。在社会主义国家,社会组织分化进程的国家主导性决定形成了功能性分类主导下兼容结构性分类的法人复合分类体系。我国《民法总则》建立了覆盖民商法全域组织类型的"功能—结构"匹配性渐变序列,为在传统法人结构性分类中无处安放的公法组织在功能性目录下寻获位置;但它同时令民法中的公法人在特别法人以外的营利与非营利法人中均会隐匿存在,提升了公、私法人制度边界弹性与规制难度。  相似文献   

我国现行刑法将金融犯罪分别规定在第三章第四节破坏金融管理秩序罪和第五节金融诈骗罪中,金融诈骗罪的独立成节在理论和实践中都颇受争议。此种分类打破了我国刑法在分类体系上依据犯罪客体来划分的标准,造成了刑法罪名分类标准的混乱。从完善刑事立法的角度而言,金融诈骗完全可以归入破坏金融管理秩序罪中。  相似文献   

在刑事案件中,被告人是否确为本案的犯罪分子,是案件所需查明的具有重要诉讼意义的事实,也即案件的主要事实。这一主要事实,可以依靠各种证据获得直接的证明或间接的证明。所谓直接证明,就是单凭该证据就能直接指明犯罪行为是被告人实施的。所谓间接证明,即单凭该证据不能直接推理出被告人就是犯罪分子,而只能证明与案件主要事实相联系的某种次要事实,然后通过一系列次要事实,才能推断被告人是犯罪分子。由于间接证据只能指明与主要事实相联系的次要事实或情况,故在外国证据法学上,有的又称之为情况证据。直接证据与间接证据的分类,就是按照证据与案件主要事实的不同关系来划分的。  相似文献   

人类生命健康具有至高无上的价值,由于管理力度不足,药品市场假药泛滥的现象对人类的安全构成威胁,为了准确惩罚假药犯罪,必须通过相关罪名的研究为司法实务提供准据。基于这一考虑,本文主要对本罪在司法实务中常见的争议问题进行探讨,其目的是为了对本罪正确定罪量刑。根据我国刑法第141条的规定,生产、销售假药罪,是指违反国家药品管理法规,非法生产、销售假药,足以危害人体健康的行为。本罪在司法适用中,有以下问题值得特别重视:一、本罪侵犯的主要客体与次要客体现在,我国刑法学理论研究的学者们对把本罪犯罪客体界定为复…  相似文献   

The Nature letter by R. van Oorschot and M. Jones (1) addressed two topics: the primary transfer of DNA from person to person or to various objects, and the secondary transfer of DNA through an intermediary. Forensic scientists have described the primary transfer of DNA and other biological evidence for many years. However, the authors also reported detecting secondary transfer of DNA from an object to a person's hands, which could adversely affect DNA typing in the forensic context. The prospect of secondary transfer raises questions of interest to both the legal and forensic communities. Therefore, we sought to evaluate parameters potentially leading to secondary DNA transfer. Our data do not support the conclusion that secondary transfer will compromise DNA typing results under typical forensic conditions.  相似文献   

研讨行政赔偿诉讼审判对象兼具理论与实践价值。基于对行政赔偿诉讼中原、被告法律关系的分析可以发现,公民与行政机关间的权利—义务关系及其次生的行政赔偿法律关系是行政赔偿诉讼首要审判对象,在具体行政行为是免责要件时,行政机关与公民间的权力—责任关系则构成另一审判对象,先行处理决定则不是审判对象。这一界定不仅有助于我们重新认识行政赔偿诉讼的性质、法治逻辑、制度构造,还有助于我们重构其审判进程,合理安排具体行政行为的合法性审查。  相似文献   

Much has been written since the early 1980s about the costs of regulation and the various ways to curb them, but thus far no one has examined empirically the rise or decline of other forms of legislation, mainly primary legislation, in the context of the “war on regulation.” This article examines the extent to which the decline in the rate of production of secondary legislation in Israel since 1985 has been driven by changes in the rate of production of primary legislation. Using an original longitudinal data set, we count, codify various dimensions, and compare the type and length of primary and secondary legislations and the number of delegated provisions that primary legislations contain. We find that the relationship between primary and secondary legislation is not hierarchic, as one might have expected, but has become partially substitutive. The decline in the rate of production of secondary legislation in Israel is, perhaps paradoxically, associated with the rise of primary legislation. This opens a new research agenda on the relationships between primary and secondary legislation that goes well beyond the Israeli case.  相似文献   

中小学生自我概念发展的影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究对高小及初中学生自我概念发展的影响因素进行了考察。结果表明 :高小和初中学生自我概念的直接影响因素均为同伴接纳、学生成就、父子关系和师生关系 ,但它们对两阶段自我概念的影响模式有差异 :对高小学生自我概念的影响具有决定性作用的是同伴接纳 ;对初中学生自我概念影响较大的是学业成就和同伴接纳 ;父子和师生关系对自我概念的影响从高小至初中稍有降低。家庭环境变量对中小学生总体自我概念没有直接效应  相似文献   

The issue of DNA transfer is becoming increasingly important in crime scene situations, as DNA analytical techniques now detect tiny amounts. Whereas primary and secondary DNA transfers have been well studied, subsequent transfer steps have received much less focus. This study aimed to measure the detectability of a DNA source after multiple transfer events. Transfer of wet blood gave a full genetic profile well beyond the secondary transfer events on both cotton and glass substrates. Dry blood gave a full profile well beyond the secondary transfer events on glass only, but to a lesser extent than wet blood. Touch DNA only produced a full profile on the primary substrate on both cotton and glass, and detectable quantities beyond the secondary transfer event on glass only. Our results will contribute to a better understanding of the tertiary and subsequent transfer of DNA, which will allow for improved evaluation of the likelihood of alternative scenarios explaining why an individual's DNA was found at a crime scene.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between psychopathy (primary and secondary), intelligence and emotional responding in a sample of 50 university students, using a task measuring autonomic responses to 40 pictorial stimuli (20 neutral and 20 emotionally provoking). Results indicated no significant direct relationship between primary or secondary psychopathy and emotional response, or primary or secondary psychopathy and intelligence. However, a significant moderating effect of intelligence on the association between both psychopathy factors and emotional response was observed, indicating those scoring higher on psychopathy but with lower intelligence portray the expected emotional responses to the affective stimuli (primary: β?=??.56, p?β?=?.80, p?<?.001). These findings indicate abnormal reactivity to emotional stimuli in lower intelligence, higher psychopathic individuals, and suggest differing roles for the two facets of psychopathy in affective responsiveness deviations.  相似文献   

Nonconsensual insertion of a foreign object into the vagina, anus, or mouth in some judicial jurisdictions is synonymous with rape, and elsewhere may constitute some degree of sexual assault or battery. Few techniques, however, are available to assist the criminalist in determining whether an object has been criminally inserted. Glycogenated epithelial cells have been used as a marker for vaginal epithelium, and as such, may indicate vaginal insertion if recovered from an object. This hypothesis was tested by studying orally and vaginally inserted objects from 42 volunteers and 20 rectally inserted objects recovered from cadavers. Glycogen positivity was assayed from smears of object swabbings stained with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) technique. More than 75 glycogen positive cells were recovered from 39 of 42 vaginally inserted objects. Glycogenated cells were recovered from 8 of 20 rectally inserted objects (5 with more than 100 positive cells). Of 42 orally inserted objects, 32 also contained glycogen positive cells, but none with more than 28 positive cells. No glycogen positive cells were seen in skin exposed but not inserted objects. Large numbers of glycogen cells were seen in dried saliva drops. Amylase activity was not seen on 5 of 20 orally inserted shields, and thus the possibility of noninsertional saliva contamination could not be ruled out with shields yielding only small numbers of positive cells. Recovery of large numbers of glycogenated cells from foreign objects is strongly suggestive of either vaginal or anal insertion assuming amylase negativity. Glycogen positive cells are not seen secondary to glabrous skin exposure.  相似文献   

论信用证诈骗罪   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
信用证诈骗罪侵犯的主要客体是国家对信用证的管理制度,在实施骗取信用证进行诈骗时,公私财物的所有权仅是一种选择客体。客观方面表现为《刑法》第195条规定的四种方式。信用证诈骗罪在某些情况下也存在既遂、未遂之分。应当区分本罪与伪造、变造金融票证罪的界限。对盗窃他人信用证后又加以使用、利用信用证诈骗银行“打包贷款”的行为应按本罪论处。  相似文献   

There is growing support for the disaggregation of psychopathy into primary and secondary variants. This study examines whether variants of psychopathy can be identified in a subsample (n = 116) of juvenile offenders with high scores on the Youth Version of the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL:YV). Model-based cluster analysis of offenders’ scores on the PCL:YV and a measure of anxiety suggested a two-group solution. The derived clusters manifested expected differences across theoretically relevant constructs of abuse history, hostility, and psychiatric symptoms. Compared with low-anxious primary variants, high-anxious secondary variants manifested more institutional violence, greater psychosocial immaturity, and more instability in institutional violence over a 2-year period, but similar stability in PCL:YV scores.  相似文献   

Chen JX 《法医学杂志》2007,23(1):39-41
在法医学鉴定中,当暴力所致的原发损害与医疗过失行为造成的继发损害并存时,应区别“不可避免的”继发损害和“可以避免的”继发损害,并将原发损害与“不可避免的”继发损害一起,作为损伤程度鉴定的依据,而不能将“可以避免的”继发损害也作为损伤程度鉴定的依据。《人体重伤鉴定标准》第七十二条规定了外伤后腹部积血的鉴定原则,如何应用该条款评定损伤程度,需对原发损害与继发损害加以区别,同时,有必要对这一条款进行必要的修改。  相似文献   

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