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Drug packets are usually detected by ordinary abdominal radiographs, which is of major importance in the apprehension and prosecution of drug body packers, but false negatives may occur. We report the case of a cocaine body packer who had used the prograde route and in whom the initial abdominal plain films were normal. The diagnosis of cocaine body packing was assessed by seldom-described complementary methods of detection, including drug detection in the urine and contrast study of the bowel.  相似文献   

Primary adrenocortical insufficiency is a rare disease which may present with protean clinical symptoms and signs. At one end of the spectrum is the patient with a long clinical history with marked pigmentation and documented episodes of crises which may follow relatively minor viral illnesses. The other extreme is illustrated by patients with a rapid deterioration in health culminating in unexpected or unexplained death. In the latter instances, the forensic pathologist may well be involved, and the case will present a significant challenge to diagnosis. We report 5 cases of primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency seen at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine in 1 year. One adult man presented as a case of sudden unexplained death. In 2 cases, the diagnosis of adrenocortical insufficiency was raised following postmortem examination and confirmed by the treating physician following further consultation. In the remaining 2 cases, the diagnosis was known prior to postmortem examination and the diagnosis confirmed.  相似文献   

The authors describe the clinical and pathologic findings in 29 patients with injuries from motor vehicle accidents. The seromuscular tear (SMT), the hallmark intestinal injury of the seatbelt syndrome, is an unambiguous lesion similar in all segments of bowel and is caused by a tear that separates the inner muscularis from the submucosa. It is characterized by (1) a wedge that strips the submucosa from the inner circular muscle; (2) a bending retraction of the torn muscularis toward the uninvolved bowel wall; (3) mucosal-submucosal fold effacement, causing the mucosa-submucosa bridge spanning the tear to become paper thin; and (4) the vulnerability of this bridge to ischemia that in 35% of the tears studied culminated in incipient or frank perforations and/or gangrene. Large SMTs, particularly the circumferential degloving type, are most prone to develop these complications. These findings militate against the idea that the SMT is a trivial lesion. The SMT occurred in 90% of patients in this report and accounted for 65% of all intestinal lesions. Seventy-three percent of the tears developed in the colon, and one third of all SMTs occurred in the sigmoid colon. Two thirds of all intestinal and mesenteric injuries clustered in three sites: the ileocecal region, the sigmoid colon, and the jejunum. Perforations were the principal lesion in the jejunum and SMTs at the other two locations. Ninety percent of patients experienced two or more intestinal lesions. This suggests the simultaneous action of different traumatic mechanisms on the bowel and its mesenteries in seatbelted persons who are in motor vehicle accidents.  相似文献   

A 58‐year‐old man died suddenly in Madagascar and poisoning was suspected. The body was embalmed after death and the general state of preservation was good. We found a major aortic dissection with a large false lumen from the aortic root to the common iliac arteries and a hemopericardium with formalinized blood clot. The intimal tear was on the ascending aorta, and an intramural hemorrhage was noted at the right coronary artery, attesting to a retrograde dissection. Microscopic studies confirmed aortic dissection with extensive intramural hemorrhage and also confirmed the retrograde dissection to the right coronary artery with a reduction of 90% of the true lumen. Classically, aortic dissection occurs in individuals with hypertension and individuals with genetic disorders of collagen formation. The diagnosis is often first established at the postmortem examination. Aortic dissection is therefore dealt with largely in necropsy studies. The usual cause of death is rupture into the pericardial sac. One case of bloodless dissection has been reported but the sudden death was explained by acute myocardial ischemia secondary to dissection of the left coronary artery. In our case, we found major hemopericardium and also intramural hemorrhage at the right coronary artery. We were able to make the diagnosis of aortic dissection and exclude the suspicion of homicide 15 days after death and after embalming.  相似文献   

A case study is presented where a woman travelling from South America to the Republic of Ireland was detained at Dublin Airport and articles of clothing she had in her luggage were found to be impregnated with cocaine. The study shows that the amount of powder recovered from the garments was approximately 14% of the total weight of the garments. The cocaine was in the form of cocaine hydrochloride and the purity was approximately 80%. An examination of the garments under filtered light highlighted the areas exposed to cocaine and indicated that the method of impregnation was by pouring liquid containing cocaine onto the clothing.  相似文献   

We present a case of a 30-year-old woman with learning difficulties who was found dead at home by her mother. Her body was partially naked and covered in a number of unusual skin lesions with a targetoid appearance with red erythematous centers and well-delineated halos of pallor. These lesions were initially thought to be bruises by the police and by a forensic postmortem instigated. Postmortem examination also identified hepatosplenomegaly, severe lymphadenopathy, and focal patchy colonic ulceration. Histologic examination of the skin and bowel ulcers showed the lesions to be areas of infarction caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa vasculitis. Pseudomonas was also cultured from the swabs of the abdomen, the spleen, and the blood cultures. Histologic findings of the lymph nodes showed complete effacement of the normal architecture by a population of pleomorphic small lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the predominant cell type to be T-cells. The diagnosis of peripheral T-cell lymphoma was made. The cause of death was given as Pseudomonas septicemia secondary to immunocompromise resulting from the undiagnosed peripheral T-cell lymphoma. The pathogenesis of Pseudomonas and its association with malignancy is discussed along with a brief review of peripheral T-cell lymphomas. This case report demonstrates the characteristic macroscopic appearance of cutaneous Pseudomonas-associated lesions and how they can be misinterpreted as bruises.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular complications of cocaine abuse include myocardial ischemia and infarction, dysrhythmias, cardiomyopathies and aortic dissection. The case in point pertains to a 26-year-old, Caucasian male, substance abuser who suffered a thoracic aortic dissection following the use of crack cocaine. The autopsy and histological findings showed a connective tissue abnormality including a focal microcystic medial necrosis and a fragmentation of the elastic fibers in the arterial walls. Blood concentrations of cocaine and benzoylecgonine, taken individually, were considered to be within a potentially toxic range. Blood concentrations of methadone also indicated use of this drug at the same time. The small amounts of morphine found in the blood and urine were compatible with heroine or morphine use more than 24 h before death.  相似文献   

Hair samples of eight postmortem cases were analyzed in segments of 1 to 3 cm for cocaine, benzoylecgonine and cocaethylene. Samples were prepared for analysis by digestion in 0.1 M HCl and subsequent extraction with mixed-mode solid-phase extraction columns. Measurement was made by reversed-phase, narrow-bore HPLC and fluorescence detection using two laboratory-made internal standards. The concentrations were in the region of 0.29-316 ng/mg of hair for cocaine, 0.43-141 ng/mg of hair for benzoylecgonine and 0.93-1.83 ng/mg of hair for cocaethylene. All eight investigated cases had cocaine-positive segments. In six of the cases, all segments were positive, suggesting regular cocaine use and two showed in-between negative segments indicating an interruption or a change of the abuse intensity. The results showed a second, remarkable observation, i.e. enormous concentration differences (factor >150) for both cocaine and benzoylecgonine between the different subjects. Furthermore, interindividual cocaine/benzoylecgonine ratios ranged from 0.02 to 8.43. We believe these observations could in part be attributed to both some of the still existing limitations in the analytical approach(es), especially the mandatory hair washing steps, and in our still too limited knowledge of the hair incorporation processes. Nevertheless, in some cases, segmental analysis proved to be an important tool to distinguish, together with postmortem examination, deadly chronic abuse from single acute drug overdosage.  相似文献   

The questionable reliability of the conventional procedures for detection of ingested drug packages triggered us to evaluate the accuracy of a method of contrast study of the bowel in 23 nonsurgically managed cocaine body-packers. A single dose (60 mL) of a water-soluble contrast compound (amidotrizoate + meglumine) was given orally after initial clinical examination and drug detection in urine. Thereafter, roentgenograms were performed daily after spontaneous passage until obtaining two packet-free stools and negative views. Roentgenograms showed packages when performed at least 3 h after the ingestion of the contrast compound. Sensitivity and specificity of the method with respect to the detection of residual packets in the body, assessed by subsequent examination of stools, was good and did not diminish as the number of packages decreased during the time spent in ward. No side-effects were observed. We conclude that oral administration of a water-soluble contrast compound is an easily performed, efficient, and safe method for the nonsurgical management of cocaine body-packers.  相似文献   

A case of sudden death due to massive small intestinal infarction is reported. The cause of the intestinal infarction was occlusion of mesenteric vessels by massive fibrosis secondary to carcinoid tumor. Since no primary carcinoid tumor was found in the intestine or elsewhere, it is suggested that the carcinoid tumor had originated in the mesentery.  相似文献   

Hair samples of eight postmortem cases were analyzed in segments of 1 to 3 cm for cocaine, benzoylecgonine and cocaethylene. Samples were prepared for analysis by digestion in 0.1 M HCl and subsequent extraction with mixed-mode solid-phase extraction columns. Measurement was made by reversed-phase, narrow-bore HPLC and fluorescence detection using two laboratory-made internal standards. The concentrations were in the region of 0.29–316 ng/mg of hair for cocaine, 0.43–141 ng/mg of hair for benzoylecgonine and 0.93–1.83 ng/mg of hair for cocaethylene. All eight investigated cases had cocaine-positive segments. In six of the cases, all segments were positive, suggesting regular cocaine use and two showed in-between negative segments indicating an interruption or a change of the abuse intensity. The results showed a second, remarkable observation, i.e. enormous concentration differences (factor >150) for both cocaine and benzoylecgonine between the different subjects. Furthermore, interindividual cocaine/benzoylecgonine ratios ranged from 0.02 to 8.43. We believe these observations could in part be attributed to both some of the still existing limitations in the analytical approach(es), especially the mandatory hair washing steps, and in our still too limited knowledge of the hair incorporation processes. Nevertheless, in some cases, segmental analysis proved to be an important tool to distinguish, together with postmortem examination, deadly chronic abuse from single acute drug overdosage.  相似文献   

The possibility of exposure to cocaine as a result of analyzing it or handling material contaminated by it has been a major concern of laboratory personnel. Several different work environments and simulated situations were examined to assess the likelihood of this type of exposure occurring. Urine specimens were collected and evaluated for cocaine and benzoylecgonine using the Syva ETS System (EMIT). Each specimen was analyzed for the two substances using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Urine specimens of laboratory-management personnel not working with drug samples showed no trace of cocaine or benzoylecgonine. A urinary benzoylecgonine level of 227 ng/mL was found in the specimen from one narcotics criminalist who was working on a routine case of 2 kilos of cocaine hydrochloride in the Narcotics Laboratory. A maximal urinary benzoylecgonine concentration of 1570 ng/mL was determined in the urine specimen from one narcotics criminalist who was sampling a case containing 50 kilos of cocaine hydrochloride over a period of 3 h. Decreasing the levels of airborne cocaine dust appears to minimize the amount of cocaine absorbed by the criminalists. Gloves, face masks, and goggles prove to be effective in minimizing exposure.  相似文献   

This report describes a 10-month-old infant girl who died of cocaine poisoning. The infant was found apneic and in ventricular fibrillation after the parents summoned rescue personnel and claimed she had ingested rat poison. The parents later admitted that 2 hours before calling for assistance, the infant's 2-year-old brother was found eating "crack" cocaine and also feeding it to the infant. Investigators found "crack" cocaine throughout the house and in the infant's crib. At autopsy, the infant had two pieces of "crack" cocaine in the duodenum. The brain exhibited a markedly thinned corpus callosum. Toxicologic examination showed high concentrations of cocaine in the blood and in other specimens. The manner of death was classified as homicide because the infant was willfully placed in a hazardous environment with an easily accessible toxic substance, medical attention was deliberately delayed for 2 hours, and medical personnel were deceived when they were falsely told she had ingested rat poison. These features were thought to constitute neglect. The toxicologic characteristics of this case are unique. There are numerous reports of passive cocaine inhalation in infants and children less than 5 years of age, but ingestion of cocaine in this age group has rarely been documented. This age group also has no reported deaths due to cocaine ingestion and no cases of "crack" cocaine ingestion. The high concentrations of cocaine seen in this case, combined with the "crack" cocaine found in the duodenum, indicate ingestion as the route of exposure. The thinned corpus callosum in this case may be a consequence of intrauterine cocaine exposure.  相似文献   

We reviewed all 50 body packer deaths in New York City from 1990 to 2001. The majority (37/50) of deaths were caused by acute intoxications due to open or leaking drug packets in the gastrointestinal tract. The number of packets recovered ranged from 1 to 111 (average 46). The weight of the combined packets ranged from 9.4 to 1,200 g (average of 377). The age ranged from 19 to 57 years (mean 37.1). The decedents were: 82% male, 66% Hispanic, 24% Black, and 10% White. The manners of death were 47 accidents, 1 homicide, 1 natural, and 1 undetermined. The causes of death included 42 acute intoxications, 5 intestinal obstructions/bowel perforations, 1 gunshot wound, 1 intracerebral hemorrhage due to hypertensive disease, and 1 undetermined. Of the 50 decedents, 42 were transporting opiates, 4 cocaine, and 4 both opiates and cocaine. There were 9 deaths from 1990-1995 and 41 from 1996-2001. Of the 41 deaths between 1996 and 2001, only 6 involved cocaine. In New York City there has been an increase in body packer deaths from the early 1990s to the late 1990s. Along with this increase is a marked predominance of opiate body packer deaths with few cocaine deaths.  相似文献   

Sudden cardiac deaths are common within the community. They also constitute a substantial part of daily pathologic and forensic case work. However, macroscopic myocardial findings indicating acute ischemia are often absent. Then, diagnosis is based on coronary status in combination with indirect signs of acute cardiac failure. We present a case of sudden cardiac death where diagnosis was based on cardiac postmortem magnetic resonance imaging (pmMRI) findings already prior to autopsy: the heart's anterior basal ventricular septum showed hypointensities in T2-weighted images that raised suspicion of peracute ischemia. The lumen of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) exhibited a lack of otherwise discernible postmortem sedimentation of cellular blood components. Instead of a sharp border between serum and erythrocytes a homogeneous signal was seen within the narrowed lumen of the beginning LAD over a length of 1cm. Based on this, a thrombotic occlusion was assumed. Subsequent autopsy confirmed peracute septal myocardial ischemia secondary to a thrombotic occlusion of the LAD as concluded from the pmMRI.  相似文献   

Ventral perforation is a rare complication of lumbar diskectomy. Injury to retroperitoneal vessels is the most common serious complication to such perforation. Ventral perforation with damage to the bowel is rarely reported. The authors present the first case report of injury to the small bowel during a microsurgical lumbar diskectomy. The case illustrates the importance of awareness of bowel injury as a possible complication of diskectomy. Possible pre- and postoperative considerations are also discussed. A brief review of the literature on bowel injuries after this common surgical procedure is also given.  相似文献   

The demonstration of congenital heart disease at autopsy necessitates the careful preservation and examination of the heart, the vessels, and their connections. Techniques preserving these connections and using a reproducible and systematic approach are preferred. The Rokitansky method of organ block dissection, in combination with a system of heart examination termed sequential segmental analysis, provides such an approach. This study is based on the examination of heart specimens accessioned into the Frank E. Sherman, M.D., and Cora C. Lenox, M.D., Heart Museum (containing approximately 2400 specimens) of the Pathology Department, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Specimens received in consultation during a 25-year period from hospitals and coroners'/medical examiners' offices were examined, and the corresponding reports were reviewed. Of 46 total heart specimens examined (1975-1999), 29 (63%) were dissected properly or left intact for dissection at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, and 17 (37%) were incorrectly dissected for the demonstration of congenital heart disease. Of these 17 cases, 11 (24%) displayed dissection errors, which did not hinder a complete diagnosis, 3 cases (6.5%) had errors that enabled only an incomplete diagnosis, and in 3 cases (6.5%), no diagnosis of congenital heart disease could be made. Dissection mistakes and means of avoiding them are discussed. Review of medical and family history, external and internal examination, and a reproducible and sequential method of examining the heart and its connections enables documentation of even the most complex cardiovascular anomalies.  相似文献   

Abstract: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a well‐recognized complication of recreational cocaine use. The precise mechanism of the cocaine‐induced hemorrhagic event is unclear, although multiple factors have been implicated. We report a case of a 62‐year‐old woman who suffered left parieto‐occipital ICH with herniation and death, following a cocaine binge. Microscopic examination also revealed extensive cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) in the vicinity of the hemorrhage. We additionally studied brain tissue in eight subjects between ages of 60 and 80 who were positive for cocaine metabolites at autopsy; of these, none had vascular amyloid‐β deposits by immunohistochemistry. Whereas we found no evidence that chronic cocaine use is a risk factor for CAA, given the age‐associated nature of CAA and the aging population using cocaine, CAA‐induced hemorrhage in the setting of cocaine use may be more common than recognized. This is the first reported case of CAA‐associated ICH precipitated by cocaine.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune connective tissue disorder that affects multiple organs. While the clinical manifestations may vary in intensity over time and be associated with chronic disease, occasional cases occur where sudden and unexpected death has occurred. Cardiovascular disease is common, with accelerated atherosclerosis, intravascular thrombosis associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, and hypertensive cardiomegaly. Vasculitis with superimposed thrombosis may result in critical reduction in blood to vital organs, such as the heart and brain with infarction. Mesenteric ischemia may be caused by vasculitis, thrombosis, and accelerated atherosclerosis and may result in lethal intestinal infarction. Other diverse causes of sudden death include myocarditis, epilepsy, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism, and sepsis. The autopsy evaluation of such cases requires careful examination of all organs with extensive histological sampling to include blood vessels, and microbiological sampling for bacteria, viruses, and fungi.  相似文献   

Cocaine and sudden "natural" death   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cardiovascular effects of cocaine may culminate in clinical episodes of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, and intracranial hemorrhage. To clarify whether or not cocaine causes fatalities by these mechanisms, we studied 24 cases of sudden, apparently natural deaths as a result of coronary arteriosclerosis (15 cases), hypertensive cardiovascular disease (4 cases), and intracranial hemorrhage (5 cases) associated with cocaine use. In 11 cases, cocaine was found in the blood (average concentration: 0.57 mg/L, range: 0.05 to 1.45 mg/L), whereas in the remainder, cocaine or its major metabolite was found in the urine or other tissues. In the majority of decedents, autopsy disclosed the existence of severe natural disease which could have been exacerbated by the administration of stimulant drugs, including cocaine. These data, and a review of the current medical literature, indicate that cocaine may precipitate the sudden death of an individual with undiagnosed cardiovascular disease. A contributory role of cocaine should be considered in any apparently natural death occurring in a population where cocaine abuse is prevalent.  相似文献   

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