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Abstract:  Suicide is an important public health hazard worldwide. A 4-year retrospective study from January 2000 to December 2003 was conducted to identify the favored methods in realized suicides among males and females in the west coastal region of India. During the study period, a total of 539 cases of suicidal deaths were autopsied. Males were predominantly affected (male: female—1.9:1). The age of the victims ranged from 13 to 90 years in males (mean = 40.1 years, median = 37.0 years) and 15 to 85 years in females (mean = 36.6 years, median = 32.0 years). Most favored method of suicide amongst males and females was hanging (36.9%, n  = 199) followed by poisoning (34.7%, n  = 187). Male dominance was apparent for each method of suicide except for self-immolation. Males were relatively more likely to use hanging and poisoning while females were more likely to prefer drowning and self-immolation as methods of suicide. Relatively younger females (mean   = 33.0 years, median = 32.0 years) preferred hanging as a method of suicide when compared to males (mean = 42.4 years, median = 40.0 years). Among females, significantly younger females resorted to hanging when compared to older females who preferred drowning. On investigating the various theories proposed for choice of suicide methods in males and females in different regions we conclude that preference of method of suicide in men and women is complexly determined. In this region, availability, accessibility, popularity, and socioacceptability seem to be the major determinants in the choice of methods among males and females rather than violence associated and lethality of the method. Females were as likely to use lethal and violent methods as males in this region.  相似文献   

目的分析国内5个城市地区采取不同自杀方式人群的性别和年龄特征。方法收集上海、金华、武汉、娄底、都匀城市地区警方处理的548例自杀案例,根据自杀方法将案件进行分类,研究各种自杀方法的人群年龄和性别特征,结果在各种自杀方式的年龄分析中,高坠和自缢的自杀者平均年龄最大(约55岁),溺水、自缢次之(约49岁)、口服毒物较为年轻(约45岁),而CO中毒自杀者平均年龄最小(约37岁)。在自杀方式的性别差异中,男性更多地出现了锐器自杀(52:24),自缢(67:33)和高坠(55:45),女性则在溺水自杀中占据多数(58:42)。结论每种自杀方式涉及到的人群的性别和年龄特征差异明显,CO中毒自杀的自杀者最为年轻;男性更倾向于用机械性损伤的方式来自杀。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the methods used and demographic data of women suicides by examining postmortem investigation and autopsy reports from the Branch of the Council of Forensic Medicine in Diyarbakir Province, Turkey, between 1996 and 2001. Fifty-eight percent (174/302) of suicides were females and 42% (128/302) were males. The suicide rates were similarly higher for females than for males (2.6 and 1.8 per 10,000 population, respectively). Over half of female suicides (56.3%) occurred in those under 20 years of age. The most common suicide method for women was hanging (32.2%), and for men was firearms (51.7%), but for women younger than 20 years the most frequent method was firearms. Among the female suicides, five (2.8%) were known to have attempted suicide at least once in the past. Twenty-nine women (16.7%) were documented to have any psychiatric illness. None of the women had a history of drug or alcohol abuse. A suicide note was found in only six cases (3.4%). The predominant suicide motive was family problems (in 32% or 56/174). The higher rate of suicide in females than in males, and the absolute female predominance in suicides in Diyarbakir, Turkey, are in contrast to most of the medical literature and statistical information about suicide rates by country, in which suicide rates are usually higher among males.  相似文献   

Four unrelated hanging deaths involving young white males, all in enlisted status in the United States military, are presented. Taken in a military context, one scene served as a suicide note equivalent with the unmistakable message of extreme defiance toward military regulations. In two cases, the elaborate attire of the decedents could have lead to the misclassification of the manner of death if investigative information had not been considered. Extensive background investigation and review of medical records in the fourth case disclosed that the victim had an eight- to ten-year history of compressing his neck to cause unconsciousness. He left an extensive suicide note in which he concluded that "hanging would be good." Each case has certain unique features, as a group, the cases all demonstrate a continuum from obvious suicide to cases where the manner of death is, at first, equivocal.  相似文献   

Fifty-six consecutive cases of suicide by hanging are reviewed. The data provide some evidence for associations between suicide by hanging and youth, incarceration, black males, and clustering. Evidence was noted of low incidence in females, rarity of white female hangings at home, a preference to hang oneself away from home if there have been previous suicide attempts, and possible seasonal trends which may differ from suicide overall. Thus, aside from the method chosen, hanging victims as a group displayed some differences from suicides in general.  相似文献   

Hanging is one of the most frequent methods for suicides among young males. This report presents two cases of suicide by hanging on pylons carrying high-voltage power lines. The male victims suffered electrocution while committing suicide. Electrocution was the cause of death in both cases, however in one case blunt force injuries from hanging contributed to death. In these two cases hanging was the intentional method of suicide and it was followed by electrocution. The cases demonstrate that scene investigation, a detailed autopsy with histology, and amamnestic data are essential in the evaluation of suicides by hanging and that the determination of the cause of death remains a challenge in investigating such cases.  相似文献   

Report is made on a suicidal carbon monoxide poisoning through entrance of exhaust fumes into the interior of the vehicle. The situation of discovery (switched-off engine) occasioned experimental examinations. The result showed that fatal carbon monoxide concentrations can obviously remain in the interior of a vehicle over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Abstract: Three classic cases and one exceptional case are reported. The unique case of decapitation took place in a traffic accident, while the others were seen after homicide, vehicle‐assisted suicide, and after long‐jump hanging. Thorough scene examinations were performed, and photographs from the scene were available in all cases. Through the autopsy of each case, the mechanism for the decapitation in each case was revealed. The severance lines were through the neck and the cervical vertebral column, except for in the motor vehicle accident case, where the base of skull was fractured. This case was also unusual as the mechanism was blunt force. In the homicide case, the mechanism was the use of a knife combined with a saw, while in the two last cases, a ligature made the cut through the neck. The different mechanisms in these decapitations are suggested.  相似文献   

A study of 201 cases of death due to hanging, 95% being suicidal in nature and 5% being accidental; in addition there was one judicial hanging. The majority of deaths were in persons over 50 years of age, males predominating particularly in the 50 – 60 age group. In contrast to the Registrar General's annual returns for suicide which show a steady decrease over the past 20 years, deaths due to hanging have increased considerably, particularly in the last decade. This trend could be related to the dramatic fall in carbon monoxide poisoning and more circumspect prescribing of barbiturate drugs.  相似文献   

A study of 201 cases of death due to hanging, 95% being suicidal in nature and 5% being accidental; in addition there was one judicial hanging. The majority of deaths were in persons over 50 years of age, males predominating particularly in the 50 – 60 age group. In contrast to the Registrar General's annual returns for suicide which show a steady decrease over the past 20 years, deaths due to hanging have increased considerably, particularly in the last decade. This trend could be related to the dramatic fall in carbon monoxide poisoning and more circumspect prescribing of barbiturate drugs.  相似文献   

Homicide as a form of lethal violence has occupied a dominant place in criminological research over several decades. Researchers have explained the causes of homicide from various theoretical frameworks. Two other forms of lethal violence, namely suicide and motor vehicle fatalities, have been largely ignored. This study explores the trends in three forms of violent deaths namely, homicide, suicide, and motor vehicle fatalities in Phoenix, Arizona for the period 1950–1988. These three forms of violence have been tested from two dominant theoretical perspectives, namely social disorganization and social conflict. The findings from our study suggest that the social conditions which influence homicide are the same as those that influence other forms of lethal violence.  相似文献   

We examined all completed suicides by children and adolescents in Los Angeles County who died during 1996 and 1997. There were 46 subjects, aged 11 through 16. The majority of the decedents were males and over age 14. The predominant racial group was Hispanic. There was an almost even split between firearms and hanging as the means of death. Females had a statistically significantly higher rate of prior suicide attempts than males. Over one-third left a suicide note, almost one-half were noted to be depressed, and 22% tested positive for alcohol or illicit drugs. Less than one-quarter were in mental health treatment. Eighty-seven percent had difficulty transitioning to or during adolescence; e.g., problems at home, legal and school difficulties, and relationship losses. These findings are discussed in terms of Eriksonian developmental theory. We offer recommendations for intervention and prevention of suicide.  相似文献   

In December 2014, the legal blood alcohol limit for drivers in both Scotland and New Zealand was reduced from 80 to 50 mg/100 mL. This paper reports a retrospective study comparing changes in the toxicological findings in deceased drivers and motorcyclists before and after the limit change in both jurisdictions. A year of fatal motor vehicle crashes prior to and following the limit change is examined for both countries. In Scotland, there was an increase in drug prevalence among fatally injured drivers and motorcyclists, with the use of all drug groups increasing after the limit change, with the exception of cannabinoids. In New Zealand, there was a reduction in cases involving drugs only, but increases in the numbers of deceased drivers and motorcyclists positive for alcohol only and co‐using alcohol and drugs.  相似文献   

Demographic and trend analysis of 881 consecutive suicides in blacks and whites is presented. For the years 1975 through 1984, the suicide rate was 15.1/100 000 and did not significantly change. White males were overrepresented in all age groups, had an overall suicide rate of 34.9, and showed a small but statistically significant increase in rate which was not accounted for by any specific age group. White females, in general, were represented in proportion to their prevalence in the population, and those ages 20 to 24 demonstrated an increasing suicide rate which was small. Black males were at highest risk in their twenties, showed no significant trends, and were also represented near their prevalence in the population. Black females of all ages were underrepresented, and had low suicide rates which decreased with time. No significant rate changes were noted for teenagers or the elderly. Firearms was the method of choice in all groups, although methods varied with age, race, and sex, and male children preferred hanging. Small but significant increases were noted for the prevalence of nondrug methods in females and carbon monoxide deaths in white males. Similarities and differences to larger scale studies are discussed. Suicide may have characteristics unique to given geographical areas and pervasive to all areas. The authors advocate study and publication of local data to clarify further the nature of suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide is one of the principal causes of mortality in a prison environment. Although suicide by medication overdose is less frequent than suicide by hanging, self‐strangulation, or vein cutting, it raises questions as to how the medications are obtained, particularly in view of the specific organization of the medication circuit in prisons. We present three cases of suicide by medication overdose involving different therapeutic classes with different distribution circuits and review the regulatory requirements and the measures that could be taken to prevent such suicides.  相似文献   

We analysed deaths certified as due to poisoning in England & Wales, 1968-2000, in children aged <10 years by age, sex, circumstances of death, intent, and agents involved. The number of deaths fell from 165 (20.6 per million children) in 1968 to 30 (4.6 per million) in 2000, a decrease of approximately 80%. The age-specific death rates were similar in boys and girls. The rate was initially much higher, and fell more, in those aged <5 years. Most deaths (n=1923) occurred in fires, and had been attributed to inhaling combustion products. A small number (n=104) occurred in fires resulting from motor vehicle and other transport accidents. From 1979 (use of ICD-9) the coding of some of these deaths changed from poisoning with carbon monoxide to poisoning with 'other gases, fumes or vapours'. These 'fire deaths' do not appear as poisonings in mortality statistics based on a single underlying cause of death, and cannot be tabulated as poisoning in many countries. Fire deaths and deaths coded to accidental, deliberate, or undetermined poisoning (n=702) decreased substantially with time, and by 2000 numbered 14 and 10, respectively. Accidental deaths declined from 151 in 1968 to 23 in 2000, but homicides and open verdicts varied from 5 to 20 per year, with no clear trend. Deaths attributed to carbon monoxide and to 'other gases, fumes or vapours' (mostly fire-related) totalled 2431 (84% of all poisoning deaths). Overall, 10% of these deaths were either certified as homicides or open verdicts. However, homicide or open verdict was recorded in half of the 47 fatal opiate poisonings. Opioids have now superseded antidepressants as the commonest agents encountered in fatal poisoning with drugs in children.  相似文献   

Hanging is the most common method of suicide in the world, and many public places offer a means or opportunity to carry out the activity. Of 4,452 death examinations and autopsies, there were 378 (8.5%) suicides and suicide method was hanging in 185 (48.9%) cases. In 20 of these (10.8%), the suspension point was the branch of a tree. The incident location was the garden of the victim's house in nine cases, the woodlands in seven cases. The suicides were attributed to psychiatric disorders in nine cases, economic problems in six cases, and family problems in five cases. It is concluded that hanging on a tree as a suicide method is often committed by males and the underlying motive may be different in suicidal hangings on trees occurring at daytime and night. For preventional purposes, the reporting of such suicides in public places by the media may be restricted by local authorities.  相似文献   

The prevalence of security and in‐car video has increased the number of motor vehicle accidents captured on digital video. However, inconsistencies in how to accurately determine time and distance for vehicle speed has led to examinations with varying results. A potential solution for calculating time intervals is to use frame timing contained within many digital video file's metadata, recorded with 0.000001 sec precision. This paper examines a fatal motor vehicle accident where frame timing information was used with distance measurements from reverse projection photogrammetry to calculate vehicle speed. A margin of error was then calculated based on the accuracy in performing reverse projection photogrammetry distance measurements. The resulting speed calculation was then compared to event data recorder data and found to be within an average of ±1.43538 MPH. Using specific time intervals may lead investigators to more accurate speed calculations, specifically those involving variable frame rate video.  相似文献   

Murder-suicide, homicide-suicide, and dyadic death all refer to an incident where a homicide is committed followed by the perpetrator's suicide almost immediately or soon after the homicide. Homicide-suicides are relatively uncommon and vary from region to region. In the selected literature that we reviewed, shooting was the common method of killing and suicide, and only 3 cases of homicidal hanging involving child victims were identified. We present a case of dyadic death where the method of killing and suicide was hanging, and the victim was a young woman.  相似文献   

To describe the epidemiology of suicide by hanging, in Transkei region of South Africa. This is a record review of the autopsy register from 1993 to 2003. There is an increasing trend of hangings from 5.2 per 100,000 to 16.2 in 2003. The highest was in the 20- to 29-year age group. The least number of hangings of 2.2 per 100,000 was in those over 70 years of age. Males (86.4%) outnumber females. The ratio of male to female suicide is 6.4:1. The 2 youngest suicide victims were also males aged 9 years. Peak of these hangings is in May and November and least in September. There is increasing trend of hanging especially among young adults between 20 and 29 years old.  相似文献   

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