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混合人血清诱发豚鼠过敏性休克猝死模型的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ren GM  Bai JW  Gao CR 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):169-170
目的建立多人混合血清致豚鼠过敏性休克死亡动物模型。方法将健康豚鼠18只随机分为致敏组与生理盐水对照组,将致敏组豚鼠右侧后爪掌皮内注射致敏原免疫3周后,诱发过敏性休克,对照组以生理盐水代替致敏原。结果致敏组豚鼠均出现过敏性休克的典型临床表现及体征,放射免疫法检测血清IgE水平显著增高。结论本实验成功地建立了过敏性休克的豚鼠实验动物模型,进一步证明了异体混合血清的高致敏性,为过敏性休克的临床及法医学诊断及治疗研究提供了一个良好的载体。  相似文献   

The effects of the clinically most commonly used minor tranquilizer, diazepam, on the survival time and on the mechanism of death in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated guinea pigs in severe cold exposure (-20 degrees C) were studied. Cold acclimation for 2 months increased the average survival time from 4 h to 10 h. The lowest rectal temperature at death (14.6 degrees C) was seen in the cold-acclimated animals. Diazepam at a dose of 5 or 15 mg/kg i.p. 30 min before the beginning of the exposure reduced dose-dependently the cold endurance of both cold-acclimated and non-acclimated guinea pigs. The serum glucose and free fatty acid concentrations were low in the animals with the long survival time. Histological studies of liver, kidney, and adrenal glands showed no specific changes. Exposure seemed to increase the frequency of contraction bands and to decrease focally the intensity of beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase reaction in the myocardium, which indicates a mild hypoxic lesion of the muscle cells.  相似文献   

Applying a histological staining method (Carstairs' modification of picro-Mallory staining), haemostatic plugs could be demonstrated at points of vascular lesion in one-minute vital, or older, skin wounds of the guinea-pig on the average in 33% if the specimen was taken immediately after the reaction period, and in about 10% of wounds examined if the specimen was taken five days after death. No haemostatic plugs could be observed in postmortally inflicted skin wounds.  相似文献   

The distribution and postmortem stability of succinyldicholine in different tissues and urine from guinea-pigs has been studied. Succinyldicholine was extracted from tissue homogenates and urine samples from animals sacrificed by intravenous injections of succinyldicholine hydrochloride (40 mg/kg). The bis-quaternary ammonium compound was demethylated and the tertiary amine was analysed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The concentrations found in muscle, kidney and urine were often low; in muscle below 5 pmol/g, in kidney from 5 to 1500 pmol/g and in urine from 5 to 650 pmol/ml. The eye proved to be the best tissue sample, with a rather high and constant concentration (280 +/- 36 pmol/g) of succinyldicholine. The postmortem stability was studied by storing the bodies at 4 degrees C. After 6 days storage the drug concentrations in the eyes started to decline. Four weeks after death it was not possible to detect any succinyldicholine in this tissue.  相似文献   

Vital reactions to frostbite in the paw and ear skin of guinea pigs were studied in order to find an animal model for frostbite in cases of accidental hypothermia. One group of animals was rendered hypothermic (rectal temperature, 30 degrees C) by exposure to an ambient temperature of -20 degrees C, and samples were taken from the frozen skin. A second group was rendered hypothermic and rewarmed in warm air at 45 degrees C, and samples were taken from the thawed skin. The only vital reaction in the first group (freezing time, 4-5 h) was mild initial inflammation, which was expressed in granulocyte adhesion to the vessel wall and the migration of a few cells into the dermis. The inflammatory reaction was more distinct in the second group (freezing and thawing together 5-7 h), with a large number of granulocytes being present in the dermis. Oedema and hyperaemia were also present in the frostbitten tissue after thawing, but no signs of necrosis developed. The alkaline-phosphatase reaction demonstrated the presence of granulocytes more clearly than H & E or Masson trichrome staining. Vital reactions were more advanced in the ear skin. It is concluded that vital reactions are very scarce in cases of frostbite, even after several hours' exposure, unless the tissue is allowed to thaw.  相似文献   

目的观察豚鼠过敏性休克死亡肺组织中类胰蛋白酶和胃促胰酶的表达情况,试图为过敏性休克死亡提供客观的诊断依据。方法健康豚鼠24只,随机均分为实验组和对照组,每组再分死亡即时组、冷藏48h组和冷冻7d组,每组4只。实验组将0.5mL人混合血清用生理盐水1∶10稀释,注射于豚鼠后掌皮内,致敏后3周以人混合血清1mL注入心腔诱发过敏性休克致死;对照组采用生理盐水代替混合血清。提取豚鼠心血及肺组织,应用免疫组化染色和图像分析技术观察类胰蛋白酶和胃促胰酶的表达情况。结果对照组豚鼠肺组织中类胰蛋白酶和胃促胰酶阳性细胞数量较少,分布在小血管和小气管周围。实验组肺组织中类胰蛋白酶和胃促胰酶阳性细胞明显增多,多数细胞形态不规则,阳性染色颗粒脱出肥大细胞并弥散到组织间隙。冷藏48h和冷冻7d的条件下对这两种酶的表达无明显影响。结论过敏性休克致死豚鼠肺组织中类胰蛋白酶和胃促胰酶的表达明显增强,在冷藏48h和冷冻7d内的条件下,可作为过敏性休克死亡的一项诊断依据。  相似文献   

目的建立生物检材中秋水仙碱的液相色谱/串联质谱检测方法,研究秋水仙碱急性中毒在豚鼠体内的分布,为秋水仙碱中毒的法医学鉴定提供方法和评价依据。方法以4mg/kg剂量秋水仙碱给豚鼠灌胃染毒,2~8h死亡,用LC-MS/MS测定体液和组织中秋水仙碱的含量。结果秋水仙碱在豚鼠各体液和组织中含量从高到低依次为胆汁、尿液、胃、脾、肺、肾、心、胰、肝、肾上腺、睾丸,心血中秋水仙碱的含量最低。结论所建方法准确、灵敏,适用于体内痕量秋水仙碱的检测。胆汁和尿液是体内检测秋水仙碱的较佳检材。  相似文献   

The modifying effect of aminoguanidine (a histaminase inhibitor) and heparin (a histaminase liberator) on anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs was studied using ovalbumin as an antigen and trigger. The animals died of the shock, the time to death remaining unaltered by the drugs. Serum histamine and cortisol values were high after shock, but were reduced by heparin. Both noradrenaline and adrenaline in plasma were also elevated after shock, the final concentration of the latter being lowered by heparin. The lungs were dilated, indicating bronchoconstriction. The results confirm the role of histamine in anaphylactic shock and its potential value for the diagnosis in this kind of rapid death, in which morphological signs are scarce or lacking. Its diagnostic value still requires confirmation, however, which only autopsy studies can supply. It also appears that pretreatment of the animals with heparin affected the blood cortisol and catecholamines, which are involved in the shock mechanism as countermeasures, although aminoguanidine did not have any effect.  相似文献   

过敏性休克豚鼠血浆咽喉肺组织中P物质的观测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨过敏性休克法医学鉴定的诊断指标。方法制备豚鼠过敏性休克的动物模型,应用放射免疫法测定其血浆中P物质浓度;免疫组化SABC法和BI-2000图像分析系统对咽喉和肺组织的P物质免疫反应进行染色观测,计算阳性指数(PI)。结果与对照组含量(87.70pg±7.60pg/μl)相比,过敏性休克豚鼠血浆中P物质含量 (131.01pg±18.93pg/μl)增加,其差异具有极显著意义(P<0.01);呼吸道内P物质免疫阳性反应增强,实验组咽喉和肺组织PI值分别为63.59±14.51和55.98±14.8,对照组咽喉和肺组织PI值分别为33.32±8.04和20.51±6.76, 两组差异具有极显著意义(P<0.01)。结论 P物质在过敏性休克豚鼠血浆浓度增加和呼吸系统组织中免疫阳性反应增强,可能有助于过敏性休克的法医病理学诊断。  相似文献   

Rather than treating them as discrete and incommensurable ideas, we sketch some connections between human flourishing and human dignity, and link them to human rights. We contend that the metaphor of flourishing provides an illuminating aspirational framework for thinking about human development and obligations, and that the idea of human dignity is a critical element within that discussion. We conclude with some suggestions as to how these conceptions of human dignity and human flourishing might underpin and inform appeals to human rights.  相似文献   

林喆 《法学家》2006,3(6):27-35
人权理论的基础是人性论.人性论包括两方面的内容一是什么是人性,二是人性的善恶.人性论与人道主义相联系.全盘否定人性论导致否定马克思主义中的人道主义思想.对于人性论的意识形态化的批判和对于人道主义内容和精神的限制,导致对人权概念意识形态化的解释,以及对于人权问题研究的警惕和否定.建国后一段时期,人权问题被视为理论研究的禁区,其根源在于对于人性论的认识.改革开放以来我国人权理论研究的演变经历了公民权利研究兴起、人权研究解冻、人权研究兴起和人权成为显学四个阶段.  相似文献   

本文在介绍了罗伯斯比尔关于人权的基本观点后,分析了罗伯斯比尔人权观中存在的内在矛盾,并结合法国大革命的历史背景着重探讨了导致罗伯斯比尔人权理想和人权实践形成巨大差距的原因。本文认为造成罗伯斯比尔人权观的悲剧既与其思想中存在的民粹主义和道德理想主义密切相关,也与那时的人权是一种人权革命后的人权和革命中的人权这一事实有着极为重要的关系。  相似文献   

This paper responds to the subversion of international human rights discourse by corporations. It begins by placing such subversion in three contexts: the ascendance of human rights as the dominant discourse of contemporary moral and political life; the emerging challenges to human rights posed by other-than-natural-human entities; and ambiguity in the relationship between the legal subject and the human being. The author suggests that in order to resist corporate human rights distortion it is important to reclaim the language of the human for the natural human being, despite complex philosophical and definitional challenges attending the designation of the term ‘human.’ The author suggests that by re-attending to the implications of human embodiment for human rights theory it might be possible to re-invigorate the protective potential of human rights for vulnerable human beings and communities against powerful disembodied legal persons (corporations).  相似文献   

我们以这篇短文作为新年开篇献给读者 ,原因有二 :第一 ,该文主旨在于针对现在仍然每每出现的 ,表面上看似爱国主义或文化自爱倾向 ,实则是狭隘民族主义和自身文化认识不足的表现 ,再次强调比较法学的思想境界或文化理念。因为如果没有文化共享的思想境界或理念 ,就没有比较法学。比较法学的思想基础或理念 ,就是人类文化没有国界、民族之分 ,谁有就是谁的 ,谁学到了就是谁的。比较法学的目的就是要通过法律文化的比较研究 ,认识和学习其他国家和民族的优秀文化 ,从而丰富、充实、提升及发展自身文化。所以 ,比较法学的起点必然是对一切法律文化予以关注 ,对所有优秀和先进的法律文化说“是” ,而不是说“不”。作为现今我国惟一一家主要以比较法学为内容的法学刊物 ,读者一定理解我们对此根本性问题是敏感的 ,应该且有义务在此问题上提出论辩。第二 ,这篇短文在某种程度上也可视为本刊 2 0 0 0年第3期“从比较法到共同法”一文的续篇 ,它尝试进一步阐释了共同法发生和存在的思想基础。但是作为一个学术刊物 ,我们在此要向读者说明 ,这篇文章的观点完全不代表编辑部的观点。我们欢迎与此文观点不同的文章 ,并且将优先予以采用 ,以促进公平、科学的学术论辩。  相似文献   

2001年11月在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的WTO第四次部长级会议通过了《关于TRIPS协议和公共健康宣言》引起了在WTO范围内知识产权的保护和人权保护之间关系的讨论,进而扩展到WTO法与国际人权法之间的关系。贸易和人权二者之间虽然存在着一定的冲突,但是二者在发展历史和实践中的联系却是不可忽视的。在现有的WTO框架下,发达国家和发展中国家基于各自的利益,都在人权问题上向对方发难。人权迟早会被纳入WTO的考虑范围之内,关键是以何种方式将其纳入WTO的范围。《多哈TRIPS宣言》是一种比较实际的方式,即就具体问题所涉及的人权达成具有国际法拘束力的协议,采用逐个、渐进的方式将人权纳入到WTO范围之内。  相似文献   

《Criminal Law Forum》2004,15(3):361-364

和谐人权:中国精神与人权文化的互济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐延平 《法学家》2007,3(2):27-35
根植于冲突与对立的传统人权观已不能应对现代社会文化多元的挑战,人权原教旨主义者的坚守、人权政治学的庸俗实用化、人权法理学的技术性进步都在戕害着人权本身固有的批判精神.以发乎和谐的中国精神化育西方文化本位人权观,并不是对其价值的抛弃或取代,而是对其精神的拓展与提升.基于和谐的人权不仅会使西方人权观超越其历史局限性而赢得其普遍性,也会使中国精神超越其民族性而赢得其世界性.  相似文献   

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