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The authors examined driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) cases which were found to be positive in whole blood for cannabis in Finland from 2006 to 2008. Factors studied were the number of cases positive for any combination of Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the metabolites 11-hydroxy-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-OH) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH). Concurrent use of amphetamines, benzodiazepines and/or alcohol was also recorded, as well as the drivers' age and gender. Altogether 2957 cannabis positive cases were retrieved from the database of the Alcohol and Drug Analytics Unit, National Institute for Health and Welfare. Drug findings were examined in relation to the zero-tolerance policy operated towards DUID in Finland. The number of cannabis positive cases in each year was approximately 1000 and the main demographic of cases was males aged 20-30 years. In the majority of cases (51.6%) the inactive metabolite THC-COOH was the only indication of cannabis use, however, associated use of amphetamines (58.8% of all cases) and/or benzodiazepines (63.9%) in cannabis positive drivers was very common. Detections for amphetamines and/or benzodiazepines were especially common in drivers with THC-COOH only (92.8% of these cases). Combined use of alcohol (25.7%) was also prevalent. Suspect DUID cases generally arise from suspicion on behalf of the police and the zero-tolerance policy offers an expedient means to deal with the challenges presented in DUID, particularly in view of the high incidence of multiple drug use - the legislation is not unduly punitive when enforced in this manner.  相似文献   

Two hundred and seventy blood samples selected at random from Norwegian drivers apprehended on the suspicion of drunken or drugged driving were screened for the presence of amphetamine, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cocaine. Of the samples tested, 223 were from drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol only (A-cases). In the rest (n = 47) of the cases, the police also suspected drugs as a possible reason for driving impairment (D-cases). In the A-cases, benzodiazepines were found in 17%, cannabinoids in 26%, THC in 13% and amphetamine in 2% of the blood samples. One or more drugs besides ethanol were found in 38% of the A-samples. In the D-cases, benzodiazepines were found in 53%, cannabinoids in 43%, THC in 43%, amphetamine in 13% and 77% of these samples contained one or more drugs. Cocaine was not detected in any sample. Blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) above the legal limit of 0.05% were found in 80% of the drug positive A-cases and in 28% of the drug positive D-cases. The frequency of drug detection in A-samples was similar (40%) in samples with BAC above and below 0.05%, while this frequency was much higher (above 90%) in D-samples with BAC below 0.05% than in D-samples with BAC above 0.05% (53%). Benzodiazepines were most frequently found among drivers above 25 years of age, while cannabinoids were most frequently found among drivers below 35 years. For about 15-20% of the A-cases with BAC below 0.05%, other drugs were detected at concentrations which may cause driving impairment. It was concluded that analysis of alcohol only might often be insufficient in A-cases to reveal driving impairment.  相似文献   

This study specified aggressive driving (AD) and road rage (RR) and examined a number of alcohol and non-alcohol effects on and the reciprocity between the two behaviors in a drinking driving population. The sample contained 431 clients (79 percent men) who volunteered to complete a self-report survey from fifty alcoholism and substance abuse treatment facilities across New York State. All subjects were undergoing alcoholism treatment because of a drinking driving-related reason. Structural equation modeling with the LISREL program was employed to estimate the reciprocal effects between AD and RR. The results demonstrated that AD and RR were two separate behaviors that simultaneously influenced each other. Additionally, AD and RR, as problem behaviors, tended to be affected mostly by other problem behaviors, such as alcohol problems, impaired driving, and feelings of depression, rather than general situations or behaviors, such as the frequency of alcohol use, driving after drinking, and the experience of stressful life events. The findings convey a message to the criminal justice field as well as alcoholism and substance abuse treatment professionals that addressing the problem of road aggression requires special attention to persons with alcohol problems and especially those with multiple drinking driving offenses.  相似文献   

Driving under the influence of drugs of abuse (DRUID) is prosecuted in France since 2001. Biological controls are performed according to a 2-step procedure: urine immunoscreening followed, in case of positivity, by a blood analysis using a separative technique coupled to mass spectrometry. This paper presents a 2-year (2005–2006) retrospective review of blood analyses performed in this framework at the Medico-Legal Institute of Strasbourg, France. Over this period 611 subjects were controlled on request of the authorities. Of this population, 532 (87.1%) were male. Mean age was 31.7 ± 14.4 years, 57.9% of subjects were in the range 15–29 and 31.1% in the range 20–24. On the 611 drivers, 296 (48.4%) were found positive for at least 1 drug using a preliminary blood immunoassay (ELISA). Among them, 254 were positive for cannabis, 81 for opiates, 22 for cocaine and 8 for amphetamine derivatives. Psychoactive medications were additionally tested in 278 drivers, and detected in 53 (19.1%). Benzodiazepines were the most frequently identified. On the 254 subjects tested positive for cannabis by ELISA, 202 had detectable levels of THC in blood (which is mandatory for engaging prosecution against the drivers). THC concentrations were in the range 0.1–49.9 ng/ml. Our results clearly illustrate the huge prominence of cannabis among substances involved in DRUID. This study also highlights some pitfalls of the DRUID repression policy currently followed by France, especially interpretation of low concentrations of drugs of abuse (in our study, 28.2% of drivers found positive for cannabis at the immunoassay screening had blood THC levels < 1 ng/ml): since no minimum threshold for blood concentrations has been defined in our country the fate of arrested drivers is prone to vary depending on the sensitivity of techniques employed from one laboratory to another, which might contradict the principle of equality of citizens before the law.  相似文献   

In mid 2009 Victoria introduced compulsory drug testing of blood taken from all injured drivers taken to hospital. Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), methylamphetamine (MA) and 3,4-methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine (MDMA) are prohibited and if drivers are positive to any amount an automatic penalty is enforced. Laboratory screens were conducted on preserved blood using ELISA testing for cannabis metabolite and methylamphetamines and a fully validated LC-MS/MS method for 105 drugs including THC, amphetamines, opioids, benzodiazepines, antidepressants and antipsychotics and a number of other psychoactive substances using a minimum of two transitions per drug. Conventional GC-testing for ethanol was used to screen and quantify the presence of alcohol. 1714 drivers were tested and showed alcohol in 29% (≥ 0.01 g/100mL) and drugs in 35%. The positive rate for the three drugs prohibited by legislation was 12.5%. The prevalence of THC, MA and MDMA was 9.8%, 3.1%, and 0.8%, respectively. The range of THC concentrations in blood was 2-42 ng/mL (median 7) of which 70% had a concentration of 10 ng/mL or higher. The range of concentrations for MA and MDMA was 0.02-0.4 and 0.03-0.3mg/L (median for both drugs was 0.05 mg/L). Drugs of any type were detected in 35% of cases. The other drugs were largely prescribed drugs such as the antidepressants (9.3%) and benzodiazepines (8.9%). Neither 6-acetylmorphine nor cocaine (or benzoylecgonine) was detected in these cases.  相似文献   

This study examined the contributions of sentencer and case (legal and extralegal) factors to magistrates' sentences for 678 drink-drivers at 2 courts. Qualitative codings of magistrates' sentencing orientations were incorporated with case factors in a multivariate statistical model of differences in fines and disqualifications. Discriminations in penalties were related to offenders' legally relevant prior offenses and blood alcohol concentrations, and extralegal variables of offender age, gender and employment status. Men were treated more harshly than women, and young offenders more harshly than all other offenders except those over 56 years. Unemployed offenders were fined less, but disqualified for longer than offenders in the workforce. Magistrates' orientations and court interacted with offense categories to produce further differences related to blood alcohol concentration and recidivism. Sentencers responded to offender characteristics but also relied on their own mental images of stereotypic drink-drivers and their individualized sentencing orientations to exercise their discretionary powers. Results are discussed in relation to issues of warranted or justifiable discriminations and the just distribution of penalties.  相似文献   

As part of the European project, Impaired Motorists, Methods of Roadside Testing and Assessment for Licensing, otherwise known as IMMORTAL (Deliverable R4.2), the University of Glasgow was required to analyse 1396 oral fluid samples, collected from drivers, for a wide range of drugs. A previously described method to include 49 drugs and metabolites was used. To include cannabis in the study a separate extraction method was required because of interferences caused by the collection device. The study group included drivers who were stopped at random and participation was entirely voluntary. The results showed that out of the 1396 samples tested, 16.8% were positive for at least one drug. In the majority of positive cases (85%), monodrug use was found and the most commonly detected drug was 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. This study showed that a significant number of the driving population are positive for at least one drug.  相似文献   

The authors have performed a study of single-vehicle crashes (SVCs) in order to verify a correlation between the loss of vehicle control and the presence of drugs in the body. Overall, 129 cases were recorded and occurred in the catchment area of the Institute of Legal Medicine in Milan between 1986 to 1996. Among the 129 cases under study, respectively 121 men and eight women, 101 were car-drivers and 28 motor-cyclists. The median age was equal to 29 years, while the average age to 32.0 years (range 15-65 years). Fifty eight cases (45.0%) were "positive" for the presence of ethanol > or = 0.8 g/l or other drugs. The sample of "positive cases" was studied according to sex, age, day, hour and type of vehicle. Considering the cases with presence of ethanol, although under the legal limit (20 cases), the total amount of cases (78) becomes even more consistent. The amount of ethanol was found to be respectively 0.34 g/l in daily drivers and 0.87 g/l in nightly drivers (p < 0.01). Our considerations confirm the importance of toxicological analyses in the forensic investigation of traffic deaths being the sample under study recorded following criteria which minimised other possible factors effecting road accidents.  相似文献   

Detection of drugs in saliva of impaired drivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the feasibility of detecting drugs using saliva samples obtained from impaired drivers. Screening procedures on 1- to 2-mL samples were for cannabinoids, volatiles, benzodiazepines, and other acidic/neutral/basic drugs. Methodology consisted of enzyme multiple immunoassay technique (EMIT) and temperature programmed gas chromatography with confirmation by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Fifty-six samples were obtained from drivers arrested for suspicion of impaired driving. Other than alcohol, the major drugs detected were cannabinoids and diazepam. Cocaine was found in one case.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 425 suspected drugged drivers who were clinically impaired and negative for alcohol were analysed. Fifty-six percent of the samples were positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Tetrahydrocannabinol-positive blood samples were analysed for amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine metabolites and opiates. Eighty-two percent of the samples were found to be positive for one or more drugs in addition to THC, and the concentrations of these drugs were often high. Thus, THC in combination with other drugs seems to be a much more frequent reason for impairment than THC alone among Norwegian drugged drivers.  相似文献   

As part of the European project, Impaired Motorists, Methods of Roadside Testing and Assessment for Licensing, otherwise known as IMMORTAL (Deliverable R4.2), the University of Glasgow was required to analyse 1396 oral fluid samples, collected from drivers, for a wide range of drugs. A previously described method to include 49 drugs and metabolites was used. To include cannabis in the study a separate extraction method was required because of interferences caused by the collection device. The study group included drivers who were stopped at random and participation was entirely voluntary. The results showed that out of the 1396 samples tested, 16.8% were positive for at least one drug. In the majority of positive cases (85%), monodrug use was found and the most commonly detected drug was 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. This study showed that a significant number of the driving population are positive for at least one drug.  相似文献   

Healthy men drank 0.51, 0.68, and 0.85 g of ethanol per kilogram of body weight as neat whisky in the morning after an overnight fast. During 6 to 8 h after the whisky was consumed, nearly simultaneous specimens of fingertip blood and pooled bladder urine were obtained for analysis of ethanol using an enzymatic method. The mean ratios of ethanol concentration [urine alcohol concentration (UAC)/blood alcohol concentration (BAC)] were mostly less than unity during the absorption phase. The UAC exceeded the BAC in the postpeak phase. The mean UAC/BAC ratios varied between 1.4 and 1.7 when the BAC exceeded 0.50 mg/mL. When the BAC decreased below 0.40 mg/mL, the UAC/BAC ratios increased appreciably. The mean UAC/BAC ratios of ethanol were not dependent on the person's age between the ages of 20 and 60 years old, but there were large variations within the age groups. In apprehended drinking drivers (N = 654) with a mean BAC of 1.55 mg/mL, the UAC/BAC ratio of ethanol varied widely, with a mean value of 1.49. In 12 subjects (3.2%), the ratio was less than or equal to unity. In a second specimen of urine obtained approximately 60 min after an initial void (N = 135), the mean UAC/BAC ratio was 1.35 (standard deviation = 0.17). The magnitude of the UAC/BAC ratio of ethanol can help to establish whether the BAC curve was rising or falling at or near the time of voiding. The status of alcohol absorption needs to be documented if drinking drivers claim ingestion of alcohol after the offence or when back-estimation of the BAC from the time of sampling to the time of driving is required by statute.  相似文献   

One issue which constantly confronts the forensic toxicologist in drinking driver cases is the relationship between the breath or blood alcohol concentration (AC) of the driver at the time of an event such as a traffic stop or an accident and the AC measured at a time subsequent to the event. In theory, the AC can be rising, on a plateau or declining at the time of the event. Several studies have indicated that the overwhelming majority of drinking drivers are on a plateau or are post-absorptive at the time of the event. In this study, driver fatality cases investigated by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, State of Maryland during a three-year period were reviewed. Included in this study were cases positive for alcohol in the blood at a cutoff of 0.01 g/dL and death occurring within 15 min of the accident. In fact, many of these deaths were instantaneous or near instantaneous based on the injuries documented by the medical examiner at autopsy. The blood and urine were analyzed for alcohol by head-space gas chromatography and urine AC to blood AC ratios were calculated. A total of 129 cases were included in this study. Eleven of the 129 cases (8.5%) had urine to blood AC ratio less than 1.0. It is likely that these individuals were in the absorptive phase at the time that the accident occurred. Thirty-two cases had a urine to blood AC ratio between 1.0 and 1.2 inclusive. In these cases, the subject could be viewed as in the plateau phase of the blood AC versus time curve. The remaining 86 cases had a urine to blood AC ratio greater than 1.2. This suggests that these individuals were in the post-absorptive state at the time of the accident. The information acquired from this study provides additional evidence to support the notion that the vast majority of individuals are not in the absorptive phase at the time of a traffic stop or an accident.  相似文献   

This study argued that while sanctions deter offenders from being involved in future drinking-driving offenses, alcohol addiction prevents individuals from making rational choices, and, thus, increases offenders' chances of being involved in drinking driving regardless of the certain, severe, and swift punishments they had experienced. Results indicated that, individuals with more severe alcohol addiction problems had increased chances of committing multiple offenses regardless of the sanctions that they had experienced relative to those with less severe alcohol-related problems. Findings seemed to suggest that criminal justice sanctions alone might not obtain expected deterrent impacts on individuals with alcohol and other addiction problems. Drinking drivers and other drug and alcohol offenders should be screened for substance abuse problems, and, if necessary, provided with treatment.  相似文献   

Analytical records concerning 440 living drivers suspected of driving under the influence of drug (DUID) were collected and examined during a 2 years period ranging from 2002 to 2003 in canton de Vaud, Valais, Jura and Fribourg (Switzerland). This study included 400 men (91%) and 40 women (9%). The average age of the drivers was 28+/-10 years (minimum 16 and maximum 81). One or more psychoactive drugs were found in 89% of blood samples. Half of cases (223 of 440, 50.7%) involved consumption of mixtures (from 2 to 6) of psychoactive drugs. The most commonly detected drugs in whole blood were cannabinoids (59%), ethanol (46%), benzodiazepines (13%), cocaine (13%), amphetamines (9%), opiates (9%) and methadone (7%). Among these 440 cases, 11-carboxy-THC (THCCOOH) was found in 59% (median 25 ng/ml (1-215 ng/ml)), Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in 53% (median 3 ng/ml (1-35 ng/ml)), ethanol in 46% (median 1.19 g/kg (0.14-2.95 g/kg)), benzoylecgonine in 13% (median 250 ng/ml (29-2430 ng/ml)), free morphine in 7% (median 10 ng/ml (1-111 ng/ml)), methadone in 7% (median 110 ng/ml (27-850 ng/ml)), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in 6% (median 218 ng/ml (10-2480 ng/ml)), nordiazepam in 5% (median 305 ng/ml (30-1560 ng/ml)), free codeine in 5% (median 5 ng/ml (1-13 ng/ml)), midazolam in 5% (median 44 ng/ml (20-250 ng/ml)), cocaine in 5% (median 50 ng/ml (15-560 ng/ml)), amphetamine in 4% (median 54 ng/ml (10-183 ng/ml)), diazepam in 2% (median 200 ng/ml (80-630 ng/ml)) and oxazepam in 2% (median 230 ng/ml (165-3830 ng/ml)). Other drugs, such as lorazepam, zolpidem, mirtazapine, methaqualone, were found in less than 1% of the cases.  相似文献   

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses provide a unique focal point for research in criminology. In recent years, legislative and media attention has increasingly focused on the harmful acts of drunk drivers, but little is known of the characteristics of individuals arrested for driving while drunk or of the court processing and sanctioning of such offenders. The research presented here uses a variety of methodological techniques to analyze individual-level court processing data for persons convicted of DWI on a revoked license. We find that the population of persons processed for this offense have certain characteristics which are not unlike those of persons processed for street crimes. Further, we find evidence of differential sanctioning related to ethnicity and level of education. We conclude with a call for future investigation of court processing to understand better why the DWI legislative mandate is being applied differently across social groups.  相似文献   

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