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GEJIU,so named by local Yi inhabitants,means"buckwheat planta-tion,"butthiscityinsoutheasternYunnanProvinceisbetterknown,domestically and internationally,for its large deposits of tin.Gejiu City,one of the few in the world on the tropic of cancer,is  相似文献   

XIAOZHAN Rice is a household name across China, but few realize that Xiaozhan is also the name of the town where this delicious rice is produced. The town proper is only 3.5 square ki- lometers in size, but small as it is, 100- year-old Xiaozhan Town has contributed a short but brilliant chapter to modern Chinese history. "West Point" of the Beiyang Era Located 25 kilometers from down- town Tianjin, Xiaozhan is part of Jinnan, a suburban district of the municipality. The town looks imp…  相似文献   

正AHEAD of his visit to Belgium in late March,2014,Chinese President Xi Jinping published an article in the local newspaper Le Soir,titled"Friendship and Cooperation Bring Better Life to Both China and Europe."It recounted the story of a young Belgian who has taught Chinese farmers how to grow high-quality coffee.His name is Wouter De Smet.  相似文献   

THE Daxing'anling(Greater HingganMountains)ForestZone in northeasternChina covers 7.13million hectares.In it are 665 million cubic meters of timberreserves.Its primeval forests makeup 40 percent of the total area.  相似文献   

On a Green Road     
In Anji County, a place in east China’s Zhejiang Province long known for its bamboo forests, the autumn scenery is no less charming than in any other season.Large expanses of blooming sunflowers and sweet-scented osmanthus lure tourists from far and wide.  相似文献   

MA'ANSHAN, dubbed "City of Iron and Steel," is on the south bank of the Yangtze Riverin eastern Anhui Province, bordering Jiangsu Province. One of the city's most impressive features is its clean environment. "We do not allow pollution-generating projects in our city, no matter how profitable they might be," says Ding Haizhong, secretary of the CPC  相似文献   

四十余年的篾匠生涯,给毛君芳的双手留下了深深的印记.正是这双手让他承担起一个家庭的重任,将儿子供养到大学.毛君芳是浙江省宁波市海曙区鄞江镇悬慈村人.1974年,17岁的 毛君芳正式跟随篾匠父亲学做竹编,两年后出师,开始走街串巷叫卖竹编. 患有小儿麻痹症的毛君芳,腿脚不是很灵便,但依然走过鄞州不少的山山水水. 十年前,单纯做竹编已难以养家.毛君芳不得不在镇上一家汽配厂做门卫,干一天休一天.休息日时,毛君芳就在家里做竹编. 十几米长的毛竹,在毛君芳的手下,经过砍、锯、切、剖、拉、撬、编、织、削、磨等工序,变成了蒸笼、箩筐、米筛、食罩、篾席、土箕等居家用品. 凭借精湛的手艺和淳朴的性格,毛君芳在乡民那里赢得了口碑.他还多次被推选参加宁波市乃至浙江省残疾人技能竞赛,在竹编项目中获得优异的成绩.  相似文献   

"AHOY! The boat is coming!" The call ofboatmen echoes across the waterside Luzhen Township. A fictitious place featured in several works of Lu Xun (or Lu Hsun, 1881-1936), father of China's modern literature, Luzhen was brought into reality this year. A tourist site modeled on the literary township was built  相似文献   

JIAOZUO in Henan Province, a place known as "Coal City," has been transformed from a drab and foggy convenience to today's civic emerald. The Taihang Mountains anchor and the Yellow River meanders, fusing with Jiaozuo's historic culture and making this city, among all the former resource-based cities in China, an especially good model of successful transition to an information-age economy.  相似文献   

The world's largest green initiative turned 40 years this year.The national voluntary tree-planting campaign,launched in China with a government resolution in 1981,has seen volunteers plant 76 billion trees across the country since then,joined by institutions and enterprises.  相似文献   

China’s forests are being expanded by tree-planting volunteers and national forestry programs  相似文献   

Forests are replacing fields for the sake of ecology and economy, and it seems what's good for the planet is good for the wallet. Governor Qin Guangrong of Yunnan exhorts us to make protection of the environment an instinctual response at the personal and corporate level.  相似文献   

Take a walk along the streets of Hefei and chances are you will see a steady stream of new-energy vehicles manufactured by Jianghuai Automobile Co.Ltd.(JAC). As the petrol price continues to rise, new-energy vehicles are much better options compared with similar level petrol-powered cars for consumers in cities like Hefei, said Mei Hanbing,owner of JAC new-energy cars in Hefei,capital city of east China’s Anhui  相似文献   

SHAOXING City in Zhejiang Province is a veritable treasure chest for Chinese culture buffs.The city’s long history,rich culture and graceful natural beauty have inspired many Chinese men of letters to write lyrical poems extolling its charm and romance.On the historical menu are:a temple commemorating prehistoric clan leader Shun and the tomb of his contemporary,Yu the Great; the ruins of the capital of  相似文献   

Green for Green     
<正>China pushes for green bond directives The world may be no stranger to green finance—finance that pays special attention to environmental health,but when it comes to China,the country remains—well,green to the concept.In recent years,it has  相似文献   

Designed to promote African culture and art,Africa-style Small Town exhibits Tanzanian Makonde sculptures,Zambian copperplate etching and masks from Malawi,amongst others.Facilities:a studio,conference room,exhibition space,a coffee shop and exhibit zone for imported African products Address:Songzhuang Xiaopu Artist Village,Tongzhou District,Beijing E-mail:dongqixin23@gmail.com  相似文献   

正Designed to promote African culture and art,Africa-style Small Town exhibits Tanzanian Makonde sculptures,Zambian copperplate etching and masks from Malawi,amongst others.Facilities:a studio,conference room,exhibition space,a coffee shop and exhibit zone for imported African products Address:Songzhuang Xiaopu Artist Village,Tongzhou District,Beijing E-mail:dongqixin23@gmail.com  相似文献   

THE ancient town of Long-men is 50 kilometers south-west of Zhejiang’s provincial capital of Hangzhou. It is a typical example of the water towns on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, but is rare in having so far eluded overt commercialization.  相似文献   

Designed to promote African culture and art,Africa-style Small Town exhibits Tanzanian Makonde sculptures,Zambian copperplate etching and masks from Malawi,amongst others.Facilities:astudio,conferenceroom,exhibitionspace,acoffeeshopandexhibitzoneforimportedAfricanproducts Address:SongzhuangXiaopuArtistVillage,TongzhouDistrict,Beijing E-mail:dongqixin23@gmail.com  相似文献   

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