State aid frameworkExemptionsAutomatic exemptionsDiscretionary exemptionsOutline of procedureExemptions from requirement to notify   The Commission Notice on guaranteesConditions excluding the existence of State aidCalculation of feeFixed maximum amountGuarantee schemesWhere the safe harbour does not apply   Guidelines on aid for the rescue and restructuring of firms in difficulty7ProcedureConditions for restructuring aidApplication of these principles in the banking sector   Type of aid envisaged            相似文献   

Facing rejection: new relationships, broken relationships, shame, and stalking     
Dennison SM  Stewart A 《International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology》2006,50(3):324-337
This study provides a preliminary examination of the relationship among shame-proneness, emotions, and persistent, unwanted courting or pursuit behaviour. A total of 222 undergraduates completed a questionnaire measuring responses to the termination of a relationship or the declining of a date. The Test of Self-Conscious Affect was used to measure shame. Although shame was unrelated to types of intrusive behaviour, individuals who engaged more repetitively in covert pursuit tended to ruminate more over their love interest than did those who rarely engaged in such behaviour. Rumination was positively correlated with shame. Self-harm behaviours and harm toward others were associated with feelings of sadness and depression, and those who engaged more often in harm toward others also reported feelings of anger and jealousy. Conclusions are made regarding the function of shame and other emotions in intrusive behaviour and their potential relevance to treatment of stalkers.  相似文献   

李大勇 《行政法学研究》2021,(1)
大数据时代对网络谣言的规制,既是机遇也是挑战。谣言借助网络的手段,无论是传播的方式、手段以及谣言的表现形式都会发生巨大而又深刻的变化。针对网络谣言规制已形成道德规制、法律规制、技术规制三种模式,但各有优劣,应当引入合作规制理念。在网络谣言规制主体上除了政府,还应强化网络服务商的监管责任,依靠其他社会组织,动员社会广泛参与,进行合作治理。在网络谣言治理方式的选择上,采取多元的治理方式,要坚持法治手段为底线,道德熏陶为引导、网络技术手段为保障的整合方式,从而形成制度合力来应对网络谣言。  相似文献   

Pollen on grass clippings: putting the suspect at the scene of the crime.     
M Horrocks  K A Walsh 《Journal of forensic sciences》2001,46(4):947-949
In a case of alleged sexual assault, the pollen content of samples of grass clippings and soil from the suspect's clothing and shoes was compared to that of a sample of grass clippings from the alleged crime scene (a grassy area) to determine whether or not the suspect had been at the scene. The clothing and shoe samples showed a very strong correlation with each other and with the sample from the alleged crime scene in the combination of the different types of pollen present, very strongly supporting the contention that the suspect had been at the scene.  相似文献   

Determinants of software piracy: economics,institutions, and technology     
Rajeev K. Goel  Michael A. Nelson 《The Journal of Technology Transfer》2009,34(6):637-658
This paper determines the various influences on software piracy using a large sample of countries. In particular, our cross-sectional study estimates the effects of economic, institutional and technical factors on the piracy of software. A more comprehensive look at potential determinants of software piracy, including economic and non-economic factors, may be considered as the main contribution to a literature that is still in its infancy. Results show that a country’s stage of development and the quality of governance have the largest impact on the incidence of software piracy. Greater economic and political freedoms are shown to have opposite effects on piracy. Further, greater diffusion of the Internet and of computer technologies, other things equal, actually promote the legal use of software. Higher access prices also reduce piracy, with the impact of telephone charges being more pronounced than that of Internet access fees. There are significant variations in the impacts of different types of legal institutions and of fractionalization on piracy. The influence of digital divide between rural and urban areas does not significantly affect the piracy of software. Overall, economic, institutional, and technological factors exert important influences on software piracy, albeit with some qualitative and quantitative differences. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide emissions,financial development and political institutions     
Kim  Dong-Hyeon  Wu  Yi-Chen  Lin  Shu-Chin 《Economic Change and Restructuring》2022,55(2):837-874
Economic Change and Restructuring - The paper empirically examines whether and how political institutions shape the nexus between finance and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In a sample of...  相似文献   

Photographs of the human face and broken projective symmetry     
T Majumdar  P Sinha 《Journal - Forensic Science Society》1989,29(6):387-395
The exact projective symmetry manifested in photographs is broken if the object is not flat. It has been found that front view perspectives of the human face, photographed with limited variations in camera angle (within 30 degrees) show a breaking projective symmetry sufficiently small to be considered for accurate comparison. As a practical implementation of this new approach, a computer-controlled video camera superimposition technique has been developed and demonstrated in the identification of a disguised human face.  相似文献   

Fraud,Free Speech and Fossil Fuel: Lessons from Big Tobacco for Big Oil     
Anna Baxendale 《环境索赔杂志》2018,30(2):107-130
Recent journalistic investigations revealed that ExxonMobil carried out research beginning in the 1970s indicating fossil fuel's dangerous role in global warming. Rather than heed the warnings of its research, for the next few decades, ExxonMobil instead chose to become a leader in climate change denial; stressing uncertainty, propagating misinformation, funding denial, and politicizing and undermining the expert scientific consensus. Exxon's behavior invoked the tactics used by the tobacco industry years earlier, tactics which wound up the subject of a successful federal government lawsuit under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. The parallels with the tobacco industry prompted legislators and environmentalists to call on the Department of Justice to use RICO again to hold the fossil fuel industry to account. This article will consider the legal issues associated with bringing such an action, and whether useful lessons can be drawn from the tobacco litigation.  相似文献   

Household formation, institutions, and economic development: Evidence from imperial Russia     
Tracy Dennison 《The History of the Family》2011,(4):456
Household formation patterns have been adduced in recent years by historians and other social scientists to account for the economic development of western Europe. The so-called European Marriage Pattern, which prevailed throughout northwest Europe, is viewed as having been particularly conducive to early industrialisation and economic growth. But to what extent were household formation systems exogenous to the broader economic and social context in which they were located? Evidence from nineteenth-century Russia indicates that family systems were influenced by the same variables that determined the shape of the local economy; they were part of a complex web of institutions and thus cannot be viewed as independent determinants of economic development.  相似文献   

New realities and ideas transform the superconductor technology debate     
Kevin D. Ott 《The Journal of Technology Transfer》1994,19(1):6-7
This article is reprinted, with permission, from the Winter 1993 issue ofSuperconductor Industry.  相似文献   

Industry self-regulation,subversion of public institutions,and social control of torts     
Peter Grajzl  Andrzej Baniak 《International Review of Law and Economics》2009,29(4):360-374
We characterize the comparative efficiency of industry self-regulation as means of social control of torts. Unlike liability, which is imposed by courts ex post, industry self-regulation, much like government regulation, acts before the harm is done. As compared to government regulators, however, the industry regulates with superior information. Furthermore, a pro-industry bias inherent to self-regulation also arises under alternative institutional arrangements when adjudicators are vulnerable to pressure by industry members. We show when industry self-regulation is socially desirable and feasible, and clarify when it could be an attractive institutional arrangement for developing and transition countries.  相似文献   

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As the human–animal bond is increasingly recognized as therapeutic, the role of animals, most frequently canines, grows. A contemporary pairing of animals and humans can be found inside prisons. While the dogs trained by inmates are most frequently adopted out to the community, today dogs are being trained to assist veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as part of a grass roots effort to fulfill the mental health needs of veterans. The growing number of veterans with PTSD and concomitant issues including addiction, unemployment, homelessness, and crime, makes the mental healthcare issues of veterans a social problem. The civilian-led effort to provide veterans with dogs is a continuation of the public’s involvement with the proliferation of prison-based animal programs. While this next generation of animal programs has overwhelming community support, it also suffers from similar limitations as its predecessors. With no universal agreement as to the training methods or level of skills needed by the dogs, their efficacy at lessening the symptoms of veterans’ PTSD remains largely unknown.  相似文献   

《The Law teacher》2012,46(3):268-280
This paper reports on the results of a survey of law teachers that asked about their understanding of research-led teaching. It argues that the findings of the survey suggest that research-led teaching is a vehicular idea. It explains the emergence of vehicular ideas as a consequence of the discrediting of the intellectual as authority figure producing definitive oracular ideas. Instead the intellectual acts as mediator, producing ideas that provoke conversations and facilitate problem solving. Vehicular ideas are criticised as insubstantial, depoliticising and failing to challenge dominant neo-liberal norms, but they are also recognised – like all ideas – as potentially disruptive to the status quo. The paper then argues that the Feminist Judgments Project is a useful example of a research project that can give substance to research-led teaching. However, what is required is a conscious and collaborative dialogue between researchers and teachers and a commitment to outcomes that promote critical thinking on the part of students.  相似文献   

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • Law created by European Institutions affects businessin all areas, none more so than in the financial sector, asthe recent financial crisis has thrown into sharp relief. Notonly the Directives that shape regulation of financial businesses(outside the scope of this article), but some provisions ofthe Treaty, Directives, Regulations and Decisions affect theability of banks to do business, in their dealings with States,as well as in their dealings with commercial customers and eachother.
  • Key in the financial crisis have been the Treaty ruleson State aid: these have affected the ability of States to assistfinancial institutions in difficulty and the manner in whichthey give assistance; the recognition of the global financialcrisis as creating a disturbance in the economy of many MemberStates has been central to the swift approval of rescue aidin accordance with new guidance, while reconstruction . . . [Full Text of this Article]
   1. EU law and national law    2. State aid    3. State guarantees    4. Rescue and restructuring aid    5. Guidelines on the application of State aid rules to Measures taken in relation to Financial Institutions in the context of the Current Global Financial Crisis    6. Other Competition law rules    7. Bank insolvency    8. Enforcement of rights over financial collateral and close out netting    9. Depositor protection    10. Final comment
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