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欧洲一体化对英国国际私法的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张榆青  李刚 《时代法学》2003,1(2):40-46
随着 1973年英国步入欧洲共同体 ,英国国际私法不应再被孤立地看待 ,它与欧洲联盟统一国际私法及欧洲联盟成员国中的大陆法系国家的国际私法紧密地联系在一起。它们相互影响、相互渗透、相互作用、相互促进。作为欧洲联盟 15个成员国中仅有的两个普通法法系国家之一 ,而且是普通法发源地的英国 ,其国际私法受到了欧洲一体化空前的、巨大的影响。这种影响主要体现在 :推动了英国国际私法制定法的新发展 ;开拓了英国国际私法的新法源 ;创立了英国冲突法案件的新类型 ;提供了英国解决冲突案件的新方法  相似文献   


The European private security sector has grown from a handful of small companies at the end of the Second World War into a multibillion Euro industry with thousands of firms and millions of security staff. In Europe, the demands for security is not just expressed notionally but also officially in The European Agenda on Security stating the European Union (EU) aims to ensure that people live in an area of freedom, security, and justice. This article will begin by exploring the role of private security in society. It will then move on to consider the main phases in the development of private security regulation in Europe. Following on from this, some of the main areas of policy development will be considered, such as European bodies, initiatives, and standards. Finally, the article will explore some of the potential options for the future in better regulating the European private security sector. From a historical perspective, the evolution of private security regulation can be divided into three phases: the laissez-faire, the centrifugal, and the centripetal era – each with its own distinct characteristics and impact on the concurrent industry. In the EU where there is the legal framework for the development of a single market in services, the key social partners have been at the forefront of developing a series of standards and guidance documents which promote standards across borders at the European level. However, the institutions of the EU have been reluctant to intervene at a European level in setting minimum standards of private security regulation. Thus, the changing terrain of the EU relating to security, regulation, and the private security industry means the current trajectory may be in need of an injection of more radical thought and consideration.  相似文献   

蔡高强  刘健 《河北法学》2004,22(4):116-119
欧盟法主要由欧盟与成员国签订的基础性条约、欧盟与第三国或国际组织签订的条约和欧盟通过的条例、指令和决定组成。在欧盟内部,欧盟法可以直接适用,具有直接效力,并处于优先地位。欧盟法与成员国法的关系既不同于国际法和国内法关系,也不同于联邦法与成员邦法的关系。欧盟成员国各自适用欧盟法的实践,反映了欧盟法独特的适用方式,表明国际法日益得到普遍的尊重与遵守,主权国家自觉灵活适用国际法以维护国家利益,国际组织在国际法国内适用方面发挥重要作用。这是对现代国际法的丰富与发展。  相似文献   

论一般法律原则在共同体司法实践中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李道刚 《法学论坛》2003,18(3):83-88
国际法适用于欧洲共同体 ,共同体法律体系中的一般法律原则基本上包括国际法的一般原则。在共同体中 ,一般法律原则的适用已是成员国的共识。共同体法意义上的一般法律原则既内在于共同体法的秩序里 ,也存在于成员国各法律体系之中。本文试图通过若干案例 ,说明一般法律原则在共同体司法实践中的运用。  相似文献   

Cybercrime is considered an issue of both local and global concern. Therefore, this study focuses on the local experience in cybercrime control of different countries, including the Republic of Turkey. The article discusses issues in cybersecurity policy and analyzes the legislative framework of the Republic of Turkey on cybercrime issues. The findings underlie the continuing education policy for cybersecurity employees. The study concludes that Turkey handles the current cybercrime situation with efficiency.  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机以来,欧盟对影子银行的发展深感担忧。货币市场基金作为影子银行的重要组成部分,仍然适用欧盟各个成员国的国内监管规则。随着欧盟内部市场的发展,欧盟货币市场基金的跨境投资与交易数量激增。因此欧盟将货币市场基金的统一监管提上议事日程。应欧洲议会的要求,欧盟分析与研究后,于2013年9月4日正式对外公布了《货币市场基金条例草案》。该条例草案是在金融危机背景下为加强影子银行监管和保护投资者利益而制定,是欧盟为建设金融市场统一监管体系所努力的一部分。《货币市场基金条例草案》在欧盟现有金融监管法律体系的基础上,对欧盟货币市场基金的营业核准、基金内部评级规则、信息披露义务、投资多样性与集中性原则设定了统一的监管标准。此外,《货币市场基金条例草案》首次在欧盟境内引入浮动净资产价值货币市场基金的概念,以及类似准备金制度的净资产价值缓冲机制,提高了传统固定净资产价值货币市场基金的准入门槛。当下的中国,其货币市场基金发展迅速,已成为社会各界的热门话题,因此中国的金融监管机构也正在研究如何完善货币市场基金监管规则。目前,有欧盟的《货币市场基金条例草案》在先,那么中国的金融监管机构可以从欧盟的实践中吸取经验教训,引导中国货币市场基金良性健康发展。  相似文献   

谢红霞 《行政与法》2005,(3):115-116
作为目前世界上最成熟和最发达的区域性国际组织,欧盟在很多方面有值得其他国际组织借鉴的地方。本文主要探讨了欧盟法对欧盟成员国的效力的问题。其中包括了欧盟法对欧盟成员国的时间效力范围和空间效力范围、欧盟法的效力优于欧盟成员国国内法、欧盟法在欧盟成员国的直接效力和间接效力以及欧盟法律与欧盟成员国法律之间的配合关系效力,以希望从中可以引出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

Most of the economic models that analyse the behaviour of interest groups in the policy making process uphold the idea that there are many organized groups that compete, with the aim of achieving their individual goals. The adoption of decisions is the result of a complex system of strategic interactions, and since different groups have different resources at their disposal this makes it easier for one or more groups to influence whether or not a policy is adopted. This research demonstrates that an institutional system such as the European Union (EU) should be able to protect us from the potential manipulation, which accompanies these channels of influence.  相似文献   

The European Commission's Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (‘CESL’) seeks to create a European scheme of contract law available for parties to choose to govern cross‐border contracts for the sale of goods, supply of ‘digital content,’ and for the supply of related services. This article explains the background to the Proposal, sketches out the purposes and scope of the CESL, and considers and criticises its legal framework (and in particular its relationship with private international law) and the key requirement of the parties’ agreement. In the author's view, the CESL scheme remains an unconvincing basis for the achievement of its economic purposes and, as regards consumer contracts, puts too much reliance on the agreement of the consumer as a justification for the loss of their existing protection under EU private international law rules.  相似文献   

Feminist studies of the European Union seek to make sense of a field that has become enormously complex. Gender equality has been an issue in the EU since the inclusion of Article 119 on equal pay in the Treaty of Rome 1957 but has since widened to the recognition of equality between women and men as a fundamental principle of democracy for the whole EU. Gender equality is present both in gender-specific policies, such as women's participation in the labour market, sexual harassment and reconciliation of work and family, as well as informing the basic principles and functioning of the EU institutions wherever gender mainstreaming is implemented. Feminist explorations of the EU have tended to overlook one aspect of EU gender policies: women's political representation in the EU institutions. This article seeks to address this gap.  相似文献   

陈若鸿 《河北法学》2008,26(7):165-175
欧盟税法反映了欧盟税制协调的成果。欧盟税法在目标、功能、法律渊源等方面都不同于某一主权国家的税法;它的实现主要取决于其成员国的意志。就世界范围而言,欧盟一体化的税法在调整范围和调整深度方面也已经远远走在了各区域经济体的前面,但尚未达到任何一个联邦国家的联邦税法发展的程度。展望未来,欧盟税法一体化的发展仍将经历一个漫长而曲折的过程。  相似文献   

The entry into force of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the ensuing introduction of the right to data protection as a new fundamental right in the legal order of the EU has raised some challenges. This article is an attempt to bring clarity on some of these questions. We will therefore try to address the issue of the place of the right to the protection of personal data within the global architecture of the Charter, but also the relationship between this new fundamental right and the already existing instruments. In doing so, we will analyse the most pertinent case law of the Court of Luxembourg, only to find out that it creates more confusion than clarity. The lesson we draw from this overview is that the reasoning of the Court is permeated by a ‘privacy thinking’, which consists not only in overly linking the rights to privacy and data protection, but also in applying the modus operandi of the former to the latter (which are different we contend). The same flawed reasoning seems to be at work in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Therefore, it is crucial that the different modi operandi be acknowledged, and that any upcoming data protection instrument is accurately framed in relation with Article 8 of the Charter.  相似文献   

欧洲法院初步裁决制度评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向前 《河北法学》2007,25(6):158-163
初步裁决制度是欧盟法中的一项特殊的法律程序制度,适用初步裁决制度的案件占欧洲法院受理案件量的大多数.欧洲法院通过初步裁决制度对欧盟法进行解释,积极扩张其司法管辖的范围,促进了自身和成员国法院的合作,保证了欧盟法律在属于不同法律体系、适用不同诉讼规则的各成员国法院的统一适用,成为推动欧洲一体化进程的重要力量.就初步裁决的运行机制、这一制度本身存在的主要问题以及该制度的改革等进行了深入的探研,以期获得对欧盟法的这一重要制度的一个正确、客观、全面的认识.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of a 75 pct. Break-Through rule on 1,035 European firms with dual class shares. In 3–5 pct. of the firms the controlling owners incur a direct loss of control, while in another 11–17 pct. of the firms, the controlling owners are likely to incur a loss of control. Firms in Germany, Italy and the Scandinavian countries are more likely to incur a loss of control. The restrictions that the Break-Through rule put on the ability of these firms to issue new shares to outsiders without changing the control structure are also estimated. We conclude that a significant number of firms with dual class shares in the European Union will be affected by a 75 pct. Break-Through rule.  相似文献   

新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>存在立法性冲突,导致新<律师法>施行后的执法性报复.学术界和实务界对新<律师法>的法律效力见解不一.根据<宪法>、<立法法>等规定,全国人大与其常委会的关系不能成为确定新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>法律位阶关系之根据.全国人大与其常委会不属于<立法法>中的同一机关,但"视为"同一机关具有现实合理性.全国人大常委会法制工作委员会对新<律师法>法律效力的答复存在形式上的不妥当性与内容上的不合法性.应通过个案解决的立法技术以及法律适用规则的完善,为新<律师法>与<刑事诉讼法>的立法性冲突提供解决对策,也为国内法律冲突提供制度化化解路径.  相似文献   

The article investigates competing understandings of European law. It supports, against the prevailing EU‐centred understanding, an ecumenical concept that embraces EU law, supplementing international instruments, the European Convention on Human Rights and, importantly, various domestic laws enacting or responding to such transnational law, as well as European comparative law. To keep the concept in sync with European politics, it posits a new idea that binds the parts together: to provide for a European legal space rather than further European integration (the ever closer union). This idea can also serve as European law's functional equivalent to forming one legal order. European law thus conceived grasps the puzzling complex of interdependent legal orders, sets a common frame for corresponding reconstructions (European composite constructions, legal pluralism, network theories, federalism or intergovernmentalism) and allows forces with diverging outlooks to meet in one legal field, on one more neutral disciplinary platform. Within this framework, European comparative law finds a new mission as well as a sound legal basis.  相似文献   

《欧盟基础条约》和尚未生效的《欧洲宪法条约》均规定了辅助性原则。虽然该原则不可避免的具有内在的模糊开放性,但仍不影响它作为一项宪法性原则的地位。辅助性原则最大的意义在于:为在欧盟和成员国或其他主体之间选择最为合适的权力行使主体提供了程序性的保障,因而提供了一个促进协调以取得平衡的重要概念空间。  相似文献   

在全球化的推动下,区域政府间的政治联盟和公民身份都获得巨大发展,成为区域法治的重要力量.承载着自由权利、政治权利和社会权利的公民身份,为区域法治提供了合法性基础,从而成为区域人权保护原则的主体性力量;公民身份的结构性联系和基本权利的内在勾连意味着,公民身份的理念与制度的扩展必然要求在区域人权保护中坚持一体保护原则、多重保护原则和司法保护原则.  相似文献   

欧共体法中的相称性原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相称性原则是欧共体法中的一项一般法律原则。其适用范围不仅包括共同体措施 ,而且包括成员国国内措施 ;不仅适用于行政行为 ,也适用于立法行为。适当性、必需性和最小限制性是相称性原则的三个构成要素。相称性原则与从属原则既有密切联系 ,也有本质区别。就其功能而言 ,相称性原则是欧共体法院司法审查的基础 ,是支配共同体行使权能的原则 ,是建立内部市场的指导原则  相似文献   

共同犯罪, 是一种相对于单独犯罪而言的更为复杂的犯罪形态,具有更加严重的社会危害性, 历来是各国及地区刑法的锋芒所向。本文对中国大陆和澳门地区刑法关于共同犯罪的立法模式和内容、共同犯罪的概念与构成、共同犯罪人的种类及处罚以及认定和处理共同犯罪的一些特殊问题等进行了比较研究, 并提出可供两地关于共同犯罪的立法和司法借鉴改善之处。  相似文献   

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