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辛嘉 《检察风云》2022,(2):18-20
观察域外相关立法和执法的情况可知,我国《数据安全法》出台相对较早,欧盟、美国目前还处在相关立法程序中.但这并不意味着其他国家在数据安全方面没有规范性文件.只是由于缺乏统一立法,域外数据安全规则分布在不同的领域,在具体施行过程中有得有失,其经验值得借鉴.  相似文献   

There has naturally been a good deal of discussion of the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation. One issue of interest to all data controllers, and of particular concern for researchers, is whether the GDPR expands the scope of personal data through the introduction of the term ‘pseudonymisation’ in Article 4(5). If all data which have been ‘pseudonymised’ in the conventional sense of the word (e.g. key-coded) are to be treated as personal data, this would have serious implications for research. Administrative data research, which is carried out on data routinely collected and held by public authorities, would be particularly affected as the sharing of de-identified data could constitute the unconsented disclosure of identifiable information.Instead, however, we argue that the definition of pseudonymisation in Article 4(5) GDPR will not expand the category of personal data, and that there is no intention that it should do so. The definition of pseudonymisation under the GDPR is not intended to determine whether data are personal data; indeed it is clear that all data falling within this definition are personal data. Rather, it is Recital 26 and its requirement of a ‘means reasonably likely to be used’ which remains the relevant test as to whether data are personal. This leaves open the possibility that data which have been ‘pseudonymised’ in the conventional sense of key-coding can still be rendered anonymous. There may also be circumstances in which data which have undergone pseudonymisation within one organisation could be anonymous for a third party. We explain how, with reference to the data environment factors as set out in the UK Anonymisation Network's Anonymisation Decision-Making Framework.  相似文献   

个人数据反对权是GDPR中的重要权利,在实践中存在案件数量较少、适用情形比较单一、独立适用反对权条款比例较低等情况.对此,在对其界定、要素、抗辩情形、行使与救济途径等进行分析的基础上,结合我国立法情况,有必要从本土化思维转向本土主义反思和探讨.对于我国的"反对权",不主张将GDPR反对权本土化以设为独立的个人信息权利类型,而建议:明确其不是独立的权利种类而是权利行使方式;明确"反对"是信息自决权的自力救济方式,以阻止个人信息滥用;明确反对行为的客体既有个人信息处理过程也有处理结果及其运用;设置多层融汇的规范以实现"基本原则一权利义务规则—自力公力救济—法律责任"的逻辑衔接.  相似文献   

叶开儒 《法学评论》2020,(1):106-117
欧盟《一般数据保护条例》是个人数据保护的重要立法之一,而其中的“长臂管辖”条款是最有特色并颇受争议的规则。从内在视角来看,欧盟语境下个人数据的特殊含义和重要地位,是“长臂管辖”的正当性基础。而其在制度上形成内外联动的局面,是因为欧盟想扭转其在全球互联网和信息产业的劣势地位,并增强其在全球数据保护立法的话语权,同时更好地保护个人数据和国家安全。对此,中国未来的数据保护立法应结合自身数据产业的特点,明确立法旨意,形成内外联动,在国际互联网和数据治理中采取积极有为的态度,掌握该领域的话语权。  相似文献   

Against the common perception of data protection as a road-block, we demonstrate that the GDPR can work as a research enabler. This study demonstrates that European data protection law's regulatory pillars, the first related to the protection of the fundamental right to data protection and the second regarding the promotion of the free flow of personal data, result into an architecture of layered data protection regimes, which come to tighten or relax data subjects’ rights and data protection safeguards vis à vis processing activities differently grounded in public or merely economic interests. Each of the identified data protection regimes shape different “enabling regulatory spots” for the processing of sensitive personal data for research purposes.  相似文献   

This article offers an interdisciplinary analysis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the context of electronic identification schemes. Gov.UK Verify, the UK Government's electronic identification scheme, and its compatibility with some important aspects of EU data protection law are reviewed. An in-depth examination of Gov.UK Verify's architecture and the most significant constituent elements of both the Data Protection Directive and the imminent GDPR – notably the legitimising grounds for the processing of personal data and the doctrine of joint controllership – highlight several flaws inherent in the Gov.UK Verify's development and mode of operation. This article advances the argument that Gov.UK Verify is incompatible with some major substantive provisions of the EU Data Protection Framework. It also provides some general insight as to how to interpret the requirement of a legitimate legal basis and the doctrine of joint controllership. It ultimately suggests that the choice of the appropriate legal basis should depend upon a holistic approach to the relationship between the actors involved in the processing activities.  相似文献   

This article examines the two major international data transfer schemes in existence today – the European Union (EU) model which at present is effectively the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Cross Border Privacy Rules system (CBPR), in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT).While IoT data ostensibly relates to things i.e. products and services, it impacts individuals and their data protection and privacy rights, and raises compliance issues for corporations especially in relation to international data flows. The GDPR regulates the processing of personal data of individuals who are EU data subjects including cross border data transfers. As an EU Regulation, the GDPR applies directly as law to EU member nations. The GDPR also has extensive extraterritorial provisions that apply to processing of personal data outside the EU regardless of place of incorporation and geographical area of operation of the data controller/ processor. There are a number of ways that the GDPR enables lawful international transfer of personal data including schemes that are broadly similar to APEC CBPR.APEC CBPR is the other major regional framework regulating transfer of personal data between APEC member nations. It is essentially a voluntary accountability scheme that initially requires acceptance at country level, followed by independent certification by an accountability agent of the organization wishing to join the scheme. APEC CBPR is viewed by many in the United States of America (US) as preferable to the EU approach because CBPR is considered more conducive to business than its counterpart schemes under the GDPR, and therefore is regarded as the scheme most likely to prevail.While there are broad areas of similarity between the EU and APEC approaches to data protection in the context of cross border data transfer, there are also substantial differences. This paper considers the similarities and major differences, and the overall suitability of the two models for the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) in which large amounts of personal data are processed on an on-going basis from connected devices around the world. This is the first time the APEC and GDPR cross-border data schemes have been compared in this way. The paper concludes with the author expressing a view as to which scheme is likely to set the global standard.  相似文献   

Contrary to what has been observed in other regions of Spain, the households of Sangüesa, Yesa, and Lesaca have undergone a set of transformation in their composition and structure in the last 200 years. These changes are closely linked to the economic changes that have taken place in Navarre during this period. The chief characteristic of the developments over the past two centuries has been the rise of the household with a simply structure (married couples with or without children), to which category most households now belong. A further noteworthy features is the fact that domestic servants have now almost completely disappeared.  相似文献   

Contrary to what has been observed in other regions of Spain, the households of Sangüesa, Yesa, and Lesaca have undergone a set of transformation in their composition and structure in the last 200 years. These changes are closely linked to the economic changes that have taken place in Navarre during this period. The chief characteristic of the developments over the past two centuries has been the rise of the household with a simply structure (married couples with or without children), to which category most households now belong. A further noteworthy features is the fact that domestic servants have now almost completely disappeared.  相似文献   

Recorded crime and prison populations seem to be increasing in Europe. Some explanations for this situation can be related to changes in the reaction on crime by the Criminal Justice Systems. The information collected in the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics (ESB) provides a good opportunity to look in more detail at the changes in the various stages of the Criminal Justice Systems in more than 40 European countries over the period 1990 to 2007. In this study we look mainly at the changes over time of recorded crimes, the offender ratio, the conviction ratio and punitivity in Europe where the countries are clustered into four regions: North/West, South, Central and East Europe. It was found that the increase in the number of recorded drug crimes and a possible higher priority for violent crimes could help explain the increase in recorded crimes during the last two decades. The Criminal Justice Systems in Europe, with some differences between regions within Europe and despite not having more police resources, succeed in finding more offenders. The conviction ratio appeared to be increasing as well, mainly in Central Europe. While punitivity for Europe as a whole is stable, there are vast differences in the levels and trends between the regions.  相似文献   

作者介绍了美国司法精神病鉴定的一些一般情况.美国法医精神病学家常受法院的委托,对刑事被告人进行精神状态鉴定和诉讼行为能力、责任能力评定.本文阐述了在美国的刑事案件审理过程中,对各种诉讼行为能力(包括受审能力、接受处决能力、放弃法定权利能力等)的认识及评定要点。论述了美国法律对判断有无刑事责任能力的历史发展变化.美国联邦及各州法律对刑事被告人责任能力评定中辨认和控制两要素存在不同看法,在司法实践中各州不尽相同,有些州只要鉴定人检查被告人有无辨认能力;有些州只强调有无控制能力;还有些州则要求鉴定人检查被告人有无辨认能力和控制能力,即两种能力都要.鉴定人检查被告人在作案当时有无精神病,主要根据临床经验及病史材料.  相似文献   

For much of the First Republic, the Italian parliament was notorious for its fiscal irresponsibility. However, using data over a 20-year period we note that the performance of the parliament during the passage of the national budget changed over time. During most of the 1980s the parliament always spent more than the final amount specified in the government's Budget Bill. But this trend slowed towards the late 1980s, and of particular interest is that for several years during the 1990s the parliament actually voted to spend less than the government had originally proposed. We explain this anomaly using institutional theories and contextual explanations.  相似文献   

The history of fathers is one of the most suggestive lines of inquiry for understanding adolescents. The power of a father over his children, whether minors or those that had reached their majority, is a simple power, but one that became more complicated. The article assembles the elements needed to illustrate major trends in the long history of paternity. The adoption of the Civil Code in 1804 marked the triumph of a patriarchal system. More than 150 years later, the law of January 4, 1970 abolished paternal authority and replaced it with parental authority. Now, the father could only share parental authority with the mother on the strict condition that he is legally married to her. This seems like a linear movement, but it should be noted that it follows an earlier similar shift.  相似文献   

The history of fathers is one of the most suggestive lines of inquiry for understanding adolescents. The power of a father over his children, whether minors or those that had reached their majority, is a simple power, but one that became more complicated. The article assembles the elements needed to illustrate major trends in the long history of paternity. The adoption of the Civil Code in 1804 marked the triumph of a patriarchal system. More than 150 years later, the law of January 4, 1970 abolished paternal authority and replaced it with parental authority. Now, the father could only share parental authority with the mother on the strict condition that he is legally married to her. This seems like a linear movement, but it should be noted that it follows an earlier similar shift.  相似文献   

Sibling violence is presumed to be the most common form of family violence and the least studied. Based on data from “Physical Violence in American Families, 1976,” this paper assesses the family environment factors associated with sibling physical violence. Of a range of potential family influences, measures of family disorganization were the most significant predictors of sibling violence, overriding the characteristics of children or particular family demands. What mattered most to the occurrence of sibling violence was a child’s actual experience of physical violence at the hands of a parent, maternal disciplinary practices and whether husbands lose their temper. These findings point to the deleterious effect of corporal punishment, and suggest sibling violence in families is associated with more ominous family and gender dynamics.
Shelley EriksenEmail:

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