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正I have been pursuing my Chinese dream for 30 years,"declared M.Noyan Rona at the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream,held last December in Shanghai.In fluent Chinese,Rona,chief representative of the Turkish Garanti Bank’s Shanghai office,at the forum related his 30-year-long tryst with China.  相似文献   

BUILDING socialism in a country with a large population and a weak economic foundation has entailed successful experiments as well as detours. Since 1978, reform and opening-up has seen China undergo rapid, sustainable and sound economic development.  相似文献   

AIGBE Henry Erhauyi from Benin City,Nigeria,is the youngest of seven children.In the early days of his adulthood,Henry’s father gave him a piece of good advice:to be truly successful in life,you need to spread your wings and fly to new places.And so in 2009,30-year-old Henry did just  相似文献   


ZHANG XUEYING XIN XIN 《今日中国(英文版)》2008,57(12):10-16,18-20,22,24-32,34-39
A Western journalist covering the Beijing Olympic Games said that what touched him most were the smiling Chinese faces he saw, and that remark highlighted the fundamental changes that the past three decades of reform and opening-up have brought to the country. Indeed, compared with the smiles, which beam an increasing confidence, the sprawling cityscape of high-rise buildings has become an old story.  相似文献   

Time to Learn     
IN January 2002, representatives from the Development and Re-search Center of the State Coun-cil, John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG) of Harvard  相似文献   

正DATA available on the world’s two largest economies,China and the U.S.,for 2013provide an opportunity to take stock of China’s immediate economic prospects and the more general challenges facing its economic development strategy.  相似文献   

正SOME are calling it a major breakthrough,even a milestone.This is true,in the sense that it was the f irst time in six decades that representatives of the administrative authorities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits met in their off icial capacities.Others are cautioning against unrealistic anticipation of the outcome,which also holds true given the complicated context and subtle nature of such a meeting.  相似文献   

正JAPANESE Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid homage on December 26,2013 to the Yasukuni Shrine,so further imperiling the already fragile security situation in East Asia.Abe later told media representatives that the purpose of his visit was to report to deceased ancestors on the government’s performance over the past year,state his resolve to carry out reforms,and pledge that Japan"will never go to war again."  相似文献   

正A good book pulls you in.Whether i ction or non-i ction,it can conjure up another world and draw you into it.You smile and you grieve;you marvel and you sigh.Only when you i nish the last line on the last page is the spell broken–yet some of the scenes stick with you.  相似文献   

正Since its introduction to China 20-plus years ago,the Internet has flourished like mushrooms after a spring rain.Its users now top 600million and there are around three million Chinese websites.The Chinese word for Internet is互联网(hùlián w ng)–interconnected network–very close to its English equivalent.Logging  相似文献   

曾有一种"屁股指挥脑袋"说,讲的是"屁股"的位置不同,"脑袋"想问题的角度就不同。比如,你原来"屁股"坐在群众的位置上,希望上面多点民主,一旦"屁股"移到领导的位置上,则会希望下面多点服从。你原来"屁股"坐在这个地方,"脑袋"就为这个地方着想,倘若移到另一个地方,随即会为那个地方争利。  相似文献   

正EXCITED about your first interview with a big Chinese manufacturer?Trying on outf its in the mirror?Are you imagining yourself suavely conversing with high-level managers,delighting them with your sharp wit?Time to wake up!The bad news is that overconfidence can torpedo your chances in an upcoming job  相似文献   

I can easily feel the increasing attention the world now pays to China at recent international meetings I have attended. My foreign peers all show an interest in China's blueprint for the comprehensively deepened reforms laid out at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, eager to know what will happen in China and what will it bring to the rest of the world. A question frequently asked is: "How will China influence the world?"  相似文献   

正REGARDING China’s economic and social outlook,there are two contending views in the domestic and overseas academic world.One predicts that China will get affluent before becoming an aging society,and the other holds the opposite opinion.A comprehensive and dynamic analysis is needed before reaching a conclusion.Complex Factors in Economic Growth Total Factor Productivity(TFP)is the most accepted measurement through which to judge total inputs’output productivity,that is,the ratio of total output to total inputs.TFP includes technological progress,organizational innovation,professionalism,etc.An increase of this index refl ects the progress of science and technology.High  相似文献   

THE 30 years of China's reform and opening-up correspond roughly with my own lifetime. I was born in 1973, so I've never known a China that wasn't a rising economic power. Having lived in China for just over a year, I also haven't personally witnessed the immense changes that have swept across the People's Republic since economic liberalization commenced in the late 1970s.  相似文献   

IF you had one million RMB to rent a shop front in an emergent commercial district, what sort of business would you choose?" was the question contestants inthe International Business Contest for College Students, held by OVAL (Our Vision for Asian Leaders) China, were asked. OVAL is an international non- profit student organization. A total of 90 college students from China, SouthKorea and Japan, 30 from each country participated in its eight-day contest. Wudaokou Business District …  相似文献   

2008年2月4日农历立春后,尽管冰雪尚未融化,但八桂大地不断涌动着春天的气息——  相似文献   

The launch of China's first lunar probe,Chang'e I,is slated for the latter half of 2007.Could a Chinese lunar landing be in the offng?  相似文献   

Nowadays, we are no strangers to the phrase "Chinese Dream." As I see it, this "Dream" has to be based on building a government of the people, by the people and for the people, because deep down the true strength of a nation does not come from the might of its army or the scale of its economy, but from the enduring and unyielding power of its people.There are rising concerns about food safety. There are parents who lie awake after their children have fallen  相似文献   

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