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市场经济条件下,中小企业信用担保制度可以成为克服中小企业融资困难、化解银行风险的一种手段.日本是最早建立中小企业信用保证体系的国家,并且形成了一整套行而有效的、全国性的信用担保体系,在很大程度上解决了中小企业融资困难的问题,顺畅了中小企业的融资渠道,产生了积极的效果.这对我国建立和完善中小企业信用担保制度提供了可供借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

德国银行的外国业务急剧减少。根据一次调查的结果 ,在过去的两年半里 ,大多数大型的信贷机构在国外裁员的比例要大于国内的裁员比例 ,而且这个趋势还在发展中。各信贷机构和他们的子公司离得越来越远 ,它们的分支机构及外国办事处日渐缩小 ,有些代表处已被关闭。如德累斯顿银行 ,就曾宣布有意出售其在东欧的部分业务。而德意志银行的裁员规模更为巨大 ,在过去的两年里它的员工数量共计减少了约 30 %。银行采取这些措施的主要原因是希望达到迅速降低成本的目的德国银行从外国撤退@俞宙明  相似文献   

近年来,促进绿色金融发展,填补绿色经济资金缺口,成为世界主要经济体政府面临的共同任务,而政策性银行发挥的引领性作用越来越受到重视。本文聚焦于绿色经济领域扮演关键角色的欧盟国家政策性银行的典型代表——德国复兴信贷银行(Kf W)和英国绿色投资银行(GIB),基于现阶段发展绿色金融的主要障碍与困难构建了一个简明的分析框架,进而梳理对比两者承担的绿色金融功能。分析表明,作为本国绿色金融体系的"龙头"机构,德国复兴信贷银行和英国绿色投资银行分别以独特的方式承担着为绿色项目提供资金、拉动私人投资以及从技术和规则层面推动本国构建与完善绿色金融体系的重要功能。比较而言,英国绿色投资银行发挥的政策信号作用更加明确,而德国复兴信贷银行在可投资金规模上更有优势。这两家银行在投资方式和所有权上的差异还体现了德国和英国在发展绿色经济过程中平衡政府与市场关系的不同路径。上述发现对中国构建绿色金融体系具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

德国中小企业的融资与担保   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了德国对中小企业融资与担保的政策与操作方法,并分析 了往来银行与担保银行在这种融资过程中所起的作用。  相似文献   

冯涛  陈校 《德国研究》2014,(4):112-121
德国是传统的欧洲国家,公立大学一直由政府提供资金,长期以来,德国只有帮助学生解决生活费的生活费助学贷款,且条件极其优惠。跨入21世纪以来,随着高等教育投入的不断增多,政府经济负担的加重,德国开始允许公立大学收取学费,与之相适应,德国银行业开始向学生提供学费助学贷款,条件相对于生活费助学贷款更加严格,但代表了德国助学贷款的发展趋势,也符合世界助学贷款的潮流。本文将德国公立大学最新发展的学费助学贷款与中国的助学贷款做了比较,提出对我国助学贷款制度设计的借鉴:助学贷款可根据各地情况灵活设计,增加贷款种类和贷款数额,试行按揭和收入比例的混合型贷款以及扩大政策性银行办理的份额。  相似文献   

日本在战后经济发展过程中采取过一系列鼓励出口的财政金融措施,以后随着国际收支顺差不断扩大,促进进口成为重要课题,鼓励出口的政策相应削弱。日本鼓励出口的财政金融措施主要表现在以下几个方面。一、出口信贷日本的出口特殊贷款主要有短期出口信贷和中、长期出口信贷。短期出口信贷是在企业产品出口前的生产或购进货源阶段以及出口后未收货款阶段对其进行融资,使企业在准备出口阶段以及出口后未收货款阶段均能获得有力的资金支持,以扩大出口。短期出口信贷期限一般在一年以内,由日本银行(中央银行)委托民间银行实施,包括城市银…  相似文献   

近几年 ,国内理论界在讨论当前我国通货紧缩下的货币政策时 ,发现实际操作中货币政策的传导机制并不是很有效 ,而传统的货币传导机制失效的原因在于政府或中央银行的倾向政策并不能有效地影响现在已经进入商业化运行的各大国有商业银行的行为。尤其对于被看作经济转折点或新增长点的中小企业 ,其发展中的融资问题总是更是讨论的热点。中小企业由于诸多原因长期受到国有商业银行的信贷歧视 ,如果引入政府担保① ,相信中小企业融资难的情况会有很大改观。本文试图从政府对企业融资进行担保的理论出发 ,通过比较国外政府对中小企业的融资担保政…  相似文献   

张楠 《法国研究》2008,6(1):79-82
法国农业信贷银行是法国最大、同时也是欧洲和世界的大银行之一,素有“世界银行业的巨人”之称。到2004年,法国农业信贷银行集团总资产达8750亿欧元,居欧洲第一,世界第三。法国农业信贷银行以其富于活力的经营方式和在农业政策性业务方面的成功运作扬名全球。  相似文献   

<正>建行湖南省分行2013年末贷款规模2600多亿元,年新增307亿元;存款规模4200多亿元,年新增447亿元。互联网金融挑战之下,这家大型国有银行依旧保持高速增长势头——比尔·盖茨说过:"传统银行如恐龙,不变则死。"马云同样不客气:"如果银行不改变,我们改变银行。"面对金融业新变革,银行必须加快战略转型。在建行湖南省分行,从"跨界"进军电商领域到不断发力移动金融,从专门设立创新部到发动全员参与  相似文献   

银行体系改革的基衣目的是使该体系适应保加利亚目前社会经济发展的客观规律和适应自治原则。银行和自治经济组织的相互关系现在在自治组织中业已具有的经济意义,而且这种关系是全面建立在经济基础和合同基础上的。同时,银行日益成了国家  相似文献   

This paper reviews the characteristics of the agricultural credit policy in Kazakhstan with a particular focus on emerging rural financial institutions. It is not easy to evaluate the real effect of credit policies due to the limited funds directed at agricultural production. Kazakhstani experience shows that commercial banks are used almost exclusively to provide agricultural producers with credit, while the new specialized credit institutions emerging in the agricultural sector only cater to a very small fraction of the total demand for credit. Presently, there are discussions in Kazakhstan concerning the creation of a specialized agricultural bank; however, this idea has some shortcomings that should be taken into consideration. Lack of credit is one of the main reasons for insufficient investment in agriculture. The underdeveloped land market in Kazakhstan makes formal credit institutions very cautious about accepting agricultural land as collateral.  相似文献   

This article examines the World Bank's role in the market policy reform experiences of Mexico and Argentina. It argues that while reform was driven by domestic elites, the bank played an important role, providing technical advice and financial support and helping to spread market reform ideas. The nature of the bank's involvement, however, differed substantially in the two countries because of their distinct political arrangements, histories, and geopolitical positions in regard to the United States. In the recent era of second-generation reforms, the World Bank's involvement in compensatory policy development has become more focused, although still more intense in Argentina than in Mexico. This involvement has important implications for the quality of democracy, insofar as the 1990s market reforms were formulated by insulated international policy networks unaccountable to the public. Recently, the bank has declared its commitment to involve civil society in its lending policies, a move that may have important implications for democratic development.  相似文献   

The Australian government's 1997 policy ban on in-market mergers among the largest four domestic banks has been a key intervention shaping the direction of bank consolidation in Australia as such mergers significantly accelerated from 1997 through 1999 in developed economies. This paper will show that the knowledge about the social and economic impacts of the bank mergers and the Treasurer's merger veto power made the policy debate exoteric (political and public) by including interests outside the banking policy community (i.e., interest organisations of employees, customers, and farmers, as well as political parties, and the broad public). Thus, the merger policy discussions were not esoteric, technical and limited to a small number of influential public and private sector institutions leaving policy discussions vulnerable to be structured to favour the interests of large, financial firms over other interests. This, in turn, created significant pressure on government for to retain the policy. The paper also outlines the significance of the domestic political conflicts and electoral politics in a world of global finance.  相似文献   

During the early 1930s the private trading banks came under sustained attack from sections of the Australian Labor Party and the Country Party, and from supporters of Major C.H. Douglas. Repeated calls for bank nationalisation or “socialisation of credit” or “social credit” heightened tensions within the banks and conservative political circles. In response, the banks secretly funded a nationwide campaign in support of the Lyons government in the lead‐up to the 1934 federal election. While the campaign was successful, the outcome resulted in the establishment of a Royal Commission to investigate the banking sector. The Royal Commission's recommendations and the Lyons government's proposed banking legislation were about providing greater government control of the sector. Opposition from the Bank of New South Wales and its supporters during the late 1930s helped forestall the legislation. The onset of war and, in 1941, initiatives from the federal Curtin Labor government and the National Security (Wartime Banking Control) Regulations ended what was a decade‐long struggle waged by the trading banks against greater government control of the banking sector.  相似文献   

《German politics》2013,22(1):173-190
This article is concerned with the qualitative rise of German influence in an enlarged European Union (EU). The point of departure is the assumption that eastward enlargement facilitates the further expansion and manifestation of German power in Europe via the institutionalisation of parts of the Modell Deutschland in the candidate countries prior to their accession. This article examines the power tools that have facilitated the transfer of Bundesbank ideas into the institutional structure of Poland's national central bank, Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP). The analysis demonstrates that the relationship between Germany and its eastern neighbours is not only determined by the former's physical capacities but, in reflection of post-war Germany's foreign policy strategy, relies on the persuasiveness of Germany's ideational lead.  相似文献   

The National Bank of Turkey (NBT) (1909) was an attempt by the new Young Turk regime to assert economic sovereignty: creating a multinational bank able to provide financing free of the diplomatic conditions previously attached to loans by French banks. NBT's role financing naval rearmament and oil development has attracted a good deal of attention from historians. Using the archives of the bank's founders and Ottoman ministers alongside familiar diplomatic sources, this article is the first to combine Ottoman and European perspectives on NBT, challenging the traditional narrative which presents the Ottoman Empire as the helpless ‘victim’ of the fiscal imperialism of France, Britain and Germany in the years before 1914.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, expansion of the formal credit supply in Brazil has promoted the ‘financial inclusion’ of the low-income population, especially through instalment plans offered by large retail chains. This article aims to analyse the impacts of formal credit availability on the consumption of electrical and electronic goods by residents of Jardim Helena, a neighbourhood in São Paulo's periphery. Through the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, this study reveals how the instalment plan can stimulate consumption among the low-income population, with a significant impact on household budgets, raising the risk of indebtedness.  相似文献   

The Chairman of the Interdepartmental Council on Problems of Price Formation of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Goskomtsen discusses prospects for change in the pricing and credit policies of the USSR. Distortions in current price levels, the need and objectives for the restructuring of the system and links between the price and financial reforms are explained. Strategies for change are to include price formation from marginal prices and modification of wholesale prices to encourage high technology. Specific proposals are advanced, in particular those pertaining to stabilization of prices, circulation of money and reorganization of the bank credit system. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 027, 052, 124, 227.  相似文献   

泰国历史上是否经历一个奴隶制占主导地位的发展阶段,即我们通常所说的奴隶社会阶段?这是一个尚有争议的问题.本文通过对泰国古代社会的演进及其特点进行分析后认为,在后来我们见到的封建社会出现之前,泰国的历史上并不曾有过一个奴隶社会阶段.但是,在泰国封建关系形成和发展的过程中,并没有完全取代或排斥奴隶制因素.相反,随着社会的进一步发展,早先处于萌芽状态的奴隶制因素也得到了相应的发展,甚至可以说,奴隶制真正作为一种剥削制度,是由于封建关系的确立和封建统治者贪欲的扩大及其对广大人民日益加重的封建剥削而进一步引发起来的.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, World Bank officials in many countries have pressed their government borrowers to include nongovernmental organizations as development partners. What impact has this new partnership norm had in the bank's borrower countries, and why? This article investigates these questions through longitudinal analysis of three cases: Guatemala, Ecuador, and the Gambia. In their first iteration in the 1990s, these bank-sponsored efforts generally failed to take root; yet by the 2000s, NGOs and state actors were engaged in multiple partnerships. This article suggests that over time, bank officials' repeated efforts to embed these new ideas fostered a social learning process that led NGOs to adopt more strategic partnership practices and government officials to see NGO partners as useful. Several factors may affect this learning process: levels of professionalism and the growth of professional networks, the presence of effective “bridge builders,” and the level of historical conflicts.  相似文献   

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