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推进广西与东盟贸易向广度与深度发展的对策   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
截至2008年,广西已成功举办了10届南宁国际民歌节、5届中国-东盟博览会(以下简称博览会)及商务与投资峰会及多项大型的国际性专业会议,广西与东盟在经贸、文化、科教、投资、物流及旅游等方面的交流日益频繁,与东盟贸易的广度与深度得到了提升.但广西与东盟合作的广度和深度与广西在中国一东盟自由贸易区的地位相比仍有一定差距,拓展广西与东盟贸易合作的广度与深度、提升对东盟贸易层次与水平已成为广西拓展对外开放广度和深度,提高开放型经济水平的现实选择.  相似文献   

广西与东盟贸易互补性和竞争性及其转变的发展趋势研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
一、引言 随着中国-东盟自由贸易区建设进程的不断深入,作为中国与东盟经贸合作纽带的广西壮族自治区(以下简称广西)已成为中国与东盟经贸合作的桥头堡,特别是从2004年10月第一届“中国-东盟博览会”落户广西南宁以来,广西在自由贸易区建设中的作用日益凸现,由于广西与东盟各国在资源禀赋方面存在较大的差异,因而其经贸关系存在着明显的互补性。  相似文献   

论面向东盟培养外向型高级人才的策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着中国与东盟关系的不断发展,中国-东盟自由贸易区建设进程的推进,中国-东盟博览会永久在广西南宁举行及广西北部湾经济区建设的发展,广西对外经济保持高速增长势头,广西对外经济的蓬勃发展迫切需要外向型人才的支撑。培养大批熟悉国际规则,具备跨文化沟通能力、国际交流与合作能力的高层次外向型人才,不断提升广西面向东盟外贸的国际竞争力,培养外向型人才需要超常规的发展策略。  相似文献   

东盟国家认为中美竞争加剧破坏东盟赖以存续的地区与国际环境,给其带来巨大挑战。东盟坚持"不选边站",实施大国平衡战略,通过提升凝聚力和韧性、维护东盟中心地位、拓展伙伴关系网络、促进地区包容性和务实合作的方式消解中美竞争带来的风险。面对新型的大国竞争态势,东盟试图在中美间发挥更加积极和建设性的作用。然而,拜登政府对华政策及中美对东盟政策走向与东盟内部挑战叠加将为东盟应对增添诸多变数。对此,中国应坚定维护东盟中心地位,拓宽与东盟的共识,加大务实合作,构建更加紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体。  相似文献   

本文从广西与东盟各国在旅游交通、旅游行业政策与谅解方案、旅游人才培养与人才服务体系、文化交流、信息平台建设沟通等方面的合作,对广西参与中国-东盟无障碍旅游区建设策略与方案进行探讨,提出一些对策和建议,希望能对中国-东盟无障碍旅游区建设有参考作用.  相似文献   

为中国-东盟自由贸易区建设和中国-东盟博览会在南宁举办服务,满足社会各界及海内外人士了解中国和东盟各国有关资讯的需要,由广西社会科学院、广西社会科学界联合会联合主管,广西东南亚研究会主办,广西社会科学院院长、研究员吕余生,广西社会科学界联合会主席庞汉生共同主编的大型国际综合性年鉴《中国-东盟年鉴·2011》于2011年9月由中国线装书局出版,国内外公开发行。  相似文献   

中国与东盟都重视文化产业的发展,积极开展双方文化产业交流合作。广西在参与中国-东盟自由贸易区建设中具有得天独厚的优势,这在一定程度上推动广西走上国际文化交流的前沿。本文主要分析广西文化产业的发展现状、存在问题及广西在中国-东盟背景下的文化产业交流与合作的优势及前景。  相似文献   

随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的建设和中国-东盟博览会每年在南宁举行,广西已经成为中国与东盟各国经济、政治、文化交流合作的平台,广西与东盟国家在高等教育方面的合作更是呈现出强劲的势头和蓬勃发展的局面。作为国际高等教育合作与交流的基础设施和重要支柱之一的高校图书馆在国际高等教育合作中的作用越来越凸显,在迎来发展机遇的同时也迎来了挑战。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机的爆发和新兴市场的崛起对传统的国际金融中心及其货币体系产生了深远的影响,区域性国际金融中心进一步朝着多元化的发展扩散.随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的推进和广西北部湾经济区的大力发展,具有中国-东盟窗口功能的中心城市南宁正在依托自身优势和中国经济以及人民币在国际地位的不断增强,经历着跨越式发展,在中国经济和广西北部湾区域经济的快速增长下,它的竞争优势与日俱增.  相似文献   

为中国-东盟自由贸易区建设和中国-东盟博览会在南宁举办服务,满足社会各界及海内外人士了解中国和东盟各国有关资讯的需要,由广西社会科学院、广西社会科学界联合会主办,广西社会科学院院长、研究员吕余生,广西社会科学界联合会主席王士威共同主编的大型国际综合性年鉴《中国-东盟年鉴·2013》于2013年9月由中国线装书局出版,国内外公开发行。  相似文献   


In the 1970s and 1980s, the three major securities markets in New York, London, and Tokyo underwent significant regulatory shifts that lowered national barriers to entry and liberalized the markets. Popular explanations point toward technologies, economic efficiencies, foreign policy pressures, the removal of controls on international capital flows, or international competition as unleashing forces promoting liberalization and breaching the regulatory levees. Such explanations generate expectations about behavior once the international pressures are unleashed. Significant changes in overseas participants' market behavior should be observable. International competitive pressures should produce convergence in regulatory and transaction costs across markets upon one of two equilibriums—one by competitive deregulations or another by harmonization through agreement. Empirical tests produce results inconsistent with such expectations. Foreign participation does increase following the breach in the regulatory levees, but the unleashed demand cannot be described as a flood. Observable measures of market dynamics and transaction costs remain distinctive. The inconsistencies between results and expectations raise questions about explanations that emphasize increasing interdependence and international pressures as driving domestic political and economic changes.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of an activity implemented under the FAO component of the Local Partnerships for Urban Poverty Alleviation Project, funded by UNDP in Bangladesh. In Mymensingh city the project is linking poor urban dwellers with a niche market for oyster mushroom. This small enterprise activity appears to be sustainable, in that it develops agricultural production to cater for the specific demand of an existing small marketing enterprise. As long as the trader finds a market for his mushroom, he has an incentive to collaborate with the project beneficiaries who supply the produce. This model is thus an example of mutual benefit between extremely small landholders and a trader through the catalytic effect of a development project.  相似文献   

Business Development Services (BDS) programmes have become big business for international donors and NGOs. Focusing on small enterprises in developing countries, the current BDS approach assumes that the development of commercial markets is the key to success. Yet many of these programmes continue to have a limited impact. A review of modern theories of innovation and services marketing management suggests that this may be because current BDS support practice reflects a rather limited understanding of how new markets actually develop. Drawing on the insights that these theories offer, the authors suggest that BDS practice should develop a more evolutionary approach, recognising that service innovations develop through active, on-going interaction between suppliers and customers. The article concludes with practical policy guidelines and a discussion about tools that could help BDS to adopt this more successful approach.  相似文献   

随着中国与东盟经贸合作的深入开展,会计服务出口的业务发展空间也在不断地扩大。东盟资本市场的发展以及会计、审计准则的国际趋同为中国会计服务出口和拓展东盟市场提供了较好的发展机遇,但我国注册会计师行业在国际客户发展、自主国际品牌建设、国际市场竞争力等方面仍存在一些需突破的难点。  相似文献   

An important theory of international cooperation asserts that governments comply with international law because of the reputational costs incurred by reneging on public agreements. Countries that sign binding international agreements in the realm of monetary relations signal their commitment to an open economic system, which should reassure international market actors that the government is committed to sound economic policies. If the theory is correct, we should observe evidence that noncompliance is in fact costly. I test this argument by examining the effect of noncompliance with Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement on sovereign risk ratings. The results show that noncompliance with the agreement mitigates any benefits that accrue to Article VIII signatories. The empirical evidence suggests that, in addition to improving economic and political conditions at home, governments in the developing world would improve their access to financial markets by signing and complying with international monetary agreements.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,中国出版业在面向东南亚“走出去”、与东南亚各国出版业合作的进程中取得了令人瞩目的成效,然而双方在市场体制、版权保护、人才结构、合作贸易机制等方面的问题也日益凸显。本文试图分析目前中国出版业在东南亚市场上面临的障碍及其成因、影响;对中国出版业开拓东南亚市场的对策展开探讨。  相似文献   

自1997年锦江之星酒店成为国内最早的经济型酒店以来,我国经济型酒店逐渐迈向专业化、品牌化、连锁化,呈现蓬勃发展的态势.据中国商务部和中国酒店协会组织的一项最新调查显示,当前我国的经济型酒店以连续3年翻3番的速度增长.与此同时.  相似文献   

中国对东盟直接投资的策略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、中国投资东盟现状分析 (一)中国企业投资东盟的基本特征 1.投资总额迅速增长自从中国政府批准对东盟投资以来,中国对东盟直接投资迅速增长,1995—2006年,中国对东盟直接投资由1.52亿美元增长到9.37亿美元,占东盟吸收境外直接投资的比重相应从0.76%提高到1.79%。实际投资额应比这一统计数字大,因为这一数据未包括许多在东盟国家投资而未经中国商务部批准或未在中国商务部备案的民营企业和中小企业。  相似文献   

本文在综合既有关于国际服务贸易的理论及实证研究成果的基础上,以贸易竞争优势指数(TC指数)和出口比较绩效指数(CEP指数)为分析工具针对1997~2011年"金砖五国"各个服务贸易部门国际竞争力进行了纵向比较分析;再分别对按照生产要素密集度划分的劳动、资本及技术密集型服务的TC指数和CEP指数进行加权综合得到五个国家的综合国际竞争力指数并进行横向比较研究。通过对巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非贸易数据的分析及比较研究,总结这五个新兴市场国家服务贸易的发展现状、竞争优势及发展趋势。  相似文献   

This article situates the East Asian financial/economic crisis among other key economic events of the post-Cold-War world, assessing its significance alongside that of America's extraordinary economic growth in the 1990s and the collapse of the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle. According to the author, the financial crisis could not have been avoided merely by removing national governments and international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund from markets. Such faith in unregulated markets is based on the incorrect assumption that investors are rational, as well as on the anomalous experience of the United States in the 1990s. While the US economy did improve markedly over the last decade, this growth was not due to unfettered capitalism, but rather to idiosyncratic aspects of the economy, such as a high borrowing rate. Gilpin points out that the end of this economic growth, alongside the protectionist impulses exhibited at the Seattle meeting, has contributed to a move away from international trade liberalization. The American free-market model, tarnished by corporate corruption, he argues, is no longer the goal of developing economies concerned about the lack of market controls. The result, he fears, is a growing fragility in the stability and governance of the global economy.  相似文献   

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