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面对行政实践中行政机关和法律、法规授权的组织广泛采用新型合同的情况,原有的行政合同和民事合同理论出现了解释上的困境,有必要借鉴行政私法(行为)的理论创造行政私法合同这一概念。这类合同有其独特的内涵和法律特征。行政私法合同综合了公法与私法的双重因素,是具有行政法、私法双重性质的合同。行政私法合同与行政合同、私法合同之间均存在着界限,亟需探讨此类合同的特殊法律问题。  相似文献   

Law versus the State: The Judicialization of Politics in Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study seeks to explain the paradoxical expansion of constitutional power in Egypt over the past two decades, despite that country's authoritarian political system. I find that the Egyptian regime established an independent constitutional court, capable of providing institutional guarantees on the security of property rights, in order to attract desperately needed private investment after the failure of its socialist-oriented development strategy. The court continued to expand its authority, fundamentally transforming the mode of interaction between state and society by supporting regime efforts to liberalize the economy while simultaneously providing new avenues for opposition activists and human rights groups to challenge the state. The Egyptian case challenges some of our basic assumptions about the conditions under which we are likely to see a judicialization of politics, and it invites scholars to explore the dynamics of judicial politics in other authoritarian political systems.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the practice of the Courts of the RussianFederation in applying the rules of International Law in theperiod following acceptance of the Constitution of the RussianFederation (1993). The present constitution and the new federallegislation regulate the relevance of International and RussianLaw much differently than they did before. Accordingly, judiciarypractice is developing in a new way. Despite the massive bodyof laws and regulations, there are no precise reference pointsand answers in the legislation to practically important questionsof correct application of the international treaties and generallyrecognized rules. This is one of the reasons why judiciary practiceis developing inconsistently, and the application of InternationalLaw is often incorrect or even wrong. Not all of the internationalnorms are applicable, and not all of the treaties have priorityover laws. There are certain legal conditions for the applicationof international treaties, conditions for when they prevailover laws, and also there is a procedure of application whichshould be observed by Courts trying particular cases. Althoughone can speak of many contradictions, it is wise to take noteof the tendency in judiciary practice to co-ordinated applicationof international and Russian law.  相似文献   

谭启平  朱涛 《现代法学》2013,35(2):171-180
国家科技计划项目合同是国家科技管理部门与科研机构或科研人员之间,为实现国家科技计划、完成特定科研项目,确立双方权利义务关系而订立的合同。它是一种特殊的科研合同,属于私法契约范畴。目前我国国家科技计划项目合同制度存在着计划项目任务书与合同相混淆、合同性质不清、合同主体不清晰、权利义务不对等、具体合同条款内容设计不科学、责任性质不明确、纠纷救济机制和途径不清晰等缺陷和问题。在明确该合同为民事合同的前提下,有必要对其进行相应的制度重构。  相似文献   

Marson  James 《Liverpool Law Review》2004,25(2):113-134
Following Francovich and Bonifaci v Italy[1991] it was widely considered that State Liability would be an enforcement mechanism that would end the problems the European Court of Justice (ECJ) had contended with through its battle over the adoption or denial of Horizontal Direct Effect of Directives (HDE). In the subsequent years it has been demonstrated that the debate for and against HDE's adoption has continued. This has been due in part to the limitations of State Liability as an effective enforcement mechanism which provides individuals not with their rights, but rather a damages action against the State. This article critiques State Liability and demonstrates the severe limitations which this enforcement mechanism has for those who wish to avail themselves of EC rights denied to them. Such limitations include the piecemeal nature of this method of enforcement; whether cases, particularly from employment law issues, should be heard against the State or the employer causing the problem complained of; and the nature of an enforcement mechanism based on the award of damages. It concludes by analysing this evidence as to whether State Liability is an adequate alternative to HDE, and hence should the enforcement of EC law be brought back from a public law action to the private sphere.  相似文献   

社会危害性理论在苏俄刑法学一直占据中心地位.社会危害性被认为是犯罪的本质属性,成为区分罪与非罪的实质标准,在立法中,它一直作为犯罪实质概念的组成部分,并以此为基础创建了俄罗斯独特的刑法制度.在漫长的理论发展过程中,学者们在社会危害性的理论地位、社会危害性的构成要素及其判定方式上产生了激烈的论争,这无疑深化了对社会危害性理论的研究.在今天,这一理论的统治地位仍未动摇.  相似文献   

余能斌  程淑娟 《现代法学》2006,28(5):173-181
俄罗斯对国家所有权的规定体现了其社会转型的特点。它赋予国家所有权与其他种类所有权平等的法律地位,实现了国家所有权主体和客体的多元化。在国家所有权的实现方式上采用了两种不同的权利安排:一是对国有单一制企业和机构保留国家的所有权,该单一制企业和机构本身享有他物权性质的经营权和业务管理权;二是通过法人所有权作为一种中介性概念实现国家所有权。此外,俄罗斯国家所有权的取得方式、消灭和保护也都有自己的特点。我国要坚持社会主义方向,国家所有权的意义自然与俄罗斯不同,但物权法也应设计出最适合自己国情的国家所有权制度。  相似文献   

王伟 《北方法学》2015,(3):35-42
义务乃责任之基础,责任为义务履行之法律保障。金融服务者违反缔约说明义务亦应承担法律责任。金融商品交易的本质决定了私法责任的核心地位,而我国现行立法却无法为金融服务者违反缔约说明义务私法责任提供理想的请求权基础。基于金融服务者与金融消费者地位极端不平等的现实,应当确立向弱势群体倾斜保护的特殊侵权责任。特殊侵权责任由无过错责任原则与举证责任倒置规则构成,对违法行为、因果关系以及损害赔偿额实行推定,以实现对金融消费者的救济。  相似文献   

基于我国自然资源自身的特点和自然资源国家所有权行使的实际情况,统一代表行使+委托行使模式成为重构自然资源国家所有权行使模式的现实选择,大体呈现出代表行使—统一代表行使—委托行使的层级结构。委托行使模式作为代表行使特别是国务院统一代表行使的具体实现方式,以集中统一行使为前提,以将国家所有权界定为私法所有权和实现国家所有权行使与监管权行使的真正分离为基础,横跨公私法两个疆域。委托行使在法律上的实现不仅要求国家所有权穿越公私法的分界线到达私法所有权的彼岸,而且需要使委托关系超越公私法律关系,成为一种新型法律关系。委托行使模式目前可通过委托协议来建立,将来应当通过自然资源特别法完成相应法律构建。  相似文献   

梅傲 《现代法学》2015,(2):153-166
随着时代的发展、新技术革命的影响,整个国际社会的交往已经摆脱了地域的限制,涉外民商事关系出现主体多元化、法律行为空间偶然化的特征,为了将国际民商事交往中崇尚人本关怀的社会价值加以确认与弘扬,要求国际私法的原则、规则适时进行调整。"人本说"认为:解决涉外私权争议是国际私法的存在基础;明确保护私权是国际私法的中心任务;弱化国家主权在国际私法中的影响;提高"人"在国际私法中的主体地位,确立意思自治原则为选法之首要规则;保护弱者权益的人文关怀应渗透到国际私法的更多层面;应在总则中引入例外条款,限定最密切联系原则的适用范围;给予法官和当事人更具确定性和可预见性的冲突规则。  相似文献   

International criminal law is normally seen as the purview ofcriminal prosecutions, either internationally or domestically.However, international criminal law is also increasingly beingapplied in refugee law. This is because the 1951 Refugee Conventioncontains an exclusion clause prohibiting asylum seekers fromobtaining refugee status if they have committed a crime againstpeace, a war crime or a crime against humanity. Thus, refugeelaw refers back to international criminal law; however, whileinternational criminal tribunals deal with persons who bearthe greatest responsibility, in actual practice persons whohave been excluded from refugee protection have been mostlyfrom the lower echelons of organizations involved in atrocities.This article, based on Canadian case law, examines the conceptsof complicity, aiding and abetting and joint criminal enterprisefrom both an international criminal law point of view and froma Canadian refugee law angle, in order to determine whetherthese notions have similar contents in the two jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Craig Rotherham reviews:
Hanoch Dagan, Unjust Enrichment: A Study of Private Law and Public Values  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review - The interplay between public and private actors in the exploitation of natural resources in an occupied territory makes the regime of state and individual...  相似文献   

社会、国家与法——从法的视角思考国家回归社会问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会与国家在经历了曲折的合一与分离的往返运动之后 ,国家最终要溶于社会之中而实现向社会的回归。本文讨论了在具有长期专制主义传统的中国 ,法在促进国家不断回归社会中的作用 ,指出法是国家回归社会的桥梁 ,法必须也能够成为制约国家、特别是政府 (行政 )权力的重要力量。通过对权力的制约 ,使国家权力逐渐向社会回归 ,最终实现国家溶于社会的伟大目标。  相似文献   

私法社会化的反思与批判——社会法学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会法不属于特别私法,也非私法社会化的表现形态,而为第三法域;早期以《德国民法典》为代表的大陆法系私法,比较完整地保留了传统私法要素,社会化表现微弱;加世纪以来,私法以"外接"与"内设"两种形态回应法的社会化要求;当代私法与私法学面临困境,私法将保持传统,不应、不能彻底社会化,社会法为实现向纵深发展的法律社会化的主要工具。~①  相似文献   

法与政治密切相关.作为国家公权力调控社会经济领域的经济法更是如此.中性意义上的"阶级"和社会契约论中的"国家"是法产生的政治基础.经济法除了具有法的一般政治基础外,还具有经济法特有的政治基础.市民社会是经济法产生的政治前提,经济国家与积极宪政国家的博弈与平衡是经济法产生、发展和繁荣的政治基础.  相似文献   

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