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Each of us must seek meaning in life, but if one is keen to achieve something meaningful, there are always real friends who will "have your back" and support you at crucial moments. Maybe right now I'm still on the run and will accomplish little in the immediate future, but many people are willing to help me. I'm fortunate and grateful because I can do what I have dreamed of. Probably those who help me don't expect any return, but I really want to repay them by helping others in serious need, so their love can be paid forward.  相似文献   

Twenty veterans were awarded at an activity titled Most Outstanding Veteran in January for their contributions to the country and society. Among them was Shen Rubo, a veteran from north China's Hebei Province, who has done more than 100,000 good deeds in his life. The last one was a donation of 500 yuan ($74.8) to a cancer patient before he passed away in June 2018 from esophageal cancer.  相似文献   

MO WENXIU 《人权》2007,6(2):2-4
At the present stage in China, land is rural women's most basic means of production and life and most important material guarantee. Land contracting and related rights and interests have a direct bearing on the interests of rural women. Guaranteeing rural women's land contracting right and related economic rights and interests is of immediate significance for safeguarding their rights and interests and mobilizing them in active participation in the construction of a new socialist countryside. It will also have a far-reaching significance for promoting social fairness and justice and building a socialist harmonious society.  相似文献   

正IN today’s China,there is a group of people born in the 1980s and 1990s who have left their hometowns to seek fortunes in big cities;they are single;they spend everything they earn on day-to-day living expenses,so they can’t afford to buy an apartment or a car.They long for a better life,but are struggling and wandering between dream and reality.In fact,they have no idea what their future has in store.But despite  相似文献   

1. Current Conditions
Since the founding of New China, especially since reform and opening up, China has made tremendous progress in protecting the rights of women. However, there also arises a new situation in which women do not have adequate participation in democracy and political power and their participation in state affairs is not in positive proportion to the social status they enjoy and the role they display in the society;  相似文献   

LI YUNLONG 《人权》2010,(1):10-13
Poverty generally refers to material destitution, namely, conditions under which a person's or a family's life is not up to the lowest socially acceptable standard. Lacking some necessary means of livelihood and services, they live in great difficulty. Poverty deprives a person of his or her naturally endowed value and of life's basic necessities. Poverty is a deprivation of the most basic human right and an insult to human dignity.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been several media reports about infants and toddlers being abused or sexually assaulted in care institutions and kindergartens by the very people who are supposed to take care of them. This age group, in capable of protecting themselves, are extremely vulnerable to such kind of abuse. While child abusers must be stringently punished, the effects of the abuse on the victims can never be mitigated, and the harm continues to cast a shadow for the rest of their life. Therefore, preventing such abuse is extremely important.  相似文献   

Fifteen months after Hosni Mubarak's fall from power,Egyptians can finally decide their own future in the upcoming presidential election.Observers said the election will be a fight between religion and secularism because of the candidates' backgrounds.Whoever wins the fight must face a bigger challenge:giving Egyptians a better life in a safer society. Everything is uncertain There are 13 qualified presidential candidates,who represent different political factions and interest groups.The three top candidates are former Foreign Minister Amr Moussa,Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh,a moderate Islamist and former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq,who is believed to have support from the military.Observers are not sure about who will win because the situation is complicated.There might not be a final winner in the first round on May 23-24,and the winner will probably be decided by a runoff in mid-June.  相似文献   

Minzu Hotel's Free Gym for Guests Going to the gym helps people escape the madness of the metropolis and find a quiet place to develop a healthy lifestyle.Minzu Hotel opened its gym- nasium in a grand ceremony this spring,offering urbanites a place to relieve the pressures of modern life and pursue relaxation of the mind.The gym is located on the second floor in a quiet and elegant environment.Going to the gym regularly can help a person reduce fat and mold the perfect body.Minzu Hotel's gym will give you a new outlook on life and put a spring in your step.  相似文献   

TO be, or not to be, that is the question ..." to Hamlet and to the majority of people, who generally treasure life and fear death. In many cultures it is taboo to raise the topic of death in everyday discourse, but this is not the case with the Chinese people. To them life and death are a common conversational topic. Their matter of fact approach is illustrated in the sayings: "Human life is nothing but a stage over which the sun and the moon  相似文献   

<正>They were born with a silver spoon in their mouths.Their parents are the first batch of private entrepreneurs who got rich after China started its reform and opening up in the late 1970s.Most of them were born in the  相似文献   

Lasting China-Japan friendship is based on people-to-people friendship and its future depends on the young.Among both Chinese and Japanese,there are always people who aren’t big talkers,but do things in an unassuming,quiet way to build bridges for people-to-people friendship and fulfill this idea in their daily life even their whole lifetime.  相似文献   

柴选 《今日山西》2003,(5):18-21
A photographer-turned-entrepreneur in Shanghai, Mr. then Haiwen has been pursuing the “photography can get a better development only if it involves in society” concept in both his business and photography practice. He is exploring a road, which is complementary, not conflicting, and also embraces photography, society, art and business. Since society is so large whereas photography is so esoteric, photography can not get a great leap forward, he thinks, unless it integrates into society. And it is true that any art form is of no value if it is divested of social moorings and photography must go to market if it wants to engage with society.  相似文献   

Smart Solutions     
At the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 in Beijing, the organizers and stalls have roped in a new breed of assistants to cope with the rush of 16 million visitors from home and abroad. One of them is iBEN, an adult-sized robot sporting a 27 -in chinteractive screen. The screen is meant for visitors to make their queries. iBEN then helps them to register, navigate the expo that is the size of nearly 500 football fields, and make business inquiries.  相似文献   

ARE you encountering problems with Chinese employees?Maybe when you tell them how to complete their tasks,they ignore your instructions.Before you conclude that Chinese employees are hopelessly untrainable,I would like you to consider the difference between coaching and training.For those of you who lack management experience,let me explain the major difference.Training is direct;the person who gives the training is 100 percent in charge.He or she controls each phase of the training process and the specific content.On the other hand,coaching involves a lot of interaction.The coach plays the role of host,and  相似文献   

ZHANG XIAOLING 《人权》2007,6(2):24-29
Human rights of women are an inalienable, integral and indivisible part of universal human rights, as well as a major reflection of social civilization and social harmony. Human society is a whole consisting of men and women. The world will inevitably be a disharmonious one if women, who make up half of the total population, cannot enjoy equal human rights. Therefore, gender equality is an essential part of a harmonious society. Strengthening protection of human rights of women is absolutely necessary for building a harmonious world and the development of human rights of women will inevitably promote the building of a harmonious world.  相似文献   

AMONG China's 100 famous masters of painting and calligraphy over the past two centuries, at least 20 of them lived to be over 85. The longest-lived reached 109. Many who have reseateded the secret to longevity hold that there is a certain causal relationship between a long life and the long-term study of Chinese painting and calligraphy.  相似文献   

正Geriatricians play a key role in increasingly aging society People aged 60 and older now make up more than a sixth of China's total population and there are no signs ofthis figure slowing down in growth.China had 249 million people on the plus side of 60 in 2018,according to a report by the Chinese Aging Well Association in May 2019.Of them,40 million were depen-  相似文献   

THERE are about 4,000 Chinese in Cameroon,and fully a quarter of them work at local branches of China’s state-owned enterprises.The rest are employees of private enterprises and independent businessmen.What is life like there?How do they get along with local people?An interview with a Chinese family in Douala tells us much about life in Cameroon.  相似文献   

Organ donor coordinators have their work cut out for them in China Around an exuberant and gigantic banyan tree in Jitian Cemetery in Shenzhen, south China’s Guangdong Province, is a special plot reserved as the final resting place for more than 20 people who have posthumously donated their organs since 2006, including a two-year-old boy who drowned and several young victims of traffic accidents.  相似文献   

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