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为确保社会实现公平与正义,2003年9月1日生效实施的国务院《法律援助条例》明确规定“法律援助是政府的责任”。伴随着向市场经济的转型和贫富分化的加剧,法律援助对象——弱势群体问题日益显现。弱势群体是指在权力和权利方面,发展的机遇方面,生活的物质条件方面处于弱势地位的群体,其经济政治权利和利益有被忽视和侵害的倾向,其政治社会地位呈现“边缘化”趋势。对社会而言,物质财富的拥有可以有先后之分,而司法正义的获得不能有先后之别。正是法律援助,让人人都能平等地站在法律面前。本文以经济学视角,分析当代中国弱势群体产生的原因,…  相似文献   

这次全球金融危机对英国来说,是个体系性问题,不仅有资金流动性问题,还有偿付能力问题.重树人们的信心已经不足以解决问题,需要对金融体制进行彻底地修复.为此,英国政府采取了一系列的银行业拯救计划,这些计划和措施是行之有效并且与竞争法原则是相契合的,对竞争并没有构成重大威胁.国务秘书以维护金融稳定这一所谓的公共利益为由,用干预的形式允许劳埃德银行收购苏格兰哈里法克斯银行,是一个政策错误.并且,这种合并将会实质性减少竞争,造成经营的高成本,从经济学角度看也是错误的.  相似文献   

This article is, on one hand, a survey of the core theoretical literature on the economics of public regulation; and, on the other hand, a cohesive discussion about how the literature has matured and how recent contributions on political and regulatory institutions—US and European—are related to, and affect the results of, former lines of research. We conclude that the traditional distinction between public interest theories and special interest theories has lost validity due to the entry of game theory and institutional research. The evolving institutional analysis provides a sophisticated interpretation of possible corrective rationales inherent in regulatory restrictions, and is as such an important complement to the still vigorous special interest literature focusing on the redistributive rationales and their effects.  相似文献   

侵权法的经济学理论:一个思想史的札记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"法律与经济学"理论运动在40多年的时间里成为当今美国主流法学流派之一,这在法律思想史上实属罕见。法律与经济学对法学和法律的冲击是全方位的,通过以"思想史的角度"对法律与经济学之"侵权法理论"展开讨论,重点表现在科斯的成本理论、卡拉布雷西的规则理论和波斯纳的侵权法经济分析理论。  相似文献   

张瀚  张光南 《法律科学》2010,28(3):74-79
牢头狱霸现象在我国的监狱和看守所中长期存在,国家机关希望通过法律和政策对其进行打击,但这种现象却屡禁不止。对于牢头狱霸的产生原因和解决方式,相关的法律经济学分析尚属空白。本文通过非合作的完全信息静态博弈理论对新老囚犯的行为进行分析,揭示了在管制资源不足的状况下,管理者在制度选择时宁可冒着承担法律责任的风险,依然选择产生牢头狱霸制度的深层原因和动机。在此基础上,本文还进一步分析了这种非正式制度的优势和不足,并对我国的狱政管理提出相应的立法和政策建议。  相似文献   

刑事政策视野中的情节犯研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
情节犯,是指我国刑法分则中明确规定以“情节严重(情节恶劣)”作为犯罪成立的情节要求或者以此作为认定该罪既遂形态的犯罪类型。在我国提出依法治国的今天,刑事法治作为法治国最重要的内容之一,应当受到应有的重视。刑事政策、罪刑法定和罪刑均衡都在不同程度上折射出刑事法治的内涵、精神和范畴。我国刑法中情节犯制度的设置,从刑事政策的精神和内容上看,它与我国基本刑事政策一脉相承,可以说是我国刑事政策法制化的集中体现和重要途径。  相似文献   

权利冲突论——一个法律实证主义的分析   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
权利冲突普遍存在于我们的法律生活、司法实践之中 ,而权利冲突本身却是一个尚未被我们深入研究的问题 ,目前国内法学界仅有几篇文章对此问题进行了探讨。有鉴于此 ,本文试图通过初步地讨论权利冲突的概念、原因及解决等几个相关问题来澄清人们对权利冲突的认识。  相似文献   

This article provides a dialectical materialist examination of the production and use of the concepts of discretion and institutional discrimination within the criminal courts. It is argued that existing Marxist accounts of discretion and discrimination, and the recommendations stemming from these, rely upon theoretical orientations that are insufficiently materialistic and processual in orientation. The U.S. Supreme Court case of McCleskey v. Georgia is presented here to illustrate the contradictions that spawned, and are spawned by, the production and use of these concepts. Contradictions related to the construction of the subject are identified as essential to the understanding of these dynamics. The essay concludes by offering a materialist recommendation that judicial discretion should be supported and institutional discrimination should be rejected.  相似文献   

从法学教育的目标审视诊所法律教育的地位和作用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
法学教育的目的决定了法学课程的设置及其教学方法的运用。由于法学教育目的的不确定性,导致法学教育改革的进程受到了一定程度的影响。我国目前的法学教育模式注重对学生法学原理和法律常识的教授,忽视了学生实践能力的培养,结果造成学生很难在毕业后较短的时间内满足工作岗位的要求。在美国已经进行了30多年的诊所法律教育为我国的法学教育改革提供了一条可以参考和借鉴的途径,并促使我们对法学教育改革以及法学教育培养目标的确立进行更深层次的思考。  相似文献   

甘强 《现代法学》2013,35(5):68-75
典型的经济法的法律文本显示,在经济法的立法中,遵循了国家干预的内在逻辑,在干预主体、干预目标、干预方法、干预边界以及干预责任五个方面都有相当数量的法律规定,这些法律规定不仅客观地证成了经济法是国家干预经济的基本法律形式,还揭示了经济法的国家干预是一种尊重市场机制的干预。虽然经济法的国家干预还存在一些需要完善的地方,但已成为经济法区别于其他法律的重要标志,也是经济法成为中国特色社会主义法律体系中独立法律部门的重要原因。  相似文献   

动物法律地位刍议——私法视野下的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
崔拴林 《河北法学》2008,26(3):96-100
在动物法律地位问题上,存在"肯定论"和"否定论"两种观点。"肯定论"的观点在认识论上忽视了动物不可能具有道德判断能力的事实,在本体论上曲解了法律主体据以享有权利的"内在价值"的含义,在私法理论上带来一系列的难题,在法律制度上缺乏可操作性,故不足取。"否定论"中的"义务论"观点则认为,需要人类保护的动物乃是人类的保护义务的客体。"义务论"既可以达到"肯定论"拟保护动物的目的,又完全不与现有的法律理论和制度相冲突,还具有可操作性,所以是解决动物法律地位问题的最佳方案。  相似文献   

This article is the third and last in a series that has focused on the corporate actor elite of Chicago's legal community—those attorneys who practice law with and for the major business, social, civic, cultural, and charitable organizations in the city. In this paper, the focus is on the participation of the members of that elite in a series of issues that have arisen in both the legal community and the larger society in the recent past.
The article first examines the resources for collective decision making which the members of the corporate actor legal elite bring to the process of community issue resolution. It then examines in detail elite issue preferences and the patterns of elite participation in five professional and political issues. From this analysis an interesting "paradox of power" emerges: the elite is most successful on those issues in which it is least interested and active and least successful on those which most heavily attract its participation. The article concludes with a discussion of the reason for this paradox, basing its answer in larger sociological theories of the activation of different types of resources in different types of community conflict.  相似文献   

辩证法所理解的“和谐”,是一与多、静和动的辩证统一,即是一种充满生机与活力的动态平衡①。因此,和谐社会的构建,是多元化的利益、需要、文化在现实基础上达到和谐、统一的过程。检察机关在这一动态实践过程中,应当首先立足于自身结构和功能的均衡化。因此,对检察机关职能体系中的结构性失衡和功能性失衡进行矫正和重塑,具有重要的价值和意义。一、检察机关在构建和谐社会中的功能定位在和谐社会构建过程中,检察机关通过履行法律监督职能,可以及时发现影响社会和谐的各种不正常因素,并发挥调节、矫治作用,有效整合各种社会资源、社会利益…  相似文献   

张浩 《北方法学》2015,(5):12-21
大数据正在引起社会生活方方面面的改变,这其中也包括对法律思维的影响。法律中的因果关系认定和类推这两个问题向来聚讼颇多,依靠既有的理论资源难以给出较为满意的答案,大数据所运用的相关性分析可以从理论基础到实践操作给这两个问题的解决提供一定的启发。  相似文献   

随着现代基因技术的发展,转基因植物的专利保护问题逐渐成为学术界关注的一个热点与焦点。转基因植物特殊的技术特征对现代法律制度提出了挑战。从转基因植物的技术视角入手,通过对比美国、欧盟和日本以及我国的转基因植物知识产权法律保护实践,具体考量转基因植物保护的利益博弈—新技术发展与社会公共安全、专利技术的垄断性与社会公共利益,进而初步构建转基因植物的知识产权法律保护的法益衡平理念、具体制度设计和利益分享机制。  相似文献   

Concentrations of unemployment and crime are promoting a slow crisis in the lives of unskilled young men, and obstruct the successful re-integration and resettlement of offenders. At the same time, criminal justice system programmes for offenders are seeking a new balance between treatment approaches and the creation of opportunities. In this article the author reflects on the policy frameworks which give rise to these approaches, and considers the danger that criminal justice systems may place emphasis on diverting people from crime without directing them towards opportunities for re-integration. The author considers the needs of offenders in relation to housing and employment in particular.  相似文献   

Comparative policy analysis is an underdeveloped field of study in Canadian policy scholarship at the national and subnational levels. Cultural policy research is also underdeveloped in Canada, particularly at the provincial level. This article aims to contribute to the development of subnational comparative cultural policy analysis by assessing the analytical value of utilizing national-level cultural policy approaches as referents for provincial comparative analysis. We develop four main approaches to cultural policy and administration—the French, British, American, and hybrid (mixed) approaches—and explore their applicability to analyzing the origin and evolution of cultural policy and administration in five Canadian provinces. The article draws on a recently concluded three-year national study of provincial and territorial cultural policy and administration codirected by authors Gattinger and Saint-Pierre.  相似文献   

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