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This study investigated the various factors affecting DNA profiling from DNA recovered from fingerprints deposited on paper before and after fingerprint enhancement treatments. The DNeasy® plant mini kit (QIAGEN®) was found to improve DNA recovery from paper by over 150% compared with the QIAamp® mini kit. A significant decrease in the amount of DNA recovered was observed following treatment with DFO and/or Ninhydrin. This decrease in yield did not have a comparably significant effect on the quality of the SGM Plus™ profiles. Furthermore, this study found that whilst certain paper types, such as newspaper, magazine and filter paper allowed for the good recovery of DNA, common office paper and white card, strongly interfered with the recovery of DNA resulting in poor quality profiles.  相似文献   

Analysis of STR profiles obtained from touch DNA has been very useful to the elucidation of crimes. Extraction method may be determinant for the recovery of genetic material collected from different surfaces. Vehicle theft is one of the most common crimes in São Paulo city, Brazil, but collection of biological traces in car steering wheels is not considered, because of the belief that profiles generated won’t be able to identify the thief, only the owner. This study aimed to analyze the efficacy of extraction methods for obtaining DNA profiles in samples collected from steering wheels. Eight criminal acts were simulated with 2 different individuals each (mixture of victim and thief), in duplicate, in order to compare two extraction methods: DNA IQ™ and Casework Direct Kit (both Promega Corporation). Genetic material was collected by double swab method and quantified by Quantifiler™Trio (ThermoFisher Scientific). Amplification was conducted with PowerPlex® Fusion System (Promega). It was possible to obtain STR profiles for all experiments. The mixtures were compared with reference profiles to evaluated how many alleles of each donor were observed. Samples extracted with Casework Direct Kit obtained STR profiles with higher averages of alleles for primary and secondary donors (88.7% and 59.9%, respectively) than those extracted with DNA IQ™ (60.4% and 38.1%, respectively). This could be explained by the differences established in the protocols of both methods, since DNA IQ™ is based on successive washes and can result in loss of DNA, whereas Casework Direct Kit minimizes this problem. We concluded that Casework Direct Kit was more efficient for processing touch DNA samples than DNA IQ™.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mtDNA)异质性的存在使其在法医学应用变得复杂。本文对mtDNA异质性形成的可能原因、异质性的分布和遗传特点、异质性的筛查和定量方法、异质性对法医学的影响以及异质性的研究和展望等方面进行综述,探讨异质性在法医学上的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的建立自动化工作站同步提取不同种类涉案法医生物检材DNA的新方法。方法选用TECAN Freedom EVO100.4、75—2型自动化提取、加样工作站,采用磁珠法及Chelex-100法对各类涉案生物检材进行DNA提取、PCR扩增、毛细管电泳检测其STR分型,进行比较测试。在“全国公安机关DNA数据库应用系统”中建立并应用实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)模拟实施规范化DNA检案。结果1552份各类检材,采用工作站-磁珠法提取DNA效果最佳,STR检测成功率为95%,工作站-Chelex法为88%;二者分别与其手工提取法比较,成功率无明显差异。92个样本同期检测,自动化工作站较手工操作DNA检案时间可缩减1.25倍。结论工作站域珠法提取涉案检材DNA,可获得满意的STR分型结果。应用LIMS管控,可有效防控污染,明显提高检案效率及鉴定质量。  相似文献   

Scientific and technological progress in the field of forensic genetics is very useful in the resolution of criminal cases, but it entails the need for a deep ethical reflection, as the individual Fundamental Rights may be violated.This project aims to collect and compare the opinion of prisoners and prison officials on what characteristics the country's forensic database should have. In this context, 210 subjects were surveyed, 101 of them prisoners and the rest prison officials, from three different Spanish penitentiary centers.Among the results obtained, most prisoners and officials consider the national DNA database to be useful, and additionally, a 40% of the participants would support the integration of the profiles of the entire population. 64% considered it ethical to use the DNA profiles of the database as a tool for familial searching. Despite this, half of the respondents are concerned about the future uses of the DNA database.Integrating the opinion of these analyzed groups with other relevant judicial, scientific and ethical convictions, ensures the regulation between security and individual’s Human Rights.  相似文献   

The examination of sexual assault evidence frequently involves the analysis of samples that comprise mixtures of male and female cells. Separating male and female cells benefits analysis as the results are more likely to be simplified into profiles from single contributors. Some separation methods have focussed on separation of sperm from epithelial cells, but samples without sperm also require separation (vasectomised males, licked skin, etc.). X/Y chromosome FISH labelling when combined with laser micro-dissection (LMD) is a reliable method to separate male and female epithelial cells, but has mostly been combined with increased cycle PCR to create DNA profiles, limiting its use in many forensic laboratories. This study aimed to determine the limits of cell numbers collected by LMD for standard 28-cycle DNA profiling, and to test the effects, if any, on stochastic variation normally caused by sampling effects. Male and female epithelial cells were stained using the Vysis CEP X/Y DNA Probe kits, and collected using a Leica LMD6000. DNA was extracted and amplified by the ESR in-house one-tube method, using standard 28-cycle PCR with the AmpFISTR Identifiler™ (Applied Biosystems) multiplex kit. Full IdentifilerTM DNA profiles were produced using standard 28-cycle PCR, and partial profiles suitable for submission were produced from even relatively low numbers of cells collected. Profiling results were compared with low-copy number PCR on low numbers of cells stained and collected in the same manner, and the observed effects on heterozygote balance are discussed.  相似文献   

FIDL is a fast and automated DNA identification line which represents a series of software solutions automating the process from raw capillary electrophoresis data to reporting. This retrospective study provides insight in the numbers of cases, turnaround time, results compared to the standard workflow and the benefits automation has in a large volume workflow.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):332-338
Identification of incinerated human remains may rely on genetic analysis of burned bone which can prove far more challenging than fresh tissues. Severe thermal insult results in the destruction or denaturation of DNA in soft tissues, however genetic material may be preserved in the skeletal tissues. Considerations for DNA retrieval from these samples include low levels of exogenous DNA, the dense, mineralised nature of bone, and the presence of contamination, and qPCR inhibitors. This review collates current knowledge in three areas relating to optimising DNA recovery from burned bone: 1) impact of burning on bone and subsequent effects on sample collection, 2) difficulties of preparing burned samples for DNA extraction, and 3) protocols for bone decalcification and DNA extraction. Bone decalcification and various DNA extraction protocols have been tested and optimised for ancient bone, suggesting that prolonged EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) demineralisation followed by solid-phased silica-based extraction techniques provide the greatest DNA yield. However, there is significantly less literature exploring the optimal protocol for incinerated bones. Although burned bone, like ancient and diagenetic bone, can be considered “low-copy”, the taphonomic processes occurring are likely different. As techniques developed for ancient samples are tailored to deal with bone that has been altered in a particular way, it is important to understand if burned bone undergoes similar or different changes. Currently the effects of burning on bone and the DNA within it is not fully understood. Future research should focus on increasing our understanding of the effects of heat on bone and on comparing the outcome of various DNA extraction protocols for these tissues.  相似文献   

We present a rapid alkaline lysis procedure for the extraction of DNA from sexual assault evidence that generates purified sperm fraction extracts that yield STR typing results similar to those obtained from the traditional organic/dithiothreitol differential extraction. Specifically, a sodium hydroxide based differential extraction method has been developed in a single-tube format and further optimized in a 96-well format. The method yields purified extracts from a small sample set (∼2-6 swabs) in approximately 2 h and from a larger sample set (up to 96 swabs) in approximately 4 h. While conventional differential extraction methods require vigorous sample manipulation to remove the spermatozoa from the substrate, the method described here exploits the propensity of sperm to adhere to a substrate and does not require any manipulation of the substrate after it is sampled. For swabs, sample handling is minimized by employing a process where the tip of the swab, including the shaft, is transferred to the appropriate vessel eliminating the need for potentially hazardous scalpels to separate the swab material from the shaft. The absence of multiple handling steps allows the process to be semi-automated, however the procedure as described here does not require use of a robotic system. This method may provide forensic laboratories a cost-effective tool for the eradication of backlogs of sexual assault evidence, and more timely service to their client agencies. In addition, we have demonstrated that a modification of the procedure can be used to retrieve residual sperm-cell DNA from previously extracted swabs.  相似文献   

A second collaborative exercise on RNA/DNA co-analysis for body fluid identification and STR profiling was organized by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP). Six human blood stains, two blood dilution series (5-0.001 μl blood) and, optionally, bona fide or mock casework samples of human or non-human origin were analyzed by the participating laboratories using a RNA/DNA co-extraction or solely RNA extraction method. Two novel mRNA multiplexes were used for the identification of blood: a highly sensitive duplex (HBA, HBB) and a moderately sensitive pentaplex (ALAS2, CD3G, ANK1, SPTB and PBGD). The laboratories used different chemistries and instrumentation. All of the 18 participating laboratories were able to successfully isolate and detect mRNA in dried blood stains. Thirteen laboratories simultaneously extracted RNA and DNA from individual stains and were able to utilize mRNA profiling to confirm the presence of blood and to obtain autosomal STR profiles from the blood stain donors. The positive identification of blood and good quality DNA profiles were also obtained from old and compromised casework samples. The method proved to be reproducible and sensitive using different analysis strategies. The results of this collaborative exercise involving a RNA/DNA co-extraction strategy support the potential use of an mRNA based system for the identification of blood in forensic casework that is compatible with current DNA analysis methodology.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the forensic protocol recently developed by Qiagen for the QIAsymphony automated DNA extraction platform. Samples containing low amounts of DNA were specifically considered, since they represent the majority of samples processed in our laboratory. The analysis of simulated blood and saliva traces showed that the highest DNA yields were obtained with the maximal elution volume available for the forensic protocol, that is 200 μl. Resulting DNA extracts were too diluted for successful DNA profiling and required a concentration. This additional step is time consuming and potentially increases inversion and contamination risks. The 200 μl DNA extracts were concentrated to 25 μl, and the DNA recovery estimated with real-time PCR as well as with the percentage of SGM Plus alleles detected. Results using our manual protocol, based on the QIAamp DNA mini kit, and the automated protocol were comparable. Further tests will be conducted to determine more precisely DNA recovery, contamination risk and PCR inhibitors removal, once a definitive procedure, allowing the concentration of DNA extracts from low yield samples, will be available for the QIAsymphony.  相似文献   

As highly polymorphic DNA markers become increasingly available for a wide range of plant and animal species, there will be increasing opportunities for applications to forensic investigations. To date, however, relatively few studies have reported using DNA profiles of non-human species to place suspects at or near crime scenes. Here we describe an investigation of a double homicide of a female and her near-term fetus. Leaf material taken from a suspect's vehicle was identified to be that of sand live oak, Quercus geminata, the same tree species that occurred near a shallow grave where the victims were found. Quercus-specific DNA microsatellites were used to genotype both dried and fresh material from trees located near the burial site and from the material taken from the suspect's car. Samples from the local population of Q. geminata were also collected and genotyped in order to demonstrate that genetic variation at four microsatellite loci was sufficient to assign leaves to an individual tree with high statistical certainty. The cumulative average probability of identity for these four loci was 2.06x10(-6). DNA was successfully obtained from the dried leaf material although PCR amplification was more difficult than amplification of DNA from fresh leaves. The DNA profiles of the dried leaves from the suspect's car did not match those of the trees near the crime scene. Although this investigation did not provide evidence that could be used against the suspect, it does demonstrate the potential for plant microsatellite markers providing physical evidence that links plant materials to live plants at or near crime scenes.  相似文献   

The use of a fluorescent dye to visualize cellular material on surfaces offers a targeted sampling approach for locating touch DNA on casework items. However, the current application of such dye is not feasible for examination of relatively large items. As a result, development of an efficient dye application system is required to translate this approach into practice. Here, the spray pattern (area covered, intensity, and evenness) of 15 different commercial spray devices was examined visually using food coloring. From this, five devices were selected to apply Diamond Nucleic Acid Dye (DD) to three substrates (glass slide, plastic sheet, and brown packing tape) seeded with saliva and touch DNA. The cellular material was visualized using the Dino-lite Microscope and Polilight. The inhibitory effects of DD afforded by each spray device were examined using Identifiler Plus® DNA profiling kit and a DNA input of 800 pg. The two most promising devices were further tested on a range of mock casework items seeded with touch DNA. The results presented demonstrate the feasibility of a spray system to apply DD to large surfaces and subsequently detect cellular material at both micro and macroscale. Specifically, the data suggest that a pressurized continuous-spray system is favorable and that droplet size influences the intensity of fluorescence and surface coverage. Furthermore, this study indicates that full STR profiles can be obtained following spraying with DD solution, even with excessive application, which is essential for the widespread use of these devices in casework.  相似文献   

Bones and teeth often represent the only sources of DNA available for identifying human remains. DNA in bones and teeth is generally better preserved than that in soft tissues because of the presence of hard connective tissue with a high level of calcium. Because of the extensive mineralisation, the choice of an efficient DNA extraction procedure is important to minimise the sampling of a high level of minerals and to remove polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors. Some protocols are available for DNA extraction from bones and teeth as part of the Qiagen EZ1 DNA Investigator Kit using the EZ1 Advanced XL automated purification platform. To improve the efficiency of DNA extraction from skeletal remains, the present study focuses on a modification to these already available protocols. In this study, different bones and teeth collected between 1 and 50 years after death were subjected to DNA extraction using the standard EZ1 protocol, a supplementary protocol, and a modified protocol. The modified approach included a decalcification step, whereas the Qiagen protocols worked directly on non-decalcified powder. In all three procedures, 150 mg samples were used for DNA extraction. We evaluated the quantity of DNA recovered from samples, the presence of any PCR inhibitors co-extracted, the level of DNA degradation, the quality of short tandem repeat (STR) profiles, and the reproducibility of the modified procedure. When compared with the other protocols, the modified protocol resulted in the best recovery of DNA that was free of PCR inhibitors. Additionally, the STR profiles were reliable and of high quality. In our opinion, the decalcification step increases DNA recovery by softening tissues, which allows lysis solutions to act more effectively. Furthermore, the use of two lysis solutions and the variation added to the EZ1 purification step allow for DNA recovery with quality and quantity superior to those of the previously available Qiagen-based protocols. These findings may be helpful solutions to the problems commonly encountered when dealing with difficult samples, such as bones and teeth.

Key points

  • Bones and teeth often represent the only sources of DNA for identifying human remains.
  • The choice of an efficient DNA extraction procedure is important for maximizing DNA recovery and removing PCR inhibitors.
  • This study focuses on modifications to the previously available Qiagen-based protocols.
  • The modified protocol enabled the best recovery of DNA, and both quality and quantity were superior to those of the previously available Qiagen-based protocols.
  • The STR profiles obtained from samples extracted using the modified protocol were reliable and of high quality.

Laser microdissection can be used in forensic casework to isolate specific cell types from mixtures of biological samples. Extraction of DNA from selected cells is still required prior to STR amplification. Because of the relatively pristine nature of the recovered cells, laser microdissection is more sensitive than more traditional methods of DNA analysis, theoretically resulting in DNA profiles from less cellular material. A one-tube extraction and amplification method minimises loss of DNA through liquid transfers and reduces the potential for contamination events occurring. In this paper, the development of a one-tube method for the effective extraction of DNA from laser microdissected sperm and epithelial cells is described. The performance of the in-house method was compared to that of a commercial DNA extraction kit for extraction of DNA from sperm and the downstream compatibility with STR amplification was determined for both sperm and epithelial samples. Full Identifiler™ profiles after 28 amplification cycles were obtained from as few as 15 epithelial cells and 30 sperm.  相似文献   

STR typing of DNA evidence can identify the donor with a high power of discrimination but cannot identify the tissue origin of a body‐fluid stain. Using RNA to attribute a crime scene stain to a particular tissue may aid in reconstruction efforts. With blood from 10 donors, four DNA and RNA coextraction kits were evaluated by measuring yields and STR and mRNA profiles. T tests indicated some significant differences in kit performance. The Zymo Research ZR‐Duet? kit performed best based on average DNA (41.4 ng) and mRNA (4.07 ng) yields and was the only kit to provide complete DNA/RNA profiles for all samples. The consistency of this kit was challenged by data from additional blood and saliva donors. Further testing is advised before a superior kit is unequivocally chosen. Stand‐alone DNA or RNA purification generally offers higher yield, but coextraction may still allow successful STR profiling and tissue source identification.  相似文献   

A common requirement in the military, law enforcement, and forensic mission space is the need to collect trace samples from surfaces using a method that not only readily captures the sample but also retains its integrity for downstream identification and characterization. Additionally, collecting samples from three-dimensional objects (e.g., shell casings) is a challenge for which there is currently no validated standardized approach. Recently, hydrogels have been shown to have the potential for surface collection of trace bacterial spores, amino acids, and DNA. To test whether these hydrogels can serve as a viable collection medium for sampling DNA from surfaces, we carried out a series of preliminary tests examining collection efficiency and suitability of hydrogel material to recover samples of diluted, dried human DNA on a smooth polycarbonate surface. The recovery of surface DNA using a commercially available hydrogel was examined, and the efficiency compared to samples collected using a standard foam collection swab. DNA collected using the hydrogel and swab methods was then examined using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and short tandem repeat (STR) analysis to determine whether the collection material was compatible with these downstream processes. The hydrogel material used for this study collected the experimental DNA with comparable efficiency to standard collection swabs. In addition, qPCR and STR analyses demonstrated compatibility with the hydrogel collection and extraction process. These data suggest that hydrogels have the potential to be used as sample collection materials and deserve further characterization to elucidate their utility in collection from irregularly shaped, three-dimensional surfaces/materials.  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to document the efficiency of primer extension capture (PEC) as a method to enrich DNA eluates of targeted DNA molecules and remove nontarget molecules from pools containing both. Efficiency of the method was estimated by comparing number of “copies in” to “copies out” by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. PEC retention of DNA targets ranging 109‐288 base pairs (bps) in length was 15.88–2.14% (i.e., loss of 84.12–97.86% of target molecules). Experimental modifications of the PEC method resulted in no significant improvements. However, the benefit of PEC was revealed in its ability to remove most nontarget DNA molecules (99.99%). We also discovered that many (56.69%) of the target molecules are “lost” prior to their immobilization on the streptavidin‐coated beads. These estimates of methodological efficiency are directly comparable to previous ones observed following “fishing” for DNA, an alternative method for DNA enrichment.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(6):487-494
Eucalyptus is grown world-wide for paper pulp, solid wood, and other industries. Theft or illegal cutting of the trees causes hardship to owners of plantations and countries whose economies rely on the sale and export of eucalyptus products. Unfortunately, many of these crimes go unpunished due to lack of forensic evidence.Over 1200 short tandem repeat (STR) markers have been identified in the genomes of genus Eucalyptus and related species. However, their importance and utility in aiding forensic investigations of wood theft have not been explored. This study evaluated nine STRs for diversity and applied them to a case involving suspected wood theft.As expected, three dinucleotide STR markers showed greater variability but resulted in harder to interpret profiles. Four STR tetranucleotide markers evaluated in this study were found to contain additional repeat structures (dinucleotide or trinucleotide) that enhanced their variability but resulted in profiles with peaks at multiple stutter positions and heterozygote peak imbalance. The most promising STR markers were EGM37 and EMBRA 1374. Though less variable, they yielded robust and reproducible DNA profiles.All nine STR markers were applied to a case involving suspected wood theft. Samples were collected from seized wood and from remaining stumps in a plantation. No DNA match was found, thus eliminating the evidence samples as having originated from the forest. Dendrochronology analysis also resulted in an exclusion. This case study represents the first report using STR markers in any eucalyptus species to provide DNA evidence in a case of suspected wood theft.  相似文献   

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