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《Global Crime》2013,14(2-3):141-154
Research shows that co-offending has contradictory effects on rates of re-arrest. On the one hand, group offending may be riskier: for example, co-offenders might be targeted by police or might snitch to protect themselves. Criminal networks may also have indirect effects: offenders embedded in criminal networks commit more offences and thus should have a higher risk of being arrested at some point. On the other hand, networks generate steady criminal opportunities with relatively low risk of arrest and high monetary benefits (e.g. drug trafficking). Few authors have empirically explored the relation between co-offending and re-arrest. This article does so using data from seven years of arrest records in the province of Quebec, Canada. The analysis is designed to explore why some offenders are re-arrested after an initial arrest while others are not. It focuses on the factors involved in re-arrest, considering two distinct levels of measures of co-offending. The first level of analysis takes into account a situational measure that indicates whether a given offence was committed by co-offenders (group offence). The second level is used to examine whether being part of a criminal network influences re-arrest. For offenders embedded in such networks, two network features (degree centrality and clustering coefficient) show that the global position of individuals within the Quebec arrest network are analysed. Our results suggest that co-offending is a crucial factor that should be taken into account when looking at the odds of being caught again. The use of generalised linear mixed model brings interesting nuances about the impact of co-offending. The article adds to the recently growing literature on the link between networks and criminal careers.  相似文献   

The construction of typologies of criminal behavior can benefit from the use of multidimensional analytic methods. Yet while some studies have applied such techniques to crime data (e.g., Shortet al, 1963; Nutch and Bloombaum, 1968; Chaiken and Chaiken, 1982), few have examined the assumptions of these methods as they apply to arrest histories. We argue that arrest histories represent a special form of data that are not ideally suited to standard multidimensional analyses. An examination of the different theoretical assumptions of factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, and variance centroid scaling (a form of correspondence analysis) reveals marked difierences in what is being uncovered by the analysis. In general, these claims are supported by an application of each technique to the arrest histories of 767 chronic juvenile delinquents.  相似文献   

刘洪 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):16-20
在各国关于共同犯罪的刑事立法中,存在着区分正犯与狭义共犯的二元参与体系和不作上述区分的统一正犯体系两大类型,两种体系各有不同的特点。我国刑法并未提到正犯的概念,我国学者在共犯研究中鲜有涉及到我国犯罪参与体系性质的问题。我国刑法对共犯分类采用的是统一正犯体系,与传统的统一正犯体系相比又具有我国的特色。确定我国刑法所规定的犯罪参与体系性质对于我国共同犯罪理论与实务上一系列问题的解决有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper deals with measuring two dimensions of the criminal career: residual duration and frequency. It reports results from estimating the parameters of a model in which offenders have a probability of desisting from further participation in crime following a conviction and, if they persist, a rate of crime commission. The probability of desisting and the rate of commission are seen as varying with offenders' personal characteristics and criminal records. Moreover, this paper discusses the difficulty of estimating models in which failure to commit a new crime might be attributable either to termination of the criminal career or to a censored follow-up period. The paper reports both successful and unsuccessful estimation attempts and discusses complications when distinguishing empirically between duration and frequency.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):23-47

Haynie's (2001) work on the structural dimensions of peer networks demonstrated how the characteristics of networks may influence individual delinquent behavior. This study extends the network approach to the prediction of violent victimization. The National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health (Add Health) is used to examine how the friendship-network characteristics of centrality, density, and popularity affect vulnerability. The findings indicate that central and popular members of dense conventional groups experienced lower levels of violent victimization, while the opposite was true of similarly situated members of delinquent networks. Implications for victimization and research related to the specification of how delinquent peer associations promote vulnerability are discussed.  相似文献   

当前推进公民有序参与司法成为我国司法改革的一项重要内容。相较依靠群众原则,公民参与司法这一表述更能体现参与主体的广泛性和主动性。公民参与司法具有参与主体的外部性、参与客体的公共性以及参与程度的实质性等特点,并呈现出社会参与、专家参与、由参与审判到参与整个诉讼活动的发展趋势。其功能则体现为协助司法、制约权力、监督权力等方面。公民参与司法对司法公正、司法民主、司法公信力以及司法能力都具有促进作用。推进公民参与司法应当注重参与的规范性与有效性。我国传统的法律制度安排对公民参与司法重视不足,未来应当以参与的规范性与有效性为基点,在侦查、起诉、审判、执行等领域全面推进公民参与,构建有中国特色的公民参与司法制度。  相似文献   

公司治理中职工参与制度探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司治理中的职工参与是我国建立现代企业制度的一个重要课题。在传统的公司治理理论中,股东是公司唯一的统治,公司的目标定位是股东利益的最大化。而职工参与作为现代公司治理结构的特点之一,在我国有着更为重要的现实意义。管理参与作为职工参与的方式之一,是社会主义市场经济的应有之义,我们不能听任其随着国有经济成分的下降而弱化;股权参与作为职工参与的所有权根据,是保障职工地位的更有效的制度保证,更有推行的迫切需要。  相似文献   

Commission of nonsexual crimes generally antedates officially recorded sexual offenses. In particular, burglary has been hypothesized to be a potential ‘stepping stone’ in the development of one's sexual criminal career in the same way that marijuana has often been considered a ‘gateway drug’ to more serious drug-related offenses. The present study examined the officially recorded criminal histories of 828 male sex offenders to determine the relevance of burglary in their criminal histories. One third of the men in the sample (n=281, 34%) had been charged at least once for burglary. These 281 men committed a total of 762 separate incidents of burglary. Offenders with at least one officially recorded charge for burglary (BSOs) were compared with those with no such charges (SOs). Next, the characteristics of each burglary were examined and four distinct types of burglary were identified: nonsexual, covertly sexual, overtly sexual, and combination burglary/rape. BSOs accrued twice as many charges as the SOs and were significantly more likely to have an earlier age of onset, a longer criminal career, more employment problems, elementary school problems, antisocial behavior, and substance abuse.  相似文献   

Recent research using indices of specialization and escalation, such as the forward specialization coefficient and the escalation coefficient, have generally shown that repeat offenders tend to commit the same type or a more serious type of crime on successive arrests. Unfortunately, there are two important limitations to the use of specialization and escalation indices: (1) the meaning and interpretation of the coefficients is often unclear, and (2) the coefficients cannot be tested for statistical significance across groups. In an attempt to account for these limitations and to extend prior research in this area, this paper applies a class of log-linear models developed for studying social mobility tables with matched categories (for one or more groups) to crime-type switching tables. The benefits of using these models, in comparison with prior specialization and escalation research, are that the parameter estimates can be interpreted directly as tests of specialization and escalation in a meaningful way and the parameter estimates can be tested for equality across groups, such as age, race, and gender. The application and interpretation of these models are illustrated with arrest data from a sample of felony offenders in Michigan.  相似文献   

为回应转型时期特别是现代社会的复杂情势,现代社会必然由法治国家向行政国家迈进,而在此过程中积极行政的拓展与自由裁量权的扩张必然导致行政纠纷的剧增。为有效缓解社会转型时期行政所面临的合法性危机,预防和消解与日俱增的行政纠纷,必须转变传统形式法治下的治理模式,充分引入公众参与,在行政过程和司法解决过程中分别注入民主酵素。由于公众参与既具有功效价值更具有本体价值,因而其对于行政合法性的补强以及行政纠纷的防范与消解有着不可忽视的意义。欲使公众参与发挥积极功能,必须辅之以必要的配套机制和制度要素。  相似文献   

殷峰 《政法学刊》2008,25(3):115-117
政治参与法治化是借助法律权威彰显政治参与价值并规范政治参与方式的过程和状态,它包括参与价值的法律弘扬和参与形态的法律规置两层含义。政治参与法治化不仅有利于实现社会的安定有序,又有利于维护社会的公平正义,同时还有助于促进权力的规范运行。只有通过制度建设、主体培育和环境塑造三方面的努力,才能把握实现政治参与法治化的基本路径,从而推动现代政治文明的历史发展。  相似文献   

本文根据新时期我国公众参与反腐败面临的形势,以廉洁指数较高的国家为例,从公众参与反腐败的教育预防、制度保障以及舆论监督和非政府组织参与反腐败等方面进行比较分析,并在此基础上提出建议,即以吸收廉洁指数较高国家的公众参与反腐败的长处来弥补我国公众参与反腐败的不足,进而促进我国公众参与反腐败的科学化、规范化。  相似文献   


The current study had three aims: (1) to explore whether there is over-time change in adolescent delinquency and negativity in the parent–adolescent, sibling and marital relationships during adolescence; (2) to examine the interactions of negativity across subsystems; and (3) to examine whether levels and changes in adolescent delinquency are predicted by levels and changes in negativity in all family subsystems. Data of 497 families participating in the RADAR-young study were used. Ratings of all family members were used to measure negativity in family relationships, and adolescent self-report was used for delinquency. Multivariate latent growth curve models showed over-time increases in mother-adolescent negativity and over-time decreases in sibling negativity, as well as significant individual differences in these changes. Second, evidence for both social contagion and compensatory processes in family negativity was found. Third, initial levels of parent–adolescent negativity were related to initial levels but not over-time changes of adolescent delinquency, whereas initial levels of sibling negativity were related to over-time changes but not initial levels of adolescent delinquency. Finally, increases in parent–adolescent negativity were related to faster increases in adolescent delinquency, and decreases in sibling negativity were related to slower increases in adolescent delinquency. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

公众舆论与量刑政策:影响模式和参与机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今社会的公众舆论影响量刑政策的制定和实施。获得公众对量刑政策态度的方法有多种。公众一般倾向于认为量刑政策过于仁慈,刑罚裁量过于宽缓。大众传媒是公众了解刑罚裁量的重要信息来源,因而公众对刑罚裁量的了解并不准确。近年来,公众要求国家制定量刑政策时要更多地关注公众舆论的声音。而公众舆论对量刑政策的态度存在各种可变性。各国量刑政策发展中所面临的最大难题,就是如何兼顾公众参与但又不过度受公众舆论的影响。建立一个能够反映公众舆论对刑罚裁量准确态度的中立性咨询机构,乃是明智之举。  相似文献   

张晓文 《河北法学》2007,25(7):124-127
我国环境法中公众参与仅仅作为一项原则已不能适应当代环境保护的要求,通过分析我国公众参与环境保护立法现状,提出完善我国公众参与环境保护法律制度中应努力解决的几个问题.  相似文献   

私营企业主非正式政治参与的途径与意义分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私营企业主阶层是随着国家对资源和社会活动空间的控制范围和力度的减弱、从而获得"自由流动资源"和"自由活动空间"而成长起来的"自由活动力量"之一.私营企业主政治参与作为国家与社会关系的一种互动形态,较为集中地体现了中国的经济和社会改革对传统社会主义模式下国家与社会关系的较大规模的调整.  相似文献   

通过对汶川地震恢复重建规划的分析可以发现,行政规划的确定将对众多社会群体的法律利益和事实利益产生重大影响。为此,有必要构建行政规划中的公众参与程序,作为公有制前提下公共利益与个体利益的平衡器,并以主体性公众参与作为目标模式。在行政规划的公众参与过程中,容易因公众参与的无限扩张导致政府决策效率低下甚至无法决策,或因公众利益的分化和参与不平衡导致社会公正受损,或者发生公众意见对法律和政策目标的偏离,对此均应竭力避免和纠正。  相似文献   

裁量基准公众参与模式之选取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周佑勇 《法学研究》2014,36(1):43-55
公众参与作为一种直接的民意表达方式,可以提供类似议会立法一样的民主形式和内容,因而成为补充裁量基准正当性基础的首选方案。但是,基于裁量基准行政自制属性和行政成本的考量,它仍然不宜作为一项强制性义务强加给行政机关,而应由行政机关自主决定。实践中,行政机关应当以裁量基准的"质量要求"和"可接受性要求"为基本参考因素,比对相对人与自己的预期目标是否一致,根据其特殊性及实际情形,在"改良的自主管理决策"、"分散式的公众协商"、"整体式的公众协商"、"公共决策或共同决定"四种程度不同的公众参与模式中选择适用。  相似文献   

Burglary is a serious, costly, and prevalent crime but prior typologies of burglars are mostly speculative and based on qualitative data. Using a sample of 456 adult career criminals, the current study used latent profile analysis to construct a methodologically rigorous quantitative typology. Four classes of burglars emerged: young versatile, vagrant, drug-oriented, and sexual predators. All groups demonstrated significant involvement in varied forms of crime, but the sexual predator group was the most violent and had the most serious criminal careers. Connections to the criminal career literature are offered and suggestions for further empirical study of offender typologies are discussed.  相似文献   

教学中的主体参与结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代教学手段运用的一个基本依据是看它是否有利于学生的主体参与。教的目的只有转换成为学的目的才能成为学生主体参与的目的。主体参与规范是教学社会性的重要体现。教师要精心设计使任何教学形式都服务于学生的主体参与。教的内容只是学的的内容的一个依据,而非全部。教学过程的实质是学生主体参与的过程。教学中的主体参与既是对教材伯掌握,又是一种生命的体验,同时还是发展性教学活动的具体体现。  相似文献   

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