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采用粪便检查法、幼虫培养法和蠕虫学剖检法对黑龙江省松花江地区羊胃肠道线虫虫卵排出与成虫寄生的季节动态进行了研究。结果表明,成年羊胃肠道线虫的虫卵排出量和成虫寄生量于5月出现一次明显的春季高潮,8月又出现一次较小的高峰,而一年的其他时期,虫卵排出量和成虫寄生量很低。羊胃肠道线虫的优势虫种是捻转血矛线虫、哥伦比亚食道口线虫、羊仰口线虫、毛圆线虫和毛首线虫。羔羊粪便中最早检获虫卵的时间是6月下旬,一年内虫卵排出量只在7月下旬出现一次高峰。研究结果对控制黑龙江省羊消化道线虫病有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

在后冷战时代,东北亚“混合型区域主义”的矛盾性、复杂性和流变性要求人们不要以西方的经验来评估和判定东北亚的区域主义,而在逻辑上和事实上呈现出多重张力的东北亚民族主义又使东北亚的安全现实日益严峻。对后冷战时代的东北亚安全观念建构而言,二者之间的张力构成了现实和理论上的双重困境。这种困境也昭示了后冷战时代东北亚安全观念建构所面临的复杂性、紧迫性和脆弱性。突破和超越这种双重困境的关键在于:东北亚各国如何消融国内日益增强的民族主义情绪,东北亚的知识界如何应对西方主导的全球主义意识形态和学术话语霸权的挑战以及东北亚社会如何汲取传统的东亚体系的合理因子,以避免新的帝国观念和帝国体系的出现。  相似文献   

中韩建交以来两国文化教育交流综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牛林杰 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(5):110-115
中韩文化教育交流是中韩全面合作伙伴关系的重要组成部分。中韩建交15年来,两国的文化教育交流取得了丰硕的成果。两国政府签署了一系列的交流协议,中国出现了"韩流"现象,韩国也掀起了强劲的"汉风",中国的韩国问题研究和韩国语教育发展迅速,韩国的汉学研究和中文教育持续升温,来华韩国留学生和赴韩中国留学生的人数稳居所在国外国留学生之首。两国文化教育交流的快速发展得益于政府的支持、经贸合作的稳步增长以及两国文化的渊源关系。  相似文献   

Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) emerged in the context of working with rural communities in developing countries. But the principles of participation and of action-oriented research are equally valid for development work in the urban sector, and in industrialised countries. This article describes the use of participatory appraisal techniques in disadvantaged communities in the UK, in the fields of health and social welfare. Drawing on a case-study of her work, the author looks at the practical, organisational, and political difficulties inherent in bringing together multi-agency professionals and public-sector workers, and members of local communities, and in developing a functional consensus between them.  相似文献   

This article aims to give an account of how refugees' familyrelations are constructed in exile. It is based on fieldworkconducted among Chechen asylum seekers living in a refugee campin the Czech Republic in April 2004. It argues that althoughtraditional norms defining women's and men's position in Chechenfamilies have often been transgressed in the actual experiencesof men and women in situations of emergency such as war, flightand life in the camp, they remain relatively unchanged at thelevel of refugees' ideal notions of femininity and masculinity.It also shows that the environment of the refugee camp provides,on the one hand, some opportunities for the increase of women'spower in the family and men's involvement in childcare and householdduties. But on the other hand, the assistance in the camp isbased on an undiversified and gender-blind perception and constructionof refugees as passive objects of aid, and latently sustainsgendered violence.  相似文献   

苏联1932—1933年饥荒问题最早由在西方的乌克兰流亡者提出,上世纪80年代以前主要在西方国家进行研究,戈尔巴乔夫改革时期,这个问题在乌克兰被公开提出。苏联解体至今,乌克兰和俄罗斯学界以及政界就因饥荒死亡人数、饥荒发生的原因、斯大林对饥荒应负的责任等问题展开争论,从形式和内容上看,这既是一个学术问题,也是政治问题。  相似文献   

We compare public perceptions of biobanks in China and in Europe, reporting similarities and differences in how publics in Europe and China view key issues in the realm of biobank research. Despite many differences in perception, the similarity in the perception of biobanks in China and in Europe is striking. Our research finds that Chinese with lower education levels are less concerned about privacy, while those with higher education levels have preferences in privacy protection that are similar to those in Europe. Transnational research is perceived positively in both regions, but specific historical experiences shape how people approach these issues. While Chinese publics focus on certain effects of international research on the Chinese state, Europeans are mainly concerned about data security and impacts on research. The study is based on 66 focus groups conducted in China (6) and Europe (60), with approximately 700 participants.  相似文献   

An emerging literature in political economy focuses on democratic enclaves or pockets of quasi-democratic decision-making embedded in non-democracies. This article first explores the factors that may lead to the emergence of such institutional checks and balances in autocratic politics. I use the comparative analysis of courts in Morocco and Tunisia, and argue that interest group mobilization and the centrality of legalism in political development have been essential for the existence of “governance” enclaves. Second, I explore whether such checks effectively contain everyday rent-seeking, as well as the theoretical channels through which this may occur. Findings from firm-level surveys conducted in Morocco and Tunisia in 2013 indicate that higher general trust in courts, even in modest relative terms, rendered businesses significantly less vulnerable to tax corruption in Tunisia, in sharp contrast to the Moroccan case.  相似文献   

Chiara Ruffa 《安全研究》2017,26(3):391-422
Although hundreds of thousands of soldiers from different national contingents are deployed every year in multinational peace operations, no previous study has examined differences in peacekeeping practices along national lines. This paper first documents systematically differences in the way national contingents behave during peace operations in their respective area of operation. In a second step, it argues that these differences in behavior are largely consistent with the most important traits of each army's military culture. Based on extensive fieldwork conducted between 2007 and 2014 in Lebanon and Afghanistan, the paper shows how, within each mission, Italian soldiers prioritized humanitarian activities, while the French engaged in more patrolling activities, despite being both contingents deployed under similar conditions. These variations in behavior are consistent with the way French and Italian soldiers perceive the mission and context in which they deployed. And both the differences in behavior and perception are in line with the respective armies' military cultures. This paper contributes to the debate on the role of ideational factors in international politics and in particular to the ongoing discussion on strategic and military cultures.  相似文献   

2004年,日本的推理作家芦边拓以《红楼梦》为蓝本,创作了推理小说《红楼梦的杀人》,该小说以《红楼梦》原著里的大观园为背景,原著里的主要人物悉数登场,各人物的姓名、性格及人物关系等均沿袭原著,且化用了原著中诸多经典的情节和画面,作为推动小说情节发展的有力支撑。该作一经推出,即荣膺了日本推理文学界的各项大奖,获得了专家和读者的一致好评。并于2006年、2008年在我国台湾、内地相继翻译出版,且还于2010年在内地诞生了一部仿作。拙论探讨的是这部推理小说与《红楼梦》之间的受容、变容关系以及反馈到我国的途径和形式①。  相似文献   

Trade unions in India work mainly with workers in formal employment, particularly in the public sector. However, most people in India work in the informal economy, and their needs are attended mainly by voluntary agencies or NGOs. Economic globalisation and the policies associated with it are resulting in the increasing informalisation of work; as representatives of working people, unions and agencies alike are being further marginalised. Paradoxically, this situation is encouraging these organisations to overcome the mutual mistrust that has characterised relations between them in the past, and to join forces in order to pool their strengths. This article describes the background and current situation in general terms before presenting a case study of the National Centre for Labour (NCL), an apex body of labour organisations of all kinds working in the informal sector in India. Its members include unions and agencies active among workers in the construction industry, as well as in forestry, fishing, and domestic work. Such collaboration has not only enhanced the effectiveness of both the unions and the agencies, but has also increased the unions' representative character.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt, in the context of the Eurozone crisis that has shaken Europe since 2008, to explore and deconstruct two pieces of conventional wisdom on French leadership in Europe and the world. The stereotypical image of a country in decline and denial, out of touch with today’s globalised world, is reproduced so often in the Anglo-American media and even in scholarly discourse, that is has become a self-evident truism. The article examines this truism in two different perspectives: there is, on the one hand, the axiom that France has lost influence in Europe and that the balance of power has shifted inexorably to Germany and, on the other hand, the axiom that Europe does not matter in the global ‘power shift’ and that, as part of Europe, France does not count any more either. In questioning the origins and validity of these axioms, the authors argue that a strong perception bias persists and is constantly perpetuated even though reality has changed. Not only has France rather successfully adapted to globalisation in both political and economic terms, but it has also found new ways and discourses about its role as Germany’s partner in leadership in the European Union. The paper goes on to show that both France and the EU retain and use significant levers for action in three dimensions of power—coercion, agenda-setting and attraction. It concludes that going into 2012, France remains an active and important actor, both in the EU and on the global scene. It is present and influential in major international institutions, effectively builds international coalitions and floats important ideas on reforming laissez-faire capitalism.  相似文献   

明代,占城与中国在政治、经济、文化的交流较宋元时期有了较大的发展,政治上保持睦邻的宗藩关系,经贸关系活跃,文化交流频繁。虽然到明中后期,占城国家式微,与明朝的交往也日渐减少,但是,两国始终保持着睦邻友好的关系。一、睦邻的宗藩关系占城,又称占婆(Champa)。“周越裳地,秦为林邑,汉为象林县。后汉末,区连据其地,始称林邑王。自晋至隋仍之。唐时,或称占不劳,或称占婆,其王所居曰占城。至德后,改国号曰环。迄周、宋,遂以占城为号,朝贡不替。元世祖恶其阻命,大举兵击破之,亦不能定。”①明代初期,占城是印支半岛南部的一个强盛国家,其国…  相似文献   

Even though the conviction that Russia was evolving in a more moderate direction was an important underlying assumption of German policy in the months leading up to the Treaty of Rapallo, it has been essentially ignored in the scholarship on Rapallo. Equally ignored is the central role played by Carl Graap in promoting this assumption in Berlin. This article aims toward filling this gap and toward improving our understanding of the relationship between Germany and Russia in the twentieth century in general and in the period from 1919 to 1922 in particular.  相似文献   

东北亚安全秩序的困境与对策研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
东北亚地区战略地位重要,是中国的国家安全和现代化建设的战略依托地区。冷战结束后,东北亚安全机制的缺失使东北亚安全秩序问题始终未能解决。不仅朝鲜半岛和台海局势仍重兵对峙,两个热点问题呈持续升温之势,而且在大国关系结构性的矛盾之中,冷战意识仍然存在,东北亚安全秩序的构建陷入困境。要走出东北亚安全秩序的困境,必须构建东北亚地区安全与合作的共识,推动地区各国重新构建东北亚安全与合作的新理念,构建东北亚地区“多极”主导多边安全合作机制。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of the Adult Education Association of Zambia (AEAZ) in the Zambian national elections. Outlined in this paper are workshop topics, challenges encountered, and outcomes of the education campaign by the AEAZ in its crusade to inform voters of their rights and obligations. The six interrelated topics presented at various civic awareness campaigns were leadership qualities; community participation in national development; responsible citizenship; electoral process and the management of elections; the role of a member parliament; and human rights. The primary problem of the AEAZ campaign was language. Although English is preferred in urban areas, most of the residents in the rural areas are illiterate, and the campaign had to be conducted in several local languages, where most of the people were unfamiliar to campaigners. Other challenges affecting the AEAZ outreach efforts were lack of reliable transportation and lack of funds. Despite these challenges, the campaign was successful in encouraging citizens to vote, lobbying, advocacy, and holding political representatives accountable for their actions. This was evident in the 1996 presidential and general elections, in which there was a significant increase in the number of voters who took part in the electoral process. This paper concludes that nongovernmental organizations involved in the sensitization campaigns should coordinate and collaborate in order to enhance their capacity.  相似文献   

为了解兰州市妊娠妇女近年弓形虫感染情况 ,探讨异常妊娠与弓形虫感染的关系 ,分别采用ELISA和PCR检测了异常妊娠妇女血清中TOX IgM和TOX DNA。结果 ,1 3 5例异常妊娠妇女血清TOX IgM和TOX DNA阳性率分别为 1 1 .1 1 % (1 5 /1 3 5 )和 1 2 .5 9% (1 7/1 3 5 ) ,总阳性率为 1 3 .3 3 % (1 8/1 3 5 ) ,组间无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。异常妊娠史妇女与妊娠期无异常孕妇的血清TOX IgM阳性率分别为 1 1 .1 1 % (1 5 /1 3 5 )和 6.0 2 % (3 2 /5 3 2 ) ,组间差异显著 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,相对危险度为1 .85。调查结果显示 ,兰州市弓形虫血清抗体阳性率较 1 994年略有上升 ,弓形虫感染的孕前检查应联合应用ELISA和PCR为宜。  相似文献   

老挝:2009年发展回顾与2010年展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2009年,老挝政治社会稳定、经济持续增长,GDP增长7.6%;吸引外资创历年新高;外交上,奉行“与各国交朋友”并“突出周边”的务实政策,积极参与东盟事务和区域经济合作,成功主办第25届东南亚运动会。2010年老挝政府将继续全力维护社会政治稳定,力争2010年GDP增长7.5%。  相似文献   

Lim LL 《对外政治》1994,59(3):761-781
This work describes recent trends in East Asian migration and their economic effects. The great waves of emigration of the past have largely ceased from Japan and the "dragons" of East Asia, and all have become countries of illegal immigration, return of emigrants, and legal entry of professionals. All the countries except Hong Kong have maintained strict immigration policies in order to protect their traditional and homogeneous societies and the employment and income of their own citizens. But despite active encouragement of industrial displacement to countries with cheap and abundant manpower, the labor shortages in these countries have become so severe that they have had to tolerate increased immigration. There is little evidence that immigrants have taken the jobs of natives or caused their incomes to decrease. They appear to complement shrinking local labor forces in these countries of drastically reduced fertility. The annual growth of the active population is predicted to decline from 523,000 in the 1980s to 227,000 in the 1990s in Japan, from 231,000 to 149,000 in Taiwan, and from 400,000 to 300,000 in Korea. Full employment was achieved in Japan in the early 1960s, in Taiwan in the late 1960s, in Hong Kong in the early 1970s, and in Korea in the late 1980s. Full employment was the major factor prompting relaxed immigration controls in these countries. The foreign workers are concentrated in less skilled jobs in dirty or dangerous industries that are shunned by the local population. Opponents of liberalized immigration policies cite the supplementary expenditures for infrastructure and services necessitated by the workers as well as for integration of workers desiring longterm settlement, especially if they are of different ethnicity. No definitive conclusions can be drawn about the overall positive or negative impact of immigration in East Asia without specifying the perspective from which the analysis is made--economic or social, short or long term, from the employee's viewpoint or the employer's. The consequences of importing manpower must be studied in relation to possible alternatives.  相似文献   

This article examines and compares the design and roll-out of solar policies of three major markets in Asia and Europe in 2012. The photovoltaic (“PV”) and concentrated solar power (“CSP”) policies of India, Thailand, Malaysia, in Asia and Germany, Italy and Spain in Europe are analysed on the basis of policy documents publicly available on web portals of the relevant government authorities in the respective countries in addition to independent reports and studies. The aim here is to measure and compare the form and quantum of state support extended to the solar power generation sector in these six fairly comparable countries in Asia and Europe, provide an overview of the design and deployment of solar power policies and estimate the costs of carbon mitigation through solar power in the six countries. The countries were chosen on the basis of available information and data in English from primary sources such as government policy documents, announcements and reports, and the scale of solar power policies and their relative maturity.  相似文献   

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