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顾文 《当代广西》2006,(16):58-59
“东西”是广西的名牌产品。以后,还可能是中国的名牌产品,畅销世界。“东西”是一位作家,真名田代琳。从笔名看,东西就让人困惑以及浮想联翩。什么叫东西?东西怎么样?说不清、道不楚,让你说此失彼,而且永远说不清楚。“东西”还是高雅与世俗的混合,让你搞不清楚是高雅还是世俗。比方说,这个“东西”,东西有好有坏,但东西对于人来说,人人都见过。——有趣吧,田代琳居然给自己取了这样一个笔名。他自己说,之所以取名“东西”,有两层意思,一是因为像“东邪西毒”、“东成西就”般好记,二是强调现代社会人的异化,别把自己当人。东西笔名,果然如…  相似文献   

Ancient China had 14 sages.Medical SageZhang Zhongjing and Pharmaceutical Sage SunSimiao stood equal to the more widely knownLiterary Sage Confucius and Military Sage SunWu (or Sun Zi,author ofThe Art of War).  相似文献   

闽台地区供奉妈祖的信仰香火向来兴盛,而上庙求签之举在华人社会虽已时贯千余载,至今尚仍历久不衰。是故,本文的研究对象,乃以闽台数百年来历代的妈祖古庙所采行之运签为主,并参考相关的文物古籍、文献资料,期能以此非全面普查式的重点类型研究,概括梳理出妈祖信仰分布最密集的闽台妈祖宫庙所采运签之主要组别、特色,进而探讨影响签诗传播演变的因素。  相似文献   

"Visiting temples in the daytime and going to bed early in the evening." This was a complaint many overseas tourists to China made in the early days of China's development of tourism when night life was virtually unknown in China. Beijing has been the center of Chinese religious activities, since it became the capital of a unified China in the 13th century. The temples, mosques and churches around the city are not only places for religious worship but are interesting places to the visit because of their close links to Chinese culture and the life of the people. Just like visiting churches in the West, tourists to  相似文献   

There are 33 Buddhist temples in Beijing, the most famous being:1 Guangji Temple 25 Fuchengmennei Street, Xicheng District As one of the most famous Buddhist shrines in China, Guangji Temple has more than 170,000 volumes of sutras in 23 languages,  相似文献   

古都北京是人类城市发展史上的瑰宝。作为元、明、清三朝帝都,宫观、坛庙金碧辉煌,构成经典的皇城物质文化,沉淀着丰富的文化价值。  相似文献   

Congratulations on the 50th Anniversary of China Today On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of China Today magazine, I would like to express my congratulations. In the 50 years since its establishment, your magazine has, with the concerted effort of the entire staff, successfully introduced China, in its various aspects, to its readership. To those who are concerned about human destiny, China Today is an indispensable medium for acquiring information. Whether read at sch…  相似文献   

正Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).  相似文献   

A Letter to Editor-in-Chief EmeritusI an a retired American High School principalwho loves China and the Chinese people, and havedevoted my life to assisting Chinese people andChinese groups in need of assistance.I have long had the desire to write to you as a fel-low senior who shares my great love for China and itspeople. I learned of you and your tremendous relation-ship with China when I first subscribed to ChinaReconstructs, and have continued to read more aboutyou. With each readi…  相似文献   

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