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The stress-social support-psychological well-being model and the social network theory of child development were used to examine the impact of child abuse and maternal perceptions of social support and competence on child perceptions of social support and competence at two points in time. The influence of child social support on child competence was also assessed. The sample consisted of 165 abused children and their mothers and a matched comparison group of 169 nonabused children and their mothers. As a source of stress, abuse had no significant independent effects on children's perceptions of social support and competence at either time period. The strongest predictors of children's views of their competence were perceived support from mothers, peers, and teachers. The findings underscore the importance of social support for the psychological well-being of children.  相似文献   

Physical and psychological symptoms of battered women were investigated based on the theory that their ongoing victimization would produce stress-related symptoms. It was hypothesized that moderating variables (e.g., frequency and severity of abuse, predictability and controllability of abuse, social support networks) would influence the effects of abuse. Battered women (N = 234) were interviewed according to a structured format which allowed for behavioral indices of the data and categorization of the women's responses. Results indicated that frequency of abuse was a strong predictor of the number and severity of symptoms. Those women who could predict abuse experienced more symptoms. Severity of physical and psychological symptoms was predicted by a model including women with more injuries requiring medical attention, women adhering to traditional sex role values, and the presence of one type of emotional abuse. Battered women perceived their physical and emotional health as deteriorating during the relationship and during the abuse, but as getting healthier after the abuse ended. Future research needs to replicate these findings with a representative group of battered women who are still in the battering relationship.  相似文献   

The present paper addresses the effects of sexual abuse trauma on the developmental process of identification. Childhood victims of family violence often experience profound character changes as adults. One primary adaptation utilized by survivors of sexual abuse trauma is termed identification with the aggressor.Both pathological and adaptive manifestations of this operation exist in children and adults. Clinical case material is presented which clarifies the impact of trauma on the process of identification in children and adults. Individual, group, and family dynamics all provide important contextual information for the processing of sexual abuse trauma in psychotherapy. Clients may co-create, with their therapist, interactions which resemble their original traumatizations. During these therapeutic re-creations, clients exhibit behavior which represents an identification with their offender, hence expressing unresolved aggression toward the therapist. The effective psychotherapist is able to tolerate her own aggression, and remain empathically connected to her client.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-nine families who were reported for child abuse or neglect to a country social services agency in a single fiscal year were studied empirically to test the ecological model of child abuse and neglect. Several family and social factors were studied. Only two, size of family and stage in family developmental cycle, were significantly associated with an increased risk of substantiation of the report. Two potential sources of social support, the use of regular child care and the presence of an extended family member, were tested for their effect on substantiation in those cases where risk factors such as the two mentioned above and combinations of risk factors such as single parenthood and unemployed head of household were associated with higher rates of substantiation. In every case, these two examples of social support reduced the substantiation rate. The influence of the use of regular child care was especially strong in mitigating the effect of the family and social risk factors.  相似文献   

Within the past two decades, professionals from all persuasions have focused attention on the extent and impact of violence within the family. Most of these efforts, however, have been directed to child and spouse abuse. Abuse of elderly parents by their adult children has only recently come to the attention of lay and professional communities. Consequently much less is known about these elderly victims and their circumstances. The purpose of this paper is to explore the following: characteristics of elderly victims and their perpetrators, frequency of the act, factors that may cause abuse, intervention strategies, and policy concern that impact on this life-threatening behavior. Suggestions for future work in this area are offered.  相似文献   

Victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) often encounter negative societal reactions to their abuse. A quantitative self-report study examined the existence of these potential identity-threats to former IPV victims (N?=?345, n?=?106 males, n?=?239 females). Biological sex, abuse type (i.e., psychological, physical) and severity, and IPV relationship type (i.e., situational couple violence, intimate terrorism) were each modeled as predictors of IPV stigma and its social management strategies. Results indicated differences in how IPV stigma was experienced and communicatively managed by diverse victims. Findings, interpreted through an applied lens for IPV practitioners and victims, also add nuance to existing theories of IPV, interpersonal communication, and social stigma.  相似文献   

Both research and public policy efforts to determine levels of spouse abuse have been compromised, with significant incidence either uncounted or undercounted, owing to numerous factors: social stigma, victim guilt, evasive public policy, and sparse and/or technically inadequate research attempts. The CAPINDEX (Crimes-Against-Persons Index) is an estimation technique that tackles this persistent problem by using rates of well-reported violent crimes to predict the incidence of poorly reported violent crimes like spouse abuse. The numerical bases of the CAPINDEX, murder and aggravated assault, are well-reported and not subject to social class skewing. The relational approach of the technique is consistent with structural, cultural consistency, and ecological theories of violence. The technique is not only efficacious in estimating spouse abuse, but applicable to estimating sexual assault rates.  相似文献   

A sample of 137 college women's retrospective reports of childhood sexual abuse were examined in order to identify the emotional responses these victims experienced at the time of abuse and to investigate the relationship between these responses and the long-term effects of abuse. Results identified three important dimensions of responding including guilt/fear, anger/disgust, and positive emotions. Further, five groups of victims displaying unique emotion profiles were identified. These include: (a) guilty/fearful individuals, (b) low responders, (c) angry/disgusted individuals, (d) ambivalent individuals, and (e) positive individuals. It was determined that victims' responses to abuse were associated with abuse severity. Finally, victim's affective responses to abuse were related to subsequent adjustment. Individuals experiencing high levels of guilt/fear were identified as exhibiting poorer social adjustment than either individuals reporting primarily anger or disgust or individuals reporting low levels of all emotions. Possible mechanisms through which these experiences have their effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Psychological distress and alcohol abuse have been linked to intimate partner violence (IPV). However, not all victims develop these problems. This study analyses the impact of IPV severity, social support, and self-esteem on depressive and anxiety symptoms as well as on alcohol abuse, and tests social and personal resources as moderators of the abuse-psychological distress-substance abuse link in a sample of Portuguese women including victims and non-victims of IPV (N?=?209). IPV severity contributed significantly to depression and anxiety symptoms as well as to alcohol abuse, after controlling for socio-demographic factors. Both social support and self-esteem were found to moderate the relation between IPV and depression and anxiety symptoms. However, moderation did not occur for the association between IPV and alcohol abuse. This study shows the impact of IPV on mental health and on alcohol abuse, and highlights the need to design effective interventions that promote social and personal resources in victimized women.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among child abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual), social support from friends and family, and social functioning in a sample of low-income African American children (N?=?152). With the exception of the association between sexual abuse and peer support, all of the correlations among study variables were significant. The relationship between child physical and emotional abuse and social functioning were mediated by both family and peer support; however, only family (not peer) support was a significant mediator in the sexual abuse-social functioning link. Additionally, there was no difference found in the strength of mediation via family support versus peer support. Results suggest that mental health professionals should inquire about and attempt to increase children’s levels of social support from family and peers when working with abused youth in order to promote healthy psychological and psychosocial outcomes.  相似文献   

Using thematic analysis, we examine the effects of childhood abuse regarding parenthood for pregnant cohabitors from qualitative interviews. Participants (N?=?18; 10 women and 8 men) recalled childhood abuse during the Adult Attachment Interview. Three themes emerged: (1) “Learning what not to do,” whereby abuse is discussed as something not to continue, and harmful toward children; (2) “Use but modify parents’ discipline,” whereby individuals state that they will employ methods of their parents, but in ways different for their children; and (3) “Ambiguous,” whereby discussions are unclear and confused about how the abuse will affect their parenting. These results suggest that even when pregnant cohabitors want to parent differently than their own parents, they may not have relevant models or skills. For practitioners, we suggest interventions aimed at providing alternative models for how to parent, and effective and appropriate disciplining methods, as ways to deter intergenerational abuse.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the number of women under criminal justice supervision has increased considerably, many of whom are serving time for drug offenses. Furthermore, women in prison are more likely than their non-institutionalized counterparts to suffer from a substance abuse disorder. While there is a growing body of research concerning women offenders’ drug abuse and treatment needs, few studies have examined the substance abuse treatment outcomes of women in the criminal justice system. Using data from Outcome Evaluation of the Forever Free Substance Abuse Treatment Program, this study compared women’s self-reported drug use twelve months after participation in high-intensity (n = 101) and low-intensity (n = 81) prison-based substance abuse treatment programming (N = 182). Women who perceived high levels of emotional social support were less likely to report substance use at 12-month follow-up. Furthermore, perceptions of emotional social support and treatment intensity interacted in their association with relapse, such that the protective effect of social support was strongest for women who participated in high-intensity programming. The results of the analyses highlight the importance of perceived social support for women with substance abuse disorders who are transitioning from prison-based substance abuse treatment programming to the community.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a comparative study of wife abuse. Factors that distinguished 94 physically abused women from a comparison group of 110 women were sought. The groups were matched on number of years married or cohabiting and socioeconomic status. Evidence was found that further supports a learning theory explanation of wife abuse. The study also found that wife abuse is no more likely to be displayed by blacks than by whites when the variable of social class is controlled.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the study was to summarize the history of assault and record the results of medicolegal examination in adolescent girls under investigation for alleged sexual abuse, and to monitor the outcome of the legal process. The investigation period was 1990–94. Method: A consecutive series of 94 0-para girls, aged 9–22, median age 15.0 years, were examined in the head-to-toe manner including anogenital examination. Girls were referred from investigating police and social authorities. Only non-acute examinations were performed. Findings considered consistent with abusive vaginal penetration were hymenal distortion including deep clefts, hymenal and vestibular scarring, and introital diameter permitting vaginal inspection with a 17 mm speculum in the absence of consensual intercourse. Perianal scarring was recorded. STD sampling was made on indication. Findings were documented on body sketches. Medicolegal conclusions were grouped into three categories according to history and physical findings. Information on the outcome of legal procedures was collected from referring authorities. Results: For 82% (77/94) of the girls, referring agencies provided examining physicians with a detailed and consistent history of abuse, presented results comprise these 77 girls. Intrafamiliar abuse was alleged by 81% (62/77), onset prior to menarche by 53% (41/77), and repeated abuse by 74% (57/77) of the girls. Abusive genital penetration was reported by 77% (59/77) and anal penetration by 19% (14/77). Sequelae after admitted self-inflicted injury were found in 15% (12/77). Deep hymenal celfts and/or vestibular scars were found in 59% (35/59) of the girls reporting penetrative abuse, compared with 6% (1/16) when non-penetrative abuse was alleged, P<0.001. Girls with experience of voluntary intercourse could all be examined with a 25 mm speculum. Of the 17 girls without experience of consensual intercourse but alleging abusive penetration, 47% (17/36) could easily be examined with a 17 mm speculum, compared to none of 13 reporting non-penetrative abuse, P<0.001. Non-specific anal abnormalities occurred in 10 (13%) girls; more often when anal abuse was reported, P<0.001. No specific STDs were found. The medicolegal conclusion supported a history of abusive genital penetration in 41 (69%) cases; findings were non-specific in 11 cases and a normal anogenital status was found in 25 cases. The alleged abuse of 34 of the 77 (44%) girls was tried in court. One suspect was acquitted, 32 men were convicted of the abuse of 33 girls. Eleven perpetrators admitted abuse, and their histories were in concordance with the abuse alleged by the victims, as well as with the physical findings. Conclusion: A medicolegal diagnosis of alleged non-acute cases of sexual abuse relies on a detailed history. Adolescent girls alleging abuse may exhibit signs of admittedly self-inflicted extragenital injury. Our findings confirm that non-penetrative sexual acts leave no lasting genital signs, but that repeated abusive genital penetration significantly more often than non-penetrative abuse leaves deep posterior hymenal clefts and/or vestibular scarring, and a hymenal opening allowing examination with 17–25 mm specula also in girls without experience of voluntary intercourse. In cases with a confessing perpetrator, no discordance was found between the history of the victim, medicolegal conclusion and the history of the perpetrator.  相似文献   

All 50 states have laws requiring mental health and other professionals to report suspected maltreatment. Unfortunately, many professionals who are mandated to report suspicions of child maltreatment often fail to recognize potential maltreatment or fail to report their suspicions. The present study examines several factors that may influence identification and reporting of child maltreatment. Subjects were licensed psychologists in the Midwest and certified Masters social workers in Nebraska. Child maltreatment included neglect, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, and sexual abuse. Characteristics associated with the family or “case” (race, socioeconomic status of family, age of victim, type of maltreatment) were manipulated and presented in hypothetical case vignettes. Characteristics of the professional (e.g., training and experience with identification and reporting, personal history of maltreatment and violence) were also investigated. Ratings of the severity of the potential maltreatment situation, suspiciousness that maltreatment is occurring, and likelihood of reporting maltreatment were completed after reading each case vignette. The results indicate that a variety of case and professional factors may influence identification and reporting of maltreatment. Implications for training professionals and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Suspected perpetrators may attempt to influence the professional's recognition and reporting of child abuse by providing an account that explains or justifies their behavior or the child's injury. A factorial survey design was employed in which a random sample of nurses (N = 1038) judged vignettes that included systematic variations of types of accounts and selected case characteristics. In comparison to the other characteristics of the case, perpetrator accounts had little impact on nurses recognition and reporting of child abuse. Only two types of accounts influenced the nurses' responses, and from the perspective of the suspected perpetrator they backfired, resulting in greater recognition and reporting of abuse. Interaction terms constructed of accounts and situational variables had little impact on nurses' judgments when sexual abuse was involved, but resulted in both higher and lower recognition and reporting scores when physical and emotional acts were judged.  相似文献   

A number of social and psychological factors present in most adolescent parents place them at high risk for abusive behavior toward their children. However, current child abuse potential measures do not include adolescent samples as part of the psychometric data base. Consequently, the purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to investigate whether a Black adolescent sample would perform differently than an adult nonabusing sample on the Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAP), and (2) to examine the relationship between history of abuse or witnessing violence to scores on the CAP. Results revealed that Black adolescents scored significantly higher than the adult normative sample on the CAP; consequently, cutoff scores need to be empirically established for adolescents. Additional analyses indicated that a history of abuse, as well as a history of witnessing violence, are associated with a high potential for abuse.  相似文献   

The data for this study were provided by a poll of 2627 adult Americans carried out by The Los Angeles Times in 1985. Five hundred and eighty five respondents (416 females and 169 males) reported having been victims of sexual abuse before they were 18 years of age. A portion of this subsample was used to systematically explore gender differences in the nature and context of abuse. Abusers where overwhelmingly male; however, differences were apparent among their victims. Males were more likely to report being victims of nonrelatives, with the abuse taking place outside of their home. Males were older than females at the time of first abuse and their abuser tended to be relatively close in age to them. Their abuse was more likely to be more severe than that of females but they were less likely to have reported it. Dichotomizing the sample into those abused by relatives and nonrelatives revealed that a number of differences in the profiles of male and female victims relate to the nature of their relationship to the abuser.  相似文献   

In this study of victims of sexual abuse, the aim was to investigate the role of perceived social support and abuse characteristics in self-reported insomnia, nightmare frequency, and nightmare distress. Four hundred sixty Norwegian victims of sexual abuse completed a questionnaire assessing perceived social support, abuse characteristics, insomnia, nightmare frequency, and nightmare distress. Results show that higher levels of perceived social support were related to lower scores on all symptom outcome measures. Abuse involving oral, genital, or anal penetration was related to more insomnia symptoms. Longer duration of abuse and threatening conducted by the perpetrator were related to higher nightmare frequency, while threats and abuse involving penetration were related to higher degrees of distress associated with nightmares. In conclusion, the present study provides preliminary data indicating that perceived social support may affect the nature of sleep difficulties in sexual abuse victims. Also, more severe forms of sexual abuse are related to higher levels of sleep difficulties.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify risk factors and mediating factors of elder abuse among older adults with disabilities being cared for by their family caregivers. The data were based on a sample of 1,000 primary family caregivers from the Comprehensive Study for the Elderly Welfare Policy in Seoul (2003). Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to identify significant indicators for the degree of elder abuse, such as cognitive impairment, functional ability (ADL), caregiving involvement, economic strain, caregiver burden, and social support for the degree of elder abuse. In the full model, ADLs, cognitive problems, economic strain, caregiver burden, informal social support, and formal social support were significantly associated with elder abuse. The findings suggest that psychosocial support services and programs for family caregivers are needed to prevent and reduce the prevalence of elder abuse in South Korea. The research data were drawn with permission from the Seoul Development Institute and this project was funded by the Seoul Metropolitan City Mayor’s Office, Welfare & Women’s Bureau.  相似文献   

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