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Through two case studies, this paper evaluates the value of the feminist visual methodology Photovoice as an interactive consultation tool with rural Rwandan women working in agriculture. This exploratory study suggests that it is possible, through an adapted Photovoice process, to engage and empower women in the production of information about what is most relevant to them, and reach and engage practitioners and officials through an exhibition of participants' photographs and captions. This confirmation of Photovoice's applicability with rural women in the generation of information that captures the attention of stakeholders demonstrates its potential for reproducibility in other development contexts.

Consultation agricole Photovoice « SMART » : accroître la participation active des agricultrices rwandaises au développement

À travers deux études de cas, cet article évalue la valeur de la méthodologie visuelle féministe Photovoice comme outil interactif de consultation avec des rwandaises rurales travaillant dans l'agriculture. Cette étude exploratoire suggère que cette utilisation est possible, à travers un processus Photovoice adapté, afin de mobiliser et d'autonomiser les femmes dans la production d'informations sur ce qui est le plus pertinent pour elles, et de toucher et de mobiliser les praticiens et les fonctionnaires en leur présentant une exposition des photos et des textes explicatifs créés par les participantes. Cette confirmation de l'applicabilité de Photovoice parmi des femmes rurales en vue de générer des informations qui attirent l'attention des parties prenantes démontre le potentiel que présente cette méthodologie d’être reproduite dans d'autres contextes de développement.

Consultas agrícolas por Photovoice “smart”: aumentando la participación activa de campesinas ruandesas en el desarrollo

Apoyándose en dos estudios de caso, el presente artículo evalúa la metodología visual feminista Photovoice como método de consulta interactiva a mujeres campesinas ruandesas que trabajan en la agricultura. Este estudio exploratorio revela la posibilidad de involucrar y de empoderar a las mujeres, a través de un proceso de Photovoice adaptado, destinado a producir información en torno a aquello que resulta más relevante para ellas; asimismo, dicho proceso permite involucrar a los operadores y a los funcionarios mostrándoles las fotografías de las participantes con sus correspondientes pies de foto. Una vez confirmado el valor de utilizar Photovoice para generar información entre mujeres campesinas, capturando, además, la atención de los actores principales, queda demostrado el potencial que tiene su replicación en otros contextos de desarrollo.

Consulta agrícola através da metodologia Photovoice “SMART”: aumentando a participação ativa de mulheres produtoras rurais de Ruanda no desenvolvimento

Através de dois estudos de caso, este artigo avalia a metodologia visual feminista Photovoice enquanto ferramenta de consulta interativa com mulheres ruandesas rurais que trabalham na agricultura. Este estudo investigativo sugere que é possível, através do processo Photovoice adaptado, engajar e empoderar as mulheres na produção de informações sobre o que é mais relevante para elas, e ter acesso e engajar profissionais e funcionários através da exposição de fotos de participantes e legendas. Essa confirmação da aplicabilidade do Photovoice com mulheres de áreas rurais na geração de informações que capturem a atenção de stakeholders demonstra seu potencial para a reprodução em outros contextos de desenvolvimento.  相似文献   

This article seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of the early demise of Rode Jeugd's initiatives towards a terrorist campaign in the Netherlands. It is concluded that three contextual factors played a crucial role in the process: the openness of the political culture, the setbacks experienced by similar organizations elsewhere (RAF in particular), and the lack of overt repression, combined with effective covert operations carried out by the security forces against the Rode Jeugd. Overall, the case of Rode Jeugd is a prime example of a demonstration of state power not always being the most efficient or even suitable method to combat terrorism.  相似文献   

In a few short years, the World Wide Web has become a standard part of candidates' campaign tool kits. Virtually all candidates have their own sites, and voters, journalists, and activists visit the sites with increasing frequency. In this article, we study what candidates do on these sites—in terms of the information they present—by exploring one of the most enduring and widely debated campaign strategies: “going negative.” Comparing data from over 700 congressional candidate Web sites, over three election cycles (2002, 2004, and 2006), with television advertising data, we show that candidates go negative with similar likelihoods across these media. We also find that while similar dynamics drive negativity on the Web and in television advertising, there are some notable differences. These differences likely stem, in part, from the truncated sample available with television data (i.e., many candidates do not produce ads). Our results have implications for understanding negative campaigning and for the ways in which scholars can study campaign dynamics.  相似文献   


Previous research has argued that political inequality between ethnic groups increases the likelihood of both nonviolent and violent protest. In this study, I focus on civil resistance campaigns and argue that the probability that these large-scale, organized movements will take violent over nonviolent forms increases with the share of a country’s population that is excluded from political power on the basis of ethnic affiliation. I expect this to be so because ethnically exclusive regimes are more likely to counter political demands with violent repression, which increases the cost and decreases the anticipated success of nonviolent relative to violent resistance. I test this proposition in a global sample of countries for the period 1950–2006 and find, first, that high levels of ethnic exclusion make civil resistance campaigns more likely to occur violently than nonviolently. Next, to assess the mechanism at play, I conduct a mediation analysis and show that almost half of the effect of ethnic exclusion on violent campaign onset is mediated by the latent level of violent repression in a country. This result suggests that political authorities’ repressive strategies are key to explaining why regime opponents do not always opt for nonviolent forms of civil resistance.  相似文献   

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