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英国近代考古学家斯坦因和中国近代外交家、清驻英国公使馆二等参赞陈贻范在1909-1910年有过几次交往,主要与英国皇家地理学会为斯坦因举办讲演会、英国中国学会为马继业举办讲演会以及张元济在英国调查斯坦因所获敦煌文献等事件有关.本文以匈牙利科学院图书馆藏陈贻范、张元济致斯坦因信等资料为线索,对斯坦因和陈贻范相识、交往的经过进行了初探,为研究陈贻范的生平和张元济调查英藏敦煌文献的活动提供了新资料.本文认为,以陈贻范为代表的清朝驻英使馆外交官员没有将英国各报刊上关于斯坦因敦煌考古的信息通报给国内,是导致敦煌文物大规模外流的原因之一.  相似文献   

鲁迅在1924年4月25日的日记中写道:"上午往师大讲.午后在月中桂买上海竞马彩票一张,十一元.往北大讲,下午从齐寿山借泉百."他在第二天的日记中写道:"下午寄三弟信并竞马券一枚."这"竞马券"想必应该就是前一天买的"竞马彩票".  相似文献   

作家萧军有记日记的习惯.他写日记完全是写给自己看,作为历史的摄影机、速写簿,并留下一点心灵的记录. 1942年3月22日日记:"我讨厌和江青一起跳舞……对于江青,这是个愚蠢、庸俗、浅薄的人.她对于毛泽东不会有什么帮助的,我对她毫无兴趣."1942年3月29日日记:"为了欢送我,今夜开假面舞会……朱德和贺龙来了……朱还是那样诚朴.接着毛泽东、林彪也来了.林是个狭小的、理性很强的人,但缺乏一种深沉的镇定人的力,他会不寿的."  相似文献   

萧冰 《江淮法治》2008,(10):24-25
这是一名死囚在狱中写下的日记。 他叫朱大鹏,是宿州市栏杆镇农民。他一手制造了自家的灭门惨案,残忍杀害了妻子和两个幼小的女儿以及正处花季的小姨子,并企图杀害生身父母和弟媳妇,自己也因此被法院判处死刑,并于2008年1月17日被执行枪决。 他在日记里记述了自己从一名争强好胜的青年坠落为一个杀人恶魔的心灵演变历程。  相似文献   

中国新文学运动的大师几乎都是多面手,鲁迅、郭沫若、郑振铎等,既是作家又是翻译家。茅盾也是如此。他的文学生涯就是从译介外国文学开始的。茅盾21岁大学毕业后,就进入上海商务印书馆编译所从事编译工作,而后在“五四”运动的影响和推动下,开始翻译和介绍大量国外进步作家的文学作品,其中短篇小说居多,出版过《雪人》和《桃园》两部译文集,此外还译有中、长篇小说以及散文、剧本等。然而,对茅盾来说,重要的并不在于个人翻译多少,而在于如何组织大家的力量系统地、经济地对外国文学进行有选择的翻译,鉴于此,他和郑振铎、叶绍钧等12人于1921年组织了文学和翻译团体——文学研究会,并对《小说月刊》进行了全面改革,  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟是一处集建筑、绘画、雕塑三位于一体的世界艺术殿堂,被誉为“东方艺术明珠”。20世纪初,敦煌藏经洞数以万计的古代文献写本的发现让全世界为之震惊,引起了国内外学者的极大关注和广泛研究,因此形成了“因地名学”的一门国际性显学——敦煌学。目前,由于中国学术界、出版界的努力与国外收藏敦煌文献机构的协助,绝大多数流散海外的敦煌文献资料已经正式刊布,因此,不论在国际交流与合作方面,还是在研究内容、方法及研究者主体方面,敦煌学研究都面临着新的转型与发展机遇。本次会议即以敦煌文献研究为中心,旨在推进敦煌学…  相似文献   

朱自清在吃这方面是从来不拘"小节"的,他有一个不良习惯,就是过量进食.长期的粗劣伙食,加上"贪吃"的不良饮食习惯,朱自清得了严重的胃病. 在那个时代,很少有大快朵颐的时候,倒是饥饿时常伴随朱自清.他在日记中写道:"到十二点腿也软了,手也颤了,眼睛发花,吃一点东西就行."难得有一次聚会,朱自清就忍不住多吃了.在朱自清的日记中,常常看到"胃病发作"、"胃痛,抽搐"、"每日呕水"、"吃得太多了"等记载.  相似文献   

敦煌文化是"人类文化珍藏"和世界文化艺术的瑰宝。敦煌法律文献是敦煌文化的重要组成部分,是中古时期我国法律文化传统的集中展示,是极其珍贵的法史资料,至今对于弘扬中华民族文化传统,提升我国文化软实力,推动我国社会主义法治文化建设,仍有重大认识价值和古为今用的现实意义。本文对敦煌法律文献中的国家制定法、契约文书、婚姻家庭制度、经济商贸制度、诉讼法律制度作了一次试探性的整合和解读,以期揭示出敦煌法律文献对我国法律文化传承的贡献。  相似文献   

克里米亚并入俄罗斯联邦之后,俄罗斯虽受到西方的严厉制裁,但其总统普京在俄罗斯民众中一直有很高的支持率,这不仅与他“硬汉”的个性有关,还与他知恩图报的品格有关. 普京的感恩情怀并不是其从政之后才有的,而是他与生俱来的品质.早年普京在列宁格勒大学读法律系时,遇到了政治生涯中最大的“贵人”——主讲经济学的教授安纳托利·索布恰克.教授很偏爱这位性格桀骜不驯的小个子学生.毕业后,普京加入了克格勃.索布恰克也弃教从政,在成功当选圣彼得堡市市长后,他将38岁的普京调到自己身边做市长顾问.  相似文献   

本刊在2011年9月下期登载了服刑人员刁玉文在狱中写的日记,引起了很多读者的关注。本期我们继续登载他在狱中写的两篇日记。在这两篇日记中,刁玉文以诗歌的形式抒发了他对家人的思念之情。  相似文献   

During the past few decades, Michael Moore has written incisively on an array of matters concerning the relationships between law and morality. While reflecting on those relationships, he has plumbed the nature of morality itself in impressive depth. Among the topics which he has addressed, the problem of torture has been prominent and controversial. It is a problem, moreover, that has led to some of his most searching enquiries into the character of moral obligations. In the present essay I take issue not only with many of Moore's conclusions about torture, but also with some of his more far‐reaching claims about the domain of morality.  相似文献   

调查研究是贯穿毛泽东思想的逻辑主线,毛泽东一生注重调查研究,在毛泽东为首的中国共产党领导的中国革命和建设的伟大历程中,始终凝聚着调查研究这一原动力。正是在调查研究的基础上,以毛泽东为首的老一辈革命家找到了一条适合中国国情的革命道路和发展道路。毛泽东同志非常重视调查研究成果,并将其上升到理论高度,阐述了调查研究的技术、态度、方法以及应注意的问题。这些理论对我们全面建设小康社会,开创社会主义现代化建设事业新局面具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

This is the first scientific report on the crimes of the homosexual paedophile sadist Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos, based on a research stay of the authors in Columbia, and including discussions with the investigators, and the offender. Between 1992 and 1999, Garavito killed more than 200 children in the core age span between 8 and 13 years (as an exception, 6 to 16 years). His modus operandi remained stable. During daytime, he lured children of a lower social status out of crowded parts of the city into hidden areas that were overgrown with high plants. Garavito promised either payment for easy work, or drugs, or made other socially believable offers. The children were tied up, tortured, raped, and killed by at least one cut in the lateral part of the neck, or by decapitation. During the killings, Garavito was drunk. Even after his arrest (for attempted sexual abuse under a wrong identity) it was not immediately possible to track his crimes since Garavito had frequently changed his places of stay and his jobs. He also grew different hairdos and used wrong names. During his still ongoing confessions, he directs the investigators correctly to all scenes of crime spread over large parts of Columbia. In our report, we give an overview over the course of investigations, hint to similarities in the cases of the German serial killer Denke (1920's) and homosexual paedophile serial killer Jürgen Bartsch (1960's), and give preliminary impressions on the offender's personality. Furthermore, the violent environment and juridical peculiarities in Columbia are discussed. In spite of a total penalty of 2600 years in prison, it is formally well possible that Garavito will be released out of prison within the next 10 to 20 years, i.e. even before the maximum sentence of 40 years will be over.  相似文献   

Pheochromocytomas are known to be rare causes of sudden death. A 49-year-old man with a medical history of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus complained about nausea and malaise in the morning. During the day his condition deteriorated. He went to the emergency department, where he was given intravenous drugs against nausea and was sent home. On the way back, his condition deteriorated dramatically so that his wife drove back to the emergency room, where he collapsed and sustained cardiac arrest; resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed a large tumour of the left adrenal gland. The strong suspicion of pheochromocytoma was confirmed by histology, immunohistochemistry and biochemical investigations. An acute hypertensive crisis, caused by the hitherto unknown pheochromocytoma was ascertained as the cause of death. The morphological findings are presented, the difficulty to diagnose pheochromocytoma and the medico-legal implications are discussed.  相似文献   

谢灵运不少描写山水的诗歌,向被称作山水诗;因为在他的这些诗歌中,山水成为了审美的主要对象.然而,除了山水之外,谢灵运对自己身体的描述,也是其诗审美的重要对象.尤其他喜欢在山水之间流连,其诗除了写山水景色之外,也涉及作者行旅与游览的姿态和动作.甚至在有些诗作中,谢灵运对自己寓目身观的行姿描写,比对山水自然的描写,更有过之而无不及.  相似文献   

A finding in the autopsy of John Paul Jones, the American Revolutionary War naval hero, may explain his terminal illness. During his last 2 years, he had a persistent productive cough and dyspnea. Ten days before death, he developed rapidly progressive dependent edema and ascites. He died in France in 1792. His body, preserved in alcohol in a lead coffin, was, in 1905, removed to the United States. Glomerulonephritis was noted on an autopsy, performed in France, but there was no comment then or since about ventricular wall thickness being the same in both ventricles at 5–6 mm. Hypertrophy and dilatation with biventricular failure followed by tissue shrinkage during 113 years in alcohol could have resulted in these ventricular wall findings. Systemic hypertension and left ventricular failure are consistent with his respiratory symptoms complicated perhaps by pulmonary emboli, right ventricular failure with tricuspid regurgitation, peripheral congestion, and jaundice.  相似文献   

地方自治思想是沈钧儒宪政思想的重要内容,沈钧儒一贯主张地方分权,认为地方自治是宪政实施的基础。在民国时期,基于反对独裁、反对专制、反对中央集权的立场,他拥护联省自治,提倡地方选举。在抗战期间,他主张实现地方自治是保证抗战胜利的条件,呼吁厉行地方自治。他对于地方权限的范围、中央与地方的均权模式等问题也进行过深入思考。沈钧儒主张地方自治,并不是反对国家统一,更不是要分裂国家。他希望建立一个在统一主权之下,以地方自治为基础的宪政共和国。  相似文献   

This article offers a critical reassessment of the jurisprudenceof Rudolf von Jhering. During the 20th century, Anglo-Americanlegal philosophers who drew inspiration from Jhering's workusually lauded him either as a German forerunner to Americanlegal realism or as an early proponent of a jurisprudence ofinterests. These representations of his work do not do justiceto Jhering's jurisprudential project. This study demonstratesthat he sought to explain how legal systems originate and howthey maintain authority. It is shown that his explanation oflegal authority depends not only upon familiar jurisprudentialnotions such as reciprocity and positional duty, but also uponthe concept of Rechtsgefühl—namely, the idea thatauthority is conditioned by citizens’ feelings of whatis right or just. Jhering, it is demonstrated, believed thatthe authority of a legal system depends very much on its abilityto negotiate and accommodate struggles based upon feelings ofright—struggles between citizens, between citizens andState, and between States. It is also argued that the mannerin which Jhering relies on the idea of Rechtsgefühl underminesthe received wisdom that he was an interest theorist.  相似文献   

潘漢典 《中国法律》2009,(2):17-18,70-71
中國政法大學潘漢典教授是《元照英美法詞典》的總審訂人,也是《君主論》、《比較法總論》等多部名著的漢鋒者.通擅英、法、日、德、俄等多種語言。潘先生今已89歲高齡,他早年從東吴大學法學院獲得碩士學位,先後在北京大學、中國社會科學院法學研究所、中國政法大學問學論道,終身與法結绎. 本刊約請潘先生憶往,温故知新。法學舊事,亦豐厚,亦温文。  相似文献   

Matricide is an infrequent form of homicide. This paper is to present a case of matricide with typical characteristics of the act but interesting particularities as well. The perpetrator was a 43-year-old man, respected member of his community, with over compliant characteristics, eagerness in serving people and caring his parents, good social adaptation before and after the crime. He abandoned his family and work in order to better serve his old, disabled but over demanding mother who frequently insulted and humiliated him. Suddenly he came to a state of "mental confusion" and strangled her. After the crime, the perpetrator manifested the symptoms of a bipolar disorder and also received the diagnosis of dependant personality disorder. Years later, he presented again a crisis of escalating aggressive urge for which he was hospitalized. Many people and associations of his hometown actively demanded the minimal possible punishment for him. The case is discussed especially concerning: a) hypotheses about the aetiopathogeny of the act, b) the constant support provided to the perpetrator by his family and social environment.  相似文献   

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