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AT the start of the 1980swhen the Chinese auto-mobile industry wasstill weak, more than300,000 cars wereimported. China needed to pro-duce its own automobiles, andVolkswagen was one of the earli-est overseas automobile compa-nies to be considered, having ini-tiated investment and technologynegotiations in 1978.  相似文献   

Cars and bicycles jockeyfiercely for road space everyday at rush hour in Beijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou andother big cities. Traffic conges-tion is commonplace, and autoaccidents have risen alarming-ly. This is directly attributable tothe increased number of vehi-cles, especially private cars, onthe road. In Beijing, a city of 13million inhabitants, there  相似文献   

AN Irish restaurant chain selling sandwiches in China seems a fair, if ambitious proposition, given that Chinese takeaways do business in every Irish town from Bantry to Belfast. The Chinese appetite for bacon and lettuce sandwiches is weaker, however, than the Irish appetite for toned down, sauced-up Chinese cuisine.  相似文献   

THE packagers of good whisky take pride in its age. Any really good scotch will havebeen a ged for aminimum of ten years. China‘s growing prosperity has taught many locals to distinguish between a good and middling bottle of whiskey. French-based Pernod Ricard, the number one foreign wine and spirit producer in China, is counting onsales in urban China, where whiskey drinking is catching on fast, to boost company turnover.  相似文献   

Masterpieces of world literature, classical or contemporary, have been available in Chinese translation since the beginning of the 20th century. They outweigh by far the translations of Chinese literary works. Overseas literature has had perceptible influence on Chinese modern literature and performance arts. The following ten writers and playwrights are considered leading foreign literary masters by Chinese lovers of non-Chinese literature.  相似文献   

Now in its 15th year, the Red Gate was one of the first professional art galleries to have opened in Beijing. So far it has contracted more than 20 Chinese artists, many of them prominent figures in the nation's contemporary art world. The struggles of its founder, Brian Wallace, epitomize the fits-and-starts progress of China's artistic sector over the past two decades. Today, China's art is on the upbeat, as evidenced by growing government aid and public support and increased media coverage. Art exhibitions these days receive more visitors and generate greater revenue than ever before. Along with China's booming auction business, they contribute generously to its thriving art galleries. Yet art is still very much a nascent sector in China. Professional commercial galleries have emerged in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but in small numbers. Chinese galleries have a long way to go as regards accessibility to all.  相似文献   

Big in China     
Geely is growing fast in the China mar- ket but does it have what it takes for the US and Europe?Y OU expect Chinese businessmen to be sus- picious. Decades of state-set targets after all don’t bring out the ? ip-chart-? ipping entre- preneur in people. But Li Shufu ? ips charts as we sit in his roomy offi ce in Hangzhou, a garden city south of Shanghai. His charts of fi gures suggest decades of frustration and determination have paid off since the 42-year-old farmer-turned businessman p…  相似文献   

The Sum of Parts     
BEFORE China joined theWTO.automakers thatwanted to manufacture inChina were compelled touse local content.Earlyentrants like GM and Volkswagen builtup local supply networks and manufac-turing plants.China's WTO membershipbrought import duties down,promptinga rush of foreign firms bringing in kitsfor local assembly.Manufacturers im-porting60percent of parts,however,will shortly be taxed at the same rate asimported finished cars.To get around the tax,carmakers areencouraging their suppli…  相似文献   

AS heads of the G20 assembled in Los Cabos,Mexico,for their annual summit,it was clear that,four years into the international financial crisis,the policies adopted to deal with it by Europe and the U.S.are failing to do so.This is a statement of the obvious  相似文献   

THE importance of sci-ence to national devel-opment and daily life isacknowledged through-out China.Entering uni-versity is the dream of all seniormiddle school students.Owing toa lack of education resources,however,30 percent of Chineseschool leavers are unable to con-tinue their studies at higher insti-tutions Some are forced to leaveeducation altogether after junior  相似文献   

WHEN the cell phone first appeared on the Chinese market in the late 1980s it cost 10,000-20,000 yuan,and was the size of a brick.Regarded as the ultimate status symbol,it was called the da ge da,meaning very influential person.At that time,sales of mobile phones were under state control,and stocks were limited.Purchasers were required to place an order and make an 80 percent down payment.How things have changed!Mobiles are now available in multiple choices of size,color and function,on request.  相似文献   

WHEN looking at the map of China, its shape appears uncannily similar to that of a rooster. Its head is in the Northeastern provinces, its magnificent tail includes Xinjiang and Tibet and its wings spread over the resource-rich basins of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. The belly of this cockerel is in the southeast, and Hainan and Taiwan islands are its feet. The tour guide on the Yangtze River cruise who pointed out this similarity to me explained: "This shows that Taiwan is definitely an inalienable part of China; a rooster  相似文献   

Auto Trends     
RISING car purchases in China have taken automobiles out of the status symbol for the favored few bracket to that of all-round life quality enhancer. Chinese motorists use their cars to go out on family picnics and excursions, take their children to and from school, do periodical rather than daily shopping, and visit extended family members as well as travel to work, according to a survey by the Horizon Research Company. Auto Individualists Young adults are becoming a major influence on auto consumption in Chi-  相似文献   

Launched in 2002, the Human Rights magazine operates under the auspices of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, a non-governmental organization in SPECIAL consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The magazine is the first of its kind ever published in China. While devoted to theoretical studies of human rights and human rights education, it provides a forum for dialogue between China and foreign countries on human rights-related issues.  相似文献   

正COMPILED by China’s State Council Information Office,the Party Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee and China International Publishing Group,Xi Jinping:The Governance of China,published by the  相似文献   

Ten National TreasuresTo celebrate the new millennium, the National Museum of China has selected 10 bronze vessels from its class-l artifacts collection for duplication by bronze experts. A total of 2,000 sets of the bronze vessels have been  相似文献   

IMPORTANT economic issues and policies in China are honing in on its stock markets.These include proposals for the wider availability of short selling and the suggestion China’s pension funds should increase share purchases.  相似文献   

THERE are three broad categories of China tea: green, black and oolong. Green tea is unfer-mented, and grows best in Zhejiang. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine it relieves internal heat. Black tea is fully fermented and said to invigorate the functions of spleen and stomach. The best grows in  相似文献   

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