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西方宪政危机成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李伯超 《中国法学》2006,1(5):180-189
西方宪政危机本质上是宪政内部矛盾运动的结果。具体到不同宪政国家,其宪政危机的发生,则各有其复杂而深刻的历史背景和现实原因。从世界近现代宪政史来看,宪政制度的缺失,国家权力秩序的失衡,国家权力的腐败,政治势力的恶斗,经济基础薄弱,社会发育不成熟等是导致宪政危机产生的主要因素。从政治、经济、社会等方面深入探讨宪政危机的成因,对于寻求化解和预防宪政危机的有效对策,促进宪政文明的健康发展有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper will be to determine whether the conditions that exist in present‐day Russia are congruent with Foucault's claim that power in modern societies is not ensured by law and punishment but by normalization and control, which go beyond the state and its apparatuses, and that law plays an increasingly subordinate role within contemporary disciplinary society. I will also see what conclusions can be drawn from the Russian‐Soviet case that are relevant to evaluating the paradigms supplied by Foucault in deciphering the modalities of power in the modern world. In what sense can he help us understand how discipline and law in Imperial and Soviet Russia created the necessary conditions for the emergence of the Russian Mafia? Law has been transformed in the hands of the Russian Mafia and has expanded its spheres of influence rather than being displaced. The conditions that exist in present‐day Russia can be applied to Foucault's claim that power in modern societies is not ensured by law and punishment but by normalization and control which go beyond the state and its apparatuses. But it is not the case that law plays an increasingly subordinate role in present‐day Russia. Rather, it is no longer controlled by the sovereign power of the monarchy or by the Soviet state and its apparatuses, but is now predominately controlled by the Russian Mafia.  相似文献   

It is a commonplace that the discipline of economics has contributed to the current crisis, above all, because economic methodologies are charged with fatally inflating debt risk, such that collapse was the inevitable result. But what might be said of the role of law within this constellation? Much ink has been consumed detailing legal shortcomings within regulatory regimes for the financial services. However, a full accounting has yet to be made of the broader fault which may also be attributed to the premises of modern and increasingly post-national law, especially as they coalesce with a broader abdication of political responsibility for crisis. This contribution begins this accounting, investigating the processes by which law has transformed itself into an economic technology within post-national regimes in its contemporary quest for material legitimacy. Above all, in its idolatry of the factual, law has itself become a power locus—especially within the European Union—that similarly pre-empts the politics within which social and economic stability might be defined and achieved.  相似文献   

新公共管理理论对我国建设服务型政府的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范斌 《行政与法》2007,(12):49-50
新公共管理理论是西方国家在特定的政治、经济和科学技术发展下的政府管理改革的必然产物,它在一定程度上反映了西方公共行政改革的发展态势,也在一定程度上促进了西方各国经济和社会的发展,在缓解经济和政治危机方面取得了巨大成效。目前,我国正在进行服务型政府建设,因此,有必要借鉴西方新公共管理的某些理论来推动我国的服务型政府建设。  相似文献   

对公务员角色的定位历来是公共行政学探讨的重要问题。传统的行政学及其继承者——新公共行政和新公共服务把公务员定位为"公共人";公共选择学派则将公务员定位为"经济人"。但各种研究范式的分离与竞争始终没有摆脱以技术理性为基础的"人性假设"和实证研究范式的限制。公务员角色在现实中发生错位,其背后所反映的是管理主义运动兴起过程中公共行政陷入的身份危机。社会建构主义重视社会群体互动和协商的结果,把公务员作为一个群体来看待,而不是将其作为抽象的个体加以定位。因此,通过自由式民主和协商民主的手段,形成一种自我认同、相互信任的组织文化,或许是走出公务员角色定位困境的新路径。  相似文献   

“需要国家干预说”的法哲学分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
单飞跃 《现代法学》2005,27(2):36-44
“需要国家干预说”是 20世纪中国经济法学最重要的学说之一。有限理性假设、国家适度干预、经济民主、社会公平、经济法治是其基本的法哲学叙事立场。国家是干预需要的满足者,“需要”是通过干预重建经济自由秩序的法律理由。国家超越市场利益关系对经济进行干预调节,国家干预由此构成经济法的基本哲学范畴与法理标志。经济宪政哲学是国家干预经济的法哲学进路,通过经济民主机制设定的干预才能避免经济专制,国家与社会成员共同分享经济权力才能保障干预的社会性与民主性,干预的达成并非一定为了公共,公共中的个体主义是结成公共的价值指引。  相似文献   

在全球金融危机中受到影响最大的是发展中国家及其人民的发展权利。危机对发展权的挑战,不仅体现在经济发展领域,也反映在社会文化以至政治发展层面,进而衍生为人的生存发展危机。要摆脱危机,就必须重新塑造发展权法治理念,从传统的形式平等和社会正义迈向一种新的正义观即发展正义,从现有的公法强制干预和私法自由调节转向政策性平衡新机制,在全球社会连带中实现自主发展。在这些新理念导引下,于法律重心的发展权定位、发展权指标体系的法律化以及强化国际与国内公共权力对发展权的法律责任三大方面进行制度建设,确立公共权力对发展权的自觉意识和可归责性、建立全球性的发展权法律标准以及危机预警与干预系统。  相似文献   

US State governments invest in early-stage innovative activity as an economic development strategy. Nevertheless, attention directed at the public sector’s role in this capacity has been placed on federal policy actions overlooking the growing role of states. The primary aims of this paper are two-fold: (1) to articulate the motivations for multilevel public support for small business innovative activity, placing emphasis on state level incentives directed towards entrepreneurial activity; and (2) to empirically evaluate the State Match Phase I (SMP-I) program. The SMP-I program is a diffuse state level policy designed to complement the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program by offering noncompetitive matching funds to the state’s successful SBIR Phase I recipients. This offers an opportunity to examine the marginal impact of public R&D given the state intervention. This paper employs a state and year fixed effects model and considers two outcome variables—SBIR Phase II success rates and SBIR Phase I application activity. To account for industrial heterogeneity, the data are stratified by the federal mission agencies. Results from the empirical analysis indicate that the state match increases the Phase II success rates for firms participating in the National Science Foundation SBIR program.  相似文献   

有效应对危机 推动服务型政府体制创新   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
危机事件以其固有的突发性、破坏性,冲击着现行的公共管理体制及社会秩序,考验着国家的政府管理能力。为了有效应对危机,国家要从法律上确认服务型政府对危机管理的权力及使用边界,政府必须(而且也能够)承担起有效应对危机的责任,实现服务型政府危机管理体制创新。  相似文献   

环境危机正在威胁人类所创造的文明,环境问题以及由此而发的环境危机作为公共性悲剧,看似由人类行为外部性所致,实则源于社会主体之间缺乏有效的协调机制。环境资源的公有化、私有化以及兼具两者的公私一体化均可在一定程度上化解环境危机,但是相比而言,能够充分发挥私人主动性的环境资源私有化制度、私有财产权制度和市场化制度显得更为有效。当然,私人在解决以生态灾难为特质的环境危机时也存在一定的局限,其比较优势的发挥依赖于特定的社会条件。  相似文献   

刘拥 《法学杂志》2012,33(1):156-160
经济法责任有着自己独特的形态以及责任承担方式,经济法责任的实现机制主要是行政执法机制和诉讼机制,公益诉讼符合经济法责任社会性的要求,与经济法责任的实现之间具有天然的契合性。传统公诉权在我国长期被认为专指"刑事公诉权",客观上阻却了现代公诉权的拓展。随着现代法律对国家和社会公共利益保护的加强,传统公诉权制度日显单薄和不足。因此,建构现代公诉制度不仅是公诉权在具体制度中的应用和拓展,而且更加有利于强化检察机关法律监督职能,进而更好地保护国家和社会公共利益,维护社会公平正义,有效实现经济法责任。  相似文献   

作为行使国家证明权的公证机关,以其特有的功能在中国政治、经济和社会生活的各个方面发挥了积极的作用.本文在阐述公证保障作用的基础上,分析了公证保障机制建设中存在的问题,提出了完善公证保障机制的建议.  相似文献   

No food safety crisis has ever stirred such a national sensation in China like the tainted milk powder scandal in 2008. A further exploration of the root cause of this crisis, however, reveals something more disturbing—it is the undeveloped tax system that causes the melamine milk crisis. Because of the tension between political logic and governance logic of tax reform in China, the vacuum of public good provision becomes a burning issue since the Agricultural Tax Regulation was abolished and farmers’ economic burden became heavier than before. Thus, in order to prevent any food safety incident in the future, a sound notion of tax and an integrated system of tax planning and expenditure should be established and reinforced in the Chinese tax law.  相似文献   

美国金融危机和欧洲部分国家主权债务危机,不仅暴露了西方国家经济体制和运行机制长期存在的经济社会问题,而且也反映了现行国际经济体系已经不能适应新的国际经济形势,构建国际经济新秩序成为当前世界走出危机、重振经济的当务之急。积极参与全球经济治理,推动国际经济体系变革,促进国际经济秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展,不仅是我国深化改革开放,为发展营造良好国际环境的需要,而且也是满足国际社会希望中国发挥更大作用的需要。陈安教授在《陈安论国际经济法学》(五卷本)中的许多文章中,特别是在《论中国在建立国际经济新秩序中的战略定位》等4篇系列论文中,从国际经济法学的角度,就我国参与经济全球化管理和推动国际经济秩序变革,提出了一系列独特的战略思想和政策建议,喊出了与时俱进、变法图强的最强音。这是陈安教授30年来一以贯之的学术理念和学术思想,非常值得我们重视和思考。本文结合陈安教授的有关论述,提出了一些中国参与经济全球化管理的战略思考,是为呼应。  相似文献   

Deval Desai 《Law & policy》2023,45(3):273-291
Law has translated the coronavirus crisis into politically salient forms in people's lives, from states of emergency, to border closures, to mask mandates. Yet political theory work on these forms has focused on constraining arbitrary state power. In this paper, I try to broaden this focus. Substantively, I argue that policy and its implementation also matter to how we theorize the role of law in crises, in terms of how we understand the political power of society and its relationship to the state. Methodologically, I argue that thinking about law in this way is more than a complement to or replacement for thinking about constraints on arbitrariness. Rather, different forms of thinking about law and crisis should constantly be used to critique each other in order to pursue the sorts of legal innovations required by geomobile and interconnected crises. Given that the current pandemic and its broader consequences are still unfolding, I turn to development policy and practice to demonstrate the process and consequence of such ongoing critique in action. Studying rule of law reforms—including during the West African Ebola crisis—I show how practitioners continually reimagined law in ways that facilitated ongoing legal innovation that could adapt to the politics of the crisis.  相似文献   

The collapse of communism in Ukraine created opportunities for organized criminal groups to expand their economic criminal activities in the “shadow economy” by penetrating all levels of public and economic administration. Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are poorly equipped to handle this increase in criminal activity, especially with respect to uncooperative foreign and domestic economic institutions. State machinery for regulation and control of industry and commerce was easily accessible to organized crime through bribing of state officials, who received no supervision during economic restructuring. Notwithstanding the active assistance of corrupt government officials, organized economic crime has benefited from chaos and lost government control as the result of recent economic reforms in Ukraine. Researchers in this study hypothesize that the social and economic disorder, as well as a common and justified mistrust of state officials, fosters a pessimism and erodes moral standards, which in turn fosters criminal activity. Of late, judicial sentencing for those convicted of economic crimes has become lighter while many economic criminal cases are never investigated or prosecuted in the first place. In order to combat large-scale corruption, there must be better supervision of government officials and better monitoring of foreign economic transactions. One of the most disastrous consequences of the collapse of the Ukrainian communist system has been the widespread increase of economic crime. This phenomenon is self-sustaining, penetrating all levels of Ukraine's economy and administrative sectors. Criminal activity helps to sustain the shadow economy in Ukraine, which has been estimated by various sources to constitute 50 to 60 percent of the economy. Law enforcement and administrative efforts have been largely futile in curbing this corruption. Nevertheless, it is possible to overcome the criminal social and economic order that has become ingrained in this “shadow economy.” This paper seeks to propose policy solutions for Ukrainian economic crime and corruption that could be implemented at the national level.  相似文献   

A widely held consensus view claims that East Asia has been shifting recently from a market-led to an institution-based form of regional economic integration, primarily as a result of the 1997–1998 financial crisis. Next to post-crisis financial cooperation schemes under the ASEAN+3, the surge of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) involving East Asian countries is thought by some to further substantiate this claim. The objective of the paper is to question the validity of this claim. By examining the current state of play of economic cooperation, in the financial and monetary areas as well as in the trade sphere, the paper highlights the limitations of the formal regional integration movement in East Asia to date, as well as the vastly different dynamics underlying the financial and trade developments. It also explores the changing nature of intra-regional trade and investment linkages and concludes that this new form of interdependence may be instrumental in changing the trade-offs of formal regional economic schemes.  相似文献   

网络群体性事件:概念、特征及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗亮 《行政与法》2010,(9):45-48
网络群体性事件是网络时代政府面临的新型危机形态。它具有参与主体的虚拟性、爆发时间的瞬时性、聚合能量的倍增性和诉求内容的隐秘性四个主要特征。因此,建立舆情预警系统,主动设置公众议程,争夺网络话语权,把握舆论制高点以及搭建网络对话平台,畅通民意互动渠道,是政府治理网络群体性事件的基本策略。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the public service media (PSM) in Southern Africa with particular emphasis on Botswana. The PSM, which is considered to be one of the key institutions that needs to be strengthened if the current transition to democracy and the building of an open and accountable system in Africa is to take root, faces many challenges due to its vulnerability to state control and manipulation. After an analysis of the PSM concept and an examination of how the public service media was introduced into and has evolved in the region, particularly in Botswana, it concludes that this medium of communication, on account of its reach, remains the most important means of disseminating information, education and entertainment for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, it is argued that for it to effectively accomplish these objectives certain important reforms must be carried out designed to disentangle it from the state and make it more independent and accountable. It is made clear that the new PSM model neither requires a public monopoly or public sector control nor that the state should be totally cut off, but rather a new redefined role for the state. The new model is built around at least five fundamental principles that should be crafted into any new media legislation dealing with the public media which will ensure public accountability, independence from partisan manipulation and a level playing field for all political actors.  相似文献   

为应对席卷全球的金融危机,世界各国政府对市场经济采取了各式各样的干预手段,使国家干预成为当今最热门的话题,其重要性勿庸质疑。经济法作为国家干预市场经济的法律规范,应具有其固有的法律价值和规范模式。文章通过对经济法语境下"国家干预"内涵的分析,从经济法律规范的逻辑设计和规范结构剖析经济法对"国家干预"的规范模式。  相似文献   

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