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谢佑平 《中国司法》2008,3(1):52-55
律师职业,是现代社会中普遍存在的一种社会职业,无论是资本主义国家,还是社会主义国家,律师在协助社会主体认识法律权利、正确行使法律权利和救治被侵害的法律权利,促进社会法律秩序的建构中,都发挥着十分重要的作用。然而,当我们用法哲学的眼光来审视与律师职业相关的若干社会条件时,我们不难发现,无论过去或现在,社会条件不同,律师职业的外在样式和内在机制表现便存在差异。因此,研究律师职业与不同社会条件的关系,揭示其内在规律,对于推动我国社会环境的改造,促进我国律师职业的改革和完善,使其更好地为我国社会主义社会服务,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article proposes a processual theory of the legal profession. In contrast to the structural, interactional, and collective action approaches, this processual theory conceptualizes the legal profession as a social process that changes over space and time. The social process of the legal profession includes four components: (1) diagnostic struggles over professional expertise; (2) boundary work over professional jurisdictions; (3) migration across geographical areas and status hierarchies; and (4) exchange between professions and the state. Building on the processual theory and using China as a primary example, the author proposes a research agenda for studying lawyers and globalization that seeks to shift the focus of research from the legal elite to ordinary law practitioners, from global law firms to local law firms, and from advanced economies to emerging economies.  相似文献   

改善我国当前的法律职业激励环境应该成为司法改革的一个重要目标。基于在31个省级地区对法律职业群体的问卷调查,可以从职业待遇、职业晋升前景、职业安全保障、职业压力等多个方面系统展现我国法律职业群体当前所处的职业激励环境状态。调查问卷统计显示,我国法律职业群体对于所处的激励环境因不同年度、入额与否、职业群体、年龄层次等方面呈现出差异化的基本格局。通过对比2015-2017三年的数据可以看到,司法改革对于不同职业群体的法律职业激励环境产生了非均衡性的影响。进一步深化司法改革过程中必须兼顾我国法律职业激励环境的差异化格局,针对存在的短板来相应地调整政策。  相似文献   

非道德性:现代法律职业伦理的困境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合当下司法改革中所出现的一些典型事例,本文以"非道德性"为基本概念,系统描述和分析当代法律职业伦理所遭遇的困境,以及"自由主义"法学理论与之的内在性关联。最终,提出了以中国传统美德伦理学来克服这一困境的理论命题。  相似文献   

Group-specific family laws are said to provide women fewer rights and impede policy change. India's family law systems specific to religious groups underwent important gender-equalizing changes over the last generation. The changes in the laws of the religious minorities were unexpected, as conservative elites had considerable indirect influence over these laws. Policy elites changed minority law only if they found credible justification for change in group laws, group norms, and group initiatives, not only in constitutional rights and transnational human rights law. Muslim alimony and divorce laws were changed on this basis, giving women more rights without abandoning cultural accommodation. Legal mobilization and the outlook of policy makers—specifically their approach to regulating family life, their understanding of group norms, and their normative vision of family life—shaped the major changes in Indian Muslim law. More gender-equalizing legal changes are possible based on the same sources.  相似文献   

李晟 《法学家》2013,(1):15-29,176
法律与修辞之间有着密切的联系。通过对法律修辞的历史加以考察,可以发现,传统社会中的法律修辞侧重于文学性的积极修辞,现代社会中的法律修辞则以理性化的消极修辞为主,与推理论证结合得更加紧密。这种修辞风格的变化,反映的是社会变迁中社会分工的专业化。而社会分工的专业化与决策过程的民主化并存于现代社会之中,使得不同修辞风格之间存在着竞争。这种竞争的更深层背景是权力的竞争。  相似文献   

重新认识法律职业:律师与社会公益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐卉 《中国司法》2008,(3):43-46
经过20多年的恢复与重建,我国的律师事业获得了重大发展,各项制度得以确立并逐步走向完善,律师从业人数也初具规模,律师行业的整体素质也有了较大的提高。但是长久以来在中国,作为维护私权、旨在实现其所代理的客户利益的律师,似乎与社会公共利益之间并无关联且相去甚远。然而,这一现象究竟是法律职业的共性还是中国转型期的特性?律师与社会公共利益之间究竟有无联系?从国家与社会公益的视角看,究竟应当怎样看待法律职业?本文拟就这些问题,作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Drawing upon feminist standpoint theory and interviews with pioneering women lawyers in Sri Lanka, I argue for a focus on women as a distinct category in ‘legal complex theory’. I consider the following questions in making this claim. What were the internal structures of the legal profession that the older generations of women lawyers encountered as they entered the profession and as they took up positions of leadership? In what ways, if at all, was the ‘culture(s)’ within the profession patriarchal? In what ways, if any, did the entry and advancement of women impact these internal structures of the profession and its culture(s)? And what can we learn from these experiences in predicting the future trajectory of the legal profession? The analytical expansion that I propose reveals gender-based dynamics within the legal complex, such as gender-stereotyped perceptions about women lawyers within the profession, the ‘feminization’ of the profession, and ‘gender segmentation’ within its different spheres.  相似文献   

一、法律职业共同体形成的背景与桥梁:法学教育与司法考试“法律职业共同体”是近年来研究司法制度的理论文献使用频率很高的一个词。尽管人们对于“法律职业共同体”的内涵、分类、层次等方面的看法不尽一致,但这个词本身给我们暗示了一个统一性的内涵,例如法官、检察官、律师  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to consider the effect the United Kingdom’s currently prevailing legal culture is likely to have on the realization of cultural change presaged by the Human Rights Act. The article is in five parts. The first two address the preliminary questions: what is meant by ‘legal culture’ for these purposes, and what type of ‘human rights culture’ does the Human Rights Act envisage? The answers define the scope of the remainder of the article’s inquiry into the ways in which the Act itself and the culture of the United Kingdom legal profession and judiciary are likely to interact. The third part of the article identifies some examples of the sorts of culturally specific aspects of current legal practice which are likely to operate as serious practical constraints on the emergence of a human rights culture worthy of the name, before the fourth part considers what sorts of cultural changes will be required of judges and lawyers for the presaged cultural transformation to come about. Finally, the article asks whether there is any reason to believe that courts and lawyers can find from within their present culture the resources to bring about the necessary shift.  相似文献   

This article examines the history of the Chilean Legal Aid Service (Servicio de Asistencia Judicial) from the 1920s until the 1960s. It argues that with the emergence of the “social question”—the concern for improving the lower classes' working and living conditions to promote the nation's modernization and prevent political radicalization—the Chilean legal profession committed to legal aid reform to escape a professional identity crisis. Legal aid allowed lawyers to claim they had a new “social function” advocating on behalf of the poor. However, within legal aid offices, lawyers interacted with female social workers who acted as gatekeepers, mediators, and translators between the lawyers and the poor. This gendered professional complementarity in legal aid offices helped lawyers to put limits on their new “social function”: it allowed them to maintain legal aid as a part‐time activity that did not challenge the structure of the legal system as a whole.  相似文献   

陈宜  王敏重 《中国司法》2007,(3):106-108
律师服务收费制度是律师学理论构架下的一个制度群。该制度一直以来未能得到理论界的充分重视,在立法建设方面也存在一定滞后;随着我国律师业的蓬勃发展,律师实务界的执业实践对立法建设和理论研究提出了挑战与要求。因此,作为立法建设的推进,国家发改委和司法部联合发布的《律师服务收费管理办法》应运而生。而理论研究方面,现有的研究尚未能构建出完善的、系统化的律师服务收费制度。本文在梳理前人成果的基础上,本着理论结合实践的精神,拟架构一个系统化的律师服务收费制度群,以抛砖引玉,促使更高阶段、更深层次的理论研究的诞生,使得对我国律师服务收费制度的研究达到一个新高度。  相似文献   

论律师文化   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
未来学家预测:21世纪将是一个文化冲击的世纪。目前,人类社会已开始由经济型社会向文化型社会过渡。一个民族的发展需要文化的支撑,文化已成为一个民族的灵魂。一个社会职业群体的发展,同样也需要文化的支撑,文化就是这个群体的生命。中国律师作为一个职业社会群体,在经历了恢复律师制度25年来的探索与实践后,已经成为中国社会的一支重要力量。而属于这个群体的律师行业文化,随着25年的积淀与过滤、扬弃与升华,已经从她的嫩稚阶段逐步走向成熟,正成为中国当代律师共同信奉的价值理念和行为规范。本文主要概括论述律师文化的内涵及本质属性、…  相似文献   

国家统一法律职业资格考试制度是对国家统一司法考试制度的继承和发展,应当准确认识其在报名资格、考试内容、考试模式等方面的变与不变,坚持其服务于法律职业精英化的目标。法律职业资格考试中的法律职业应做限缩解释,仅限于法官、检察官、律师和公证员。法律职业资格考试具有国家级、统一性、职业资格考试的特征,应协调其与其他国家考试的关系,取消地域区分,突出职业性。在提高报考条件和设置四年过渡期的基础之上,应禁止通过者重复报考,设置报考次数上限。与二阶段考试模式相适应,在考试内容方面应精简考查科目,增强命题的综合性和实践性。此外,应当完善合格命题者的资格条件和选拔程序,以社会需求为参考划定分数线,适当延长客观题考试成绩的时间效力。  相似文献   

Andy  Boon  John  Flood  Julian  Webb 《Journal of law and society》2005,32(3):473-492
This article considers the institutional dimensions of professionalism and the legal profession's struggle with the challenges of post-modernity. An aspect of this is the Law Society's Training Framework Review (TFR) which promises changes to solicitors' education from 'cradle to grave'. The first part of the article analyses the structure and drivers of the TFR, their origins, and how they will be articulated. Secondly, the TFR is considered in the context of the political economy of higher education and its role in the new capitalism. Finally, we examine the potential effects of the TFR for the legal profession in the context of increasing practice segmentation and the threat of deprofessionalization, and also for the Law Society itself, whether it can retain a key role in the life course of the legal profession.  相似文献   

The author submits that the main purpose in the establishment of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) is to promote the development of a Caribbean jurisprudence, based on the Commonwealth Caribbean's common historic, political, economic and cultural experiences and mutual history.

The article examines the role of final appellate courts, noting that judges of such courts must often choose between alternatives which are perfectly capable of being defended as rational, reasonable and consistent with ‘the law’. Factors such as life experiences, socialisation, and backgrounds all play a role in determining the choices that are ultimately made. This is why, the author underscores that ‘it is so important to have a diverse Bench, to have Judges from different backgrounds’.

For judges to come close to steering the right course they must have an understanding of the society that gives rise to the legal disputes. They must be grounded in that society. In this respect, the author argues, it is remarkable that the evolution of certain landmark judgments relating to human rights, particularly capital punishment, have been rendered by British judges, sitting and residing in England.

The article, which draws on a wealth of jurisprudence, proceeds to examine the original jurisdiction of the CCJ and the role of the Bar in defending the integrity of the Court and the justice system as well as in enhancing the quality of judgments.

Finally, it emphasises the need to promote Caribbean jurisprudence and access to local judgments. In this regard, it is lamented that many truly outstanding judgments of Caribbean judges do not receive the recognition they should because, if there is an appeal, they become almost automatically buried beneath the judgments of the higher court.  相似文献   

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