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A partial identification methodology is proposed in which self-selection into treatment is motivated by the expectation that treatment is beneficial. Identification is partial because it is not possible to establish empirically that treatment is effective. However, it is possible to establish that treatment is ineffective or even harmful. The evaluation methodology combines control function estimation with differences-in-differences in which the treatment effect is qualitative. The methodology is illustrated using administrative data on drug addicts in Israel in which some addicts were treated and others were not. Controlling for observed heterogeneity, we find that there is no significant difference in the change in drug use frequency between the treated and the untreated. Therefore, although it was not possible to demonstrate that treatment is beneficial, it is possible to establish that it is not beneficial. This type of negative evaluation is most probably useful in many other contexts.  相似文献   

管荣齐 《法学论坛》2012,(3):149-154
创造性、新颖性、实用性是专利授权的三个实质条件,其中尤以创造性最主观、最难以把握。创造性在美国称为"非显而易见性",在欧洲称为"创造性步骤",在日本称为"进步性",其意义基本相同。而在我国,"创造性"由两部分构成:一是"突出的实质性特点",等同于"非显而易见性",其构成要素之一是"现有技术"。为了有效防止垃圾专利泛滥,建议对"现有技术"做出最大范围的认定;二是"显著的进步",体现为"有益的技术效果",形式上看似中国专利创造性条件比其他国家更高,而实际上这是专利实用性条件的主要内涵。为了简化创造性的审查,建议我国在专利创造性条件中取消对"显著的进步"的要求。  相似文献   

论我国农村土地权利制度的完善   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新中国成立以来,农村土地权利制度出现过数次变迁,最终形成了农村土地集体所有的制度。农村土地权利制度的不足主要表现在,因为集体所有权概念本身的模糊性,导致集体所有权的主体不明确、农民权利虚化。《物权法》试图通过引入成员权概念来明确集体所有权的主体。成员集体所有在性质上类似于总有,它是完善我国集体土地所有权制度的途径,也是保护农民权益的制度基础。成员权是私法上的权利,不同于村民自治的权利。关于成员资格的认定,原则上应当以户籍为标准,在此之外还应当考虑其他因素。成员权可以分为共益权和自益权两部分,应当完善其救济制度。  相似文献   

论侦查权的性质与特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
侦查权在我国被认为是一种司法权,这导致犯罪嫌疑人在认为侦查机关的行为违反法律规定时无权申请法院进行审查,这对于保护被追诉人的权利是极其不利的。从本质上来看,侦查权是一种执行权,这与行政权是一致的,而与司法权有着根本的差异。从基本特征来看,侦查权在价值与功能、体制与人员以及权力运作方面也与司法权有着根本的差异。  相似文献   

Public authorities process personal data. In most cases these data are processed because there is a legal obligation to do so, or because processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. The right to be forgotten or to erasure will, in this situation, play a limited role in the protection of the rights of the individual. There is even a public interest in maintaining archives, thus in not forgetting. At the same time, the possibility exists that not forgetting might be more valuable for the protection of rights of data subjects then forgetting. In the case of data processing by public authorities, it is important that the processing is based on a law. A close watch should be held on the grounds that public authorities use to justify the processing. As the right to be forgotten will play a limited role in the protection of the rights of data subjects in the case of data processed by public authorities, it is important to emphasize the right of access and rectification of data. It is therefore essential that the controller is transparent to the public with regard to the processing of data.  相似文献   

Regan DH 《Michigan law review》1979,77(7):1569-1646
Presented in this essay are suggestions for rewriting Roe vs. Wade, the case that resulted in the establishment of a constitutional right to abortion. Essentially, the argument is 1 of equal protection. It is suggested that abortion be viewed as presenting a problem that might be termed "the law of samaritanism" -- the law regarding obligations imposed on certain individuals to provide assistance to others. In American law it is a deeply rooted principle that an individual is ordinarily not required to volunteer assistance to another individual who is in danger or in need of aid. The argument presented maintains that if a pregnant woman is required to carry the fetus to term and deliver it, then she is being compelled to be a Good Samaritan. It is argued further that if the generally limited scope of obligations of samaritanism under current law are considered, and the special nature of the burdens imposed on pregnant women by laws forbidding abortion are also considered, the obvious conclusion is that the equal protection clause forbids imposition of these burdens on pregnant women. The argument is developed in a lengthy form and calls for an extended discussion of the law of samaritanism. The uniqueness of the abortion case also creates problems as the equal protection argument is approached, and an approach to equal protection questions is sketched.  相似文献   

英美法系诉因模式的基本特点是刑事审判对象是诉因,法官和检察官原则上无权变更诉因;大陆法系公诉事实模式的基本特点是刑事审判对象是公诉事实,法官有权在公诉事实同一的范围内变更指控罪名;日本公诉事实同一下的诉因模式的基本特点是刑事审判对象是诉因,检察官有权在公诉事实同一范围内变更诉因。三种刑事审判对象模式之间的差异导致它们在不同诉讼价值的实现上各有优劣,刑事审判对象模式上的差异根源于审判方式上的差异。随着审判方式的相互吸收和融合,刑事审判对象模式之间的差异逐渐变小。  相似文献   

不能犯的认定过程就是危险的破译过程 ,而危险说之主观的未遂论和客观的未遂论 ,分别只就某个片面来看待危险 ,客观的未遂论又从片面之片面展开分析 ,把行为的危险和作为结果的危险之一个问题的两个方面对立起来 ,未能统一地、总体地对待各部分的危险性 ,以至于各说均不同程度地面临顾此失彼的选择困境 ,因而不能得出共识的结论。本文紧紧围绕行为的性质这个核心问题 ,归纳了不能犯认定上的“八字法” ,即“质量、有无、是否、真假”。对于手段不能的情况 ,采取“质量判断法” ,即看行为人所采用的手段与未能达成的危害结果之间 ,是属性不妥还是数量不够 ,前者是不能犯 ,后者则为未遂犯 ;对于客体不能的情况 ,采取“有无判断法” ,即看行为人所指向的客体是否存在 ,不存在是不能犯 ,存在则是未遂犯 ;对于主体不能的情况 ,采取“是否判断法” ,即看行为人是否具备刑法所规定的意图之罪的主体资格 ,不具备的是不能犯 ,具备的则是未遂犯 ;对于状况不能的情况 ,采取“真假判断法” ,即看行为人实施行为时 ,刑法所规定的构成该罪的特定情景状态是否真实 ,不真实的是不能犯 ,真实的则是未遂犯。  相似文献   

A consignment of individual packages is thought to contain illegal material, such as drugs, in some or all of the packages. A sample from the consignment is inspected and the quantity of drugs in each package of the sample is measured. It is desired to estimate the total quantity of drugs in the consignment. Sampling variation is present in the original measurements and it is not sufficient just to adjust the sample mean pro rata. An analysis is described which takes account of the uncertainty concerning the proportion of the packages that contain drugs and provides a probabilistic summary of the quantity of drugs in the consignment. In particular, a probabilistic lower bound for the quantity of drugs in the consignment is given, which is dependent on the required standard of proof. This is in contrast to the approach based on confidence intervals which assumes that in the long run, the interval will contain the correct quantity the appropriate proportion of the time, but gives no measure of uncertainty associated with the particular consignment under consideration.  相似文献   

从竞争法角度看反倾销法律制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢海霞 《河北法学》2004,22(3):61-64
反倾销法律制度是WTO法律体系中一项重要的法律制度 ,自GATT第 6条确立反倾销法律制度以来 ,许多国家都在国内制定和适用了反倾销法 ,但是随着贸易自由化的发展 ,反倾销法的滥用就成为一个现实的问题 ,于是就提出了是否要改革现有的反倾销法 ,以及如何进行改革的问题。试图从竞争法的角度来论证反倾销的不合理性 ,并指出了我国在未来的取舍  相似文献   

举证责任的确定性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
叶自强 《法学研究》2001,(3):89-100
在民事诉讼中 ,举证责任是由案件的性质所决定的。当案件的性质确定之后 ,举证责任即被确定。它在诉讼过程中是不可能转换的。具体地说就是 ,在一般民事案件中 ,举证责任由原告承担 ;在特殊民事案件中 ,举证责任由被告承担。不可能出现原本是原告的举证责任转换到被告的情形 ;也不可能出现原本是被告的举证责任转移到原告的情形。  相似文献   

One of the new avenues in the study of political corruption is that of neo-institutional economics, of which the principal-agent theory is a part. In this article a principal-agent model of corruption is presented, in which there are two principals (one of which is corrupting), and one agent (who is corrupted). The behaviour of these principals and agent is analysed in terms of the costs and benefits associated with different actions. The model is applied to political corruption in representative democracies, showing that, contrary to common belief, the use of principal-agent models is not limited to bureaucratic corruption. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

法律经济学是利用经济分析的架构探讨法学问题。在面对各种官司时,除了诉诸相关的法条之外,还要有意识地提醒自己:思索和分析的工具,到底是什么?法学里常把问题分为两类,程序问题和实体问题;透过程序,处理实体。经济分析也是如此,透过各种分析技巧,厘清问题;实质问题所涉及的价值取舍,通常是分析的第二步或第三步。在法学教育中,几乎很少提到"往前看"的观点;当"如何善后"变得纠缠不清时,"往前看"的视角往往能另辟蹊径、豁然开朗。最重要的是,法律经济学的方法论,是先建构了解社会的一般性、原则性理论,再以之探讨法学问题。经济分析的特色和说服力如何,最好让证据来说话。  相似文献   

财产的价值在于利用。对财产权进行限制,以至财产权人无法利用其财产时,虽无征收之名,却有征收之实。在这种情形下,由于财产权并未被剥夺,财产权人不享有征收补偿请求权。此外,由于限制财产权的行为具有合法性,财产权人无法请求国家赔偿。如何保护财产权人,提供必要的救济手段,不无疑问。以"禁摩令"反映的社会问题为切入点,深入研究财产权限制及补偿问题,有助于完善损失补偿体系并保障财产权人的利益。  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地是我国经济发展建设的一个重要项目,吉林作为东北老基地的一员,如何振兴这一地区是摆在我们面前的一个主要问题。而吉林省又是我国的农业大省,农业的可持续发展是我省振兴的关键,所以本文通过对吉林省农业经济条件的分析,系统地阐述了振兴吉林的营销策略。  相似文献   

犯罪化包括刑事立法上的犯罪化和刑事司法上的犯罪化。立法上的犯罪化是解决前实定法上的实质犯罪的犯罪化问题,司法上的犯罪化是实现实定法上的形式犯罪的犯罪化问题。立法上的犯罪化基准其根据是行为具有应受刑罚处罚程度的社会危害性,其原则是刑法的谦抑原则和合理性原则;司法上的犯罪化基准其根据是刑事违法性和社会危害性,其原则是刑法的谦抑原则和合法性原则。  相似文献   

论平等就业权的界定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李雄 《河北法学》2008,26(6):66-72
平等就业权在西方的实践路线主要是禁止就业歧视和推行平等就业政策,受各国不同文化和"意思场域"的影响,平等就业权很难在西方语境中探究其直接而完整的概念支撑体系。在我国,当平等就业权研究还未达成共识的时候,创设制度层面的反就业歧视法制,无疑是非常困难的;保护平等就业权一般被简单地解读为禁止就业歧视。由于平等就业权具有保障生存权的积极功能和价值承载,回归其本来的面目,具有正本清源的作用;平等就业权的界定是重构其理论体系的基本前提。平等就业权准确界定的关键,是依法规制平等就业权与用工自主权之间的界限。  相似文献   

民决团仅仅负责事实审,决定事实问题;法官则负责法律审,决定法律问题。这个认识的错误在于:普通法中没有“事实审”、“法律审”的术语,这是国人杜撰出来的。普通法事实发展出来法律,法律是事实的积累。民决团事实上既决定法律又决定事实。它在美国,具有最高权力,大于总统、国会和最高法庭。另外民决团在美国7个州还决定量刑,在有死刑的州,还决定死刑。事实与法律的区分和混合,有助于法官将复杂问题交给民决团决定并在上诉中捍卫民决团的最高权力;也有助于法官对法律问题下命令、进行违宪性审查。总之,理解民决团的最高权力,是理解普通法的关键。  相似文献   

论商业机会的法律保护   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吕来明 《中国法学》2006,(5):107-114
经营资格意义上的商业机会是一种法律确认的权利。这种权利是一种抽象的参与权,达成交易后取得的是现实的具体的财产权利,持续不断的交易活动就是资格权利向具体财产权利转化的过程。在这个过程中存在一个中间阶段,即达成交易的优势可能性阶段。优势可能性的机会拥有者于机会的存在拥有两方面的利益,一是对未来实现交易后的预期利益,二是为寻找、把握和促成机会而已付出的成本利益。这种利益虽然不是现行法律制度中的某种具体权利,但仍然应当予以保护。法律对机会利益的保护不应当局限于内部侵害的场合,而应当扩展到外部侵害场合,内部侵害商业机会与外部侵害商业机会的构成要件与救济方式有所不同。  相似文献   

郭忠 《时代法学》2014,12(5):11-17
守法义务是公民应当履行的道德义务,但是当其他人都不守法时,一个人仍然履行守法义务对他却是不公平的。要坚定守法者始终守法的信心,防止违法行为进一步蔓延,就需要将积极守法的回报纳入我们研究的视野中来。"报"的法则是社会普遍存在的法则,道德行为有其回报才能消除社会公平之缺憾,使善心得到抚慰。然而违法者并不都能得到法律的惩罚,老实人并不都有好报,绝对的公平在世间难以实现,因此宗教文化中灵魂不朽和善恶报应观念可以抚慰信奉者的善行善心,坚定其履行守法义务的信心。故此,在社会秩序的实现中,道德是基础,法律是保障,宗教则可以提供辅助。  相似文献   

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