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赵海乐 《北方法学》2011,5(1):143-152
我国台湾地区法定停车位是法律规定开发商在修建区分所有建筑物时必须设立的最低数额的停车位。其在法律权属上被强制划定为共有部分,但开发商可以通过拟制分管契约的方式为业主设定对特定停车位的专有使用权。业主享有的专有使用权只能依附于专有部分而存在,权利的行使也需要受到法律的限制。我国台湾地区法律还创设了完备的登记制度,有力地保护了区分所有建筑物功能的完整性和业主对于特定停车位的专有使用权。借鉴我国台湾地区的经验,在我国的立法当中应当明确停车位所在空间的性质,并通过制度安排,将业主所购买的车位权利合法化;此外,还应完善并统一不动产登记制度,使停车位的权属与让与制度获得公示效力的保护。  相似文献   

知识经济的发展和数字网络的兴起使知识的创新与传播日益多样化,深刻地改变了知识产权制度的生态环境。生态环境的巨大变化进一步暴露了知识产权制度的先天缺陷,使知识产权制度面临前所未有的危机和挑战,改革现有知识产权制度与探索知识产权制度的补充或替代成为必然。知识创新激励制度的多样性、可替换性与环境适应性表明,单一制度无法提供所有知识领域的最佳激励,多元化成为未来知识产权制度的必然选择。  相似文献   

"复制"在数字时代遭遇了法律尴尬。临时复制、私人复制、搜索性数字图书馆复制等三类复制行为对版权法提出了挑战。通过一些特定条款的修改无法从根本上解决将来可能出现的新的复制问题。传统的理论多是从合理使用的角度试图为这些复制行为进行辩解,以寻求正当性。本文却换一个视角,直接从根本上讨论版权保护基本理念的改革,认为在信息网络时代版权保护的中心应该从复制权转变为传播权,从而构建以传播权为中心的版权保护制度。  相似文献   

孙山 《河北法学》2012,30(5):89-96
通过考察各主要文明的发展历程发现,书写、传播成本在相当程度上决定了作者的身份是否独立,而身份独立则是思想自由的前提.一种文明要想长存,必须降低书写、传播成本,赋予作者独立的身份,使之能够凭借自己的创作而收获财富.著作权制度就是以法律的形式保障了这种独立身份.  相似文献   

财产权经济学理论与知识产权制度的正当性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
知识产权制度是促进知识产品的生产、传播和使用的法律制度。从财产权经济学的角度看 ,知识产权制度的存在具有充分的正当性。这种正当性体现在提供产权激励、扭转信息市场的静态和动态失败、纠正消极的外部性问题和消除集体行为等方面。财产权的经济学理论为认识知识产权制度的正当提供了一种新的视角和方法。  相似文献   

In the context of video game, there is a notable convergence between the users and producers of content. There is also a tension between control over created content and innovative uses of that content, which arises from the gap existed between copyright law and the emerging practices of online communities. This paper examines a distinct form of player-contributed content, namely game Mods, through the perspective of social welfare rather than that of content creators. It argues that law is not the only factor affecting copyright owners’ decision-making behavior; social and economic factors also play an essential role. These factors explain why game developers may tolerate or even encourage minor alterations to their works but prohibit total conversion of the Mods. Given that the existing law and terms of service cannot serve as “effective cure” for regulating game Mods, this paper explores the social and economic factors that impact how game corporations address modding, framing these factors in a four-quadrant model according to the relative benefits and harm of Mods to game developers and users/modders. The inconsistency between the letter of the law and its practical application in the modding context suggests a need for law reform. Based on the findings of the above examinations, this paper proposes a two-pronged solution to the modding problem. The first prong concerns the social benefit of game Mods, aiming at changing the copyright regime from being exclusive to non-exclusive, which confers on gamers the legal right to modify video games without permission but obliges them to remunerate the original developers for commercial use of those Mods. The second prong concerns the potential social harm of game Mods and proposes a community-based approach, under which game operators are imposed a common law duty to monitor infringement and to ensure the fair implementation of game developers’ terms of service.  相似文献   

唐烈英 《法学论坛》2007,22(4):101-107
个人住房贷款中,有三种连带责任保证人.个人和非专业担保法人作保证人,提供的保证金存款有可能用于清偿自己的债务,银行对其没有优先受偿权,对贷款的担保并不十分安全.开发商作保证人,具有贷款人、借款人、保证人三赢效果;但是,其担保范围太窄,仅限于开发商出售的与银行有合作关系的商品住房.住房置业担保公司作保证人,被保证人要支付费用、这会缩小借款人范围;其营业期限不确定、所承担的连带责任保证有可能在贷款有效期内终止,这会给贷款银行和被保证人造成损失.  相似文献   

Health technology assessment (HTA) has received increasing support over the past twenty years in both North America and Europe. The justification for this field of policy-oriented research is that evidence about the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of technology should contribute to decision and policy making. However, concerns about the ability of HTA producers to increase the use of their findings by decision makers have been expressed. Although HTA practitioners have recognized that dissemination activities need to be intensified, why and how particular approaches should be adopted is still under debate. Using an institutional theory perspective, this article examines HTA as a means of implementing knowledge-based change within health care systems. It presents the results of a case study on the dissemination strategies of six Canadian HTA agencies. Chief executive officers and executives (n = 11), evaluators (n = 19), and communications staff (n = 10) from these agencies were interviewed. Our results indicate that the target audience of HTA is frequently limited to policy makers, that three conflicting visions of HTA dissemination coexist, that active dissemination strategies have only occasionally been applied, and that little attention has been paid to the management of diverging views about the value of health technology. Our discussion explores the strengths, limitations, and trade-offs associated with the three visions. Further efforts should be deployed within agencies to better articulate a shared vision and to devise dissemination strategies that are consistent with this vision.  相似文献   

吕斌  李硕秋 《法人》2011,(4):34-37
2011年3月25日,长沙市民伍先生委托律师,一纸诉状,将长沙市人民政府告上了法庭。伍先生请求法院判令长沙市政府向其公开长沙恒大雅苑项目在土地拍卖过程中的相关细节。  相似文献   

Among low‐income homebuyers, a contract for deed (CFD) has been a widely used but risky and informal mechanism for purchasing a home or lot. This article examines a series of major consumer protections adopted by the Texas Legislature from 1995 to 2005 and whether this legislation shaped the behavior of sellers who historically relied on CFDs in Texas colonias. Tracking changes in the use of CFDs between 1990 and 2010, we show that developers responded to the legislative reforms by shifting away from CFDs and into other forms of seller financing. At the same time, developers have adopted a series of workarounds to the legislation (presumably legal), leaving low‐income buyers vulnerable to rapid repossession by the developer. In contrast, the impact of the legislation on low‐income residents selling their homes has been minimal. These consumer‐to‐consumer transactions remain highly informal, with ongoing reliance on the now illegal, unrecorded CFD.  相似文献   

本文明确了依法行政在依法治国中的重要地位。从立法现状、行政干预、执法主体和执法监督等方面分析了依法行政在现阶段面临的制约因素和障碍,建议通过加强立法宣传、完善立法体系和立法监督机制、强化执法监督、提高执法人员素质等措施以更好地推进依法行政。  相似文献   

新媒体作为现代传播体系中不可或缺的组成部分,在信息传播过程中具有信息传播的即时性与广泛性、信息平台的数字性与多样性、信息交流的自由性与持续性和信息受众的平等性与互动性等特点。因此,在新媒体的背景下,在认定诽谤罪中的散布行为时应考量“公然性”的条件;在认定损害结果时应着重传播手段的严重性;在认定犯罪主体时应根据不同的传播方式区别对待;在认定犯罪主观故意时应当包括间接故意,以此准确认定诽谤罪。  相似文献   

This study identified three distinct roles of the federal technology-transfer process in the Huntsville, Alabama region: sponsors, developers, and adopters. The basic structure of transfer barriers and measures during the prospecting and developing of the federal technology-transfer process is also discussed. Sponsors attributed transfer problems to adopters' lack of awareness, while developers cited long development and payback times. Adopters admitted their lack of transfer expertise and their resistance to technologies with long paybacks. None of the role-players were measuring technology transfer very well. While sponsors agreed with adopters that long-term outcome measures were important, sponsors relied on measures of input effort and intermediate results. Developers with the most transfer experience reported the lowest use of measures. Recommendations are made for each role to help improve federal technology transfer.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1999,64(72):18619-18622
The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) invites recommendations for future initiatives in areas identified as priorities in the Agency's current strategic plan. This plan describes the framework that the Agency will use to guide the development of budget proposals for Fiscal Years 2000, 2001, and 2002 as well as decisions on resource allocations for research, translation (including tool development), dissemination, and evaluation activities that will facilitate the implementation of research findings at all levels of the health care system.  相似文献   

How to identify haloperidol and tiapride in the urine by thin layer chromatography was proposed. Optimal systems of solvents were selected by chromatographic mobility of the substances studied in 14 solvents with different polarity. The findings allowed making an optimal choice of the composition and proportion of the solvents. Diethylamine, as a basic modifier, was introduced in the system of solvents. This improved chromatographic mobility of haloperidol and tiapride. Optimal mobile phases, developers were found, the threshold of detectability of the substances in the given conditions was established. The techniques were used for identification of haloperidol and tiapride in the samples from model urine mixture in the presence of non-identified endogenic compounds. They are characterized by rapid performance, selectivity, sensitivity and good reproducibility and can be introduced into practice of chemicotoxicological laboratories.  相似文献   

吴琳 《行政与法》2014,(1):52-57
社会主义核心价值体系不仅是一个政党的执政理念,而且是一个政党意识形态建设和思想建设的需要.因此,社会主义核心价值体系的理论研究视角和建设路径都要避免空谈化、虚无化、形式化与抽象化.社会主义核心价值体系引领社会主义文化建设的传播理念创新的理论视角应放到现代媒介对社会结构所形成的新型实践空间中去思考,即将理论视角介入到媒介化信息的传播方式与政党思想建设的战略部署之间.  相似文献   

Wiki “communities” based on the open access ideology allow any visitor to easily add, remove or edit content. However, there are a slew of ethics and policy challenges inherent in their use. Open source software developers are faced with the dilemma of openly sharing their intellectual property and prevent others from claiming proprietary rights from the code they freely shared to the public? Intellectual Property rights licensing, ironically, is the route by which open software developers have chosen to regulate their free code in cyberspace. Open source code is generally free on the surface; but in reality, it comes with obligations which are enforceable by law. Aside from the potential liability for intellectual property infringement, the use of open software raises competition law and tort liability issues. The European Union has developed the European Public License which is written in conformity with the copyright, product liability and consumer protection laws of the 27 member states. The EU Commission has also proposed a new Directive which will extend the principles of consumer protection rules to cover licensing agreements of products like software. This paper will address the various legal issues that may arise in open source community sharing.  相似文献   

限价房是国家通过减少(补助)土地出让金,灵活运用私人开发商参与保障型住房供给的新型行政活动方式。为了保障补助金的正当使用,对于非以自住为需求的购房人,各地方的限价房政策上规定了返还限价房之义务。然而在国土管理部门、开发商、购房人这一三方法律关系中,为了控制补助金的正当使用,仅依据购房合同无法有效地实现限价房之返还,有必要参考德国的相关理论,构建实定法乃至理论层面返还请求的法律依据。  相似文献   

普法、法盲与法治   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
历史传统和现实条件的特殊性决定了中国的法治进程具有不同于西方的特点。中国已经从“变法型”法治阶段进入“普法型”法治阶段 ,中国法治的基本问题已经从“变法、法治及其本土资源”的问题变为“送法下乡”的问题 ,普法及法治不是民众与国家权力之间简单的服从与被服从关系 ,它必须走群众路线 ,必须尊重和体现广大人民群众的主体地位及能动作用。为此 ,必须反对脱离中国国情的法治模式和法治精英主义 ,同时需要一种全新的法理学。  相似文献   

The non-consensual dissemination of sexually explicit images or videos for no legitimate purpose represents a serious sexual violation by means of breaching an individual's ability to control their own sexual identity. This article argues that the only adequate legal response to this behaviour is targeted criminal regulation, and that action on a regional level is within the European Union's competence by virtue of Article 83(1) TFEU. The approaches of EU Member States to the phenomenon through targeted criminal law are examined in order to extract positive and negative elements of the respective regulatory systems. Drawing on the experiences of these States, as well as on existing EU criminal directives, a draft directive is included to illustrate what form a European regional system of criminal regulation may take.  相似文献   

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