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科学决策是中国共产党百年奋斗的成功经验,作为科学决策的逻辑起点和首要环节,政策议程设置至关重要。新时代我国政策议程设置面临全新的现代场景,多重机遇开启了公共领域转型之窗,公共关怀、现代意识、知识型公民、政策行动技能提升加上网络抗争,催生了政策议程设置中“新个体”的力量。新时代场景中政策议程设置的行动逻辑,根植于政府治理结构与规则程序的变迁,也寓于被网络集体行动框架重塑的非正式过程。现代治理需要社会合作建构取向的政策生成,新时代中国的具体国情更强调中国共产党顶层设计下的协商合作、共同行动和自发推动,而开发更加成熟的政策问题环境扫描指标、加强社会分析,将是新时代政策议程设置的重要议题和趋向。  相似文献   

社会生活中层出不穷的闹大现象,是透视公共治理状况的一面镜子。引发闹大的原因很多,其中公民的理性选择与政府制度的理性机制共同形成了闹大的生产逻辑。闹大不乏某些积极的社会价值,可以创造解决某些社会问题的契机。但闹大也意味着巨大的成本和代价,并带来一些深远的负面效应,特别是容易因其示范效应形成闹大的恶性循环。频频的闹大也显示出治理体系的制度情境及其弊病,提出了治理变革的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

闹大现象的生产逻辑、社会效应和制度情境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会生活中层出不穷的闹大现象,是透视公共治理状况的一面镜子。引发闹大的原因很多,其中公民的理性选择与政府制度的理性机制共同形成了闹大的生产逻辑。闹大不乏某些积极的社会价值,可以创造解决某些社会问题的契机。但闹大也意味着巨大的成本和代价,并带来一些深远的负面效应,特别是容易因其示范效应形成闹大的恶性循环。频频的闹大也显示出治理体系的制度情境及其弊病,提出了治理变革的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

公共问题是公共政策存在的逻辑起点,而公共政策的议程设定则是公共政策的逻辑起点。公共问题只有首先进入决策者的政策议程中,才有得到解决的可能。在现在中国的体制下,阻碍社会问题进入政策议程的因素主要有以下几个方面:政府主导型的议程设置模式、特殊利益集团对政策议程的不公平的干预、片面追求GDP的经济发展模式。这些因素只能导致社会问题的积蓄和扩大,不利于矛盾的解决。而作为决策形式的协商民主理论,对政策议程设定有如下启示:强调公民参与的议程设定模式、公民和团体平等的参与议程设定的能力、注重公共利益取向的公共协商能够包容公平、效率、自由和安全等公共政策所应有的价值和目标取向。  相似文献   

韩文雅  章兴鸣 《学理论》2010,(24):38-39
针对个体问题演变为公共事件的现象进行分析,呈现出事发与演变迅速、主要运用网络作为传播媒介、参与主体多元且动机复杂、组织松散与层次多元的特征。从政府角度结合实例剖析剖析原因,主要表现为政府提供公共物品与服务不足、政府危机管理能力薄弱、政府常态治理的缺陷、政府对网络媒体的忽视四个方面。因此,政府需要积极应对新的治理环境,一要积极推进基层民主治理转变,健全公民利益表达机制;二要加强危机管理建设,提高应对公共事件能力;三要积极开展政府公共关系,提倡公民理性参与网络。  相似文献   

从自发到工具——当前网络围观现象的行为逻辑分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文宏 《公共管理学报》2013,(3):51-62,139,140
为了准确反映网络围观现象及其趋势的真实全貌,为提升政府治理水平提供可借鉴的思路,以近年来互联网中频繁发生的网络围观事件为分析对象,以触发缘起、行动策略与演化过程为标准,将其划分为自发型和工具型两种类型。针对工具型网络围观现象逐渐占据主导地位的趋势,从理论上归纳了网络围观现象的概念内涵与发生机理,明确了相关特征与演变趋势,并立足于制度环境来建构理论分析的基本思路,从可能性与可行性两个方面对这一趋势进行了深入的描述性分析。对政府治理而言,网络围观激发了民众参与政治的热情,强化了社会监督氛围,蕴含着某些积极的公共价值,但一旦成为一种趋势,必然会冲击正常的利益诉求渠道,不利于行政与司法运行的自身优化,最终会损害公共利益,对此,必须从建构社会矛盾调节及利益诉求表达的长效机制方面寻求突破。该研究有利于打开公共问题解决的政策黑箱,为地方政府治理策略的优化提供启示。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,网络舆情事件的数量和影响力呈上升态势,导致的失控局面将危害社会稳定,造成严重后果。提升网络舆情共同治理,应当把电子参与作为逻辑起点,关注舆情治理中的议程设置环节。公民个体的电子参与,通过施拉姆循环理论的"编码—译码—释码",不断传播扩散,从而汇聚成多源流理论中的问题溪流、政治溪流和政策溪流,打开政策之窗,触发议程设置。各级政府需要开拓网络舆情治理新思路,提高电子参与的覆盖面和有效性,通过电子参与形式增加与公民个体、群体和利益相关者的互动,同时,高度重视焦点危机事件及舆情的突发性指标变化,对相互作用发酵的各条溪流进行有效切割,排除各类结构隐患,顺畅议程设置过程,加速推进网络舆情处置。  相似文献   

区域经济的发展导致了需要通过政治协调才能解决的区域公共问题的产生和显现:跨地区性公共事务治理失灵,地方政府绩效评估没有进入区域公共治理的范畴,治理主体的利益差异引发区域公共治理体系的紊乱.区域政治协调的逻辑主要是:以区域逐渐增长的利益需求为动力,通过体现区域发展价值的制度安排来实现,在冲突和一致中推进和完善.政治协调的内涵主要包括政府职能、经济、社会三个层面.政治协调视域下区域公共治理路径的选择应考虑:构建区域治理的利益交换和利益补偿政府平台,国家总体配置和调节区域公共治理资源与功能,完善区域公共治理的政策协调体系,建构以均等化为导向的区域政府绩效评估指标体系.  相似文献   

政策议程设置是政治过程和公共政策研究的经典议题,政策议程设置最集中体现了国家治理中权力的真实运作,从政策议程设置视角研究国家治理现代化,是一个新的和有待拓展的研究领域。新中国成立70年来,党和国家在建设中国特色社会主义民主政治的进程中,逐步构建了与国家政体相适应的议程设置架构和机制,中国政策议程设置在合法性上回应了党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国三者有机统一的根本政治原则,并在国家治理能力实践中探索和完善了政策议程设置的有效性。理解和阐释新中国成立以来政策议程设置的政治逻辑,探索和构建中国治理话语体系,是我国政治学和公共管理研究尚待推进的知识议题。  相似文献   

公民网络参与公共决策可以更充分地实现公民的参与权,更广泛地促进公民的政治社会化,更迅速地推动社会问题从公众议程转向政府议程,更有力地保证决策信息的充足和降低决策执行的难度。但与此同时,有可能影响决策的公平,危及政府自主性,降低参与的有效性,削弱决策的科学性。因此,优化公民网络参与公共决策,要缩小"数字鸿沟",推进参与机会均等化;加强网络治理,促进参与环境规范化;完善相关制度,实现参与行为常态化。  相似文献   

Abstract: Agenda management is a process in which governments attempt to prevent policy issues from emerging, to influence the public perception of issues and to shape or delete issues on the current agenda of policy making. Numerous techniques are available and governments may often resort to them for political purposes. Unemployment policy from 1976–82 provides a case study for assessing the significance of agenda management in the policy process. The many initiatives and announcements of the government and their presentation in the media are described. It is concluded that the government often appeared to employ agenda management techniques such as tokenism, symbolic reassurance, postponement and the selective presentation of social indicators. It is noted that the government's handling of the issue followed an annual cycle, superimposed on which was an electoral cycle. Its attempts to influence public perceptions of the issue had direct links with the nature of policy outputs.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that challenger parties push new issues onto the agenda, especially when they ‘own’ these issues. Others claim that established parties largely determine how prominent issues appear on the agenda. This article contributes to this debate by focusing on an issue on which challenger parties have most ‘ownership’: immigration. Political claims on this issue made by political parties in newspapers in seven West European countries after three events that could potentially trigger attention to immigration were studied. Large and government parties appear most prominent in the news. However, findings show a significant, positive effect of associative issue ownership on claims-making in the news, while controlling for party size and government status. So, when challengers have issue ownership they appear as claim-makers on the issue. These results paint a balanced picture of the role that challenger and established parties have in setting the agenda.  相似文献   

The process of agenda setting is fundamental to politics, yet there is surprisingly little research about this process in parliamentary systems. The reason for this lacuna is that agenda setting tends to occur behind closed doors. The Dutch Tweede Kamer is an exception to this rule: decisions about the parliamentary agenda are made in public. This study examines agenda setting in the Dutch parliament from an issue-competition perspective. It looks at a sample of more than 400 agenda-setting meetings of the Dutch parliament between 1998 and 2017. It finds that opposition parties which stand far from the government make proposals on issues that they ‘own’; these proposals are supported by other opposition parties, parties that stand close to them and focus on the same issue. Coalition parties and parties that stand far away sabotage these proposals.  相似文献   

论公共政策议程建立过程中媒体的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于媒体具有覆盖面广、信息容量大和传播迅速的特点,一个社会问题一旦经过媒体的放大很快就能形成强大的社会舆论,因而就能对政府政策议程的建立产生很大的影响。但是,媒体对于公共政策议程建立的影响力也受到自身存在的某些问题的制约。在公共政策议程建立过程中要协调和处理好媒体与政府、公众三者之间关系。  相似文献   

Interest groups are important intermediaries in Western democracies, with the potential to offer political linkage and form a bridge between the concerns of citizens and the agendas of political elites. While we know an increasing amount about the issue‐based activity of groups, we only have a limited understanding about how they selected these issues to work on. In this article, we examine the process of agenda setting within groups. In particular, we address challenges of conceptualization and measurement. Through a thorough review of the group literature, we identify five main factors that are hypothesized to drive issue prioritization. We operationalize items to tap these factors and then empirically assess this theoretical model relying on data from a survey of national interest groups in Australia. Our findings, from a confirmatory factor analysis, provide support for the multidimensional nature of agenda setting. We discuss how this provides a firm conceptual and methodological foundation for future work examining how groups establish their policy agenda.  相似文献   

处于社会转型期的中国,如何处理利益群体参政问题关乎改革开放的历史进程和社会稳定。中国的渐进式改革路径在保持社会稳定方面发挥了重要的作用,但是这种渐进式改革更多地表现在经济领域,而政治领域的改革,特别是公民参政权的落实则略显迟滞和不够。由此引起的矛盾和问题使人们产生了诸多不满和怨恨,因此探讨中国利益群体在参与公共政策制定上存在的问题,对于进一步完善中国利益群体参政的路径、提高政府的执政能力和管理创新能力,其理论价值和现实意义不言而喻。  相似文献   

Past research has proposed various macrolevel theories of issue definition and agenda setting. However, we propose a microlevel theory of issue definition rooted in how individuals process information. We theorize that people process information about policy issues through a filter that emphasizes past assessments, ideology, background, social cues, and the continuing intrusion of new information. Most of these factors lead individual issue definitions toward stability. However, the introduction of an information signal of appropriate magnitude and character can produce punctuations in issue definition by individuals through time. Since the macrolevel definition of an issue is a type of aggregation of individual definitions, understanding how individuals define issues becomes a precursor to understanding issue definition at the system level. In evaluating the theory, we develop and evaluate a survey to study the issue definition process for individuals across multiple issues, and for global warming specifically. The survey also includes two embedded experiments to demonstrate the potential for punctuation in the issue-definition process for individuals and the system.  相似文献   

社交媒体时代,舆论生态的“后真相时代”特征日益鲜明,情感与信念成为网络舆情事件的主要动力。“非虚构写作”作为将纪实报道与文学创作结合起来的写作手法,在网络舆情事件中发挥着强大的情感动员功能。通过将悲情叙事、身份标签、戏谑表达等传统的网络情感动员表达逻辑与“文史合一”、忧患意识等“非虚构写作”本土概念巧妙嫁接,“非虚构写作”引发了一系列重大网络舆情事件,呈现出社会学观察、原型叙事、文化冲突三种表达逻辑。“非虚构写作”在舆情表达、舆论监督、社会观察等方面发挥着积极作用。同时,带有深刻情感色彩的“非虚构写作”也蕴含着网络民粹主义、网络暴力、网络虚假信息等诸多风险因素。如何实现“非虚构写作”批判与建设、解构与建构、破与立等方面的平衡,这为互联网生态建设提出了新的内容和新的问题。  相似文献   

Police officers influence the British policy process through their representative organizations. One of the main ways in which this is achieved is through police domination of the definition of certain sorts of issues at the central governmental level. This definition also occurs at the local level. Analysis of the location of the police as an interest group in the structure of the British state suggests how the politics of policing might be understood. Five issues relating to the police policies towards behaviour -street assaults, 'rural public disorder'. rape, battered women and racially motivated assaults - illustrate how the police define issues and affect the policy process. The debates about police 'politicization' and accountability should be set in the context of the relationship between political structure, issue definition and the political agenda.  相似文献   

Inspired by the agenda‐setting literature, this article outlines a model of issue competition focusing on the interaction between government and opposition parties through the party‐system agenda. Unlike previous studies of issue competition, the model makes it possible to answer questions such as why some parties have greater success than others in forcing other parties to address unpleasant issues. One of the central implications of the model is that opposition parties are freer to focus continually on issues that are advantageous to themselves, whereas government parties more often are forced to respond to issues brought up on the party‐system agenda. Using data on issue competition in Denmark covering 25 years and 23 issue categories, the issue competition model is evaluated and finds strong support in a set of cross‐sectional time‐series analyses.  相似文献   

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