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An improved method for firing distance estimation on clothing is described. The novel part of the method includes transfer of total nitrite (nitrite ions and smokeless powder residues) from the target to an adhesive lifter. After the transfer, lead and copper deposits around the bullet entrance hole are visualized by rhodizonate and rubeanic acid, respectively. The Modified Greiss Test is carried out after alkaline hydrolysis of the smokeless powder residues on the adhesive lifter.  相似文献   

An improved method for firing distance determination on exhibits that cannot be processed in the laboratory such as cars, doors, windows, or furniture is described. The novel part of the method includes transfer of total nitrite (nitrite ions and smokeless powder residues) from the target to an adhesive lifter. After the transfer, vaporous lead and copper deposits around the bullet entrance hole are visualized on the target by sodium rhodizonate and rubeanic acid, respectively. The Modified Griess Test is carried out after alkaline hydrolysis of the smokeless powder residues on the adhesive lifter.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to assess the effect of machine washing or brushing of clothing items on Gunshot Residue (GSR) patterns (gunpowder residues, lead, and copper, deposits) around bullet entrance holes. Results show that those treatments decrease considerably the amount and density of GSR. However, for close shooting distances not all of the GSR deposits are removed. Remaining patterns may be visualized by specific color reactions and used for shooting distance estimation.  相似文献   

A practical expert task--to estimate shot distance and order of shots made in two victims from a gun with muffler--is described as illustration of opportunities of the complex investigation with experimental shots and emission spectral analysis of the targets. Distribution of the shot soot on the targets in shooting from the distance up to 1 m is analyzed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the influence of a possible contamination of the victim's clothing by gunpowder residue on the estimation of shooting distance. The study was focused on the scenario in which the contamination might be caused by the surface on which the shot victim could fall. Contamination of two types of textile was examined after contact with two types of surfaces. One round was fired above those surfaces (the line of firing parallel to the surface) prior to the contact. It was found that few gunpowder residue particles could be transferred to the clothing. These findings should be taken into account when interpreting results for shooting distance estimation in cases when a minute quantity of gunpowder residue particles is found around the bullet entrance hole.  相似文献   

The experimental material has shown possibility of definition of shooting distance and some technical characteristics of the barrel of the pneumatic gun loaded with shots.  相似文献   

The authors examined sedimentation of stibium in the area of experimental skin entry holes generated by Makarov gun shots from different distances. Regularities of allocation of stibium subject to the distance of the shot were determined. Practical recommendations for expert conclusion about the distance of the shot were given on the grounds of the results of the study.  相似文献   

In recent years many countries have experienced a sharp increase in the demand for forensic age estimates of unaccompanied minors. In many countries the age thresholds of relevance to criminal prosecution lie between 16 and 22 years. In line with recommendations issued by the Study Group on Forensic Age Diagnostics, for determining the age of live subjects a forensic age estimate should combine the results of a physical examination, an X-ray of the hand and a dental examination which records dentition status and evaluates an orthopantomogram. To assess the age of persons who are assumed to be at least 18 years old, an additional radiographic or CT examination of the collar bones is recommended. Forensic age estimates should take account of the ethnic origin and socio-economic status of the person under examination.  相似文献   

Recent years have brought a worldwide increase in cross-border migration due to a globalized economy and ongoing belligerent conflicts. As a result, the percentage of foreigners among the general population has steadily increased not only in Germany, but also in other countries. This trend has triggered a growing demand for forensic medicine to assess the age of adolescents and young adults. The individuals examined here are unaccompanied minors without valid identification documents who do not know their age or else are suspected of not giving their correct age. The mineralization of third molars is the main criterion for dental age estimation of living subjects in the relevant age group. To date insufficient knowledge has been obtained about how ethnic origin can influence tooth mineralization. This, however, constitutes a restraint on the reliability of age estimates and hence on the forensic value of information essential to legal security. A comparative study was conducted to present comparative data on third molar mineralization in a Caucasoid, Mongoloid and African sample. In conclusion, forensic age estimates of living subjects would be more powerful tools if population-specific standards were applied to evaluations of wisdom tooth mineralization. Since the mineralization of third molars is usually completed by the age of 19 or 20 years, this feature cannot be used to ascertain whether a person has attained the forensically relevant age of 21 years. The question was whether determination based on an orthopantomogram of a combination of features relevant to dental age estimation of adults supplies forensically useful information for ascertaining whether a person has attained 21 years of age. The features considered include the DMFT index of all permanent teeth, the DMFT index of all permanent teeth excluding third molars and the DFT index of third molars projecting beyond the occlusal plane. It can be concluded that an evaluation of the variations of the DMFT index does not by itself yield sufficient data to determine with the accuracy required in criminal proceedings whether a person has attained 21 years of age. An additional X-ray examination of the medial clavicular epiphyseal cartilage is, therefore, strongly recommended when assessing whether a person is over 21.  相似文献   

A new biochemical method for estimation of postmortem time.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hypoxanthine (Hx) is formed by hypoxic degradation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and might be elevated due to antemortem hypoxia. However, it also increases after cessation of the life processes. Until now measurements of potassium in corpus vitreous humor have been used by forensic pathologists to determine postmortem time. In this study the influence of postmortem time and temperature on vitreous humor Hx and potassium levels were compared. Repeated sampling of vitreous humor was performed in 87 subjects with known time of death and diagnosis. The bodies were kept at either 5 degrees C, 10 degrees C, 15 degrees C or 23 degrees C. Hx was measured by means of HPLC and potassium by flame photometry. In 19 subjects from whom samples were obtained within 1.5 h after death, the normal level of Hx could be estimated to be 7.6 mumol/l and that of potassium to be 5.8 mmol/l. The spread of the potassium levels measured shortly after death was much greater than for the corresponding Hx levels. In the four temperature groups the Hx level increased 4.2, 5.1, 6.2 and 8.8 mumol/l per h, respectively, whereas the corresponding figures for potassium were 0.17, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 mmol/l per h. The vitreous humor concentration of both Hx and potassium increases fairly linearly after death. The slopes are steeper with increasing temperature. Since the scatter of the levels is greater for potassium than for Hx, the latter parameter seems to be better suited for the determination of time of death in cases without antemortem hypoxia, especially during the first 24 h.  相似文献   

This paper presents derived equations for the estimation of the variances in the estimated distance of fall and the estimated angle of impact for blood droplets. The derived equation for the variance of the estimated distance of fall predicts that as the blood drop size approaches that of a blood droplet falling at terminal velocity, the variance of the estimate grows without limit. The derived equation for the variance in the estimated angle of impact shows that as the angle of impact approaches 90 degrees, the variance grows without limit. The validity of the equation for the estimated variance of the angle of impact was tested for five angles of impact (15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 degrees); the equation correctly predicted the observed variance up to an angle of 60 degrees.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to clarify the problem of shooting distance estimation, by studying shots fired with buckshot ammunition in 12 gauge shotgun.For this purpose, the pattern diameter (PD) and the distances between buckshot (DBB) within the pattern were evaluated.Experimental shots were carried out with three differently choked barrels: full, half and cylinder; Winchester-Western OOB and OB buckshot ammunition were used.The results show that the estimation of shooting distance, based on the present parameters, is scarcely reliable especially when this estimation must be calculated on the basis of only a few wound holes on which measurements are made.  相似文献   

The morphology of various types of cells in the peripheral blood of human cadavers was investigated. The material comprised 123 medicolegal autopsy cases with post-mortem (p.m.) times ranging from 1.7 to 270.4 hours. The corpses were kept at +4 °C. The haematocrit values of the blood increased rapidly after death. The haematocrit-corrected red cell count, and the total white cell and platelet counts remained quite stable during the whole p.m. time range. Red cells were quite rapidly transformed from a discoid configuration to crumbled discs, echinocytes and spherocytes, but no debris or burst cell configurations were seen. Rapid deterioration of the staining properties and marked morphological changes in many leucocytes occurred quite rapidly after death. Lymphocytes seemed to be the most resistant and basophils the least resistant to the effects of autolysis. Morphologically altered platelets and aggregates of them were seen in each cadaver.The present morphological observations and the quantitative results suggest that various cellular elements of the blood seem to be quite resistant to autolytic effects, and many cells apparently retain their viability for longer periods of time in the blood of cadavers kept at reduced temperature.  相似文献   

Postmortem DNA and RNA synthesis was detected in tissue specimens harvested from two cadavers at different intervals between 2.5 and 32 h postmortem. Each tissue specimen was incubated for 1 h in a 3H-thymidine or 3H-cytidine solution. DNA- as well as RNA-synthesizing cells were found in skin tissue and bone marrow throughout the interval investigated. Cytidine incorporation decreased progressively during the course of the postmortem interval. DNA and RNA synthesis was also observed in cells of the testis, which were predominantly spermatogonia cells in the case of DNA. Low-grade RNA synthesis was detected in bowel epithelial cells up to 2.5 h postmortem; DNA synthesis was not present during the interval investigated. No supravital phenomena were observable in the splenic tissues examined.  相似文献   

The state of the art for determining postmortem interval in submerged bodies reflects a serious lack of studies. The objectives of the present study were therefore to study cerebral and tympanic cooling in water and its relation to cooling in air, in a pig model. First of all, cerebral and tympanic cooling on a single head and on an entire body were compared and proven to be very similar in air and in water. Nine pairs of heads were then exposed to 9 temperature intervals from 0 degrees C to 20 degrees C. For every set temperature, one head was placed in water, the other in "ambient" air in a thermostatic chamber. Ear and brain temperature were simultaneously measured every 10 minutes during 8 hours. Results showed that both in air and in water, cooling curves were almost exponential, regardless of the site (ear or brain) or the environmental temperature. Cooling was always more rapid in water than in air. Cerebral and tympanic cooling always had a correlation coefficient of 0.98-0.99. Assuming that these cooling patterns are applicable to man, this research may provide a starting point for postmortem interval estimation in submerged cadavers.  相似文献   

A method for age determination of adults from single rooted teeth is presented. It is based on the measurement of two dental features: periodontosis height times 100/root height (P) and transparency of the root height times 100/root height (T). These measurements are made on the labial surface of the entire tooth without section and do not require special equipment or training. The application of multiple regression analysis to a working sample of 306 teeth of known age, sex and race provided the following equation: Age (years) = 0.18 x P + 0.42 x T + 25.53. The mean error between the actual and estimated age was +/- 10 years on the working sample and +/- 8.4 years on a control sample made of 45 forensic science cases. Upper incisors showed a better precision than the other single rooted teeth and accuracy was not sex related. A comparison of the Gustafson and Lamendin methods on a control sample of 39 teeth resulted in an advantage of the latter considering the mean error on the estimation (14.2 +/- 3.4 years for Gustafson versus 8.9 +/- 2.2 for Lamendin). The Lamendin method can be practical interest for any forensic pathologist or dentist as it is fast, easy to use, and reasonably accurate except for cases of individuals under age 40 where other methods must be preferred.  相似文献   

A new formulation has been developed for DFO stock solution. The working DFO solution, based on the new stock solution, appears to be more stable, has a longer shelf life, and has little effect on inks (and therefore does not cause inks to run). Photoluminescence spectra of latent fingerprints developed with DFO reagent have been measured and the choice of filters for excitation and emission (barrier) have been derived from these measurements. Comparisons of latent fingerprints developed with ninhydrin and DFO have been made using various papers and at various intensities. These comparisons show the much greater sensitivity of DFO developed latent fingerprints. Although enhanced ninhydrin and DFO develop latent fingerprints with similar sensitivity, the DFO process is much simpler.  相似文献   

98 cases of unidentified corpses found in the region of Frankfurt/M. during the period 1981-1986 were investigated. The different methods used in the investigation processes were compared. The most important results: 1. The condition of the body had very little influence on the time required for identification. 2. The estimated ages tended for ages up to 50 years to be too low and for ages of 50 years and over too high. 3. Visual recognition of the deceased and comparison of finger prints proved to be the most successful methods and provided the best results. 4. In more than half of the cases distinguishing bodily features, clothing and jewelry were helpful in the identification procedure; in 9% of the cases they alone formed the basis of identification. 5. Abductions were carried out in only 30% of the cases, 43% of which led to conclusive results.  相似文献   

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